Haerthorne Family

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The symbol of the family, a statue amidst the fountain at the mansion, the Lady is believed to be an ancestor of the Haerthorne line.

The Line

The ancestral home of the Haerthorne family lies along the banks of the river Remtonas, the city of Remton, the capital of Arcaea. Their ancestors resided there far back into distant obscurity, though they have now risen from the ranks of the minor nobility through dedicated service to their Kings.

Descended from Sir Edgarl Haerthorne and Lady Cioarnodal Veanne, there are two significant branches of the family line, namely those descended from Rickhart and Melisande, and those born from Gwydda, a strange woman who has passed something of the fey onto her children.

Haerthorne Line.jpg

Gaerrant's Children

A younger Aerywyn with darker hair, playing the lyre.

Aerywyn Haerthorne

The eldest son of the now deceased Gaerrant, Aerywyn has now assumed the mantle of the family Patriarch. Not only blessed with talent and experience much beyond his nears, he is gifted with some of the finest looks of the family. His sister Aeriel often pokes fun at him for it. After being knighted at the age of 17, he drew his sword to fight for his homeland of Arcaea, and since then he has served her faithfully and unswayingly, achieving the rank of Imperial Chancellor and then Lord Protector in the war against Ethiala and Greater Aenilia.

He is betrothed to Cypreana Rosinni.

Aeriel Haerthorne

Aeriel Haerthorne
Status: Alive
Class Infiltrator
Realm/Island: Arcaea, Far East
Title: Knight of Sasat
Former realms: Arcaea
Former titles: Knight of Remton

The youngest sister, if Aerywyn is the heart then she is the soul. Though still a girl she has suprisingly proven herself in battle time and time again, yet her character does not reflect that. For the measure of Haerthorne passion in her she is rather quiet by the familial standards, and not so melancholic.

Tirilyn Haerthorne

Melisande's Child

Celyn Haerthorne

Celyn Haerthorne
Status: Alive
Class Hero
Realm/Island: Sultanate of Asena, East Continent
Title: Knight of Gadlock
Former realms: Pian en Luries, Falasan, Minas Ithil, Shadovar
Former titles: Chief Strategist, and Marshal of the Dragons of Shadovar

Celyn took after his cousin Tirilyn in personality, yet is more apt to logic and sombreness than bear hugs and ale. Ironically found himself in the realm his brother once fought agaisnt. As a youth he fought across from Minas Ithil to Falasan in Atamara, gaining a good reputation with the sword. He journeyed to the distant lands of Dwilight and Pian en Luries, where at the tender age of 20 he came runner up in the first tournament on the continent.

After a secession and a series of rebellions within Pian en Luries, Celyn found himself standing with the rebels time and time again, until they decided finally to leave their Lurian heartland for wilder lands in the west. Unfortunately, the monster hordes rallied in far greater numbers than ever before to besiege the fortresses of humanity, and thus the Lurian colonists found themselves helping the dying realm of Shadovar survive. Much time went by, and both the colonists and the Shadovarians suffered, their fortunes lost. It was then, after all that had been done for them, that the Dictator of Shadovar, Edelstein Greneburie, banished without a trial the leader of the colonists, Lady Katyanna Ogren, for having been seen in the company of dissenters in the underground.

The confusion that followed after involved bungled political maneuvering by both sides, and the colonists, along with a number of angry Shadovarians, very soon took up arms in rebellion agaisnt Edelstein's paranoid rule. As a result, the Lurian colonists who orchestrated the rebellion took over as rulers. Celyn became the General, and using the personal fortune he had built up from the dangers of treasure hunting, formed a new army and funded the first of many projects in rebuilding Shadovar. With no chance of leaving to form their colony, Celyn decided to invest his fortunes and his efforts in the tiny island nation. He had just reached his twenty-fourth year of age.

Other members of the family





Harryn Swyft (Haerthorne)



