Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/August: Difference between revisions

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(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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: End Journal Entry
: End Journal Entry
== 25th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Eastern Ocean]] ===
==== Chief Arbiter of Kingdom of Irondale Removed ====
After being imprisoned for 5 days by (rogue), Cynric Thelyn has been stripped of his Chief Arbiter title.
=== Summer Evening - [[Eastern Ocean]] ===
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Hirzmet:
; Irondale vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 450 men vs. 190 men
: The Iron Fist (Irondale), sponsored by King Tiberius Paxwax, were led into battle by Marshal Alice Schwarzherzig.
: Baron Erasmus Soul is spotted wearing the Smoking Sceptre of Ankar.
: Baron Erasmus Soul is spotted wielding the Thrice-Blessed Shield of Toe Crushing.
: Viscountess Bellerix Lion-Head is spotted wielding the Sacred Club of Loyalty.
: Viscountess Sadona Vilanova is spotted wielding the Bone Arrow of Battle.
: Attacker Victory!
== 26th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Sea of Four Cities]] ===
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Reeds:
; (rogue) vs. Nothoi
: Estimated strengths: 280 men vs. 730 men
: The Fang of the White Wolf (Nothoi), sponsored by Hegemon Tyran Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Ranulf Godfrey.
: Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
: Senator actron II Burep is spotted wielding the Boring Club of Nothoi.
: Defender Victory!
==== New Ruler Elected ====
The realm of Thalmarkin has elected Baelunìataisharà Blue as its new Queen.
==== Taxes Received ====
As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 879 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.
== 27th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Kuugl]] ===
==== Back on Dry Land ====
Your ship has arrived at the coast of Kuugl and is putting you ashore.
Getting ashore takes most of your time, even though much of it is wasted in waiting.
==== Takeover ====
(rogue) has taken control of Uscala. The region used to belong to Nova.
=== Summer Evening - [[Bym]] ===
==== Takeover ====
(rogue) has taken control of Worvobaen. The region used to belong to Nothoi.
==== Krystyna Carson ====
; Journal Entry #15
: I have made an important discovery with the monster and demonic DNA. It turns out that they are nearly identical. However, the dissimilarities prevents the monsters from ever reaching demonic potential. Though I believe I may have discovered a possibility that rewriting the DNA of the monsters could give them demonic potential. If it is at all possible I strongly recommend countermeasures be taken. A demonic presence could prove disastrous. I believe anyone who attempts this should be immediately put to death by our superiors.
'''Sub Entry''':
: I also found something incredibly disturbing. Though to confirm it I must report to the City of Agyr."
End Journal Entry
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Krystyna Carson ====
Krystyna goes back and reads past Journal entries written by her brother Zenta Carson before his mysterious disappearance.
; Zenta's Journal Entry #1
:: Secret entry 1, I have recently discovered a possible Demonic presence in East Continent of Shadowdale. However, I was not able to confirm. I had my servant, Calvin, go and search everywhere for any signs. So far no report was given. I had almost given up the search. My servant then finally reported a sighting in my region of Negev. I sent a team in to find it, but came up empty again. We will remain vigilant and find this creature."
Krystyna: "My brother is an absolute genius. I just hope I don't make the same mistakes he made."
Krystyna closes her Journal and then goes towards her window.
Krystyna: "I just hope I can get more support for my scientific research than he did. Everyone thought he was a quack. It is a shame not everyone believes in scientific progress."
== 28th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Bym]] ===
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Worvobaen:
; Nothoi vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 210 men
: The Fang of the White Wolf (Nothoi), sponsored by Hegemon Tyran Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Ranulf Godfrey.
: Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
: Hegemon Tyran Arylon is spotted wielding the Staff of Sint.
: Attacker Victory!
== 29th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Glongin]] ===
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rummannen:
; Shattered Vales vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 580 men vs. 50 men
: The Army of the Vales (Shattered Vales), sponsored by Duke Hades Castillo, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ulv Schancke.
: Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Doomed Flute of Madness.
: Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wielding the Silver Warhammer of Julma Jaune.
: Earl Rodderick O'Deathh is spotted reading from the Dark Handbook of the East Island.
: Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wielding the Cold-Forged Club of War.
: Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Ring of Good and Evil.
: Attacker Victory!
== 30th August ==
=== Summer Day - [[Rueffilo]] ===
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rueffilo:
; Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 230 men vs. 90 men
: Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Melhed.
: Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Coat of Tyranny.
: Attacker Victory!
==== Looting Activity ====
: Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).
: Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark, Count of Seven Rivers.
==== New Vice-Marshal Announced ====
The sponsor of the Angry Agyrian Army, Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, has announced a new vice-marshal: Count Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark.
==== New Funds in War Chest ====
The sponsor of the Angry Agyrian Army, Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine has added 150 gold to the army war chest.
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Unit Status Report ====
(Personal message) - 2020-08-30 18:09:46
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 8 points.
==== Battle in Rueffilo ====
Your unit participated in a battle in Rueffilo. Your scribe has written down a battle report.
: The battle lasted for 1 hours.
: You have gained 2 Honour.
: None of your men were killed in this battle.
: Morale of your troops falls by 14 points. Your men's equipment suffers 2 % damage.
==== Looting Activity ====
: Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).
==== Report from Moira ====
Message sent to the realm's council (4 recipients) - 2020-08-31 01:39:44
Your Excellencies,
I've heard of the horror unfolding in Seven Rivers and travelled there with all due haste. I know there is little an adventurer can do against a horde this size but I have a plan to ambush and harry its stragglers starting in the morning which I hope will at least save a life or two.
; Moira
: Commoner of Ar Agyr
==== Looting Activity ====
; Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).
== 32st August ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Unit Status Report ====
: Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment.
: Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 8 points.
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seven Rivers:
; Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 320 men
: Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
: Defender Victory!
==== Battle in Rueffilo ====
Your unit participated in a battle in Rueffilo. Your scribe has written down a battle report.
: The battle lasted for 2 hours.
: You have gained 0 Honour.
: 6 of your men were killed and 13 were wounded in this battle.
: Morale of your troops falls by 9 points. Your men's equipment suffers 13 % damage.
==== Report from Jacinda ====
Your Majesty,
I have taken down 13 of the monsters in Seven Rivers, and should be able to do more at sunset.
; Jacinda
: Commoner of Ar Agyr
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Unit Status Report ====
: Your healers save 2 soldiers from the brink of death, who remain wounded. They helped a total of 8 wounded ones to recover. After resting, 1 of your wounded men recovered by themselves. A total of 9 men are once again ready for battle.
: Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment.
: Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 9 points.
==== Travel Report ====
: You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours.
: You have arrived in Irombro, a City region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.
==== Huge Battle Fought ====
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seven Rivers:
; Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
: Estimated strengths: 270 men vs. 200 men
: Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
: Attacker Victory!
==== Takeover Stopped ====
The takeover attempt in Seven Rivers has been stopped.
==== Looting Activity ====
: Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Irombro ((rogue)).
: Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Irombro ((rogue)).
==== Rebellion in Irondale ====
A rebellion is breaking out in Irondale. Earlier today, Ryosuke Guile has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.
==== Letter from Paridithous von Hammersmark ====
Three cheers for the victorious defenders!
: Against the evil amassed that day
: The champions of Agyr had found a way
: To triumph as the fading sun
: Reflected deeds the dead had done
: Fighting strong and true and brave
: They pressed forward till the dead gave
: Till standing lone at close of day
: The field silent, all was gay
; Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark
: Count of Seven Rivers
==== Krystyna Carson ====
; Journal Entry #18
: I was suspicious about something while examining the undead collected. There seems to be some kind of strange energy coming from them. I was able to develop a way of tracking the energy, it imminates somewhere possibly near the mountains of Jedinchel. I would like to possibly set off to an expedition to that realm. I think it is called Thalmarkin? I will definitely be requesting the Queen's approval for this. Hopefully she will not say no. I will be returning after all.
; Sub Entry:
: I could be wrong, but even after the undead are dead completely they still seem to radiate some kind of strange energy. I find it strange, further study is needed.
; End Journal Entry
==== Looting Activity ====
: Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Irombro ((rogue)).
: Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Greyson Stewart, Margrave of Jyl.
==== Letter from Sylvia to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine ====
I remember not so many years ago when those lands were held steadfast by the members of Obia'Syela. Upon my recent return to adventuring, I wandered those very same lands and could not believe how things had changed. How anyone manages to survive there is beyond my comprehension. It is largely why I fled the area and returned north, although that would normally be something I would be ashamed to admit. After seeing what await there, however, I quickly realized shame is irrelevant if you are not alive to feel it.
Being hewn to pieces...completely rent asunder by the many claws and gnashing, snarling teeth of beasts and the undead. No peasant or noble or child should have to suffer that.
However, if you should need an adventurer to return to those lands, as a forward scout or anything else, please let me know. I have no purposes of my own to fulfill there, but in service of Ar Agyr I can find reason.
With respect,
; Sylvia
: Commoner of Ar Agyr

Latest revision as of 18:16, 26 September 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

4th August

Summer Evening - Rengo

Craglan Mejor

The smear.... The stain. That which was inherited. The Wrath...

Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor, Vizier of Vordul Sanguinis and Wizard of the Frozen Blood; Awakened Beneath the Mountain; The Ghost of Winter and Rider of Frost, had been handed a mess. He missed Xlair: his resolute morbidity, his brilliance...

Craglan had been sent to torture three Times during the reign of Xlair, and still Craglan preferred it to this...

The judge had gone all but silent. The general seemed aloof, the sponsor was occupied with her duchy; only the High Ambassador seemed to still have a voice, a will...

The new priest was welcomed in Gabriel as he knew the Emperor better than all. Perhaps this would be the Change.

The One Armed Dwarf had been in a drunken slander for days over the Adventurer come Priest; Gabriel, and Craglan began to wish her Death.

Craglans head swam. Only in his wildest nightmare was he a ruler... How had this happened? Fate. A terrible fate.

Since his induction as Vizier, Craglan was seemingly handed more than Xlair carried, even in the dreaded Armor of Arshava. Xlair had a host of dedicated assistance in all he did, dedication Craglan very simply could not manifest.

Dissent, denial, deterrents, deception; all these milled about, and Craglan knew it all, knew and could do nothing as the Powers of his office were meaningless in a realm that failed to communicate and work as one.

Everyone had always seemed to hate Craglan, and then he became Vizier by their voice, the last voice they would ever use to promote him to his demise. He felt the Warlord was bitter, having more Wisdom than the Ghost of Winter in the ways of politics and War and thereby making him more fit as a ruler. Craglan could do nothing but stew.

It was up to the Silent Disciples, the Cloth of Vordulism, the Adventurers who equiped them all; Craglan could apparently do nothing right and he began to consider the Crystal Skull... it would be so easy to vanish into it and give Javien back his body, however altered and torn it had become since Craglan Awakened Beneath the Mountain.

​​​​​​"The Pig-faced Judge" said Craglan to Frost at a random moment on the road. "It must begin with the most devout."

"Sire," said Frost, "let us run away. Let's explore he far north."

"We have far weirder things to explore than the north old Friend, we delve now into the human mind and the basements in which it dwells..."

6th August

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Important Event for Daishi

High Shugenja Yao Ling Pryde has constructed a new temple in Bajit.

7th August

Summer Evening - Fronepu


Fronepu, common district, near a fountain.

Brand had been waiting for some time, and finally the handmaiden showed up.

.... Hey beautiful, I am happy to see yo again.
Alas, I dont have much time, and I like to offer you 3 things ...
  • Here is a scroll of Holy Light...., please forward it to your beloved Queen; Krabat asked me to hand it over.
  • From me sweet thing, you will get a scroll of Youth... NOOO please do not misunderstand me...... you look very young. I suggest you give it to the Queen. She is already at a certain age and the magic man who sold me this scroll, told me she could gain some years .... If you just give it to her in your name, not knowing what it is ... she will be very happy and reward you big-time.
  • Last but not least, just outside Fronepu, there is a great view.. a cave... forest,... river..... May I suggest we go there and have some relaxing time ?

Brand handed over the 2 scrolls.

..... Small kiss perhaps ?

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

Why Master Brand, you are most forward. However I do not think Her Majesty would approve of my leaving the city walls without her sanction.

She surreptitiously drew his attention to three nondescript men loitering by one of the city's many public drinking fountains, appearing instead to draw him into discussion of the parchments. Not that a servant - even one so close to the Queen - could be expected to make much sense of the arcane contents.

Yes, these appear to be the documents Her Majesty is interested in. You may give Sir Krabat Her Majesty's sincere thanks for his generosity.

She rolls the scrolls carefully, slipping them into a battered satchel, and somehow in the process slips Brand a scrap of folded paper with an address and time written in a clean cursive hand, an invitation to an assignation?

8th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Family Investment

Bob Baceolus, Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr, Margrave of Agyr has initiated an investment of 610 gold in the region of Agyr. Production soars to 133 %.

9th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Family Investment

Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark, Count of Seven Rivers has initiated an investment of 210 gold in the region of Seven Rivers. Production soars to 211 %.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Tournament Announced

Ehrich Weisz, Emperor of Shattered Vales, Royal of Shattered Vales, Duke of The Sapphire Shard, Margrave of Iato has announced a Tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Iato 9 days from now.
The winner will be rewarded with 1000 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 250 gold for the runner-up.
All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

11th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Apokh:

Irondale vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 260 men vs. 430 men
King Tiberius Paxwax is spotted wearing the Amulet of Summer.
Defender Victory!


(rogue) has taken control of Apokh. The region used to belong to Irondale.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a ring called the "Cruel Ring of Melhed". Nerta, Commoner is willing to part with it for only 200 gold. If you want to accept, you can do it only here and now, while both of you are still in this location. The deal will take an hour of your time.

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a armour called the "Cruel Coat of Tyranny". Nerta, Commoner is willing to part with it for only 200 gold. If you want to accept, you can do it only here and now, while both of you are still in this location. The deal will take an hour of your time.

Item Sold

Commoner Nerta has accepted your offer and paid you 0 gold for the "Vial of Scherzer's Ashes".

12th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 874 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Daimyo in "Daishi" is due for a monthly grant of 20 gold. Your balance with this religion has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 490 gold.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Daimyo in "Human League" is due for a monthly grant of 10 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 176 gold.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Ruler in "Halls of Beluaterra" is due for a monthly grant of 10 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 445 gold.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Delia Ketchum

A letter signed by Lady Delia, Mistress of Finance of Irondale is delivered to Daishi temple and to all members of the faith. There are traces of blood on the letter edge.

In the letter, it is written.

"To the honorable priests of Daishi, Priestess Yao Ling. Lo, there do we see our fathers. Lo, there do we see our mothers. Lo, there do we see our sisters and our brothers. The line of our people back to the beginning. They do call to us to take our places Where the brave live forever."

Then more blood on the letter. It seems the writer cannot write anymore with blood rub here and there.

17th August

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Family Investment

Bob Baceolus, Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr, Margrave of Agyr has initiated an investment of 610 gold in the region of Agyr. Production soars to 143 %.

18th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Tournament Report

The tournament in Iato is over. 37 nobles from 8 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.
Timsen Quasath, Duke of Providence, Margrave of Vozzessdor won the swordfighting tournament (Gigax Pilesar, Baron of Pel Mark, Marshal of the Frozen Blood came second place).
The jousting contest was won by Sir Jecht Tideweaver, Earl of Shifgrethor, Marshal of the Army of the Vales (Second place: Lady Nadia Madstone, Dame of Ete City).

Ruler Abdicates

Ehrich Weisz has stepped down from his position as ruler of Shattered Vales. He has given the following reason:

Honourable nobles, I have achieved the projects we set out to achieve. Thalmarkin have been challenged and shaken of their domineering ways. Our alliance with Obia has been restored and then tested in anger defending their new colony. My part has been done and it is now for another to lead the way.

19th August

Summer Day - Fronepu

Report from Yxevarii Auru'in

To all Rulers and Judges of Belluaterra,

For the record, in irrevocable finality,

For the crimes of mass-murder, wanton pillage, corruption, theft, kidnapping, smuggling, subversion, betrayal of the Inquisition charter, and treason, I hereby banish Inquisitor Astros Renodin from the sacred realm of Obia'Syela. The time has come to pay for your many sins, Astros. May the Goddess have mercy on your soul.

If he is ever found roaming the continent, I beg you extradite him to OS that I may personally execute him.

Former Inquisitor Astros Renodin of Obia'Syela does not, has not, and will never represent our faith and realm. He was a heretic masquerading as a Herald, who snaked his way into the Inquisition in order to commit heinous atrocities. He sought to use fear and violence alongside claims of self-righteousness in order to mask his wickedness. He quoted out-of-context scripture during his crimes, and pretended to be higher-ranked that the measly probationary initiate he actually was, just to guilt peasants and minor nobles alike into following his orders; or looking away as he robbed, raped, and murdered across the land. He murdered higher-ranking Inquisitors and used their garb to sell his story, then weaved a path of destruction that traumatized countless thousands.

He is a traitor to the Heralds, a traitor to Obia'Syela, and a traitor to all Mankind.

Years ago, I became ruler of Obia'Syela amidst a near-civil war sparked by that psychopath Astros. He single-handedly fractured a rift between Templars and Inquisitors that ended in open conflict upon our streets; and a schism of mistrust that Time has only somewhat tempered. The damaged he has caused, the lives he destroyed, are wounds that can never fully heal - not until the stains of his inhumanity are cleansed.

Anyone with information leading to the capture and execution of Astros Renodin will be rewarded handsomely. Hell, I'll even give you front-row seats to the main event as a guest of honor.

Hear my words and let truth be known,

For the Inquisition,

Yxevarii Auru'in
Grand Inquisitor of Obia'Syela
Royal of Obia'Syela
Margravine of Ossmat
Priestess of Heralds of Obeah

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Reeds:

(rogue) vs. Nothoi
Estimated strengths: 270 men vs. 810 men
Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wearing the Vampire King's Suit of Revan.
Hegemon Tyran Arylon is spotted wielding the Staff of Sint.
Defender Victory!

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 886 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Paganism Surge

A surge of paganism in Bisana is spreading to Tepmona. Many people are finding more solitude in the old local faiths and all religions lose followers.

22nd August

Summer Day - Fronepu

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Shattered Vales has elected Jecht Tideweaver as its new Emperor.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Ruler Abdicates

Anyte Luitolf has stepped down from her position as ruler of Thalmarkin. She has given the following reason:

The injuries leftover from that assault upon my life are taking longer to heal than expected, and the healers do not know if I will ever make a full recovery. I have finally accomplished what I set out to do, and that was ending the war with Irondale and Nothoi, and as such perhaps stepping down might help with said recovery. I wish whoever rules next the best of luck. The Kin are tough ones to rule over.

23rd August

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Kuugl:

Nova vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 350 men vs. 430 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Duncan Wilde.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wielding the Ancient Rod of Doom.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Margrave Ruben Lawson is spotted wielding the Valiant Aegis of the Duck.
Attacker Victory!

Civil Work

Renaud de Charleroi has ordered his men to do civil work in Tepmona for 8 hours, raising production by 3%.

Krystyna Carson

Scientist Researcher's Journal #12
I have just finished my first research project! It was definitely a rousing success. Though unfortunately the outcome was not what I expected. I managed to create a new kind of sealing spell, however, it is only a temporary measure and could not hold up against a demon by any means. Further study is needed. The seal can disable a demons power and force them into a human form. Only temporary.
Sub entry:
Research on anti-magic is at a stand still. So far no material currently exists to absorb the amount of mana to prevent individuals from casting magic. Unfortunately a recent study showed when such a weapon expels it creates a devastating explosion when the weapon is destroyed. Attempting to create such a weapon should be illegal by any means.
End Journal Entry

24th August

Summer Day - Avalonian Coast

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bym:

(rogue) vs. Nova
Estimated strengths: 580 men vs. 240 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Eugenica Snodaert.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wielding the Ancient Rod of Doom.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Grante Le Monte, Count of Kuugl was seriously wounded by a militia unit of (rogue).
Attacker Victory!

Krystyna Carson

Scientist Researcher's Journal Entry #13
Some forms of Alchemy has proven to be effective against demons. However, it has proven to be difficult due to the anti-magic source that emanates from them. It turns out that another way to make an anti-magic weapon is by imbuing demon blood to a sword during its development. Though with no sign of demon existence it is again impossible.
Sub Entry:
The Carson family invests a lot of money into this research, it is a real shame most development has come up with no progress. The next step is to procure assistance from another family in Agyr. Hopefully getting a subordinate will speed up the research and gain results.
End Journal Entry

25th August

Summer Day - Eastern Ocean

Chief Arbiter of Kingdom of Irondale Removed

After being imprisoned for 5 days by (rogue), Cynric Thelyn has been stripped of his Chief Arbiter title.

Summer Evening - Eastern Ocean

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Hirzmet:

Irondale vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 450 men vs. 190 men
The Iron Fist (Irondale), sponsored by King Tiberius Paxwax, were led into battle by Marshal Alice Schwarzherzig.
Baron Erasmus Soul is spotted wearing the Smoking Sceptre of Ankar.
Baron Erasmus Soul is spotted wielding the Thrice-Blessed Shield of Toe Crushing.
Viscountess Bellerix Lion-Head is spotted wielding the Sacred Club of Loyalty.
Viscountess Sadona Vilanova is spotted wielding the Bone Arrow of Battle.
Attacker Victory!

26th August

Summer Day - Sea of Four Cities

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Reeds:

(rogue) vs. Nothoi
Estimated strengths: 280 men vs. 730 men
The Fang of the White Wolf (Nothoi), sponsored by Hegemon Tyran Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Ranulf Godfrey.
Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
Senator actron II Burep is spotted wielding the Boring Club of Nothoi.
Defender Victory!

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Thalmarkin has elected Baelunìataisharà Blue as its new Queen.

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 879 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

27th August

Summer Day - Kuugl

Back on Dry Land

Your ship has arrived at the coast of Kuugl and is putting you ashore.

Getting ashore takes most of your time, even though much of it is wasted in waiting.


(rogue) has taken control of Uscala. The region used to belong to Nova.

Summer Evening - Bym


(rogue) has taken control of Worvobaen. The region used to belong to Nothoi.

Krystyna Carson

Journal Entry #15
I have made an important discovery with the monster and demonic DNA. It turns out that they are nearly identical. However, the dissimilarities prevents the monsters from ever reaching demonic potential. Though I believe I may have discovered a possibility that rewriting the DNA of the monsters could give them demonic potential. If it is at all possible I strongly recommend countermeasures be taken. A demonic presence could prove disastrous. I believe anyone who attempts this should be immediately put to death by our superiors.

Sub Entry:

I also found something incredibly disturbing. Though to confirm it I must report to the City of Agyr."

End Journal Entry

Summer Evening

Krystyna Carson

Krystyna goes back and reads past Journal entries written by her brother Zenta Carson before his mysterious disappearance.

Zenta's Journal Entry #1
Secret entry 1, I have recently discovered a possible Demonic presence in East Continent of Shadowdale. However, I was not able to confirm. I had my servant, Calvin, go and search everywhere for any signs. So far no report was given. I had almost given up the search. My servant then finally reported a sighting in my region of Negev. I sent a team in to find it, but came up empty again. We will remain vigilant and find this creature."

Krystyna: "My brother is an absolute genius. I just hope I don't make the same mistakes he made."

Krystyna closes her Journal and then goes towards her window.

Krystyna: "I just hope I can get more support for my scientific research than he did. Everyone thought he was a quack. It is a shame not everyone believes in scientific progress."

28th August

Summer Day - Bym

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Worvobaen:

Nothoi vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 210 men
The Fang of the White Wolf (Nothoi), sponsored by Hegemon Tyran Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Ranulf Godfrey.
Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
Hegemon Tyran Arylon is spotted wielding the Staff of Sint.
Attacker Victory!

29th August

Summer Day - Glongin

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rummannen:

Shattered Vales vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 580 men vs. 50 men
The Army of the Vales (Shattered Vales), sponsored by Duke Hades Castillo, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ulv Schancke.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Doomed Flute of Madness.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wielding the Silver Warhammer of Julma Jaune.
Earl Rodderick O'Deathh is spotted reading from the Dark Handbook of the East Island.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wielding the Cold-Forged Club of War.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Ring of Good and Evil.
Attacker Victory!

30th August

Summer Day - Rueffilo

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rueffilo:

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 230 men vs. 90 men
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Melhed.
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Coat of Tyranny.
Attacker Victory!

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark, Count of Seven Rivers.

New Vice-Marshal Announced

The sponsor of the Angry Agyrian Army, Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, has announced a new vice-marshal: Count Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark.

New Funds in War Chest

The sponsor of the Angry Agyrian Army, Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine has added 150 gold to the army war chest.

Summer Evening

Unit Status Report

(Personal message) - 2020-08-30 18:09:46 Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 8 points.

Battle in Rueffilo

Your unit participated in a battle in Rueffilo. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours.
You have gained 2 Honour.
None of your men were killed in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 14 points. Your men's equipment suffers 2 % damage.

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).

Report from Moira

Message sent to the realm's council (4 recipients) - 2020-08-31 01:39:44 Your Excellencies,

I've heard of the horror unfolding in Seven Rivers and travelled there with all due haste. I know there is little an adventurer can do against a horde this size but I have a plan to ambush and harry its stragglers starting in the morning which I hope will at least save a life or two.

Commoner of Ar Agyr

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rueffilo ((rogue)).

32st August

Summer Day

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment.
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 8 points.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seven Rivers:

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 320 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Defender Victory!

Battle in Rueffilo

Your unit participated in a battle in Rueffilo. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 2 hours.
You have gained 0 Honour.
6 of your men were killed and 13 were wounded in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 9 points. Your men's equipment suffers 13 % damage.

Report from Jacinda

Your Majesty,

I have taken down 13 of the monsters in Seven Rivers, and should be able to do more at sunset.

Commoner of Ar Agyr

Summer Evening

Unit Status Report

Your healers save 2 soldiers from the brink of death, who remain wounded. They helped a total of 8 wounded ones to recover. After resting, 1 of your wounded men recovered by themselves. A total of 9 men are once again ready for battle.
Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment.
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 9 points.

Travel Report

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours.
You have arrived in Irombro, a City region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Seven Rivers:

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 270 men vs. 200 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Takeover Stopped

The takeover attempt in Seven Rivers has been stopped.

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Irombro ((rogue)).
Someone from our realm has robbed the tax gold of Irombro ((rogue)).

Rebellion in Irondale

A rebellion is breaking out in Irondale. Earlier today, Ryosuke Guile has called for an uprising against the current government. Details are still sketchy.

Letter from Paridithous von Hammersmark

Three cheers for the victorious defenders!

Against the evil amassed that day
The champions of Agyr had found a way
To triumph as the fading sun
Reflected deeds the dead had done
Fighting strong and true and brave
They pressed forward till the dead gave
Till standing lone at close of day
The field silent, all was gay
Sir Paridithous von Hammersmark
Count of Seven Rivers

Krystyna Carson

Journal Entry #18
I was suspicious about something while examining the undead collected. There seems to be some kind of strange energy coming from them. I was able to develop a way of tracking the energy, it imminates somewhere possibly near the mountains of Jedinchel. I would like to possibly set off to an expedition to that realm. I think it is called Thalmarkin? I will definitely be requesting the Queen's approval for this. Hopefully she will not say no. I will be returning after all.
Sub Entry
I could be wrong, but even after the undead are dead completely they still seem to radiate some kind of strange energy. I find it strange, further study is needed.
End Journal Entry

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Irombro ((rogue)).
Witnesses report that the looting was conducted by Greyson Stewart, Margrave of Jyl.

Letter from Sylvia to Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

I remember not so many years ago when those lands were held steadfast by the members of Obia'Syela. Upon my recent return to adventuring, I wandered those very same lands and could not believe how things had changed. How anyone manages to survive there is beyond my comprehension. It is largely why I fled the area and returned north, although that would normally be something I would be ashamed to admit. After seeing what await there, however, I quickly realized shame is irrelevant if you are not alive to feel it.

Being hewn to pieces...completely rent asunder by the many claws and gnashing, snarling teeth of beasts and the undead. No peasant or noble or child should have to suffer that.

However, if you should need an adventurer to return to those lands, as a forward scout or anything else, please let me know. I have no purposes of my own to fulfill there, but in service of Ar Agyr I can find reason.

With respect,

Commoner of Ar Agyr