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===The News===
===The News===
date =July 19, 2006|
article =Guards in [[East Continent/Troyes|Troyes]] have captured Talnost, an infiltrator working for [[Fontan]] while he was sneaking around the camp of Maise (Knight of Dimwood) conspiciously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.}}
date =July 18, 2006|
date =July 18, 2006|

Revision as of 16:22, 19 July 2006

TRL Header.png

In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)


Excal-icon.gif   July 18   Excal-icon.gif
Sir Zog Returns has announced a tournament of joust and swordfight to be held in Castle ubent. There will be a charge of 20 gold per participant, and 400 for the 1st overall, 100 for the second overall. Your faithful editor would like to ask a question; The minimum requirment for 600 gold is 30 TLs. Your editor assumes that this number will be exceeded (due to your editors brother in Caligus going to a tournament in Sirion, he thinks there were about 100 TLs there.)

Now, If there was 100 tls who went to the tournament, that is a profit of 1000 gold.

We could even scale that number down! If 70 TLs go to the tournament, Zog will still make 400 gold. Where is it going?

I am currently in the process of seeing if King Handow of sirion will consent to an interview with me - watch this space!

-- Atticus

Excal-icon.gif   July 18   Excal-icon.gif
The soldiers of Perdan were defeated by the Fontanese army in the fields of Troyes. Both sides fought very bravely. Multiple Troop leaders of Perdan have been captured, but the Fontanese mostly evaded capture (One of their TLS will be enjoying his stay in our dungeons.) Firebrand of Perdan, who just recently joined our glorious realm, was seriously wounded. We wish him the best of health.

On the lighter side, The Friendly TO in Meuse has succeeded. Congratulations to the troops there! Now (your editor assumes) they will be returning to the battlefields . -- Atticus

Excal-icon.gif   July 17, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
I, Atticus, am your new writer. I'm still getting used to the formatting (I have edited, but on a lesser degree). I'll be giving you the most honest news I can, as quickly as possible. I'm active everyday, so you will be getting news everyday. Maybe I'll try and run of a few interviews with Members of the world, and some of our brave Perdanite warriors.

I will give you news during good times, bad times, peace times, and war times. -- Atticus

Excal-icon.gif   July 17, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
We will soon have a new writer providing some article for The Rampant Lion. Starting today, we will be singing our articles.

Excal-icon.gif   July 13, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Today has been a rather bad day for Sirionite infiltrators. Two of their infiltrators, including the hated Lady Katia, were caught in Perdan. One in Bescanon, and one in Perdan city. Both infiltrators were trying to infiltrate nobles of Perdan. The Lady Katia made the mistake of trying to attack Sir Ambrosius. As is well known, Sir Ambrosius is widely regarded as the best swordsman on the East Island, having won the swordfighting competition at the recent tournament in Fontan City.

Excal-icon.gif   July 5, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Lady Clarissa elected as new Queen of Perdan!

Following the abdication of King Gadouha, the people of Perdan have elected Lady Clarissa as their new Queen. In a short address to the realm, Queen Clarissa thanked the nobles of Perdan for entrusting her with the leadership of therealm. She stated that her immediate concerns will be to restore order to the realm, and seek peace with our neighbors. This will be a difficult task, as it appears that few of our enemies are interested in offering an honorable peace.

Excal-icon.gif   July 2, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Ubent surrenders!

In a startling piece of news from the south, Ubent has apparently signed a pace treaty with the southern federation. The terms of the treaty have been widely circulated across the entire East Island. It is clear that the signing of the treaty was a move of desperation on the part of Ubent. The terms make it blatantly clear that the nation of Ubent will, from this point forward, be a puppet realm of the southern federation.

Part of the treaty includes Ubent relinquishing control of three of regions: Winkamus, Mines of Isadril, and Moyale. The remaining three regions of Ubent will consist of two mountainous areas and their stronghold. In essence, Ubent will disappear in all but name.

Excal-icon.gif   July 2, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Rebellion in Caligus!

In a surprising move today, Vlad Nosferatus, once of the inner circle of power in Caligus has initiated a rebellion in the kingdom of Caligus. Possibly prompted by the long string of defeats and losses of territory, the people of Caligus took up arms against Queen Gwynyth. Seeing the complete lack of support for her cause, Queen Gwynyth quickly stepped down and handed the crown to Vlad Nosferatus. Rumors immediately began to circulate that the new King of Caligus is desperately attempting to negotiate a peace treaty with Yssaria to prevent the complete destruction of Caligus.

Excal-icon.gif   July 1, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Old Rancagua invades the Kalmar Islands! In a long awaited and expected move, approximately 13,000 CS of Old Rancaguan troops have taken ship from Kazan and are traveling to Stora. Stora is adjacent to the Kalmarian capital city of Kalmar. Kalmar is also, bay far, the most populous region in the islands.

Old Rancagua is one of the original two realms to colonize the islands, along with Perdan. Following the brutal rebellion headed by El Cid, the former Avamarians moved in and took over. The former monarchy was replaced with a democracy. It was only a matter of time before Old Rancagau, with a well known, deep rooted hatred af Avamar, would send their army to root out of the invading Avamarians and return the government of the Islands to it's lawful monarchy. Given the vast difference in military strength between the two realms, this will hopefully be a short conflict.

Excal-icon.gif   June 30, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
King Gadouha and Duke Kokanee Duel to the Death!

Several days of protests and complaints regarding the inactivity of King Gadouha have come to a head when Sir Kokanee, Duke of Partora, challenged King Gadouha to a duel to the death. In a public letter to the realm, Sir Kokanee cited the king's recent silence, lack of action, and recent death threats to against some protesters as some of the reasons for the challenge. Sir Kokanee offered that perhaps the King's previous poisoning at the hand's of his chef had caused damage to the King's mind, and that a duel to the death would offer King Gadouha an honorable way to end his suffering.

King Gadouha met Sir Kokanee at noon alongside the road in Brive. King Gadouha adopted a neutral stance, while Sir Kokanee took up a rapid offensive in attempt to end the battle quickly. Sir Kokanee managed to land a heavy blow on the King, dealing out a very severe wound, winning the duel. The King was taken away to the healers. It is unknown whether or not he will survive.

Excal-icon.gif   June 29, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Lady Lorraine Tortured!

Lady Lorraine, former Queen of Perdan, has been tortured and raped in the dungeons of Fontan, on the direct orders of lolaap, Judge of Fontan. Since her capture, the Fontanese have withheld food and water from lady Lorraine, on the condition that she reveal to them certain state secrets that could compromise the security of Perdan. At her continued refusal to betray Perdan, the Judge of Fontan order her tortured to find out any information that could be beaten out of her. As a result of the beatings, she fears that permanent damage has been done to her legs.

This despicable treatment of a former ruler and member of Perdan's royal family is inexcusable. Lolaap has revealed himself as a man without honor. Indeed, is the entire realm of Fontan without honor? First, the excecution of Juttie in violation of agreements with Perdan, and now the torturing of Perdanese royals. It is a clear indication of dark days ahead when a realm that spawns such foul acts spreads itself across the East Island.

Excal-icon.gif   Any old East Island Maps?   Excal-icon.gif
The editors of The Rampant Lion are interested in locating any old maps of the East Island that anyone may want to share. If you have any maps of the East Island from April or May of 2006, or prior to November, 2005 that you are willing to share, please let me know!

Excal-icon.gif   June 27, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Victory in Meuse! In a sign of things to come, the brave troops of Perdan rallied to defend Meuse from the Fontanese invaders. The 760 invaders charged into the 580 defenders, opening up with a furious volley of arrows. The Perdanese troops charged through the arrows, tearing into the defending infantry. The viciousness of the defenders caught the attackers by surprise, and many of their infantry units retreated. Once the Fontan infantry was out of the way, their archer battalions quickly succumbed to a second Perdan cavalry charge. It looks as if the Fontan army isn't quite up to the task of defeating Perdan without the help of three other realms to provide additional troops and diversionary attacks.

Excal-icon.gif   June 24, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
In a brutal act of imperialism and expansionism, Fontan has siezed control of the peaceful agricultural region of Bescanon from Perdan. Aided by their allies from Sirion, the Fontan army has been stationed in Bescanon for nearly a week, looting the villages and killing anyone they can find who showed any sign of loyalty to Perdan. Although they fought with valiant spirit, the citizens of Bescanon could hold out no longer, and yielded to the invading army.

Excal-icon.gif   June 20, 2006   Excal-icon.gif

In a massive attack on Bescanon, the armies of Sirion and Fontan have begun an invasion of Perdan! The enemy forces numbered nearly 2,500 troops, greatly outnumbering the 1,200 defending guardsmen and militia. Fontanese troops immediately began a brutal takeover of Bescanon.

Excal-icon.gif   June 19, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
In a surprisingly well-thought-out plan, the armies of Itorunt and Ibladesh have executed a pincer attack on the Perdanese takeover force in Al Arab. The attack resulted in heavy losses for the Perdanese forces in Al Arab. The defending forces took twice as many casualties as the attackers.

In other news, Prometheus has returned to the Kalmar Islands. It appears that the Kalmarians may be buckling under pressure from Old Rancagua to reinstate Prometheus as king in order to avoid a war. The Kalmarians must be well aware that they could not stand up to Old Rancagua in a full out war. How far will they go to preserve their democracy? How many nobles in the islands really want the current government, and how many would prefer a return to their lawful monarchy? It's hard to tell. It seems that in their public vote on the matter, less than one third of the nobles bothered to cast their votes. What good is a democracy if nearly three-fourths of the voters can't be bothered to cast votes?

Excal-icon.gif   June 16, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
Well, we're caught up with the news from the past few weeks. The news and events should be posted on a more regular basis now.

Excal-icon.gif   June 14, 2006   Excal-icon.gif
The editors of the Rampant Lion have been on vacation, for the past few weeks, and weren't able to get the news to the scribes. We're currently going back through the past couple weeks of letters and reports, and hope to get the highlights posted in the next day or two. Please bear with us as we catch up.

The News

July 19, 2006
Guards in Troyes have captured Talnost, an infiltrator working for Fontan while he was sneaking around the camp of Maise (Knight of Dimwood) conspiciously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.

July 18, 2006
Perdan has taken control of Meuse (formerly part of Fontan). Perdan now controls 12 regions.

Huge battle fought in Troyes! The Fontanese army attacks the Perdanese takeover force in Troyes. The attackers won the long and bloody battle. Six Perdan and two Fontan nobles were captured. Many other nobles were wounded, and the casualties on both sides were very high. (13,800 vs 14,800)

Sir Zog Returns, Prime Minister of Ubent has announced a tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Castle Ubent! There will be a charge of 20 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 400 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 100 gold for the second best.

July 17, 2006
Perdan has seized control of Bescanon from Fontan.

Itorunt has taken control of the rogue region of Clermont.

July 15, 2006
The rogue Dantalis is publicly executed by Is Est in Hamadan, Yssaria.

Ar Mosul has revolted and declared itself independent from Ibladesh.

Lorient has revolted and declared itself independent from Itorunt.

July 14, 2006
Perdan has retaken control of Brive from Fontan.

Ibladesh has siezed control of Woolton from Perdan.

July 13, 2006
Guards in Bescanon have captured Sigfreid, an infiltrator working for Sirion while he was sneaking around the camp of Sir Arslan of Perdan conspiciously, with a poisoned dagger under his cloak.

Guards in Perdan City have captured Katia, an infiltrator working for Sirionwhile she was trying to escape from her failed assault on Sir Ambrosius of Perdan

July 12, 2006
Fontan has siezed control of Brive from Perdan.

Guards in Bisciye have arrested Darmagro, apparently an infiltrator from Ibladesh, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.

July 11, 2006
Huge battle fought in Domus! The Yssarian army has attacked Domus, the capital of Caligus! The attackers were repelled from the walls of the Caligan Capital. Six Yssarian nobles were captured in the battle. (15,000 vs 15,000)

Prometheus has been elected as the new Chancellor of the Kalmar Islands.

A second large battle has been fought today in Domus in another Yssarian attempt to assault the Caligan capital city. This second attack has failed as well, and resulted in the death of the Yssarian hero Yerli, Marshal of the army of Isadril. (8,000 vs. 9,000)

July 10, 2006
The people of Clermont have revolted against Itorunt and declared themselves rogue!

July 9, 2006
Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The forces of Sirion and Fontan have attacked the forces of Perdan. The attackers were victorious! (15,000 vs 5,000)

July 8, 2006
Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The forces of Perdan have attacked the forces of Sirion and Fontan. The attackers outnumbered the defenders by 2 to 1, and were victorious! (8,000 vs 2,000)

Battle in Woolton! The combined armies of Itorunt and Ibladesh have attacked and defeated the militia of Woolton. Zeratul, Marshal of the Army of Ibladesh, was captured in the attack.

Guards in Bisciye have arrested Atos, apparently an infiltrator from Ibladesh, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.

Guards in Perdan Mines have arrested Zranis, apparently an infiltrator from Sirion, while he tried breaking into the tax offices.

July 6, 2006
Lady Yunari has been appointed the as the Duchess of Partora.

Huge battle fought in Supra! The forces of Yssaria have attacked those of Caligus. The attackers outnumbered and defeated the defenders. (10,000 vs 7,000)

Itorunt has siezed control of Lorient from Perdan.

July 5, 2006
Lady Clarissa has been elected as the new Queen of Perdan.

July 4, 2006
King Gadouha has stepped down as the ruler of Perdan.

July 3, 2006
Huge battle fought in Stora! The army of Old Rancagua has attacked the army of Kalmar Islands in Stora. In a very close battle, the attackers were victorious. Sir Lalakis, ruler of the Kalmar islands, was captured during the battle. (7,000 vs 7,000)

One Rogala has been elected as the new chancellor of the Kalmar Islands.

July 2, 2006
Rebellion in Caligus! Vlad Nosferatus has called for a rebellion against the government.

The rebellion in Caligus has been successful. Queen Gwynyth has stepped down and handed control of the government over to Vlad Nosferatus.

July 1, 2006
Viam, Marshal of the army of Parm, of Sirion was captured by the Perdanese army in Brive.

Fontan has siezed control of Meuse from Perdan.

Itorunt has siezed control of Clermont from Perdan.

Light of Fountain has taken over the rogue region of Tokat.

June 29,2006
Huge battle fought in Aestus! In a desperate move, the army of Caligus has attacked the army of Yssaria. The attackers were vastly outnumbered and defeated. (5,000 vs 14,000)

June 28, 2006
Perrin, a Fontanese infiltrator caught while attempting to steal tax money from Brive, has been deported to Atamara.

June 27, 2006
Huge battle fought in Meuse! The Fontanese army has attacked the Perdan army in Meuse. Although the attackers outnumbered the defenders, the troops of Perdan rallyed to push the invaders back. The attackers heavy reliance on archers was their downfall, and the defending troops of Perdan were victorious. (10,500 vs 7,500)

The citizens of Tokat have revolted and decared independence from Yssaria!

Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The Perdanese army has attacked the occupying forces of Fontan and Sirion in Bescanon. Although outnumbered, the attackers inflicted heavy casualties on the occupational force before being forced to retreat. Sir Sangue, Marshal of the Army of Perdan, was wounded in the attack. Sir Keyoke, Marshal of the Army of Partora was captured by Sirionite forces. (14,500 vs 20,500)

Seth VI, an infiltrator working for Sirion, was captured in Bescanon by Perdanese guards while sneaking around the camp of Lady Jadine with a poisoned dagger.

June 26, 2006
The people of Poitiers have revolted against Old Rancagua and declared independence.

Perrin, an infiltrator working for Fontan has been caught while breaking into the tax offices in Brive.

Battle in Meuse! Forces from Perdan suprised an expeditionary force of Sirion in Meuse. The Perdanese tropps outnumberd and quickly defeated the Sirionites. (7,000 vs 1,000)

Ibladesh has taken control of Ar Mosul from Perdan.

June 25, 2006
Batle in Meuse! Troops from Perdan and Fontan fought a small skirmish in Meuse. The Perdan forces were slightly outnumbered and defeated. (2000 vs. 3000)

June 24, 2006
Itorunt has taken control of the former rogue region of Dayr.

Fontan has taken control of Bescanon from Perdan.

June 23, 2006
Huge battle fought in Supra! The Yssarian army has attacked the Caliga army. The attackers were outnumbered and defeated. (5,000 vs 7,000)

June 21, 2006
Itorunt has siezed control of Zawr from Perdan.

June 20, 2006
Yssaria has taken control of Tokat from Caligus.

Keyzer Soze, a Sirionite infiltrator recently captured in Bescanon, has been deported to Atamara.

Huge battle fought in Bescanon! The massed armies of Fontan and Sirion have attacked the Perdan region of Bescanon. The attackers vastly overwhelemed the defenders and were victorious. Five attacking nobles were wounded, and Kaydron, Marshal of the army of Sirion, was captured by the Perdan forces. (34,500 vs 14,000)

Battle fought in Ar Mosul. The armies of Itorunt and Ibladesh have attacked the Perdan militia in Ar Mosul. The attackers were victorious. (5,000 vs 2,000)

June 19, 2006
Huge battle fought in Al Arab! The armies of Itorunt and Ibladesh have attacked the forces of Perdan in Al Arab. After a long battle, the large attacking force was victorious. (19,000 vs 13,000)

Battle in Tota. Forces from Yssaria attacked a contingent of forces from Perdan in Tota. The attackers were defeated. The leader of the attacking forces, Sir Sumsar, Count of Supra and Marshal of the Army of Hamadan, was captured. (2,000 vs 3,000)

June 18, 2006
Keyzer Soze, an infiltrator working for Sirion, was captured while trying to break into the tax offices in Bescanon.

June 17, 2006
Battle in Al Aquabah! The army of Ibladesh has attacked a small force of Perdan in Al Aquabah. The attackers were victorious. (9,000 vs 2,000)

June 16, 2006
Huge battle fought in Tokat! The Caligan army has attacked the Yssarian army. The attackers were defeated by the more numerous defenders. Grontar, hero of Caligus, was killed in the attack. (10,000 vs. 13,000)

The forces of Perdan attack the Ibladeshian militia in Al Arab. The defending militia was quickly dispatched, and the victorious attackers have moved into the city. (13,500 vs 750)

Later that day, a second huge battle is fought in Tokat! The Caligus

June 13, 2006
Ubent has taken control of the Mines of Isadril from Ibladesh.

June 12, 2006
Old Rancagua has taken control of the rogue region of Poitiers.

June 11, 2006
Katia, an infiltrator employed by Sirion, was identified by guards in Bescanon after an attack on the local militia. Katia managed to escape from the guards.

Huge battle fought in Mines of Isadril! The armies of Perdan and Ubent have attacked the army of Ibladesh. The attackers overwhelmed and defeated the defenders. Lady Sorcha, Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh, was captured by Perdanese forces during the battle. (10,000 vs 4,000)

June 8, 2006
Battle in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan have attacked the forces of Ibladesh and Itorunt. The attacking forces were victorious. (5,000 vs. 5,000)

Battle in Castle Ubent! forces from Itorunt have attacked the forces of Ubent and Perdan. The attackers were severely outnumbered and defeated. TK Jones, King of Itorunt, was captured by the Ubent army. (1,000 vs 6,000)

TK Jones, King of Itorunt, has been captured by Ubent forces during a battle. Itorunt is without a ruler.

Lucian has been elected as the new king of Itorunt.

Ibladesh has seized control of the Mines of Isadril from Ubent.

Wookie, and infiltrator employed by Ibladesh, has been captured while attempting to assassinate Sir Vanalan of Perdan in Al Aquabah.

June 7, 2006
Huge battle fought! The armies of Caligus and Ubent have attacked the Yssarians in Winkamus. The attackers were victorious. (9,000 vs 6,000)

Huge battle fought in Ar Mosul! The Itorunt army attacked the Perdanese militia in Ar Mosul. Despite bringing a larger number of men, the attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 8,000)

The tournament in Sirion has been held. 197 nobles attended. Pepe of Fontan won the swordfighting competition, and Sir Castamir o fOld Rancagua won the jousting competition. Both winners received a prize of 800 gold.

Jelle, an infiltrator employed by Fontan, was caught trying to break into the tax offices in Bescanon, a region of Perdan.

June 6, 2006
The people of Poitiers have revolted and declared themselves independent from Old Rancagua.

Speedy, Prime Minister of Ubent has disappeared! The realm of Ubent is without a leader.

Zog Returns has been elected as the new ruler in Ubent.

June 4, 2006
Huge battle fought in Winkamus! The armies of Caligus and Ubent attacked the army of Yssaria. The defenders managed to hang on and beat the attackers. Vlad, Royal Treasurer of Caligus, was captured by Yssarian forces. (6,000 vs. 5,000)

Huge battle fought in Castle Ubent! The armies of Itorunt and Yssaria have assaulted the capital of Ubent, which was defended by the armies of Ubent and Caligus. The attackers vastly outnumbered the defenders, and were quickly victorious. Doombringer, High Marshal of Caligus, was captured by the Itorunt army. (16,000 vs 3,000)

June 3, 2006
Huge battle fought in Al Arab! The army of Perdan storms the walls of Al Arab, attacking the defending troops of Ibladesh. The battle ends indecisively. (8,000 vs. 9,000)

Huge battle fought in the Mines of Isadril! The armies of Ibladesh, Itorunt, and Yssaria attacked the armies of Ubent. The Ubent army was overwhelmed by the triumvirate of attackers. (16,000 vs. 5,000)

The army of Perdan storms the walls of Al Arab again, attacking the defending troops of Ibladesh. This time, the attackers are able to easily defeat the defenders. (10,000 vs. 2,000)

June 1, 2006
Speedy has been elected the new Prime Minister of Ubent.

Handow has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Sirion.

Perdan has taken control of the rogue region of Zawr.
