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Free Republic of Nothoi


The White Wolf of Nothoi

Island Beluaterra
Capital Reeds
Largest City Reeds
Government Democracy

Duchies 5
Regions 5
Population 94,881
Gold 15081
Food 3548
Nobles 20
Hegemon Tiberius Paxwax
Strategos Enzio Falconi
Krites Calberian Arylon
Sophos Yao Ling Pryde
CreasurCalberian Arylon
ReedsRosnan Sarwell
Ren Madragasactron II Burep
WattoFoster Gary
WeghieAreto D'Anglos

At the heart of Beluaterra lies The Free Republic of Nothoi, the beacon of enlightenment and justice for all of Beluaterra. Fierce and noble, the people of Nothoi have always found collective strength in each other, embracing democratic principles for generations and standing alone in that political system among the other realms on the continent. Nothoi respects the inherent authority of its nobles citizens, and expects their people to be active participants in the growth and prosperity of the realm.

Centrally located on Beluaterra, Nothoi is one of the oldest and most storied realms in the entire known world, and remains firmly entrenched in a strong position to defend itself from hostile foreign invasions, as well as the hordes of beasts and nightmares that visit themselves upon the continent with great frequency. The realm's ambition is not conquest, but the freedom and security of all men and women who call it home.

Nothoi is not a theocratic realm, and there is no official state religion, however the Daishi faith is shared by nearly all nobility and peasants of the Republic, and it is viewed as the unofficial home of Daishi worship.

Founding of Nothoi

The White Wolf is the official symbol of Nothoi

The founding of the Republic of Nothoi harkens back to a time long since gone, during the so called Fifth Age of Beluaterra. During this time, the great realm of Bara'Khur was among the most influential and powerful realms on the continent, centered in the glorious city of Wudenkin, holding a vast territory that stretched well beyond the mountains. Bara'Khur earned the continent's respect, as it stood bravely against the onslaught of both monsters in the west, and undead in the east during the darkest days of the invasion.

But as the pressure of the invasion continued, cracks began to show upon the death of its monarch, considered the last of the Great Kings of Bara'Khur. Political divisions began to become apparent within the Kingdom upon the succession, as the new King began to undertake controversial reforms which many said were making him into a Dictator. Traditionalists objected strenuously, calling the new monarch "Tyrant King" and opposing him with great fervor. Over time, the situation had grown so bitter that the realm was courting open rebellion as the so called Tyrant King consolidated more and more power to the throne. As waves upon waves of monsters crashed into the armies of the Kingdom, the greater threat of Civil War grew ever closer as nobles on both sides -- including the Tyrant King himself -- began to challenge each other to duels of honor to the death in order to settle the conflict.

It wasn't long before it became clear that the traditionalist forces in Bara'Khur had gained the upper hand, and the Tyrant King's rule -- and that of his closest allies inside the Kingdom -- would soon be at an end. It was then that the Duke of Wudenkin, a close ally of the Tyrant King, did unlawfully and with the clear intent of preserving his own tyrannical authority, issue a proclamation aligning his city and four surrounding regions with Fronen, which was at that time a confederated ally to Bara'Khur. This left the Kingdom a broken shell of what it had once been.

Hours later, the surviving nobility decided that in order to forever guarantee that no dictator could ever again threaten to destroy their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, they would break away to form a new realm. Pledging to themselves and to each other a democratic society built around the ideals of self-determination, popular sovereignty, and the consent of the governed, the founding nobles hoped that these philosophies would prevent the internal strife and autocracy that they had experienced from repeating itself. Thus was the Free Republic of Nothoi formed, claiming the true legacy of the Kingdom of Bara'Khur, and creating itself around the new capital city of Reeds and seven regions, most of which were in the mountains.

While the remnants of their former Kingdom did survive for a time in the stronghold of Dyomoque, the founding of Nothoi effectively spelled the end of the great Kingdom of Bara'Khur.

Symbol of the Republic

The declaration of a new realm meant that those claiming it must then choose a symbol to represent them. Desiring something that would represent both the fierce, deadly capabilities of the soldiers of Nothoi, as well as the democratic principles established by the new realm, the founders chose the image of the White Wolf.

Native to the slopes of the central mountains that initially formed the core of the Republic, the White Wolf is not a solitary beast, but is instead a pack animal. The pack travels together, hunts together, eats together and plays together. While some wolves in the pack are stronger than others, and while there is always an alpha wolf in charge of the pack, it is for the greater good of the pack that they have banded together. It is that community, with each wolf an equal partner in the pack, enjoying the fruits of its success, or the bitterness of its failure, that appealed to Nothoi.

Wolves are social creatures, and it was in wolves that man first found the partner that would become dogs. But never make the mistake of thinking the White Wolf is a docile creature, for its fangs are sharp, and is is exceedingly efficient at ripping flesh from bone, and killing its prey with extreme malice.


The Free Republic of Nothoi is a democracy, which elects its government positions by equal vote of all noble citizens of the realm every three months. The powers held by the elected positions are exercised in one individual each, but belong to all nobles of Nothoi by right.


The Hegemon is the leader of Nothoi, yet he is no King. While he holds great power, he is but the first among equals in the realm's democratic tradition, the appointed leader by acclimation. Still, the position is one that commands incredible power. The Hegemon has much authority within the Kingdom, but perhaps his greatest responsibility is to speak for the people of Nothoi, their interests, and their desires, as well as represent our realm to the other nations of this continent. When the Hegemon speaks, the nations of Beluaterra have no choice but to listen.


The Strategos is the commander of the military of Nothoi, tasked with developing the strategy, implementation and oversight of all military affairs in the realm. Rarely does the Strategos take direct command of a specific army of the realm, but in some situations it may happen if he or she is leading a grand operation of great import. The generalship of the Strategos is essential for the defense of the realm.


The Krites holds all judicial power within Nothoi. In a democratic realm, the maintenance of fair application of law is of upmost importance, and without question the Krites is among the most respected positions in the realm. The laws of Nothoi make clear that the Krites has a responsibility to uphold the right of every noble to face his accuser and to have a fair trial. In addition, the Krites can spearhead any hearing of appeal for fines or unjust treatment.


The Sophos is the chief fiduciary officer of Nothoi. Taxation and food storage are two of the most important foundational aspects of any realm, and it is the job of the Sophos to ensure that the realm has the resources it needs to both live, and to fight.

Ruling Line of Nothoi

Ruler Reign Begin Reign Ended Notes
Diadochi Garrett Anderbliss April 28, 2013 Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Solips Fraoch Needs update Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Scherzer Stryfe Needs update Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Remorse Noble Needs update Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Kalte Lanze Needs update Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Balkrom Lanze Needs update Needs update Needs update
Diadochi Hadrian Chamberlain February 6, 2015 August 16, 2017 Needs update
Diadochi Yao Ling Pryde August 16, 2017 December 6, 2017 Needs update
Diadochi Marth Kinsey December 6, 2017 May 31, 2019 Needs update
Diadochi Mordoc Selemnir May 31, 2019 January 6, 2020 Served through the end of the war
Hegemon Tyran Arylon January 6, 2020 March 28, 2021 Reformed the government of Nothoi, ended the war with Thalmarkin and established a treaty of peace with Vordul Sanguinis. Declared war on Thalmarkin in defense of aggression against Irondale. Rebuilt Nothoi into the main superpower of Beluaterra, dominating the continent's geopolitics.
Hegemon Tiberius Paxwax March 28, 2021 Currently serving Ably led Nothoi through a long period of stability, maintaining the position of the realm against its rival kingdoms. Expanded the borders of the realm due to advances in administrative efficiency, and oversaw the recapture of the lost city of Creasur, south of the line.

Territorial Sphere of Influence

Nothoi was founded in the shadows of the central mountains of Beluaterra, initially possessing the city of Reeds, as well as the rural regions of Haffemet and Tindle, and the mountain regions of Ren Madragas, Zisswii, Gaxano, Pel Mark, Ippetimbal. In the realm's early history, they would go on to conquer nearby Naraka and Iknopata, before pushing south toward the city of Creasur. Soon, the realm stretched west to Kraake and Watto, north to the mountains, east to Dyomoque, and south through the forests of Creasur down to the city of Iato, the borders of Fheuvenem and the coastal region of Ketampkin.

As time passed, the shape of the realm would change many times. There was a time, for instance, where the White Wolf banner flew over the deep south regions of Hep Monga, Sandlakes and Pequad. Similarly, during a war with Old Grehk in the north, Nothoi once pushed into Tor, Dald, Keffa, Djembe and Lezzel. There was a time during the Sixth Daimon Invasion of Beluaterra that the realm possessed all holdings in the north western desert as far north as the border of Firbalt, in a territory that would soon become the Kingdom of Angmar. Soon after that realm's founding, Nothoian dominion would stretch north and west around Angmar, capturing Firbalt and the surrounding territories, which would eventually form the core of the colony realm of Caelint.

Throughout the long history of Nothoi, no matter where its power was projected, the core of the Republic remained where it began below the mountains and surrounding the great river.

Military Power

The main army of the Free Republic of Nothoi is the Fang of the White Wolf. This force makes up the bulk of the realm's nobility, and is responsible for any offensive military operations in wartime, as well as defense of the homeland against monsters during times of peace.

A second army, the Shield of Nothoi, also exists. Its purpose is to patrol the realm and ensure order is maintained, and that the peasants are safe from invasions of monsters and undead.

Recruitment Center & Infrastructure Guidelines

The realm is only as good as it's recruitment centers and other infrastructure. Therefore the government of Nothoi has issued a set of Recruitment Center & Infrastructure Guidelines to set the minimum standard that region lords should aim for. Please can all region lords read and follow these guidelines at a minimum, exceeding them if possible.