Fontan (Realm)/Alise's History

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Greetings. I am Alise Athins. The following is the history of Fontan as I know it. I came to Fontan just as the war in the north broke out, and will detail the history from there until the present. The East Continent is an old island, with alot of history. Thus I think it necessary to detail some prior events. We will start long ago. I should say that the following is second hand knowledge and most likely is not one hundred percent accurate.


The East Continent used to be a much different place. Many countries existed that no longer do. Eventually three main factions emerged. Itorunt, Ibleadesh, and Yssaria in the south formed the Southern Federation. Sirion, Old Rancagua, and Fontan in the north formed the Northern Alliance. Caligus, Perdan, and Oligarch formed the Southern Alliance. (*Note* These were not the only realms of the time, only those in the major factions.) Eventually, Oligarch was defeated, and Caligus was forced to take refuge in the Perdanese duchy of Partora.

The continent then entered a time of peace and prosperity. Many tournaments were held, and although a few small wars broke out (namely the destruction of Kalmar Islands and the Avamar Selective, and a war between Fontan and Light of Fountain), the continent still was not plagued by the long wars of it's past. After quite some time, the gods grew angry, after all our world is made for conflict. The gods forced the leaders of the nations into action with lightning from the sky.

Itorunt moved first. They broke their federation with Ibladesh and Yssaria, and allied with Perdan and Caligus. Itorunt and Ibladesh moved to war, and Yssaria was forced to defend herself when Itorunt attacked. The Duke of Isadril believed that Itorunts only interest in Yssaria was his duchy. He seceded from Yssaria and formed Tuchanon V.

Perdan and Caligus wished to aid their ally Itorunt, but they were afraid that the Northern Alliance might move against them if they did. Nightmare, then King of Perdan began talks with Katsuyori who was our Chancellor at the time. The two rulers signed the Unprotected Borders Agreement (UBA). The effect of the UBA, at least what mattered, was that Fontan and Perdan agreed to a length of peace, and that no attack could be launched from the others land. This effectively cut off Sirion and Old Rancagua from the south. At the time we believed that this would let us fulfill a promise we had made long ago to create a new Coimbra. Fontan approached Old Rancagua with this wish. Old Rancagua had once signed a treaty stating that they would help create a new Coimbra, but King Dekion, Old Rancagua's King at the time, said that such a treaty did not exist. Things broke down into a heated argument, and Dekion began throwing insults at our Chancellor. What happened next is not entirely clear. We know that we broke the federation and went to war with Old Rancagua. We also know that Sirion entered the war when a Fontanese troop leader accidently ended up in Oligarch.

The War in the North, and the Golden Age

  • More to come latter*