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Region Details
Continent Beluaterra
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area East Islands
Population 7300
Realm Kingdom of Alluran

A rural region in the south of Beluaterra.


Short History

Originally lost by Luz de Bia during the Second Undead Invasion, Riombara has a claim on it, however, following the Secession of Irombro, it joined Irombro and Rii in forming the realm of Irombrozia.


Since Bolkenia is the Riombara border Eno, the Undead City, and the rest of Riombara, Bolkenia's Count made sure that there was a strong militia presense there. With it's 40 men guard unit, the villagers sleep peacefully and dream of the occasional festival held in Irombro, which is only 4 hours away. As the population of Bolkenia grows, its importance within the social structure of Riombara will grow as well.


During the Luzian War of Aggression, Bolkenia was taken for roughly a week, but when Irombro seceded, Bolkenia followed due to it's strong loyalty to it's former Duchy.


The former Count, (Marc Keithson) used Bolkenia as a springboard to Dukeship of Irombro; and, following the controversy between himself and Prime Minister Delvin, Duke Marc became King Marc.


Bolkenia came to be a territory of the Kingdom of Alluran following the start of the Third Invasion.