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Item NameTypeIslandDiscovered byPrestigeAbilities
Black Helm of NothoiArmourBeluaterra8
Black Helm of ProtectionArmourAtamaraTilaris3
Black Jacket of BloodArmourBeluaterraGodwin Harte4
Black Jacket of LifeArmourEast ContinentMorgan Hossenfeffer
Black Jacket of the BadgersArmourEast ContinentElyas5+12% Adventuring
Black Lexicon of the End TimesBookBeluaterraJennifer6
Black Longsword of DestructionWeaponBeluaterraChlothar5
Black Longsword of FlameWeaponAtamaraGalen Fury9+13% Oratory
Black Longsword of WarWeaponBeluaterraDenver Jeffrey1
Black Mace of AmdorWeaponAtamaraPalben1
Black Necklace of FireAccessoryEast Continent1
Black Oil of IceAccessoryDwilightGarisn2
Black RingRingDwilightRenward Reodling1
Black Ring of BeautyRingBeluaterraJarrin5
Black Ring of IceRingAtamaraAkhilleus Domitius1
Black Ring of LifeRingAtamaraRuxton5
Black Ring of LightningRingDwilightBrandon
Black RoseWeaponSouth IslandFrederick8Nil
Black Sabre of BloodWeaponDwilightBoro Bibitor6+5% Infiltration
Black Scimitar of CrushingWeaponDwilightJohaan Thorbrandr5
Black Scythe of BattleWeaponColoniesCandido Snowowl1
Black Scythe of SlayingWeaponFar EastGwaethinriel2
Black ShieldShieldDwilightFalkar4
Black Shield of DondorShieldAtamaraStratkos2
Black Shield of RighteousnessShieldAtamaraKhagun5+4% Infiltration
Black StaffWeaponDwilight
+11% Adventuring
Black Staff of DestructionWeaponEast ContinentSergei Ishimu2
Black SuitArmourDwilightCedreic3
Black Suit of the DragonsArmourBeluaterraTracotanzio5
Black Sword of Suffering
Black Sword of UnlifeWeaponBeluaterraCoopergill Meadowcrest1
Black Vest of Anchorinn
Black Warhammer of BattleWeaponBeluaterraTegil
Blade of DaemonslayingWeaponBeluaterraThoron3
Blade of FlameWeaponBeluaterraVidar Aldwoni
Blade of SufferingWeaponDwilightMorganna Beldragos3
Blade of WarWeaponDwilightCyprien2
Blessed Arrow of BetrayalWeaponBeluaterraEscent6
Blessed AxeWeaponDwilightPerseus Domitius6+7% Bureaucracy
Blessed Axe of BloodlettingWeaponDwilightTalvaeus3
Blessed BandRingDwilightCelessa
Blessed Band of LightningRingAtamaraQuigley Leonne
Blessed Belt of LezzelAccessoryBeluaterraDreuz2
Blessed Blade of BloodlettingWeaponEast ContinentDustin4
Blessed BookBookAtamaraHebin2
Blessed Book of AbundanceBookAtamaraEnsor6
Blessed Book of Forbidden KnowledgeBookEast ContinentCrayton Stormwind2
Blessed Broadsword of WarWeaponEast ContinentDa Ku
Blessed Brooch of DreamsAccessoryDwilightRyali4
Blessed Buckler of ProtectionShieldBeluaterraBrigid6