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Revision as of 21:36, 3 September 2008

Dwilight Daily

Daimonic Forces Walk the Lands! September 8, 2008
Following soon after rumours of the presence of daimonic forces on the western subcontinent, confirmation has finally reach the trading center of Libidizedd. Scouts reports recently circulated of the city of Nightmarch show the presence of a large army of barbarian humans sharing a camp with over 200 grotesque, twisted daimons just outside the city. The scout also reported seeing a particularly large and fierce daimon that was referred to by the others by the name "Haktoo". This could confirm the existence of this enigmatic figure, who's existence has long been rumoured. This is quite possibly the same force that was responsible for the rumours of a large battle several weeks ago.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
The Decline of Pian en Luries September 6, 2008
Yesterday the city of Poryatown declared that it had had enough of the ruler of Queen Alanna Anaris, and declared itself independent from the troubled kingdom. The significance of this event is highlighted by a few things. First, Poryatown is the former capital of Pian en Luries. Following some political infighting a few months ago the Duke of the city seceded the city to form the short-lived realm of Verus Luria. Although quickly destroyed, Pian en Luries appears to have never fully recovered from the event. Since then Pian en Luries has alternately gained and then lost control of Lupa Lapu, Dantooine, Poryatu, and now Poryatown itself. In the south Pian en luries has lost control of the townsland of Outer Giask, cutting off the city of Giask from the remainder of the realm. As a result the once large and prosperous realm has been shrinking steadily for the past many months down to half its former size. How far will this continue? Can Queen Alanna stop the decline of Pian en Luries and return the kingdom to their former glory?
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Rumours of Mysterious Battles August 30, 2008
Rumours have also reached Libidizedd of a battle between mysterious, titanic forces far to the south. Word passed by the sailors arriving on the docks tells of a great battle on the barren slopes of the Volcano Nightscree. Little is known about the forces involved. Some terrified hunters searching for food in the nearby plains tell of hordes of monsters boiling out of the ground to attack daimonic beings of unknown origin and terrifying size. Analysis of their tales brings the estimate to an astonishing, and absurd, total of nearly 16,000 CS of monsters attacking a horde of other-worldly beings less than a fifth their own size. If this were true, then this monstrous horde would be the largest military force ever seen across the entire continent. What is even more astonishing as that tales say the invading horde of monsters actually lost, and was routed by the smaller force. They must be fearsome beasts indeed to defeat a force much larger than themselves. What little truth is held in these rumours is unknown. No doubt much exaggeration is held in them. But there is a small kernel of truth in there somewhere, and there is no doubt that there are titanic forces at work near Volcano Nightscree.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Viridian Under Siege August 30, 2008
Word has reached Libidizedd that the city of Chrysantalys, capital of the realm of Viridian, is under siege by a large force of monsters. Those of us who travel frequently on the western subcontinent are familiar with the hordes of rampaging monsters that breed in the mountains and vast tracts of unpopulated lands. The monsters have grown bold this recent winter. Not only have they attacked outlying rural villages, but the have directly assaulted core regions of several realms, including Astrum and Everguard. Now they have grown even more bold and attacked the capital city of Viridian, swarming over it in unstoppable hordes. In their usual manner the monsters have been killing the peasantry and eating all the food they can find. Unless something changes very soon, this could be the end of Viridian.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Colony in Chateau Saffalore August 3, 2008
A new colony formed from the realm of Caerwyn has appeared in the city of Chateau Saffalore. They appear to be a Republic by the name of Highland. Little else is known.
Comment on this story. by Rev Athins 
September 24, 2008
D'Hara has declared war on Shadovar.
September 24, 2008
The Founding of Nomudou
Blank.png Samuel Quasath, a noble of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa, has founded the religion of Nomudou in the region of Libba.
September 21, 2008
The Founding of Torenism
Blank.png Fisc Arylon, a noble of Everguard, has founded the religion of Torenism in the region of Ygg d'Razhuul.
September 16, 2008
New Realm Formed
Duchess Katayanna of Port Raviel has seceded her city from Shadovar to form the new realm of D'Hara.
September 13, 2008
Chrysantalys Declares Independence
The city of Chrysantalys has declared independence from Viridian.
September 1, 2008
Aegir Captured
Blank.png The city of Aegir was recaptured by Springdale.
September 7, 2008
Rebellion in Shadovar
DDWar.png The government of Shadovar has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Mathias, has been announced the new ruler.
September 5, 2008
Rebellion in Shadovar
DDWar.png A rebellion is breaking out in Shadovar. Earlier today, Mathias has called for an uprising against the current government.
September 1, 2008
Poryatown Declares Independence
The city of Poryatown has declared independence from Pian en Luries.
September 1, 2008
Aegir Declares Independence
The city of Aegir has declared independence from Springdale.
August 30, 2008
Ordo Concilium Founded
Blank.png A new religion known as the Ordo Concilium has been founded in Raviel by Edith Hashimashidas.
August 30, 2008
Rebellion Failed
Blank.png The rebellion in Madina has failed.
August 27, 2008
Rebellion in Madina!
DDWar.png A rebellion is breaking out in Madina. Stefan has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.
August 11, 2008
Colony Destroyed
Qubel Lighthouse has revolted and declared independence from the Pian en Luries colony.
August 4, 2008
New Colony Formed
Pian en Luries has formed a new colony in the stronghold of Qubel Lighthouse.
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