Sandefur is build on a cape near a river, giving it a protected port, one side protected by the river and a fortified pallisade around it. A stone keep stands on top of the Cape, barring access to the lords hall and the service buildings.
The town itself is a mishmash of small wooden frame houses. A temple of the Golden Feather stands in the middle of a large square, boasting ambition. The market square lies just some 10 meters lower on the slope, making the shrine a sure place to visit during market days. That is, once there is a market again,..
The Duchy of Sandefur is fast growing back into its former plendor after having been ravished by daimons. It's occupants are traumatised still by it and mentioning daimons makes them twich. Slowly but certainly this place will start to thrive again for sure, but it will take some time.
To the North are the plains of Oepiud. A harsh place where winter stays around for most of the year, but the short summer renders surprisingly good yields.
To the West are the barrens of Pellan. The locals have an uncanny ability to grow something edible there.
To the South is Bessimir a lovely fertile place in it's best times.
last updated on 2008-10-23 by Bagal