The Rampant Lion/Kalmar Rebellion

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Analysis of the April, 2006 Kalmar Rebellion

The Founding of the Kalmar Islands

The Kalmar Islands is a grouping of three small islands located just off the western coast of the East Island. The three small islands surround the Kalmar Bay. The island chain itself was formed in early 2006 during the Great Eruption. After the islands appeared, the realms of Perdan and Old Rancagua put aside their ongoing war and joined together to colonize the islands. The new realm was named after the island chain itself: Kalmar Islands.

The government of Kalmar Islands was formed as a monarchy. Prior to the rebellion the realm was ruled by King Prometheus, assisted by High Marshal Requiem, Arch Priest Franklin of Orange, and Royal Treasurer Billy Bob Brubaker.

The Revolt

On April 6, 2006, El Cidd initiated a rebellion against King Prometheus. In his rebellion announcement, El Cid babbled some nonsense about reforming the lost nation of Avamar. This speech rambled badly, and was barely intelligible. After approximately 24 hours, the rebellion was successful, with the support of 9 of the 22 nobles of the realm.

El Cid set himself up as the Dictator and General of the new government, a tyranny. He installed his cronies Artanis and Asmodeus as the Judge and Banker, respectively. Requiem, the former General and Count of Wasteland, has been removed from the General's position, but retains control of Wasteland. All other nobles were removed from their positions.

The Rebels

El Cid, and his entire family, are well known across all the various continents. Altogether, his family members have been banned from 14 realms! Reasons for the bannings range from loafing around the capital, refusal to follow orders, and insulting fellow nobles to inciting rebellion. El Cid's ties to Avamar itself are poor. He was banned by Donna Ragna three days after entering Avamar for "Causing unrest to the realm from the first day he joined. Insulting fellow TL's". Not exactly a stellar foundation from which to build a new Avamar.

Perhaps the strongest ties from El Cid to Avamar lies with his sibling, named "One". One was elected as the ruler of Avamar twice. The second time he stepped down as ruler after 17 days and left the East Island. The same day El Cid immigrated to the East Island. Two days later El Cid joined Avamar, and three days later was banned.

After being banned from Avamar El Cid joined Caligus, then Ubent. (El Cid served in Caligus at the same time as Requiem.) On March 22, 2006, El Cid joined the Kalmar Islands. 14 days later, he started the rebellion.

Checking the histories of his cronies, Artanis and Asmodeus, a pattern begins to form. Artanis, the new Judge of the rebel government, started a career in Caligus during the time El Cid was also in Caligus. Three days after El Cid left Caligus for Ubent, Artanis followed. Seven weeks later, both of them left Ubent to join the Kalmar Islands. In fact, on the same day that El Cid was banned from Avamar, Artanis' sibling Tasadar was also banned from Avamar, for continued disobeying of orders.

Asmodeus, however, shows no apparent connections to Avamar, Caligus, or Ubent. Three weeks after starting his career in Perdan, Asmodeus left to join the newly formed Kalmar Islands. After 10 weeks of serving no poistion in the government, Asmodeus apparently got power hungry and joined the rebellion. It worked, as he was appointed Banker in the new government in return for his support.

The Response

The real of Kalmar Islands was allied with other realms, including Perdan and Caligus. Additionally, Kalmar Islands had declared peace with all other realms, with the notable exception of Ibladesh. As a result, this rebellion has met with much anger from realms across the lands. Queen Lorraine of Perdan immediately announced her support for Prometheus and the rightful government of Kalmar Islands. Rumours abound that several realms are sending troops to support the re-establishment of the rightful monarchy.

Recently, oracle has initiated a counter-rebellion against El Cid's tyranny. Oracle left Old Rancagua when the Kalmar Islands were discovered. Over time, oracle rose in power in the previous government and was appointed Duke of Chaos Temple.


  • 2005-01-13 El Cid (Rogala) began his career in Avamar.
  • 2005-02-15 Requiem (Aeternam) leaves the Colonies and emigrates to Beluaterra.
  • 2005-02-25 El Cid (Rogala) leaves Avamar and emigrates to Beluaterra.
  • 2005-04-01 One (Rogala) appointed ruler of Avamar.
  • 2005-04-24 One (Rogala) steps down as ruler of Avamar.
  • 2005-04-24 El Cid (Rogala) returns to the East Island.
  • 2005-04-24 El Cid (Rogala) joins Perdan.
  • 2005-05-26 Requiem (Aeternam) immigrates to the East Island.
  • 2005-05-28 Requiem (Aeternam) joins Caligus.
  • 2005-06-25 One (Rogala) elected judge of Avamar.
  • 2005-09-15 El Cid (Rogala) leaves Perdan and emigrates to Beluaterra (again).
  • 2005-10-02 El Cid (Rogala) returns to the East Island (again).
  • 2005-10-05 El Cid (Rogala) joins Itorunt.
  • 2005-10-24 El Cid (Rogala) leaves Itorunt and emigrates to Beluaterra (for the third time).
  • 2005-11-01 One (Rogala) elected ruler of Avamar.
  • 2005-11-18 One (Rogala) steps down as ruler of Avamar (after 17 days) and emigrates to Atamara.
  • 2005-11-18 El Cid (Rogala) returns to the East Island (for the third time.
  • 2005-11-20 El Cid (Rogala) joins Avamar (again).
  • 2005-11-23 El Cid (Rogala) banned from Avamar for being a troublemaker.
  • 2005-11-23 Tasadar (BladeFist) banned from Avamar for disobeying orers.
  • 2005-11-28 El Cid (Rogala) joins Caligus.
  • 2006-01-01 Asmodeus (Attalya) begins a career in Perdan.
  • 2006-01-08 Requiem (Aeternam) joins Perdan Colony (precursor to Kalmar islands).
  • 2006-01-13 Artanis (BladeFist) starts a career in Caligus.
  • 2006-01-20 Requiem (Aeternam) appointed Baron of Wasteland.
  • 2006-01-22 Asmodeus (Attalya) joins Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-02-03 El Cid (Rogala) joins Ubent.
  • 2006-02-06 Artanis (BladeFist) joins Ubent.
  • 2006-03-22 El Cid (Rogala) joins Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-03-22 Artanis (BladeFist) joins Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-03-23 Requiem (Aeternam) appointed General of Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-04-05 El Cid (Rogala) leads a successful rebellion in Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-04-06 El Cid (Rogala) appoints himself General of Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-04-06 Asmodeus (Attalya) appointed Banker of Kalmar Islands.
  • 2006-04-06 Artanis (BladeFist) appointed Jusge of Kalmar Islands.
