Urominiel Family

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Revision as of 18:14, 26 December 2005 by Aralaiquendi (talk | contribs)

House Urominiel


Members of this house have transversed the continents looking for whatever it is warriors, nobles, knights, mentors, bureacrats, traitors, civil servants, bounty hunters, patriots, rogues, traders, assassins, merchants, bards and the sorts look for.


Catagorized to leave out exact details so not to spoil your fame hunting fun.

  • Prestige-4/6
  • Governement Positions-8/9
  • Lordships-3/3
  • Tournaments-4/4
  • Class specific-5/?
  • Wealth-1/2
  • Construction-4/?
  • Total Discovered-30/40



Realms: Sirion, Assassins, Plergoth, Arcaea, Svunnetland, Soliferum, Antoza Commonwealth, Grand Lodge of Lunaria.

Positions: Count, Battlegroup commander, Duke, Former Prime Minister.



Positions:Former Archpriest, Royal Treasurer, High Marshal, Battlegroup Commander


Realms:Abington, Antioch, Fronen, Ikalak(SWI), Ikalak(SEI), Silantin, Yssaria, Arcaea, Sirion

Positions:Former Prime Minister of Ikalak(SEI), Former Marquis


Realms:Carelia, Voghor, Sandalak(SEI), Highland Empire, Kaltaran, Sartania, Perdan, Ikalak(SEI)

Positions:High Marshal


Realms:Arcaea, Ethiala



Realms:Old Rancagua, Falasan, Yssaria, Midas Chia, Rogue, Old Grehk, Sandalak(SWI).

Positions:Dictator and Executor

OOC Warning: May not be suitable for younger audiences

Prologue-Elenhir, the Heartless.

Word had reach Elenhir that the Duchess had lost her mind, she demolished the best cavalry center in the realm and tried to replace it with an infantry center with no trainer. This would not stand in his realm, he immediately sent off a messenger to remove the duchess from command. All should have gone smoothly but instead it was met with a rebellion. A Rebellion!, for what?, for using his right as a dictator to remove imcompetent commanders? He rode for the capital with all haste, called an early tax for funds to quell the opposition. Tax gold should arrive at dawn and he would have 300 loyal men holding the city but it was not to be. The palace was stormed with the first rays of sunlight. The banks with-held his gold to quell the rebellion. The once Supreme Skull Crusher of Sandalak was left out in the cold, literally. The option was there to leave, start anew on another continent but he stayed. He stayed for the execution they promised him, the blood eagle as they called it. And so as the days passed, he awaited his execution until he was led out infront of the masses. He was layed face down on the icy platform, the cold numbed the pain of the dagger cutting through his back. His ribs on the left side were removed and tossed out infront of him, then the left lobe of his lung and finally his heart was torn out. As he lay faced down in a pool of his own blood, his head was lifted and with his last moment of consciousness he saw his heart crushed in the hands of the executor. His body was tossed out into the frozen tundra for the wolves to finish off, and there it lay as the seasons passed.


This particular summer was unusually warm over the frozen waste and the snow and ice had a chance to melt for the first time over the past several years. Elenhir felt a sharp paint to the back of his head as an icicle from the tree overhead came crashing down. He felt stiff as he tried to pull himself upright, and of course he should be after being frozen for so long. He looked himself from head to toe, all seemed intact until he found a snow hare stow-a-way in his back. His back opened like the cover of a book and the snow hare somehow managed to lodge itself in his rib cage and not been able to get out. After many attempts to remove the critter, Elenhir decide it would be easy to tuck the rest of it into the cavity which once housed his lung and closed his back with what he could find. Feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, not so much warm as fuzzy, Elenhir began to think. By all accounts he should be dead, he has the head of a snow hare for a heart. Perhaps it was the tainted earth of Beluaterra, or some witchcraft of this land, it was clear he had somehow contracted the curse of living when all reason dictated he was dead. After some consideration, Elenhir decided to head north to seek an answer from the terrestrial representative of Nergal. And so he began his long journey north.


Realms:Ibladesh, Cagilan Empire.
