Vasata Family

Basic Information
- From: Siver
- Fame: 28
- Wealth: above 7000 gold
- Active Family Members: 4
- Past Family Members: 8
Crest Details
The V in the crest stands for the latin word Verus and the F stands for the latin word Fides. This roughly translates into True Faith.
The lions symbolize the courage the family has shown throughout it's history, be it in the face of monsters and undead or fellow humans.
The bulls head symbolizes the strength and determination the family has shown and is known for.
History of the Vasata family
The Vasata family's original home lies in Beluaterra, in the city of Sandefur. During the first undead invasion the family home was destroyed and the family sought refuge from Atamara. At that time they were not part of the nobility, they were a small merchant family.
The family settled in Siver, Darka. The family was lucky in having numerous children. With their help, the family fortune grew and soon they were a well recognized family of merchants. So much so, that a local noble married one of the familys sons, thus bringing the nobility into the family.
From that point on, the family's influence grew and they were soon widely recognized as nobility. As members of the family began to venture through various realms and lands, the family's wealth grew and the name began to carry weight behind it.
Recent Times
The family has gained quite a bit of fame and recognizion in certain realms. Amaarent and Sleanra have both held duchesses positions and Sleanra has held a few lower titles. Amaarent raised the familys fame by marrying Kostaja Kosunen, the king of Darka and by being elected as Arch Priestess of Darka.
Members of the Family
- Paigven Vasata (dead)
- Amaarent Vasata
- Sleanra Vasata (retired)
- Mellyrnna Vasata (missing)
- Vala Vasata
- Anna Vasata
- Lasse Vasata
- Tenya Vasata
- Tela Vasata