Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/May

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 19485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st May

Summer Evening - Lloringel

Ester Ester Cavendish

The buttons of merchant's velvet shirt strained to cover his hairy belly, and his hair was a greasy tangle. But his smile was genuine as he lead her down the narrow passage deep in the castle city.

"The faithful of Sandefur have longed for this day," he beamed. "It is dangerous, what we do, but we are proud to take the risk."

Checking behind him, he cut off down an even small alley that opened suddenly into a courtyard.

"There," he pointed.

A small shrine in the clearing, surrounding by a few dozen smiling citizens.

"You have done well," Ester Ester told them.

"I consecrate this shrine in the name of Daishi, to protect the Faithful against the Daimon Hordes..." she intoned...

6th May

Summer Evening - Tepmona

Brand Player

Brand made sure that the "special" servant would receive his letter, addressed to the Queen; added with a personal message to her.

Dear Servant of the Queen of Agyr,

I have to sail on..

But I will miss you and your ... let's say ... delicious butt.

Anyway, please tell your Queen that my mission had been completed ... well stopped.

Please thank her for her hospitality and trust.

As a return favor I only can tell her ...

The Ring had been vaporized.

My opinion :

1. The Netherworld claimed it back (possible needed it for a portal) 2. A Certain kind of mystical, monastic group (nearby) had been using the Netherworld' s magic in order to do whatever.

Thank you again and who knows.... till we meet again.



8th May

Summer Day - Tepmona

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

The Queen smiled as she read the letter, Brand's impertinent manner as bold on the page as she remembered from their brief meeting. There were none at her court who'd openly dare to discuss her merits as a woman and Aibhlidhn couldn't help but feel some affection towards the rootless traveller. In the eyes of feudal law he was burdened and disadvantaged yet it seemed to her that his freedom from responsibility was worth as much as all the riches which filled her treasury many times over.

"A pity you're off on your travels Brand, who knows what mischief we might have enjoyed together," she folded the parchment tenderly and locked it in a certain compartment of her campaign chest, alongside other mementoes of the life she might have lived were she not the daughter of a great and noble house, the Queen of the Five Duchies of Ar Agyr.