Aurora | ||||||||||
HistoryAurora was formed by a brave band of colonists on the 22nd of February, 8 days into the Spring of the ninth year of Dwilight. Their names were carved on the walls of Unterstrom, so none would forget their brave deeds. Its is said that the monsters themselves gave way before the proud host that took the city. Their names are recorded below:
GovernmentThe government is a theocracy of the bloodstars, devoted to Sanguis Astroism. Major decisions are taken by the ruler and the Council of Three, the ruler, general, and judge of the realm. FaithThe tomb of Grand Master Deverka lies in the city, and built around it is a temple to the stars. The stars are held in high regard by the colonists, but they struggled to convert the peasantry. It was not until Light Varchilde herself visited the city that its people started respecting and following the stars. Many pilgrims from Xinhai pass this way, headed to the holy city of Mimer. Much is planned for the faith, including a grander temple to the stars. May it come to pass soon. |
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MilitaryThe Lions of Aurora, Sponsored by Duke Arak Thorson, is the sole army of Aurora, consisting of 300 strong men. Aurora were besieged by huge hordes of monsters early on, comprising of 35 monsters. They are currently hard pressed fighting the abomination from the Divide Mountains, but hope to prevail. Heroes
Fallen HeroesNo heroes have fallen for Aurora yet.
LawsAuroran Law consists of a series of articles, defining the framework of the government and its bodies, and the basic laws of the realm. Article I defines the bodies of the government. Article II defines the Code of Nobles. Articles III and IV are being written. DiplomacyAurora sought peace with most realms of Dwilight, and quickly signed an alliance with her parent realm, Xinhai. Relations with neighboring realms-
Deverka's tomb lies in the middle of the city, and is often visited by the locals and tourists. Even after Morek left the city, the peasants did not loot the tomb, fearing the wrath of the stars. It is one of the grandest buildings in Aurora, the white marble from which it is built was carried all the way from Mt. Black Nastrond. It is said when the light of the setting sun falls upon the tomb, it lights up the whole sky in a blaze of color.
HolidaysAurora Day 22nd of February, the day the Auroran flag was first raised up on Unterstrom's walls. Deverka's Week 26th of May to the 4th of June, this week commemorates the life of Morek's greatest ruler, Grandmaster Deverka. Boreal's Day 22nd of February, this day celebrates the accomplishments of King Boreal Arrakis, Tamer of Darfix. GeographyAurora lies between The Divide Mountains to the South, and The Maian Bay to the North; between Corsanctum and Xinhai. | ||||||||||