The Great Atamaran War

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Revision as of 23:58, 13 January 2013 by Revan (talk | contribs) (Made a start. Only know about Southern/Carelian aspects in early period of war.)
The Great Atamaran War
Small map of Atamara.
Date December 2010 - present
Result Ongoing
Substantial territorial changes; creation of Strombran, Minas Leon and Rieleston; destruction of Hammarsett, Carelia reduced to a city-state.
Carelia icon.png Carelia
Darka icon.gif Darka
Caergoth icon.png Caergoth
Vikland-icon.png Suville
New Eston Icon.png Eston
Makar-icon.png Barony of Makar
Hammarsetsmall.png Hammarsett
CE-icon.pngCagilan Empire
Taraicon.png Tara
Talerium-icon.png Talerium
Coria icon.png Coria
Carelia icon.png Leta Kindon
Carelia icon.png Nathan Simmons
Carelia icon.png Sonya Jimenez
Darka icon.gif Kostaja Kosunen Cosula
Darka icon.gif Kende Indirik
Caergoth icon.png Brakus Stien
Caergoth icon.png Stewart Beauchamp
Vikland-icon.png Caibre Eldrake
Vikland-icon.png Throin Stormbringer
New Eston Icon.png Kerwin Perth
New Eston Icon.png Luka Emarama
Makar-icon.png Sordnaz Dagger
Makar-icon.png Dane Crownguard
Hammarsetsmall.png Laszlo Geronus
Hammarsetsmall.png Eklavdra Harkonnen
CE-icon.pngMilan Prestongreen
CE-icon.pngEnri Kinsey
Taraicon.png Ottar Perkeleet
Taraicon.png Pratt Kingstone
Talerium-icon.png Aldarion Tezokian
Talerium-icon.png Aragorn Kahn
Coria icon.png Saeculo Munro
Coria icon.png Ravendon Eirikr
Armed Forces
ca. 50,000 total ca. 50,000 total
Major Battles
ca. 25,000 total ca. 25,000 total


After a long period of relative peace and stability on Atamara, several rulers began secret discussions upon changing the state of the continent irrevocably and forever. With the lofty ambition of loosening the hegemony of the Cagilan Empire and her satellites upon Atamara forever, a vast coalition of northern and southern Atamaran realms agreed to conduct war on the Cagilan Alliance. The northern realms would concentrate on occupying Coria, Tara and a portion of the Cagilan Empire's forces in the north. Meanwhile, the southern realms would concentrate exclusively on eroding the Cagilan Empire's position in the south.

Balance of power in the North

Balance of power in the South

Immediately prior to the foundation of the coalition, the southern realms were at war with one another, with Carelia defending herself against Caerogth and Suville. On the grounds of fighting against Carelia's welcoming in the Serpæntist diaspora, Caergoth had laid claim to the Carelian city of Ser'quea. After the abdication of King Bartho Baraedor and the succession of Queen Leta Kindon to the throne of Carelia, a method was sought to bring the conflict to a swift end, with Queen Leta believing Carelia's true enemies lay elsewhere.

Although strongly opposed by certain sections of the Carelian nobility, a secret agreement was forged between Carelia and her aggressors whereby war would be made against the Cagilan Empire. In return for helping Carelia to reclaim the historically important cities of Skalk and Nida, Queen Leta agreed a timetable to peacefully-cede the Carelian duchies of Ser'quea and Wayburg to Caergoth and Suville respectively. Whilst there was a great deal of disquiet about this in Carelia, this agreement successfully and ominously united the southern realms in one cause for the first time in a generation.

The southern realms would focus exclusively on depriving the Cagilan Empire of two of her major cities. If they were successful, the harrowing of the entirety of the Cagilan alliance was all but assured.

The War

The War in the North

The War in the South

At the start of the war, the southern realms seemed very much to catch the Cagilan Empire by surprise. Amidst the chaos of those early engagements, the city leaders of Nida renounced the Cagilan Empire and elevated Dielo Filador, a minor noble of Carelia to the position of Duke of Nida. This helped to drastically turn things in Carelia's favour as her entire strategy depended on gaining one or both of those cities quickly, so that when her allies went to refit, she could withstand Cagilan counter-attacks.

Paradoxically, Carelia's early successes are what helped to start driving apart the southern coalition. The acquisition of Nida came earlier than expected for Carelia and saw Caergoth pushing to be granted Ser'quea ahead of the mutually agreed timetable for region handoevers, based on Carelia's acquisition of comparable Cagilan territories. Carelia quickly acquiesced, but the seeds had been sown for a fatal sundering of the alliance. Suville grew jealous that Caergoth had received her just bounty for assistance against Cagil and demanded that Carelia handover the duchy of Wayburg long before the requirements of the timetable were met. When Carelia refused, Suville renounced the conflict against the Cagilan Empire and declared war on Carelia instead.

The fracturing of the southern alliance against the Cagilan Empire was the catalyst that turned the southern conflict decisively in the Cagilan Empire's favour after several months of uneven stalemate.


After Suville had turned against her, Carelia's war took an irretrievable turn for the worse. Although she retained Caergothian support, Carelia proved unable to stand firm against the assaults of two realms at polar extremes of her territory. Carelian farmland between Strombran and the cities of Skalk and Nida were routinely burnt to cinders. More and more often, Carelian regions fell into anarchy and Carelia began to retrieve less and less of that lost territory in the lulls when Cagilan troops went to refit.

To some extent, Carelia began to suffer through poor leadership. Queen Leta abdicated with exhaustion early in the conflict as Carelia first started to be driven back. Carelia's judge, a strong supporter of Queen Leta's vision who had done everything to help put the southern coalition together gradually and unapologetically drifted into the background. Queen Leta's successor, King Nathan Simmons had a strong martial background, reigning as King and General of the realm. Early into his reign a substantial and influential collection of Carelian nobles did their best to encourage King Nathan to sue for peace, recognising that the Cagilan alliance had been truer than any of the southern realms had been to Carelia and Suville was a greater threat. King Nathan claimed that Prime Minister Milan Prestongreen, ruler of the Cagilan Empire, would not hear him, though direct contact with Cagilan sources claimed the reverse was true.

Efforts to reposition Carelia or to renounce the course she had taken all ended in failure. Instead, Carelia marched lock-step towards defeat and ruin, with Strombran eventually being founded in the rump of her old territories. Most observers assumed the collapse of Carelia and the loss of the southern front would lead almost immediately to a similar collapse in the north and the Great Atamaran War would come to a premature end. Contrary to expectations however, the northern realms would continue the war long after attentions had turned away from the south.



The Great Atamaran War helped to change the face of the continent irrevocably. In a great irony of history, the new realm of Skalk has almost completely supplanted the historic lands of Carelia, just as Carelia once supplanted the historic lands of Lamar. Magna Serpænsism, once one of the largest and most dominant faiths on Atamara finally limped towards dissolution as her last bastions in Carelia were lost. Suville, perhaps the closest spiritual successor to Abington in existence, was able to reunite the historic core of ancient Abington in a restoration of one of the most potent forces to have ever existed in Atamara.

External Links

  • The Current War - A forum thread in excess of 100 pages discussing the Great Atamaran War across a period of two years!