
From BattleMaster Wiki

List of current timelines covering Beluaterra:

Age of Shadow Timeline

Dawn of the Age (12-2019)

  • Departure of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Zatar Zartirri
  • Departure of King Zatar Zartirri of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Anyte Luitolf
  • Assassination of Queen Anyte Luitolf of Thalmarkin nearly results in her death.
  • Abdication of Emperor Ehrich Weiss of Shattered Vales & ascension of Jecht Tideweaver.
  • Abdication of Queen Anyte Luitolf of Thalmarkin & ascension of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin
  • The Dread Necromancer of Alluran begins his assault on the human nations after biding his time in the Sunken Kingdom.
  • The Summoning begins in Keffa as Obia'Syela attempts to create a magic tutor. The interference of multiple realms sees much bloodshed and the tutor stolen by Shattered Vales

Morning of the Age (10-2020)

  • Abdication of Queen Baelunìataisharà Blue of Thalmarkin & ascension of King Dancer Rea
  • In an effort to destroy the legions of the Sunken Kingdom, Hierophant Alice Schwarzherzig of Irondale opens a Portal in Baqua to the Shadowland. The undead are banished and a pack of Blood Daimons are unleashed to the sounds of sea shanties.
  • Term ends for Tryan Arylon of Nothoi and the election of Ranulf Godfrey
  • Battle for the soul of Obia'Syela sees Sarosi MacArbin step down to make way for _____ While the death duel of Vahanian Blint and Yxevarii Auru'in sees both wounded.
  • The Dread Necromancer of Alluran destroys the last temple of Vordulism ending the faith as an organized sect.
  • The undead legions banished by Alice Schwarzherzig return to Grehk through a new portal. The rift bolsters the Dread Necromancer and the armies of the Sunken Kingdom continue to sweep through the human realms of the south forcing an exodus of the Shattered Vales to the cursed city of Wudenkin.
  • Aeravon Velaryon of Ar Agyr had spoken disparagingly about King Dancer Rea of Thalmarkin leading to a war of honour with limited engagement and no looting. Despite a bold attack on the capitol, Thalmarkin lost the war and had to formally apologize to Aeravon. Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine also formally apologized for the dishonourable conduct of her countrymen during the war.
  • Ryosuke Guile becomes Hierophant of Irondale after Aleksandr de la Salle steps down.
  • Justin Foote becomes Grand Master of Obia'Syela.
  • Gems are discovered in the Talgaz desert.
  • Unable to claim the cursed city of Wudenkin the Shattered Vales employ magic to transport their army to the city of Gethsemene. Reaching an accord with Irondale the refugees found a new home for themselves in the far north, away from their ancestral lands.
  • King Dancer Rea of Thalmarkin steps down (01-11-21) but before a new king can be elected Clyde Wilde proclaims himself king by force.
  • Irondale & Reven come to blows over the region of Tor. After a series of clashes, Irondale claims victory and the region.
  • Reven & Thalmarkin come to blows over the actions of Vidkunn Thane against the Reven people.
  • King Clyde Wilde steps down to the election of Queen Eowyn Doesire to the throne of Thalmarkin.
  • Hierophant Impi Wolfvern of Reven steps down to the election of Hendrick Armsworth. (2022-01-13)
  • The original temple to the Old Gods in Agyr is fully restored. (2022-01-24)
  • Shattered Vales declares war on Reven over the region of Kell & the antagonism of Thúraya Montgomery