The Rampant Lion

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Revision as of 16:22, 16 June 2006 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (June 16 events)

The Rampant Lion
Chronicling Perdan's Ceaseless Struggle
for Justice on the East Island

The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing. - Edmund Burke (attrib.)
In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end.

The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands.

As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.

The Rampant Lion is a proud member of OCPAU, dedicated to the rapid dissemination of the finest, and most accurate, news on the East Island.

The News
June 16, 2006 - Well, we're caught up with the news from the past few weeks. The news and events whould be posted on a more regular basis now.

June 14, 2006 - The editors of the Rampant Lion have been on vacation, for the past few weeks, and weren't able to get the news to the scribes. We're currently going back through the past couple weeks of letters and reports, and hope to get the highlights posted in the next day or two. Please bear with us as we catch up!

June 16, 2006 - Huge battle fought in Tokat! The Caligan army has attacked the Yssarian army. The attackers were defeated by the more numerous defenders. Grontar, hero of Caligus, was killed in the attack. (10,000 vs. 13,000)

The forces of Perdan attack the Ibladeshian militia in Al Arab. The defending militia was quickly dispatched, and the victorious attackers have moved into the city. (13,500 vs 750)

Later that day, a second huge battle is fought in Tokat! The Caligus|Caligan]] army attacks the Yssarian army again. And again, the attackers were defeated by the more numerous defenders.(5,000 vs. 8,000)

June 13, 2006 - Ubent has taken control of the Mines of Isadril from Ibladesh.

June 12, 2006 - Old Rancagua has taken control of the rogue region of Poitiers.

June 11, 2006 - Katia, an infiltrator employed by Sirion, was identified by guards in Bescanon after an attack on the local militia. Katia managed to escape from the guards.

Huge battle fought in Mines of Isadril! The armies of Perdan and Ubent have attacked the army of Ibladesh. The attackers overwhelemd and defeated the defenders. Lady Sorcha, Haruspex Maximus of Ibladesh, was captured by Perdanese forces during the battle. (10,000 vs 4,000)

June 8, 2006 - Battle in Al Aquabah! The armies of Perdan have attacked the forces of Ibladesh and Itorunt. The attacking forces were victorius. (5,000 vs. 5,000)

Battle in Castle Ubent! forces from Itorunt have attacked the forces of Ubent and Perdan. The attackers were severely outnumbered and defeated. TK Jones, King of Itorunt, was captured by the Ubent army. (1,000 vs 6,000)

TK Jones, King of Itorunt, has been captured by Ubent forces during a battle. Itorunt is without a ruler.

Lucian has been elected as the new king of Itorunt.

Ibladesh has seized control of the Mines of Isadril from Ubent.

Wookie, and infiltrator employed by Ibladesh, has been captured while attempting to assassinate Sir Vanalan of Perdan in Al Aquabah.

June 7, 2006 - Huge battle fought! The armies of Caligus and Ubent have attacked the Yssarians in Winkamus. The attackers were victorious. (9,000 vs 6,000)

Huge battle fought in Ar Mosul! The Itorunt army attacked the Perdanese militia in Ar Mosul. Despite bringing a larger number of men, the attackers were defeated. (10,000 vs 8,000)

The tournament in Sirion has been held. 197 nobles attended. Pepe of Fontan won the swordfighting competition, and Sir Castamir o fOld Rancagua won the jousting competition. Both winners received a prize of 800 gold.

Jelle, an infiltrator employed by Fontan, was caught trying to break into the tax offices in Bescanon, a region of Perdan.

June 6, 2006 - The people of Poitiers have revolted and declared themselves independent from Old Rancagua.

Speedy, Prime Minister of Ubent has disappeared! The realm of Ubent is without a leader.

Zog Returns has been elected as the new ruler in Ubent.

June 4, 2006 - Huge battle fought in Winkamus! The armies of Caligus and Ubent attacked the army of Yssaria. The defenders managed to hang on and beat the attackers. Vlad, Royal Treasurer of Caligus, was captured by Yssarian forces. (6,000 vs. 5,000)

Huge battle fought in Castle Ubent! The armies of Itorunt and Yssaria have assaulted the capital of Ubent, which was defended by the armies of Ubent and Caligus. The attackers vastly outnumbered the defenders, and were quickly victorious. Doombringer, High Marshal of Caligus, was captured by the Itorunt army. (16,000 vs 3,000)

June 3, 2006 - Huge battle fought in Al Arab! The army of Perdan storms the walls of Al Arab, attacking the defending troops of Ibladesh. The battle ends undecisively. (8,000 vs. 9,000)

Huge battle fought in the Mines of Isadril! The armies of [[Ibladesh, Itorunt, and Yssaria attacked the armies f Ubent. the Ubent army was overwhelmed by the triumvirate of attackers. (16,000 vs. 5,000)

The army of Perdan storms the walls of Al Arab again, attacking the defending troops of Ibladesh. This time, the attackers are able to easily defeat the defenders. (10,000 vs. 2,000)

June 1, 2006 - Speedy has been elected the new Prime Minister of Ubent.

Handow has been elected as the new Prime Minister of Sirion.

Perdan has taken control of the rogue region of Zawr.

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