Dwilight Daily

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Dwilight Daily

Rebellion in D'Hara February 25, 2009
Yesterday evening Cenarious Stormrage, General of D'Hara, Duke of Port Raviel, and Marshal of the Black Lions declared open rebellion. A moving speech was given, albeit on the long side.
Letter from Cenarious Stormrage
Message sent to All nobles of D'Hara
Loyal D'Harans,

We have been through much as a realm and I fear we must now go through even more. Many of us have bled profusely for the betterment of D'Hara. We have given of ourselves, of our family's wealth, and all for our realm and our Queen. We have been loyal even when it was not in D'Hara's best interests for us to do so. I fear that our loyalty and love have been misused my friends. None served the Queen more loyally then I, nor has anyone here loved her as much as I have. The truth is that the Queen has descended into madness and it is only getting worse. For sometime now our Queen has burnt bridges throughout Dwilight, made enemies when it was not needed or called for. She has even banished loyal Dukes on trumped up charges, removed loyal Marshals from command of their armies without so much as a word, and she has done so out of her own paranoia and madness. The continued troubles we face, both foreign and domestic, all stem from the Queen's mistakes and her madness, not from those of us who have served D'Hara for all this time. We now face the threat of crusades and invasions, and all because of the Queen. I have spoken with those who wish us harm, and should the Queen be removed those crusades will not take place. When I brought this news to the Queen, that D'Hara could be saved through the peaceful transfer of power, I was rebuked with these words "I will not be rushed out and this is the reason that the council positions will not be relinquished before we are ready to leave.". My endless loyalty and willingness to support her colony is met with threats such as "I know that there are those that are working against the success of the colony and they will be dealt with harshly before I leave." My attempts to not only aid her colony but also to keep D'Hara alive upon the loss of all the knights and resources she will be taking was met with disrespect and threats. Do my attempts to seek peace with our neighbors and a peaceful transition into a new government make me the enemy? Should we all suffer endlessly under her madness and oppression? Should we face punishment for our imagined and fabricated crimes against her, just as Mathias already has? Should D'Hara be destroyed for her benefit?


We have agreed to aid you in your quest, to grant you those things that you will need to form your new land. This colony should be formed in friendship, mutually, not crafted from the ashes of D'Hara. The Queen seeks to destroy D'Hara in order to make her colony, and this is not the way an honorable realm should be formed. Allowing the Queen to strip this land you once called home is no way to leave those of us you once called friends. D'Hara can find peace with its neighbors, it can remain a strong realm here on Dwilight, and it can aid you in your forming of a colony. Let us unite in common cause! Join us in saving our realm so that we can aid you in forming yours! Let this day not be the death of your colony! Let it be the birth of a new foundation on which your colony can proudly be founded on! A proud and honorable foundation that you can take heart from in the days ahead! There is no need for the ties that bind us together to be severed by the actions of one mad Queen! Now is your chance to aid us in saving D'Hara from the Queen's madness! By helping to save this land you will be keeping safe your legacy here and ensuring that no matter what fate the new colony meets you will always have a welcoming home still here in D'Hara! There is no benefit for any of us if D'Hara dies so that a new realm can be born! Join us in taking action against the heinous crimes the Queen is committing against our people so that we can aid you in birthing your new realm! Though I know that you have much to consider when you face the daunting task of choosing sides in this conflict, all I ask is that you consider this one question.. Do any of you truly wish to punish those of us who intend to stay and fight for this land that we have all bled and fought for, for such a long time?

True D'Harans,

Now is the time for us to save our realm from the death it faces at the hands of the Queen that we all once loved. Though I fought to resolve this all peacefully, the Queen would never allow it. My peaceful words and attempts at compromise were met with consternation and open threats of "punishment". Though I came to the Queen with the unified support of every D'Haran Duke behind my banner, though I spoke with every knight who had contacts outside our realm in order to secure a future for D'Hara, and though I tried to make that future coincide with the Queen's own plans of colonization.. despite all this and despite my loyal service, I was still ignored and threatened. It has now come to the point that we must end this madness through the only means available to us, through the force of our arms as they are strengthened by our convictions. With the madness purged I can finally cement peace with our neighbors. D'Hara's future can be made bright once again and the colonists can then seek their own future with our blessings instead of with our deaths. Now is the time for us to hold true to our ideals, to fight for this land just as we have always done, to hold ourselves to the standards that we hold others to, for are we not all D'Harans?! Despite all we have faced, we have held strong and we are still here! Though we were beset by monsters and daimons, we have held strong and we are still here! Though we were threatened by our neighbors, we held strong and we are still here! Though we face down religious crusades and crusades for justice, we have held strong and we are still here! And now that we must face down the madness of the Queen, WE MUST HOLD STRONG! FOR WE ARE D'HARANS AND WE ARE STILL HERE!
Cenarious Stormrage (General of D'Hara, Duke of Port Raviel, Marshal of the Black Lions)

To the point, it is believed that the Dragon Queen has gone mad, and is stripping D'Hara of all its resources. Cenarious has many supporters, and currently controls two of the four duchies of D'Hara. These would be Port Raviel and Port Nebel, the two most influential of the four. In retaliation against the Rebels, Queen Katayanna Ogren removed all rebels from the Oceanic Trading Company, and The Way of the Dragons. Furthermore she made several death threats, raised the Realm Taxes to 100%, and called an early tax. Over night she, and Confessor Katrina Dragul earned over 600 gold each. Because of these events, the rebel forces have grown. The palace is expected to be taken today or tomorrow.
Comment on this story. by Hexic Jeckyl 
Springdale Is Destroyed February 11, 2009
Today the realm of Virovene completed a successful takeover of the region of Nifelhold, the last region to fly the banner of Springdale. With the loss of its last region, Springdale joins the growing ranks of the Lost Realms. This brings an end to the Secession Wars that began with the secession of Muspelheim from Springdale to form the realm of Virovene. Other notable events in this war include the secession of Aegir from Springdale to form the Raivan Empire, and the defection of the entire Duchy of Springdale to the realm of Morek.
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Netherworld Expands February 2, 2009
In the past week, the enigmatic realm known as "Netherworld" has been expanding at a breakneck pace. From an initial core of two regions, they have expanded out to take an additional six regions in 7 days. It has been theorized that the Netherworld forces are heading toward land held by Terran. Rumours regarding the destruction of Melodia commonly cite possible conflict with large hordes of monsters and even Netherworld forces.

Regions taken by the Netherworld in the past seven days include:

Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Duke of Libidizedd 
Morek Declares War on the Raivan Empire January 22, 2009
Citing the Raivan Empire's expansion onto the Mimer peninsula, Grandmaster Deverka Crydwr of Morek has declared war on the Raivan Empire. Morek has long claimed the Mimer Peninsula as the site for a yet-to-be-formed realm dedicate to, and directly controlled by, Sanguis Astroism. The Raivan Empire's capture of Freke, Freke's Deep, and Mimiravair have been seen as a hostile move against these plans, and a direct violation of Morek's claims upon these lands. Grandmaster Deverka preceded the declaration with the following short announcement:
Letter from Deverka Cryfdwr
Message sent to all nobles of Sanguis Astroism
Chancellor Raiva,

I have given plenty of opportunity to right the wrongs of your holdings. The lands of Freke and The Deep, and the outlands of Mimer that you control will be given to the church. The long held and respected claims, in both word and writing, will be given to His Holiness.

Nobles of Raivaland. I wish not to hold the Duchy of Aegir. Peace can be made for the lands of Mimer. Otherwise the future sovereignty of the duchy is questionable.
Deverka Cryfdwr (Grandmaster of Morek)
Comment on this story. by Brance Indirik
Fiduciary of Astrum 
Name Changes Available January 8, 2009
Name changes for Dwilight characters are once again available under your Politics tab. They will only be taken for those characters on Dwilight who have inappropriate names, and are changing to an SMA-appropriate name.
Comment on this story. by Indirik 
February 27, 2009
Paisly Revolts
The people of Paisly have revolted and abandoned D'Hara, joining Madina instead.
February 26, 2009
New Colony Formed in Rettleville
Grand Duchy of Fissoa has taken control of Rettleville, a former rogue region, and established a colony there. Ordenstaat is born. Milmice Vecchio Ratto becomes the ruler and assumes the title of Grand Master.
February 26, 2009
Rebellion in D'Hara Succeeds
DDWar.png The rebellion is victorious, and overthrows the former government. Cenarious Stormrage ascends to the throne of D'Hara/
February 24, 2009
Rebellion in D'Hara
DDWar.png A rebellion is breaking out in D'Hara. Earlier today, General Cenarious Stormrage, Duke of Port Raviel has called for an uprising against the current government.
February 21, 2009
Virovene Declares War on Raivan Empire Colony
Kaiser Cato, ruler of Virovene, has declared war on the new Raivan Empire colony in Nifelheim.
February 21, 2009
New Colony Formed in Nifelheim.
The Raivan Empire has formed a new colony in the city of Nifelheim. The colony will be known as Summerdale
February 20, 2009
Realm of Corsanctum Formed
Duke Mathurin Hossenfeffer, Prophet of Sanguis Astroism, has seceded the city of Mimer from Astrum to form the new theocracy of Corsanctum.
February 12, 2009
Morek Colony Established
Morek has established a new colony in the city of Flowrestown, named Aquilegia.
February 11, 2009
Springdale is Lost
Blank.png With the loss of its capital, and last region, Springdale is lost.
February 11, 2009
Virovene Takes Nifelhold
Virovene has taken control of Nifelhold from Springdale.
February 9, 2009
Tournament Results
The tournament in Madina is over. 40 nobles from eight realms fought and drank. It was a swordfighting tournament. Eczka Czek (Noble of Madina) won, with Sorbad D'Saferate, Baron of Laraibina coming in second place.
Blank.png February 5, 2009
The Order of the Seven Disappears
Blank.png The last temple of the Order of the Seven has fallen, and the religion is now lost.
January 31, 2009
Tournament Announced in Madina
Sir Sage Meadowcrest, Duke of Madina, Marshal of the Madina Harbor City Guard has announced a tournament of Swordfighting to be held in Madina 7 days from now.
There will be a charge of 15 gold for every participant. The winner will be rewarded with 500 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 200 gold for the second best.
January 24, 2009
Morek and Raivan Empire Sign Cease Fire
Grandmaster Deverka Cryfdwr of Morek has signed a cease fire with Imperial Chancellor Edward Raiva of the Raivan Empire to end their two day old war.
January 24, 2009
D'Hara takes Paisly
Blank.png D'Hara has taken control of Paisly, a former rogue region.
January 22, 2009
The realms of Madina and Grand Duchy of Fissoa have signed an alliance.
January 22, 2009
Astrum takes Chrysantalys
Blank.png Astrum has taken control of the city of Chrysantalys, a former rogue region.
January 22, 2009
Morek Declares war on the Raivan Empire
Grandmaster Deverka Cryfdwr of Morek has declared war on the Raivan Empire.
January 17, 2009
D'Hara takes Qubel Lighthouse
Blank.png D'Hara has taken control of Qubel Lighthouse, a former rogue region.
January 16, 2009
Terran takes Chesney
Blank.png Terran has taken control of Chesney, a former rogue region.
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