Cultural Significance
Djembe is the legendary birthplace of the Divine Order of Mentism, founded by Keldorn the Benevolent. Ravaged by Sint forces during the Great Sint-Ashborn Conflict, the region was overrun and the temple completely destroyed. The religion was carried on by a few loyal believers and the temple rebuilt behind the mighty walls of Keffa. While the home of the religion is now elsewhere, the roots of Mentism are still standing in Djembe as the ruined husk of that first temple.
The Temple Ruins are situated at the eastern edge of the region, near the Four-Corner border with Baqua, Mekoter and Lezzel. Lying at the bottom of a natural depression in the landscape, the Temple was designed in the style of an amphitheater. Scattered religious communities dot the landscape surrounding the Temple Ruins, believers still dedicated to Keldorn's Mentist teachings.
Djembe is known for, other than its religious views, its agriculture. For the most part, Djembe is flat, creating many leagues of fine, workable soil. Some locals attribute this to the combination of ash from the distant eruptions of Jobo's Mouth, the proximity to the lake at the southern edge of Firbalt (this scholar is still researching the name of said lake), and the roots of the Old Forest that stretches along Djembes south-eastern border. Regardless of the reason for the good soil, the locals all agree that they grow the best tubers this side of the island. The name of the region itself comes from the Djembete Root, a large brown tuber that grows wild along the forest line. Locals grind up the root and sell it as a spice, which can be described as tangy with an underlying sweetness that can be used on any type of food, but is preferred on roasted boar.
The wonderful food produced by Djembe finds its way to the tables of every inn. Most inns, with the exception of a few near the border with Daisha, will only serve food grown or raised in Djembe. The term "meat'n'potatoes fare" describes many standard Djembe victuals.
Entry 2007-08-11 by Braxis
Political History
Lord Keldorn (???) of Ashborn (r.2007-???)
Countess Siry Gothic of Sint (r.2008-01-25- ?), recently elevated from commoners to knighthood then to ladyship, this meteoric rise did not polish the base behaviour of the woman, however it was what Djembe needed at the time. Using direct method of arbitration (raids) and mediation (knocking heads) she brought the region under control within two weeks.
Local laws
(2008-01)Carriages have the right of ways, though bodily harm payment will be paid to the lord and one-tenth to the family.
(2008-01)Thieves will be branded on the cheek and serve four weeks labour, property or item of equal monetary value will be returned to the victim.
(2008-01)Riouts will be judged by gauntleted arbites as exemplified by Countess Siry.
(2008-01)Arrest unknown foreign adventurers as demanded by Daimons, and by realm law.