Fett Family

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The Fett Family

The Fett Family traces its origins back to the mountainous region of Alaise in central Atamara. Years ago, Alaise was an outlying region of the Cagilan Empire. However, it is now in Drachenwald hands thus explaining infrequent visits by members of the Fett family to it's ancestral home. In fact, Eldo and Tycho have not visited their birthplace since they left for distant lands — it's always the occasional letter during holidays or when not much is happening around them. As for Boba, the last time he visited the ancestral home was when Cagilan Empire forces were "liberating" Alaise back from Drachenwald. Some day, Boba may wish to relocate the home in nearby Eaglin — a city firmly under the empire's control, allowing easier access to the home.

Currently there are three members of the Fett Family — the brothers Boba, Tycho, and Eldo. Information on their ancestors is unknown, but what's known for certain is that the brothers came into possession of the ancestral home while they were growing up. Fierce and valiant warriors all three of them are, each also having a strong sense of loyalty, commitment, and duty. The three of them split up around 10 years ago and their paths have not yet crossed again — although they have communicated with each other infrequently through letters.

Members of the Fett Family

Boba: "Cavalier of the Cagilan Empire"

At 30 years of age, Boba is the eldest of the three Fett brothers. He is the only brother who has remained in the realm of their birthplace. A seasoned veteran of the Cagilan Empire, Boba has become one of the most reknown warriors on the continent of Atamara. He is the Count of Avrende and is continuing to serve in the Cagilan Empire's Imperial Army as a Cavalier commanding various infantry units.

Noteworthy Acomplishments

Tycho: "Cavalier of Sandalak"

Tycho is the youngest of the three Fett brothers at age 28. As soon as he was of age, Tycho immeadiatly set out for the South-East Island and joined the realm of Sandalak. Like his oldest brother Boba, he is a fierce warrior, preferring to command cavalry instead of Boba's preferred infantry. Tycho sometimes finds his age, along with Sheldar's and Alexei's, become the subject of numerous jokes by other Sandalak troopleaders, for the three of them are the longest serving active troopleaders in Sandalak currently. Tycho is the Baron of Rhic and is assisting the Sandalak advisory council in plotting Tasalak's doom. Ikalak has finally fallen and now he focuses his attention back on Tasalak.

On the 777th day (May 30th, 2006) of Tycho's service in Sandalak, the gods have finally acknowledged Sandalak's victory of the South East Island. He must now decide where his path will take him in the future.

Noteworthy Acomplishments

  • Sandalak (Dictatorship) Victor of the SEI!
    • Former General of Sandalak
    • Former Baron of Moeth
    • Former Battlegroup Leader of Lightning Strike
    • Member of the Iron Legion under George
    • Baron of Rhic
    • Medals Awarded (by Sandalak's Minister of Propaganda Keyser)
      • Recipient of the Defender of Abykal medal
      • Recipient of the First Battle of Ikalak medal
      • Recipient of the Conqueror of Ikalak medal

Eldo: "Hero of Thalmarkin"


While Boba is looking out for the interests of the Cagilan Empire and Tycho fighting towards the downfall of his enemies, Eldo has more noble and moral goals — preserving the existance of mankind and exterminating the abominable undead on the continent of Beluaterra. At age 29 and the middle brother of the three, Eldo has fought against all sorts of creatures — humans, monsters, and the undead. Some of the younger nobles view him as an experienced hero, but in Eldo's eyes, he is merely a fledgling compared to the legendary warriors who saved humanity from the 1st and 2nd Undead Invasions.

First Blood in Ikalak

Before coming to Beluaterra, Eldo was a soldier of Ikalak on the South-West Island. There, he helped transform a dying realm at its last breath into a force to be reckoned with. Eldo assisted the retaking of former Ikalak lands that were taken over by Tasalak and Sandalak. He learned the art of war from the Ikalak's leaders, made friends among the younger nobles, and met several influencial people including Griselda (who mysteriously disappeared one day), Jangdoor, Gabriel, and Kendel. Then the realms of Ikalak and Tasalak signed a ceasefire and Ikalak began to wage war against Sandalak. He participated in Sandalak's downfall, but the forces of Tasalak were too numerous and strong, making short work of Ikalak. Deciding that his time on the South-West Island was at an end, he wrote to his brother Tycho asking for advice on where to immigrate. In his reply, Tycho spoke of a realm on Beluaterra called Riombara in which there were several troopleaders that Eldo had once fought alongside with in Ikalak or whos families had been acquainted with the Fett family. Following his younger brother's advice, Eldo paid for passage on a ship to Beluaterra.

Slaying the Undead in Riombara

After an uneventful voyage, Eldo arrived on the continent of Beluaterra and quickly joined the realm of Riombara, In Riombara, he helped wipeout the last of the undead present in Riombaran lands and retake Riombara's original lands with the addition of Fwuvoghor in the north. Eldo then joined the Sungard guild, pledging himself to further the spread of humanity and to wipe out the undead, once and for all. Some time later, Delvin Anaris announced a joint colony being formed between Old Grehk and Riombara. Feeling somewhat restless after wiping out the majority of the undead in the lands of Riombara, Eldo volunteered to be part of the group sent to create the colony and soon found himself in the frigid wastelands up north.

The Creation of Thalmarkin

The realm of Thalmarkin was quickly established with Lemon Tree as King, Coulanon, the leader of the Riombaran contingent was appointed as High Marshal, Julma Jaune as Arch Priest, and dopido as Royal Treasurer. Things were rough from the beginning, as a shortage of gold and available men virtually halting the takeover process for the regions surrounding Nuzanki and Sandefur. Lemon Tree has since then gone on leave, and Julma Jaune is now King with masaKula as Arch Priest. Recently, assistance from Old Grehk has helped clear out some of the monsters rampaging in our regions, and a deal with Melhed has been established to allow them to takeover our remaining two regions "currently rogue" and let us retake them in the near future. Eldo has been commanding a unit of marksmen, or what's left of it at least, for the past several months.

Although Eldo is still relatively new to Beluaterra, he has quickly found himself in a position of power, becoming appointed Duke of Nuzanki and promoted to Kindler of the Sungard guild.

Noteworthy Acomplishments

Fett Family Statistics


The Fett Family has gained fame points in the following ways.

  • Prestige Sums of 20, 50, and 100 gained 1 point of fame each. The Fett Family gained 3 fame points.
  • Individual Charecter Prestige of 10 and 20 gained 1 point of fame each, by Boba. The Fett Family gained 2 fame points.
  • Family wealth of 2000 gold also gained 1 fame point due to contributions by Boba. The Fett Family gained 1 fame point.
  • First Investment by Boba in Eaglin, Cagilan Empire. The Fett family gained 1 fame point for their contribution.
  • First time appointments and/or election wins for the following government position(s) — General (Tycho). The Fett Family gained 1 fame point for the appointment(s).
  • First time region commandership (Marquis of Korlok) gained 1 fame point while being appointed Duke for the first time (Duke of Nuzanki) gained 2 fame points — both "first time" appointments were for Eldo. The Fett Family gained 3 fame points in total for the appointments.

The Fett Family has a current fame of 12.



  • None


  • None


  • No notable performances/never advanced past 2nd round.