Redspan/A History of the Realm
Chapter 1: The Early Years
Many details concerning the early years of the Kingdom of Redspan are still a mystery. It is known that the realm was founded by Dr. Sceptre (who eventually became the first King) as a colony of Lamar upon the lands once known as Kanzum. It is also known that at the height of her initial glory, Redspan consisted of 14 regions: Meldeen, Byblack, Rogeshore, Atblane, Stargard, Upperfell, Ambermel, Sullenport, Cummaol, Bolgar, Lurgrod, Chasnoff, Matakonis and Lanston. The Great Dragons of Stargard were her protectors, but all of this was changed by the forming of the Northern Alliance (NA).
A map from the last days of this era. Atamara Map
Chapter 2: The First War (also known as "The Great War")
A war broke out, one of the greatest wars Atamara had ever seen. Redspan and her allies, Abington and Lamar, stood alone against the onslaught of the combined might of the NA: Tara, Cagilan Empire, Talerium, Darka, Carelia and Eston. The war was long and brutal, and many of the battles took place on Redspan soil. The 3 allies fought bravely, but after beating back uncountable waves of attacks Lamar was unfortunately conquered. Now only Abington and Redspan stood to oppose the NA. Try as they might, the two allies were vastly outnumbered. King de rode ridder, who was also serving as General at the time, led many valiant strikes and fought many battles, but the NA armies were relentless. Eventually, Redspan was reduced to only 1 region: Stargard.
A siege was set upon the city, and many nobles abandoned the realm for dead. The situation was dire; at one point there wasn’t even a functioning recruitment center. Money was collected and sent south to the survivors of Lamar in hopes that they would be able to recruit the last of their loyal soldiers and carry on their fight in Stargard. Even with all these challenges, a loyal few refused to give up hope and continued to fight. The NA attempted a massive assault upon the city, but after a rousing speech by Lei’o’mano Kamehameha and the timely arrival of Abington reinforcements, the city was saved. Unfortunately, the survivors were running low on both food and gold, and King de rode ridder and the Redspan loyalists were forced to sign a peace treaty which essentially surrendered most of the regions they formerly owned, including Sullenport, one of the greatest cities in all of Atamara.
Chapter 3: The Dark Age & The Coming of Da Great Goat
Redspan was but a shadow of her former self. King de rode ridder, distraught over the loss and exhausted from the years of fighting to survive, decided to retire and flew off on The Last Dragon, leaving Redspan in the care of her few remaining nobles. The realm was without direction or purpose until a strange thing happened to the 2 most promising survivors, ry2n BloodDiver and Manaydur Lamont.
Da Great Goat came to them both in a vision one night, and revealed to them Da Way. They immediately told the rest of the nobles about it, and soon every noble in Redspan became a devout follower of Da Hairy One and his teachings. This was to be a turning point for the realm, and every event since, whether major or minor, has benefited Redspan and her nobles in some way. This is why we serve Da Great Goat; Da Way has always been true.
ry2n became King, and Manaydur his chief advisor. Under their direction, Redspan's nobles began repairing and rebuilding their now tiny realm, reduced to just 3 regions by the treaty ending the The First War. They made an uneasy alliance with the NA for the purpose of self-preservation, and the negotiations, though long and difficult, eventually resulted in Redspan regaining 3 more regions to act as a buffer state between Abington and the closest members of the NA. Abington became upset with Redspan for what they perceived as defection, and refused to return 3 regions which they had retaken from the NA during the war. This was a difficult time for Redspan and her nobles; because of the treaty, they were forced to participate in many battles in which they gained nothing but scars and misery, all suffered for the gain of their NA allies. ASI (the Ash Sea Islands), our neighbor to the north, saw Redspan’s weakness and attempted to annex the region of Ambermel. A great battle was held there and the brave defenders of Redspan fought valiantly and slew Lelnor, a great Hero and the King of ASI. This put a quick end to the war, and raised the spirits of the nobles of Redspan for a while, but the situation with the NA failed to improve, and ultimately many despaired and again left the realm for dead. Even King ry2n grew weary of serving the NA, and left Redspan in the care of Manaydur. Things looked bleak for the tiny realm.
Chapter 4: New Hope & The Second War
Remember, Da Great Goat does not forsake his followers. After many years of fighting battles for far-away allies and gaining nothing, King Manaydur and his nobles were fed up. The King desperately wanted to return Redspan to her former glory and devised a plan, which he shared with the nobles, who approved. All they needed to do was wait for the right time, and again Da Great Goat delivered them. A war broke out mysteriously within the once-mighty Northern Alliance, and many of its realms experienced internal turmoil. Almost as mysterious, a few of the old nobles began to rejoin RedSpan, including the former King, Ry2n BloodDiver. King Manaydur perceived the signs from Da Hairy One, and knew the time was right. A master of negotiation, he managed to repair relations with Abington and ASI, forming a Southern Alliance (SA). The King also appealed to King Paradigm of Carelia with an offer to join the Alliance, but Paradigm declined, and instead instigated a conflict between the two realms by invading and annexing the region of Cummaol.
A war then broke out between the SA and Tara & her allies, Carelia and the Cagilan Empire. This time however, Redspan and her allies were to be victorious, another blessing from Da Smelly One. Falasan soon joined the SA, and Tara began losing regions very quickly. Many battles were again fought on Redspan lands, but her nobles, led chiefly by Lei’o’mano Kamehameha and AJ von Krondor, refused to give up any ground. With a lot of help from their newfound allies they defeated every army sent against them. Tara was reduced to 4 regions after combined assaults from ASI and Falasan, and a large army from Abington, Redspan, and Minas Ithil on the doorstep of Carelia’s capital, Tara and her allies surrendered and a peace treaty (authored chiefly by King Manaydur) was signed. Peace was guaranteed between the realms for three years, and reparations were made by Carelia to both Redspan and Abington to atone for Paradigm’s foolish decisions and actions.
Chapter 5: Return to Glory
With the war over, the nobles of Redspan set to rebuilding once again, but this time as victors. The region of Atblane was added as reparations from Carelia, and Meldeen had been retaken from Tara. Da Great Goat had been good to his followers, but he had one more blessing in store. In a grand gesture of friendship, King Nautilus of the Ash Sea Islands ceded the city of Sullenport back to Redspan, thus returning the city to its rightful owners. Now controlling 8 regions, including the 2 large cities, Redspan was now beginning to resemble the glorious realm of old.
A few months of peace followed the conflict, and the people of Redspan were busy with many things. Some had work to do in the newly acquired regions, and some headed off to compete in tournaments. The region of Cummaol was also returned to Redspan control by Carelia, bringing the region total to 9. There was also a population boom, and the total number of Redspan nobles grew to double the amount which had served before the Second War.
The peace was, unfortunately, short-lived. The SA was dissolved as a dispute over land between two of the members, Abington and ASI, escalated into war. Both realms wanted Redspan to take their side, but King Manaydur did his best to stay out of their conflict as long as possible. However, some troubling information came to the King’s attention. He discovered that Nautilus, the King of ASI, had attempted some backhanded dealings before the SA was formed, attempting to negotiate splitting Redspan’s lands with Abington rather than taking Redspan on as an ally. Abington, of course, declined this proposal. King Manaydur was furious, and decided to aid Abington in the conflict. He negotiated a new Southern Alliance with Abington and Carelia, and declared war on ASI. The well-rested armies of Redspan quickly reclaimed the region of Rogeshore, and moved on to Byblack. ASI managed to raise a sizeable host, and Redspan's army temporarily retreated back to Stargard, but Abington forces were gathering in the east. ASI left to defend their capital, and the takeover in Byblack was resumed and completed. The realm was now almost restored to her former power, save for the regions of Chasnoff and Matakonis. The once-tiny realm was becoming a major political player on the continent, thanks to the hard work and diligence of all her loyal nobles.
Chapter 6: Federations
The next few weeks were tense to say the least. Abington and ASI were in heavy negotiations to end their war after ASI lost the Battle of Ash'rily I to the combined forces of Abington, Carelia, and Redspan. However, discussions moved slowly due to mutual apprehension and mistrust.
At about the same time, a new political format made its appearance on the continent of Atamara. The "Federation" was invented, and allowed realms to declare and cement relationships with their closest allies. As various Federations began to appear across the continent, King Manaydur knew that even though Redspan had grown dramatically in the last few months, the realm would need to join a Federation to protect themselves and continue their growth. He worked diligently to form the Federation of Southern Atamara (again known as the SA), consisting of Redspan's long-time allies Carelia and Abington. Together, they made quite an imposing trio ..... maybe a bit too imposing for the likes of the leaders of some of the other realms of Atamara.
When Abington and ASI finally agreed to peace, the Kings of the SA began discussing a plan for growth. Proposals for a possible joint colony were debated, as well as possible areas of expansion. Unfortunately, their plans ended up bringing them great turmoil rather than the growth they had envisioned.
A message was intercepted by the ruler of the Cagilan Empire containing part of discussion from the SA Kings about possible Carelian expansion into CE lands. He was furious and decided to make a preemptive strike on the SA. CE called for help from their Federation partner Tara and hired Darka to assist them. The armies of these three realms began to gather in the Taran city of Foda, and the SA knew their plan had been discovered. The SA rulers were distraught over their mistake and the danger they had now placed their realms in. Both King Manaydur and aramil of Carelia stepped down in shame. The people of Redspan then displayed their unwavering faith in their King and quickly re-appointed him. Carelia took a new King, and asked for a brief ceasefire to re-evaluate their alliances. In the meantime the CE/Tara/Darka army marched on Redspan in her time of weakness, and took over Meldeen. ASI, also seeing her weakness, asked for help from their ally, Falasan], and also attempted an assault on Redspan. Carelia eventually affirmed their membership in the SA and headed to Stargard to join Abington and Redspan against the growing armies at their doorstep.
Chapter 7: War and Peace
With the battle lines now drawn war was inevitable. The war got off to a bad start. Besieged in Stargard Redspan and her allies staved off many attacks on the capital. With ASI/Falasan wanting Sullenport and Tara/Darka/CE in Meldeen the future looked bleak. Until one day came when the forces of the allies faced those of our combined enemies in Atblane. This meeting resulted in the largest battle anyone in the known worlds had ever seen, and it was a grand victory for Redspan and her allies! The fate of the war had turned. Redspan went about reclaiming the lost lands around Stargard, and finally moved on to Tandsu, taking the offensive into Taran lands. The war from then on was back and forth. Tandsu was gained then lost and Meldeen was also lost then recaptured many times. This resulted in a stalemate with neither force able to find any substantial advantage. Even with Falasan's entry into the war on the side of Redspan the deadlock could not be broken, though Falasan made progress in her direction of the war. However, with a change in leadership the war faded away.
Now Tara and Redspan are trade partners with Redspan helping to feed Tara's citizens while also making a profit. Not long after the cease-fire with Tara, Redspan's Federation partner Abington became embroiled in a war for survival. The ASI wanted the islands back and many other realms joined in the fight against Abington. Unfortunately the peace agreement with ASI prevented Redspan from entering the war, although she did get caught up in a few skirmishes in Lurgrod. The war was fought with Redspan watching and helping where she could, namely with food to help keep Abington's cities and armies fed. Redspan also helped broker the peace agreement by opening up talks between ASI and Abington.
Chapter 8: Sullenport and Darka
After the war with Abington and ASI was over the final part of the Redspan/ASI treaty could be fulfilled - the return of Sullenport and Byblack to Redspan. These regions were part of Redspan's ancient homelands but were in ASI control after being taken over by ASI during the Redspan/Tara war. This was a momentous occasion in the history of Redspan as her ancient homelands were returned to her. Immediately Da Goatly Inquisition got to work making the city smell like Da One and reconfirming her populace to be worshipers of Da One. All shavers and soap were soon taken away by the guards to ensure that the populace were true believers. With the city now under control and all of the wars ended, Redspan decided to hold a tourney and was in the progress of getting it organised had it not been for one thing: Darka.
Darka declared war on Redspan in retaliation for a infiltrator action on their banker. The infiltrator was a bounty hunter and claimed the 600 gold bounty from the banker. He was fined but Darka demanded that he be banned. This is something that Redspan does not do. The fine was rejected by Darka as a valid punishment and they declared war. Like true Federation brothers Abington and Carelia immediately dispatched aid to defend Redspan, and the gathering of force in Stargard is breathtaking to behold. However, the "war" has been official for over a week now but no action has come of it yet and no Darkan forces have been seen anywhere near Redspan. With disturbing rumors and events unfolding in the north, including the secession of Tarasac from CE and the threat of war against Falasan, who knows the dangers the loyal nobles of Redspan may soon face.
Chapter 9: Darkan Looting
The Darkan hordes came down to loot Redspan 2 months after the decleration of war. They came with the help of Troops from Talerium and BoM who were after an excuse to go on a pub run in Stargard. Unfortunately Redspans troops were caught off guard, training away from the capital. The might of the Darkan Horde crashed against the walls of Stargard, fighting the milita and reserve troops. The Redspan forces along with their allies from Carelia and Abington rushed head long into The city of Sullenport. Only the Redspan main army reached the city of Sullenport in time, enough to reduce the Darkan and Talerium horde down to a fraction of what she once was. With that the darkans fled home, harried by the fresh troops in Stargard eager to get revenge. Abington and Carelian reinforcements arrived to help seal the final exit of Darkan looting forces. Although Darka and Taleirum had looted Redspan constantly for over a week, they did minimal damage over the long run, with Stargard being able to repair herself with fresh brand new workshops, replacing the old ones torn down by the Horde.
Chapter 10: Rogeshore and Religion
With the threat of Darka gone, and a Cease fire treaty in place, Redspan turned her attention elsewhere. The region of Rogeshore which sits next to Stargard and Sullenport proved invaluable to Redspan. They decided to take her back. After months of planning, King Tony declared war on ASI, in order to reclaim the region of Rogeshore and eradicate the presence of the Magna Serpenism, that had begun to infiltrate itself into Redspan lands. With no actual main battle taking place, the two armies of Redspan/Abington/Carelia sat in Stargard with ASI sitting in Rogeshore. The two armies evenly matched. Neither could attack the other. ASI tried a TO of Byblack, but was unsuccessful after one of their eager nobles decided to loot. With the support for the war fading and King Tony in a drunken state, the new king Dielo, signed a treaty with King Malice, to buy the region of Rogeshore.
Chapter 11: Beer Run To The North
With the war with ASI over, the nobles of Redspan prepared for a long walk. The borders secure, and the heartland well maintained, the army set out. The largest force ever to set foot outside of Redspan lands left heading north. A few days later the Redspan nobles reached the city of Barad Gardor. The nobles gathered round and prepared for a fight. The next day the force set out heading to its target. The forces of Redspan had a good reason to be there with revenge and free beer the prime reasons. BoM forces had looted Redspan lands during the Darkan raid, and it was time for a bit of pay back. BoM forces were in Eston lands fighting with their fed partner, so the way was clear. All that stood in their way was militia and peasants. The looting of BoM lands lasted for at least a week and the damage was severe to some of the regions most effected. With the morale of troops running low, the Redspan troops turned for home, only to see the BoM army blocking their way. The fight lasted for hours but the Redspan troops were victorious in the end and made their way back home, happy and virtually intact, ready to fight their next foe.
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