Al-Cyr Family

From BattleMaster Wiki

== Wallace Family ==

The Wallace family was a very old family in Rancagua in the East Island when that nation was still young and chaotic. The eldest of the family briefly held the throne but abdicated when political intrigues and assassinations left most of his family dead or in hiding. He married an old Fontan noble (and the last of her line) and started anew by adopting a new name(Al'Cyr).

== Al-Cyr Family==

Long considered as a soldier family, the family was neither prestigious nor unheard of. They served Fontan faithfully under great generals. It has been a tradition ever since to have a member of the Al-Cyr to be serving Fontan despite the fact that the family now lives in Paisly in the continent of Dwilight.

The family maintains a library in their estate. Amongst their collection were historical accounts of the struggle of Fontan against their foes. The highlight of the tale was of a three-front war against Fontan's neighbors.

Most recent accounts were of the Taran struggle in the continent of Atamara and Plergoth of Beluaterra.

Chrisxan Al-Cyr

First-born, and elder brother to Kristain. After the demise of his father at the hands of the Daimons in Beluaterra, he and the (surviving)rest of his family moved to Paisly, Dwilight. He grew up knowing hardship as his impoverished family tried to get by with what they could only bring with them from Beluaterra. Knowing only of his father from his written accounts, Kristain vowed to continue the family tradition, accumulate prestige and honor and fame for his family. He first served the D'Harans but after a shameful episode he went into exile, travelling the lands and passing through multitude regions. However, the desire to serve lingered and when he met an Earl in Aegir's Deep he was somehow convinced to serve that Earl and become a knight. Chrisxan now serves Aurora.

Chrisxan was a knight of Tamirak, and a member of the Lions of Aurora, the army of Aurora. He was made vice-marshal of the army but when the Marshal died he stepped up and became the current marshal, leading the army against endless hordes of monsters.

Kristain Al-Cyr

The Colonies has been a constant interest and fascination for Kristain and when the family has given their consent he traveled to the Colonies and gave his allegiance to the nation of Lukon. Right now he's struggling to live so far away from home and given his relatively young age he has a lot more to learn about command and battles in general.

After serving Lukon faithfully for some time, Kristain boarded a ship to Beluaterra where once his father was. He joined the realm of Hetland where once the theocratic state of Plergoth before the Daimons razed it to the ground.

In Beluaterra, Kristain became a knight of Dyomoque, helping the restore the production of the city to its most efficient. He briefly served as a bureaucrat before taking up the sword again. When the lord of Worvobaen died the duke of Dyomoque and the senators of Hetland voted him as region lord.

Christine Ciara Tirana Al'Cyr

Daughter of Shinayne Corrinae Al-Cyr and first cousin to Kristain and Chrisxan. It has been normal for daughters in the Al-Cyr family to serve in the military and Christine has aspired to be one, just like her mother. She elected to go to Fontan to follow the family tradition of having one family member serving in the Fontan military. After months of service, Christine found out that she excels in bureaucratic work. She became a member of Fontan's Flow Administrators and together with two three other nobles were in charge of administration and region maintenance of all Fontan regions.

However, feeling that her work is unappreciated she opted to leave Fontan and began the long sea voyage to Hetland in Beluaterra where her cousin, Kristain is currently serving.

She now serves as a courtier, making sure that each region of Hetland are efficient, loyal and happy.