JeVondair Family

From BattleMaster Wiki
JeVondair Family Heraldry

JeVondair Family
Fame 43
Wealth 4640
Home Region Desert of Silhouettes
Home World Dwilight

JeVondairs are pretty much like some sort of tectonic plaque. You KNOW they're there, you KNOW they're always moving and you always keep forgetting about them due to the glacial speed of their plans. That's when they pop a volcano in your garden and cover your lawn in ashes and lava.

Damned JeVondairs.

– OOC Forum Message fromt he player D'Espana 4/2017


The JeVondair family's roots begin in the Desert of Silhouettes, an arid province in eastern Dwilight inhabited by sandborn clans and long-disputed between the island realm of D'Hara and the mainland empire of Luria Nova. It was during a period of D'Haran expansion that Rynn JeVondair was first knighted as a representative of the sandborn peoples, a dark-haired, dusky-skinned race of tribes distinguished by the elaborate braids they wore that denoted clan, rank, and even accomplishments. The family's original colors were red and black representing Blood and Duty. The three red branches on the family crest represent the three main Branches: The main line that are direct descendants of Rynn JeVondair and his immediate family, The Eastersands, a related sandborn tribe that Rynn elevated, and the Selenian branch. The rampant lion was adopted by the JeVondairs for their crest as it embodies core values that the JeVondairs enshrine. It's gold coloring is a symbol of royalty.

Members of this family have served in every capacity of government and leadership. The JeVondairs have ruled nations on four continents including the Dragon Kingdom of D'Hara, the Empire of the Ivory Vales, the Imperium of Greater Xavax, Sacred Obia'Syela, and the Sovereignty of Halcyon; haing served founding roles in the last three. They have founded guilds to include the Great House JeRavosi and The Inquisition, as well as religions such as the Heralds of Obeah. They have been victorious in many duels, often killing their opponents. They have conquered, commanded armies, slain daimons, and challenged the status quo. On rare occasion, they've been known to walk in the land of the dead and return.

A JeVondair with a cause tends to bring tectonic change in their wakes.

JeVondair Family Tree

*  = Duke/Duchess **= Ruler ***=Duke/Duchess+Ruler
+  = Marriage/Coupling
:  = Banker
^^ = Judge
<> = General
~  = Adventurer
!  = Religion Founder
°  = Guildmaster 

                                                    +                  +
               Eastersands                   ***Khari Kye***  ***<:~Selenia~:>***-
                    |                               |                  |          \       
(knighted from related clan by Rynn)***<:~Kharyn Kye~:>***- Kyryn Kye  |           \
                    |                                                  +        (rescued)         
           -----------------------------                              ???           |
           |                           |                               |            |
***°!<^:Rania Eastersand:^>!°*** **<Mavia Eastersand>**       Högni Peredhel  ~Ayden Tórrarin~


FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 100th Day
FB Duke.png
FB Lord.png
Sum: 12 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Wealth.png
Family Wealth: 2000
Sum: 5 points

FB Tournament Host.png
Tournament Host
FB Guild & Religion.png
New Guild & Religion
Sum: 10 points

FB Death Duel.png
Death Duel Prevalence
Sum: 3 points

FB Skill.png
Exceptional Skill
Sum: At least 3 point

FB Unknown.png
Sum: At most 7 points

Total: 51 points

Current High: 39 points

Listed in Order of Creation

Lion'El: The Forsworn

The one who did not go far.

Enter Selenia: The Grieving Widow

Rynn: The Scion

First noble of the JeVondair Line

Enter Kharyn & Kyryn: The Royal Twins

Kalixta: The Lone Wolf

The last true Duchess of Melheld

Great House JeRavosi

A Game of Thrones...

Selenia: The Phoenix

From Aurvandian adventurer to Warqueen!

Enter Högni Peredhel: Child of Earth and Light

Mavia Eastersand: The Silk General

The Hope of a Shattered Empire

Rania Eastersand: The Herald of Obeah

Vengeance to Salvation

Enter Stheno: Child of Flame and Night

Kharyn KyeThe Calloused Princess

Adventurous Wanderer Forever seeking Greatness

Kyryn Kye: The Entitled Prince

The Shadow of Rynn

Istarion the Tomdream Pirate of Beppo

Yo ho ho

Ayden Tórrarin: The Fearless

The Orphan of War.

Stheno Amen'Keffa JeVondair: The Half-Breed

The Promised Daughter

Högni Peredhel: The Other Half-Breed

Son of the Phoenix