Dubhaine Family/Moira/Roleplays/2020/August

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

13th August

Summer Evening - Jyl


"It'll be good to sleep in a proper bed tonight," Reia sighed and shifted the pack on her shoulder as she backed herself against the tavern door, wearily forcing it open. At this time of year the journey from Ircymbar was a dusty trudge across the plains north of Lake Salaman, doing their best to avoid the rapacious toll collectors who seemed to be ever-present since the fall of Grehkia, and like many seasoned adventurers before them the two companions were desperate for a decent meal, a hot bath, and a soft mattress.

"Aye, it's been a while," Moira put a hand out to hold the door for her travelling companion. Reia always insisted on carrying their baggage even though they had ample gold for a horse or a good mule. Moira had long since given up arguing the point. You could take the woman out of the Paladin, but you could never take the Paladin out of the woman.

"Don't you ever miss it? You know, the silks and the servants and the sweetmeats?" they'd had this conversation many, many times over the years, and it stood as a proxy for many things. They'd formed their deep friendship long ago and far away, both exiles from the wreckage of once-glorious Fontan.

"Any fool can put on graces and command men in battle, and I've known more than my fair share who've done so. Anyway, I'm intrigued to learn what our good friend Brand's got himself involved in," Moira changed the subject as she always did, looking around for an empty table. Nobility had suited her well enough in her youth but she'd long since abandoned that life as hollow and meaningless.

It was still early in the morning and the Cock & Sparrow was getting it's daily scrub, but Moira was well known in these parts as an agent of Her Majesty and the hostess hurried over to greet them, a no-nonsense matron in middle age with arms like hams and a ruddy complexion, "I take it you'll be wanting your usual room Mistress?"

"If it's available," Moira unbuckled her weapons, resting them gently against the wall, "and hot baths after we've eaten."

"POTHRICK!! Come fetch these bags! POTHRICK!!"

A heavy-set young man with a scraggly beard and a mop of unruly hair emerged from the back rooms with a broom in hand, "I'm busy scrubbing out the kitchen mamy, can't it wait?"

"Don't you give me no lip you good for nothing lazybones, we have guests and they don't want to hear your whinging. Take Mistress Moira's luggage up to her usual room and tell Florry to boil the copper and set the bath up."

"Yes mamy," he propped the broom by the bar with a resigned sigh and wiped his hands dry on his apron. During the brief moments when he wasn't busy with chores he'd dream of running off to join the Angry Agyrians, or better yet making his fortune as a bold adventurer, but he knew he didn't have the stomach for fighting. Better to work for his mamy with three square meals a day and the prospects of one day taking over the business. Perhaps he'd even convince Florry to marry him when he had gold of his own in his pockets. They could have a huge brood of fat, rambunctious children to do all the dirty jobs he hated.

"Your lad's grown since we last passed this way," Reia handed Pothrick her pack and pulled up a chair.

"He certainly has Mistress. Twice as big and four times as ugly," her smile belied the harshness of her tone. Pothrick was a hard worker for all her jibes and bright to, quick with numbers and accounts. Jyl may not be a large city like those on the coast but it was the jewel of Jylmark with a constant flow of trade to the interior and she had ample coin to find him a good bride, a merchant's daughter at the very least. Maybe even a Magistrate's if she played her cards right.

"It's been a good hundred leagues since last had a decent meal," Moira sat opposite her companion, "what can you rustle us up at this time of day?"

"There's a side of beef from last night if you fancy cold cuts and cheese, or else I can have Pothrick fire up the hotpot once he's prepped your room. That's got a nice bit of hogget along with some tender pearl barley and there's freshly baked bread to mop it up with."

"We'll have two bowls of the hotpot then and some of that thick mead you're famed for," Moira knew Reia had a fondness for that but would never order it herself, "though probably best you dilute it or we'll be asleep before we've even eaten."

16th August

Summer Day - Jyl


Jyl, location
the Cock & Sparrow
Brand sat in a corner, his bandages still red from fresh blood.
His last hunt brought him to 9 giant Beasts, lurking in a dark cave; Brand almost killed them all.