Empire of the Ivory Vales

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Codex of laws written by the first Ivory Empress, Selenia JeVondair c.1015. Retired/Revamped by Imperial edict of Empress Rosalia Maxwell c1017.

The Empire of the Ivory Vale, whose manifest destiny in is to be the Greatest Power in the South. The Government is split into 3 traditional factions of power: First and foremost that of the Imperial Throne, followed by the Imperial Dukes/Duchesses as the highest landowners, and then the Imperial Senate to serve as a check and balance upon the first two.

Selenia stood outside of her Pavillion facing the freshly scarred battlements of Iato. Capital of the 'Ebony Vale.' A chuckle escaped against her will at the thought, mostly because she actually liked the bloody name, if not the circumstance under which it came about...A cough from behind, her majordomo, warned her that Lady Sandlakes was had arrived. It gave Selenia much needed time to smoother her mirth and don her serious face, her imperial face. The Empress listened as the Lady's footsteps approached, old senses reaching out and wrapping about the on-comer as she stopped and curtsied.Without turning, or even taken her eyes from Iato, the Empress held out her hand to the side where her majordomo produced the green-velvet cushion upon which laid the heavy gold Tribune's Chain and Seal of Office. He placed it in the Empress's hands and bowed away as to remain unobtrusive."This-" the Empress began, "-is heavy for a reason, you know. I had it crafted that way for a reason, to remind its wearer of the burden of the wealth and power that come with the position." If Lady Sandlakes was surprised by her Empress dropping the Imperial 'We' in favor of something more intimate, she did not show it. The Empress carried on."I am trying to build a true empire here, Lady Dragul. One built on tradition, laws, with its bricks mortared by ambition and painted with grandeur. And who ever heard of a single-city 'Empire'?" She finished half-mockingly, staring almost accusingly at Iato.

"As Tribune, you will not only serve as the banker for my Empire, which is important enough in and of itself. You will also be the key representative and Speaker for the Imperial Senate. You will poll the morale and opinions of the realm and advise me of them, you will represent the concerns of the lessor lords and nobles, whispering into my ear, and you will advise me on how to deal with issues both at home and abroad. With this Seal-" She held out the heavy chain and dropped the Seal from her palm, letting catch the first rays of the morning sun as it dangled, swaying in the breeze. "-With this Seal, you will be the third most powerful person in my government after myself and my Praetor, whom I will name my heir. It is a great deal of responsibility, and future generations will rely on the precedent you set..."Selenia finally broke eye-contact with Iato to look over her shoulder at KatalynFae, a sly smile creeping onto her weathered, but youthful face as her body turned also to extend the Seal of the Tribune to the young ambassador."Last chance to turn and run?"

– Empress Selenia JeVondair I to Tribune Katalynfae Dragul

On Government Positions:

1. The Emperor/Empress, holder of the Imperial Throne, shall be the highest noble in the land, the head of government and highest arbiter on all matters within the Empire’s Borders.

2. The Praetor/Praetrix shall be the right hand of the Ruler, second in all government affairs, heir apparent, and shall speak with the Voice of the Empire in the Imperial Throne’s absence. This position is appointed by the Imperial Senate.

3. The Tribune of the Imperial Senate shall be entrusted with the financial matters of the realm, third ranking in government, but first in the Imperial Senate as it’s primary speaker and representative and should be considered with care as the Tribune will be entitled to a seat in the Senate regardless of whether or not the Tribune is a Lord, although only lords may vote. The Tribune will appraise the Imperial Throne of the morale and opinions of the realm. This position is appointed by the Imperial Senate.

4. The Imperator/Imperatrix, though least in government rank, shall be the Fury of the Empire, charged with leading the Ivory Legions into battle, Defending the capital, and policing the realm. The Imperator/Imperatrix’s chiefest duty is the protection of the Imperial Throne from any threat, and the extension of the ruler’s wrath against any foe abroad. To select a candidate, a tournament of armed skill is held and the victor (or best performing) is so awarded. In the event of haste, the Imperial Throne my make an assignment.

5. Neither the Imperial Throne, nor any Duke/Duchess, may hold an additional ruling council position unless the need is great enough to warrant a dispensation from the Imperial Throne.

On the Imperial Senate:

1. The Imperial Senate shall hold a seat for each Regional Lord of the Empire. Only the Tribune, Emperor/Empress, Regional Lords, or their appointed Seneschals have a right to a seat.

2. The Imperial Senate may put to question any edict, decree, or action of the Imperial Throne, requiring a 2/3’s majority to retroactively cancel or revert any of the aforementioned actions.

3. The Imperial Senate may call for the legal, forcible resignation of ANY appointed or elected position, up to and including whomsoever sits the Imperial Throne, requiring a 2/3’s majority.

    a.	To force the holder of the Imperial Throne to step down, the Imperial Senate must have the endorsement of at least Two Ruling Council Members.
    b.	To force an Imperial Duke or Duchess to step down, the Imperial Senate must have the endorsement of the Imperial Throne.
    c.	To force an Imperial Lord to step down, the Imperial Senate requires a Simple voting majority and the endorsement of that Lord’s Imperial Duke/Duchess

4. War is to be considered the ultimate and most reviled tool of State. To Declare war, the Imperial Throne requires a 2/3’s majority vote in favor by the Imperial Senate

On the Purpose of the Dawn Council:

1. The Emperor/Empress shall invite their most favored nobles as a close council of advisers, thereby conferring courtly prestige upon them. Members of the Dawn Council shall serve as the personal sounding board of the Imperial Throne. This unique position can greatly influence the Throne's policies both at home and abroad.

2. Members of the Dawn Council are favorites of the Ivory Court, and can therefore expect favors from the Imperial Throne when lordships, duchies, and other opportunities become available. For this reason, the Throne should be extremely selective of the council's membership.

3. Members of the Dawn Council serve at the whim of the Throne and can be added or dismissed as the Throne sees fit. No member of the Ivory Court, regardless of rank or service, is entitled to membership in the Dawn Council.

On the the Ivory Court:

1. The Ivory Court refers to the realm aristocracy at large. Every noble of the Empire is automatically a member of the Ivory Court.

On the Conduct of the Emperor/Empress:

1. The Imperial Throne represents the Ivory Court. It is the beating heart of the Empire whose responsibility it is to ensure the well being and engagement of the entire realm. The role holds immense honor and prestige, for the holder is the highest noble in the land and nearly a law unto themselves, but is neither infallible or untouchable.

On the Conduct of Dukes/Duchesses:

1. These are the most trusted lieutenants of the Imperial Throne. In their own fiefs, they are the highest nobles with the right to refuse any command save those bearing the Seal of the Imperial Throne or the combined might of the Imperial Senate.

2. These are responsible for the well-being of their duchy, including the appointment of Lords, protection of provinces, and over-arching concern of regional maintenance.

3. Are to be greatly concerned with the value of their duchies as juxtaposed to their Ducal peers, for the finest duchy often enjoys benefits afforded by the Imperial Throne.

On the Empress's Hand:

1. Information not available.