Octavius Family

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House Octavius

Originally established on Atamara, the Octavius family moved to the Colonies after a series of bad luck in Atamara. Lately members of the family have set out for the new lands of Dwilight in hope of a brighter future. The family members are spread out over the continents of Atamara, the Colonies and Dwilight. Often the only thing members of the family have in common is their surname.

The Church of the Allfather

Since time immemorial members of House Octavius have been followers of the Church of the Allfather. A minor religion too small to be noticed by those in power, it has had followers in the remoter regions of the ASI for centuries. Though foreign religions come and go its followers blend in with the background and outwardly display devotion to the official religion of the day whilst keeping the true faith on the inside. All the Octavians beleive in the Allfather and the family chapel provides a place for local villagers to worship as well as providing a place for the occasional wandering priest to lay his or her head. Whilst the Octavians are aware of the other faiths sweeping the lands they remain aloof from it and hope thereby to survive the storm when those faiths are inevitably replaced other faiths.

Family Members

The current generation of Octavians and the family's hope for the future:

The Two Brothers

The recent fortunes of the family are down to the two brothers Antonine and Asriel. Spns of Willhelm Octavius, who moved to the Colonies and established his home there, they have both grown up to become great men in their own right. Between them they have brought fortune to the family as well as fame and glory. Asriel is the oldest but left the Colonies for Dwilight which made way for Antonine to inherit leadership of the family.

Count Antonine Willhelm Octavius - A noble of Pian en Luries he is the Count of Orz and the Marshal of the Cavalieri Araldica. He is married to [[Kaylan McDowell].

Sir Asriel Constantine Octavius (retired) - He served in many realms and led a varied, exciting life during his twenty one years as a knight. Ultimately he retired at the age of thrity-three to raise his illegitimate son to be his heir.

The Atamaran Branch

Priestess Selene Amelie Octavius - The sister of Emma, she had just arrived in the Far East when news of her sister's death reached her. She joined the realm of Sartan on a whim but since arriving she has found the faith of Sartan and indeed, it has been revealed to her that she is a tool of Sartan upon this world. Her sister had written to her many times of what had been occuring in Arcaea. This knowledge proved itself useful to Selene in her new realm.

After being wounded in the defence of Niel she experienced a vision in which Sartan Himself appeared to her and charged her to try and save his realm and people. After this she vowed to become a priest of Sartan as soon as she was able. Having done this she travelled on with her people, first to Cathay, then to Soliferum. After she publicly disagreed with the illegal actions of Soliferum's government, she was banned and travelled to Arcaea, the first land which offered to take her in. She subsequently fell out with High Priest Roberd of the Church of Sartan due to various matters and, due to his failure to apologise for making false accusations against her, she no longer recognises him as High Priest.

In Memoriam

Dame Emma Octavius (deceased) - Emma was from the Atamaran branch of the family. Having seen the disaster that the Ash Sea Islands had suffered she gathered a band of soldiers and became a troop leader in ASI. She rejected Magna Serpaensism and believed that it was this faith that led ASI into disaster in the first place. This put her at odds with many of her realm mates. It was this discontent at the soulless and religiously dominated nature of the realm that led her to emigrate to Arcaea in the Far East.

She served as a knight of Treror, but when its count turned traitor and joined Ethiala, Emma was forced to accompany him. She immediately requested to rejoin Arcaea and set out for the Ethialan capital of Topenah to duel her ex-liege, Count Deathwyrm, to the death. After he was imprisoned by the Ethialans, she returned to Arcaea to wait until Treror was reclaimed for its rightful rulers. Shortly after the fall of Topenah, Deathwyrm returned to Arcaea. Emma dueled him and died in the process. Her body was returned to ASI for burial.

Amelia Octavius (bastard, retired) - Amelia was a professional adventurer before she retired after a few days to become a maid in one of the family households. She did this when she realised that she was hopeless at adventuring.


Journal of Adrianna, Adventurer