Melhed/History/Age of Betrayal/Republic Census
< Melhed | History | Age of Betrayal
A census of all those who were in the Republic until the rebellion's success. There were 37 total nobles. Additionally, rebels and loyalists are recorded, in the order they joined.
- Cypreana Rossini, leader of rebellion.
- Qesinna Vasata
- Aedgar Hamarson
- Veles Orgauth
- Vine Reinhart
- Zathans Bane, arrested Duke Morgan Darby of Agyr (neutral), resulting in huge control losses across Melhed.
- Vexerius Verrunesch
- Rah Arya, Consul of Melhed.
- Baeldigur Ward
- Albrecht Everland
- Bimbo Neuropa
- Yaroslav Rurikovich
- Black Dragon Master
- Jet Van Pelt
- James Cain
Nobility of the Republic
Name | Status or Title | Social Rank |
Albrecht Everland | Patrician | |
Aldo Unti | On a journey | Senator |
Alnus Metsamees | On a journey | Patrician |
Alrukard Armada | Priest of the Old Gods | Patrician |
Andrew Waltfeld Armada | Praetor, Senator of Lloringel | Senator |
Andro Assassin | On a journey | Patrician |
Anubis Darkfire | Agyr, fighting daimons | Slain |
Ariadne Lisieux | Lord of Hopidrii | Senator |
Asterion Arrakis | Departed for Bara'Khur | Patrician |
Balerion Serath | Patrician | |
Barthus Toldor | Patrician | |
Bimbo Neuropa | On a journey | Senator |
Black Dragon Master | Imperator, Senator of Bisana | Senator |
Bob Baceolus | Consuasor of Lin Helon | Senator |
Cypreana Rossini | Consuasor of Mhed | Senator |
Darrin O'Shea | Departed for Bara'Khur | Patrician |
Dorgund Miles | On a journey | Senator |
Dulcinea Den Snodaert | In meditation | Patrician |
Dyan Twix | Returned from Grand Duchy of Fissoa | Patrician |
Echo Drayven | Senator of Lastfell | Senator |
Fafhrd Martius | Senator of Bil Havil | Senator |
Fallan Kwyd | Senator of Fallatopia | Senator |
Fan Cheng | Departed for Fronen | Patrician |
Fey Twix | Departed for Atamara | Senator |
Fomalhaut Woodford | Patrician | |
Gage Six | On a journey | Patrician |
Gitan Bloggs | On a journey | Senator |
Hagalaz Futhark | Guilty: Murder Premysl | Slain |
Han Han | On a journey | Senator |
Henning II Augustus | Unfit for Duty, Public Enemy of Melhed(treason) | Suicide |
Horiv Radigand | On a journey | Patrician |
Jaden Arylon | On a journey | Patrician |
Julia Grimson | On a journey | Patrician |
Jaymes BladeFist | Departed for Bara'Khur | Patrician |
Jefferson Vita | Exiled for heresy by One Rogala | Rogue |
Kayne II Himoura | Senator of Crim | Senator |
Kerrigan BladeFist | Priest of the Old Gods, Senator of Rafferty | Senator |
Koban | On a journey | Patrician |
Kokomaro Rogala | Guilty: Treason | Slain |
Kurewylle Kestrel | On a journey | Patrician |
Leo Abandonas | Departed for Old Grehk | Patrician |
Leona Carver | Inquisitor, On a journey | Patrician |
Londo Mollari | On a journey | Senator |
Louis-Joseph Chénier | Teocoatl of The Blood Cult | Patrician |
Maccus Baceolus | Patrician | |
Marc de Coivos | Duke of Fronepu | Senator |
Mirea Sosiskiy | Departed for Fronen | Patrician |
Miroslav Otakar | Patrician | |
Mithridates Lorganson | Departed for Riombara | Patrician |
Morgan Darby | Priest of the Old Gods, Quaestor, Senator of Agyr | Senator |
Nawat Crowe | Priest of the Old Gods | Patrician |
Omel Fulgor | On a journey | Patrician |
One Rogala | Unfit for Duty, Public Enemy of Melhed(treason) | Plebeian(as result of being unfit for duty) |
Ottokar Fiddler | On a journey | Senator |
Premysl Otakar | Senator at time of death | Slain |
Quillen Vance | Departed for Unknown | Patrician |
Qesinna Vasata | Lord of Kannoktet | Senator |
Rah Arya | Senator of Tepmona | Senator |
Samantha Haine | Departed for Far East, Wanted for stabbing Senator Morgan | Patrician |
Schvenko Atom | Lord of Qual | Senator |
Shalk Morlork | Departed for Grand Duchy of Fissoa | Senator |
Silvianna Pathfinder | On a journey | Senator |
Stark Mandess | On a journey | Patrician |
Solus GreatSword | On a journey | Patrician |
Tan Fulgor | On a journey | Senator |
Tanko Darby | Orde, fighting monsters | Slain |
Terra Astair | On a journey | Senator |
Totharim Uskarik | Senator of Trottie | Senator |
Tsu Sun | On a journey | Emperor |
Vaclav Otakar | Priest of the Old Gods | Patrician |
Veber Klotz | Patrician | |
Vexerius Verrunesch | Senator of Rengo | Senator |
Vine Reinhart | Senator of Gor Ault | Senator |
Willow Rossini | Lord of Seven Rivers | Senator |
Wolfstan HanLi | Departed for Fronen | Patrician |
Ygor Nosferatus | Patrician | |
Zathans Bane | Patrician | |
Zedicius Calen | On a journey | Patrician |
Zul'Jin II Stormreaver | Tribune | Patrician |
This Census as of October 16, 2009.