Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/September

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st September

Summer Day

Unit Status Report

Your healers save 1 soldier from the brink of death, who remain wounded. They helped a total of 3 wounded ones to recover. After resting, 1 of your wounded men recovered by themselves. A total of 4 men are once again ready for battle.
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 13 points.

Battle in Tepmona

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 280 men vs. 60 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Battle in Irombro

Your unit participated in a battle in Irombro. Your scribe has written down a battle report.

The battle lasted for 1 hours.
You have gained 1 Honour.
None of your men were killed in this battle.
Morale of your troops falls by 20 points. Your men's equipment suffers 1 % damage.

Irondale Rebellion

The rebellion in Kingdom of Irondale, led by Ryosuke Guile, is still ongoing.The rebel troops appear to be winning, but have not yet been able to take control of the palace.

Summer Evening

Nobles Protest

After loud protest against her actions, Alice Schwarzherzig of Kingdom of Irondale has been forced to step down from her general position. She also loses a point of prestige and 5 points of honour.

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment.
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 5 points.

Irondale Rebellion

The rebellion in Kingdom of Irondale, led by Ryosuke Guile, is still ongoing.The rebel troops appear to be winning, but have not yet been able to take control of the palace.


Outo Olavi Cosula has held court in Seven Rivers. Morale rises by 1 % to 89 %. Realm loyalty rises 8 % to 88 %.

2nd September

Summer Day

Travel Report

You make a short stop in Rii before you continue your travel to Ardmore.

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment.
Your men are far away from your realm, and losing spirit. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 5 points.

Rebellion in Irondale

The government of Irondale has been overthrown in a bloody rebellion. The leader of the rebel forces, Ryosuke Guile, has been announced the new ruler.

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 733 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

Government of Irondale Reformed

The government of Irondale has been reformed. The realm is now a Republic.

Important Event for First Bank of Ar Agyr

A new member has signed up at the guildhouse in Seven Rivers.
Commoner Stewart is now a Aspirant of "First Bank of Ar Agyr".

Summer Evening

Travel Report

You make a short stop in Ardmore before you continue your travel to Avengmil.

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 4 % damage to your unit's equipment.
A few of your men are grumbling about being away from home. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 1 points.

3rd September

Summer Day

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 3 % damage to your unit's equipment.
A few of your men are grumbling about being away from home.


You have arrived in Avengmil, a Townsland region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Tindle:

Vordul Sanguinis vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 510 men vs. 230 men
The Frozen Blood (Vordul Sanguinis) were led into battle by Marshal Gigax Pilesar.
Vizier Craglan Mejor is spotted wielding the Scintillating Staff of the Doomed.
Vizier Craglan Mejor is spotted wearing the Cursed Brooch of the Kingdom of Alluran.
Margrave Seiðr Scribbler is spotted reading from the Scroll of Vlaanderen.
Crimson Judge Copper Gronholt is spotted wielding the Boring Whip of Doom.
Margrave Seiðr Scribbler is spotted wearing the Armour of Spring.
Fiorina Margaretener, Dame of Ircymbar was captured by a militia unit of (rogue).
Hendrick Armsworth, Count of Sheja was seriously wounded by a militia unit of (rogue).
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Glongin:

Nova, Shattered Vales vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 840 men vs. 140 men
The Army of the Vales (Shattered Vales), sponsored by Duke Hades Castillo, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ulv Schancke.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Doomed Flute of Madness.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wielding the Silver Warhammer of Julma Jaune.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wielding the Cold-Forged Club of War.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Ring of Good and Evil.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wearing the Glorious Oil of Unlife.
Attacker Victory!

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Avengmil ((rogue)).

Summer Evening

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment.
A few of your men are grumbling about being away from home.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Qual:

Thalmarkin vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 350 men vs. 470 men
The Great Thalmarkin Horde (Thalmarkin), sponsored by Duke Sir Dancer Rea, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ecko Lamarque.
Knight Krabat van Belhanka is spotted reading from the Ancient Book of Wisdom.
Knight Krabat van Belhanka is spotted wielding the Silver Hammer of Evangeline.
Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Avengmil:

Ar Agyr, Thalmarkin vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 360 men vs. 40 men
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Melhed.
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Coat of Tyranny.
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Shield of Battle.
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Attacker Victory!

4th September

Summer Day

Unit Status Report

Wear and tear causes 1 % damage to your unit's equipment.
A few of your men are grumbling about being away from home. But the morale of your troops rises anyway by 8 points.

Battle in Qual

Ar Agyr, Thalmarkin vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 590 men vs. 70 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Avengmil:

Ar Agyr, Thalmarkin vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 370 men vs. 180 men
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Melhed.
Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine is spotted wearing the Cruel Coat of Tyranny.
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Shield of Battle.
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Attacker Victory!


Obia'Syela has taken control of Ffangor. The region used to belong to (rogue).

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Avengmil ((rogue)).

Summer Evening

Battle in Tepmona

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 180 men vs. 50 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Important Event for Daishi

Duke Eriol Blackdagger has closed down your primitive temple in Ircymbar, and taken the 59 gold stored in its treasury.
14 gold were saved by loyal servants and added to the global treasury.

Roleplay from Timsen Quasath

Eyewitnesses report of troubling news in Ircymbar, as during service this happens:

Standing at the other side of the closed door, Eriol could hear the liturgy of the Daishi being performed. As the voices began to raise high, the Duke waved his hand forward. Immediately, the door flies off the hinges as his men storm the temple. The worshippers begin screaming and running for the exits.

"This is a place of worship! Stop this at once!" the priest of Daishi yells towards the soldiers. Stepping into the now cleared temple, Eriol walks up to the incensed, and confused priest. Smiling, the Duke says tenderly, "I bid you a good day, priest of Daishi. It truly is a wonderful day to worship, is it not?" The priest's jaw clenches and he retorts, "It was, your Grace, until the disruption." Looking confused, the Duke replies, "Oh, you believe I was referring to you? Oh no. Im referring to me. It is a wonderful day for ME to worship." The soldiers grab the priest and force him to his knees. Eriol holds his hand out as the captain places a goblet into the hand of his master. "You see, priest of Daishi, I wish to worship the Immortal Emperor this day, and you will be the sacrament."

A gurgling echoes in the walls of the temple, as the priest's throat is slit. The blood is caught in the goblet, held by the Disciple of The One. The priest, now emptied, collapses to the floor, dead before his body stops its fall.

Turning his back to the now dead priest, Eriol stares at the goblet for a moment, then hands it back to the captain. "See this gets to Wudenkin. Spill a drop, and your blood will be its neighbor." The captain takes the goblet with great care, and bows to the Duke.

Walking out of the temple Eriol, without turning back to his men, says plainly, "Burn it. Salt the ground. Im going for a stroll."

5th September

Summer Day


You have arrived in Rines, a City region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.

Battle in Bil Havil

Ar Agyr, Vordul Sanguinis vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 140 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Battle in Seven Rivers

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 100 men
Royal Outo Olavi Cosula is spotted wielding the Bone Sabre of Julma Jaune's Femur.
Defender Victory!

Looting Activity

Someone from our realm has broken into homes and robbed locals in Rines ((rogue)).

Important Event for Human League

Hierophant Ryosuke Guile has destroyed the small guildhouse of Human League in his region Firbalt, burning it to the ground and taking the 29 gold that were stored there.
Loyal servants could save 4 gold, which have been added to the global treasury.

Summer Evening

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rueffilo:

Nova vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 410 men vs. 170 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wielding the Ancient Rod of Doom.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Attacker Victory!

Important Event for First Bank of Ar Agyr

A new member has signed up at the guildhouse in Tepmona.
Commoner Sylvia is now a Aspirant of "First Bank of Ar Agyr".
A new member has signed up at the guildhouse in Tepmona.
Commoner Ravatto is now a Aspirant of "First Bank of Ar Agyr".

6th September

Summer Day

A Day at Sea

You have reached the open sea of Sea of Four Cities.

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rueffilo:

Nova vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 450 men vs. 1010 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wielding the Ancient Rod of Doom.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Margrave Ruben Lawson is spotted wielding the Valiant Aegis of the Duck.
Duchess Arisa Vasiliev is spotted wearing the Chain Mail of the Mountains.
Attacker Victory!

Family Investment

Bob Baceolus, Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr, Margrave of Agyr has initiated an investment of 610 gold in the region of Agyr. Production soars to 116 %.

War Chest Depletion

The war chest of Angry Agyrian Army has been depleted, and you may want to replenish it to continue your sponsorship for this army.

Important Event for Daishi

Count Marcello Dawnswallow has closed down your primitive temple in Junohep, and taken the 21 gold stored in its treasury.
5 gold were saved by loyal servants and added to the global treasury.

Summer Evening

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Rii:

Shattered Vales vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 780 men vs. 110 men
The Army of the Vales (Shattered Vales), sponsored by Duke Hades Castillo, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ulv Schancke.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Doomed Flute of Madness.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wielding the Cold-Forged Club of War.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wielding the Silver Warhammer of Julma Jaune.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Ring of Good and Evil.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wearing the Glorious Oil of Unlife.
Attacker Victory!

A Day at Sea

You have arrived in Eastern Ocean.

7th September

Summer Day

Battle in Bisana

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 70 men vs. 10 men
Royal Outo Olavi Cosula is spotted wielding the Bone Sabre of Julma Jaune's Femur.
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Irombro:

Nova vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 710 men vs. 330 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wielding the Ancient Rod of Doom.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Count Sir Baldrid Prunesqualleur is spotted wielding the Forgotten Warblade of Jarbosh.
Margrave Ruben Lawson is spotted wielding the Valiant Aegis of the Duck.
Duchess Arisa Vasiliev is spotted wearing the Chain Mail of the Mountains.
Attacker Victory!

Summer Evening

Battle in Hopidrii

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 130 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Irombro:

Nova, Shattered Vales vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 1560 men vs. 250 men
The Army of the Vales (Shattered Vales), sponsored by Duke Hades Castillo, were led into battle by Vice-Marshal Ulv Schancke.
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Doomed Flute of Madness.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wielding the Cold-Forged Club of War.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wielding the Silver Warhammer of Julma Jaune.
Royal Ehrich Weisz is spotted wearing the Ring of Good and Evil.
Imperator Arjan de Zueww is spotted wearing the Glorious Oil of Unlife.
Attacker Victory!

Important Event for Daishi

High Shugenja Yao Ling Pryde has modified the official guild view on Vordulism. They are from now on to be considered evil.

8th September

Summer Day

A Day at Sea

You have arrived in Avalonian Coast.


You are at sea, and your provisions have run out, so your men are starving. 1 men fall ill from lack of food.

9th September

Summer Day

Unit Status Report

Badly damaged equipment has caused an accident and 2 men were wounded. Unit cohesion drops as the men argue and fight for undamaged armour.
Your men enjoy having a few hours for themselves. Wear and tear causes 2 % damage to your unit's equipment.
Your men are complaining about not having been paid for 4 days.


You are at sea, and your provisions have run out, so your men are starving. 3 men fall ill from lack of food.

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 781 gold. Since you're not within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in bonds.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Daimyo in "Daishi" is due for a monthly grant of 20 gold. Your balance with this religion has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 461 gold.

Guildhouse Maintenance Report

Monthly guildhouse maintenance report for the guild First Bank of Ar Agyr. The guildhouse in...

Tepmona (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.
Seven Rivers (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.
Fronepu (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Ruler in "Halls of Beluaterra" is due for a monthly grant of 10 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 447 gold.

Guildhouse Maintenance Report

Monthly guildhouse maintenance report for the guild Reavers Rest. The guildhouse in...

Haji (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.
Tepmona (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.

Guildhouse Maintenance Report

Monthly guildhouse maintenance report for the guild Halls of Beluaterra. The guildhouse in...

Rolbury (size 3) paid 16 gold from its local treasury.
Ossmat (size 2) did not have enough gold stored. 14 gold were paid from the global treasury.
Vozzessdor (size 2) paid 9 gold from its local treasury.
Tepmona (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.

Monthly Grant Received

Your rank of Daimyo in "Human League" is due for a monthly grant of 10 gold. Your balance with this guild has been adjusted accordingly. Your balance is now 175 gold.

Guildhouse Maintenance Report

Monthly guildhouse maintenance report for the guild Human League. The guildhouse in...

Reeds (size 2) did not have enough gold stored. 5 gold were paid from the global treasury.
Iato (size 2) did not have enough gold stored. 14 gold were paid from the global treasury.
Creasur (size 2) did not have enough gold stored. 14 gold were paid from the global treasury.
Fianik (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.
Tepmona (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.

Guildhouse Maintenance Report

Monthly guildhouse maintenance report for the guild Northern Alliance. The guildhouse in...

Tepmona (size 1) paid 4 gold from its local treasury.

Important Event for Human League

First Lord Yao Ling Pryde has constructed a new guild house in Bajit.

Treasury Collection

The global treasury of "Human League" was dangerously low, and so Yao Ling has issued a call to all guildhouses to contribute 10% of their local treasuries to the global fund.

The small guildhouse in Fianik is too poor to contribute anything.
The small guildhouse in Bajit contributes 10 gold.
The large guildhouse in Reeds is too poor to contribute anything.
The large guildhouse in Iato is too poor to contribute anything.
The small guildhouse in Tepmona contributes 2 gold.
The large guildhouse in Creasur is too poor to contribute anything.
The global treasury now contains 105 gold.

Summer Evening

Back on Dry Land

Your ship has arrived at the coast of Fronepu and is putting you ashore.
Getting ashore takes most of your time, even though much of it is wasted in waiting.

Ruler Abdicates

Craglan Mejor has stepped down from his position as ruler of Vordul Sanguinis. He has given the following reason:

The mortal coil has demanded my time and attention. I'm deeply sorry for having been such a bad ruler. This is partially why I named the role Vizier, as a Vizier is more an adviser than ruler. I wanted to maintain Xlair's vision, but knew I could never fill his boots. I must go back to my studies, as there are many who need me in this regard, and I apologize for the lapse in leadership that my time on the throne may have caused. Nobles were all but silent after the death of the Emperor, and I made effort to fill the void, but with so many tied to the Blood of Xlair only, I knew I would be but a shadow. Furthermore, those of you who've been around since the beginning are all too well aware that my skills are not usually found in diplomacy. I would like to remain duke of Xerus for now, but ultimately would like to return to my mountain when the timing is right.

May our new ruler maintain Xlair's vision, and pursue Vordulism until The Return of He Who Has Ascended.

10th September

Summer Day


A small and slight woman in dappled brown cloak, heavily laden with a large pack, sits patiently and peacefully on the stone steps outside the building where she has told the Queen is residing. Any who pass by her hear faint strains of melodic singing, sounding uncannily as though the young woman were a bird.

Summer Evening

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

11th September

Summer Day

Bounty Pot Depleted

The undead bounty pot in your region has been depleted. You should consider adding more gold to the pot.

Wilhelm Altenahr

Wilhelm chuckles to himself

"Good job Ryosuke. You managed to lose 3 cities. I watch in awe. Bravo."

12th September

Summer Day

Travel Report

You make a short stop in Seven Rivers before you continue your travel to Tepmona.

Battle in Seven Rivers

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 140 men
Royal Outo Olavi Cosula is spotted wielding the Bone Sabre of Julma Jaune's Femur.
Defender Victory!

Witchcraft and Sorcery

Your guards in Tepmona have discovered a witch and put the abomination to death. Among the belongings of this evil soul they found a magical scroll of Summon Monsters, which they have brought to you so you can dispose it or keep it safe.

Family Investment

Paridithous von Hammersmark, Count of Seven Rivers has initiated an investment of 210 gold in the region of Seven Rivers. Production soars to 212 %.


Paridithous von Hammersmark has held court in Seven Rivers. Realm loyalty rises 3 % to 88 %. Some independence movement members are thrown into jail, weakening their group.

Summer Evening


You have arrived in Tepmona, a Rural region (friendly territory).
You see your estate nearby, this is the region of which you are Lord.
The peasants look happy, and cheer your arrival.

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

13th September

Summer Day

Travel Report

You find the route excellent and make very good way, reducing your travel time by 2 hours. You make a short stop in Seven Rivers before you continue your travel to Fronepu.

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 130 men vs. 90 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Vordul Sanguinis has elected Eriol Blackdagger Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat as its new Vizier .


You have arrived in Fronepu, a City region (friendly territory).

Noble joined the Realm

Aeravon Velaryon Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat has taken an estate in Fronepu and thus joined your realm. He used to be a member of Thalmarkin.

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a accessory called the Vial of Scherzer's Ashes. Wren, Commoner is willing to part with it for only 100 gold.

14th September

Summer Day

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 130 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 482 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Summer Evening

Battle in Agyr

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 50 men vs. 300 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Defender Victory!

Magic In The Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Region Abandoned

Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine has ordered the region of Jyl abandoned to rogues. Margrave Greyson Stewart and his knights have lost their home and estates.

15th September

Summer Day

Region Exchange

The realm of Shattered Vales has given the region Tindle away to Vordul Sanguinis.

Krystyna Carson

Public Report #1 (ooc: in-characters can see and respond to this)

"After my expedition to Jedinchel into Thalmarkin my team discovered abnormalities in a fresh dead human body, 2 females 3 children. They were deformed with red skin and pointed ears. Reports suggest that they were contaminated with a type of biological infection of some kind, their deaths are unknown. I regret that there is no further study on this. A new expedition is needed."

Summer Evening


You have arrived in Seven Rivers, a Rural region (friendly territory).

16th September

Summer Day


You have arrived in Bisana, a Rural region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.

Battle in Seven Rivers

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 70 men
Royal Outo Olavi Cosula is spotted wielding the Bone Sabre of Julma Jaune's Femur.
Defender Victory!

Battle in Fronepu

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 110 men
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Knight Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Defender Victory!

New Knight

Greyson has taken an estate sized at 30 % in your region of Tepmona.


Paridithous von Hammersmark has held court in Seven Rivers. Morale rises by 2 % to 100 %. Realm loyalty rises 5 % to 100 %.

17th September

Summer Evening


Paridithous von Hammersmark has held court in Seven Rivers. Realm loyalty rises 3 % to 100 %.

Krystyna Carson

Classified Journal Entry #unknown
It has been determined that someone or something is causing individuals to become demonic. Their methods, however, are completely unknown to me. This entry is not to be disclosed to anyone for the risk of worrying the populace. Some strange tool was indeed found in the cave where the bodies were found. I had to hide it not to have people concerned. It seems like some kind of strange item that inserts into the skin. I do not know how a metal stem can be so fine it seems impossible. Further study is needed.

18th September

Summer Day


You have arrived in Tepmona, a Rural region (friendly territory).
You see your estate nearby, this is the region of which you are Lord.
The peasants look happy, and cheer your arrival.


Nothoi has taken control of Eykfar. The region used to belong to (rogue).

Summer Evening


You have arrived in Seven Rivers, a Rural region (friendly territory).

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bym:

(rogue) vs. Nova
Estimated strengths: 220 men vs. 420 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Count Sir Baldrid Prunesqualleur is spotted wielding the Forgotten Warblade of Jarbosh.
Dame Genesis Mcloud is spotted wearing the Dark Breastplate of the Wise.
Defender Victory!


Outo Olavi Cosula has held court in Tepmona. Morale rises by 2 % to 99 %. Realm loyalty rises 6 % to 97 %.

19th September

Summer Day


You have arrived in Fronepu, a City region (friendly territory).

Battle in Rengo

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 250 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Lord Abdicates

Amilcare Barca De Fonseca, Duke of Avalon, Margrave of Fronepu has been removed from his position as Margrave of Fronepu due to more than a week of inactivity. The Duke should appoint a new Margrave.

Duke Abdicates

Amilcare Barca De Fonseca, Duke of Avalon, Knight of Fronepu has been removed from his position as Duke of Avalon due to more than a week of inactivity. The Ruler should appoint a new Duke.

Important Event for First Bank of Ar Agyr

A new member has signed up at the guildhouse in Fronepu.
Commoner Deve is now a Aspirant of "First Bank of Ar Agyr".
10th member has joined the guild.

Summer Evening

Battle in Bil Havil

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 190 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a weapon called the Dark Rapier of Thunder. Deve, Commoner is willing to part with it for only 200 gold.
You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a shield called the "Wonderous Shield of Voghor". Deve, Commoner is willing to part with it for only 400 gold.

Important Event for Daishi

High Shugenja Yao Ling Pryde has constructed a new temple in Eykfar.

20th September

Summer Day

Important Event for First Bank of Ar Agyr

A new member has signed up at the guildhouse in Fronepu.
Dame Krystyna Carson is now a Aspirant of "First Bank of Ar Agyr".

Summer Evening

New Knight of Mhed

A new knight has emerged from among the ranks of the Ar Agyr nobles. Maurice Player experience level: new Player play preference: unsure has taken up a vacant estate in the region of Mhed and started his career today.

Also on this continent from the Jarbosh family:

  • Avice

Roleplaying Event

Rumours spread of a middle-aged man leading flocks of horses, dogs, cats, falcons, mice, rats, and various other animals from the city of Mhed, proclaiming that something was coming, and that it should be ours, with more animals and humans alike deciding to follow this man.

Something is coming! It should be ours! Follow me!
We must gather! Look around! And gather! For the next day.
We must gather! Look around! And gather! For the next day.
Don't listen to her!
Don't listen to him!

21st September

Summer Day

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 1233 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Paganism Surge

There is a surge of paganism in Fronepu. Many people are finding more solitude in the old local faiths and all religions lose followers.

Family Investment

Bob Baceolus, Chancellor of Ar Agyr, Duke of Agyr, Margrave of Agyr has initiated an investment of 610 gold in the region of Agyr. Production soars to 137 %.

Summer Evening

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 150 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

New Realm Member

A new adventurer has been noticed by local militia in Tepmona. It is rumoured that his name is Marc. You can send a welcome message.

22nd September

Summer Day

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 60 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Summer Evening

Battle in Agyr

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 10 men vs. 290 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Defender Victory!

Roleplaying Event

Paid notices posted upon bulletinboards appear throughout Lloringel and surrounding regions calling for adventuring commoners to follow Maurice to Keffa.

We must gather! Look around! And gather! For the next day.

23rd September =

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Watto:

Nothoi vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 320 men vs. 210 men
The Fang of the White Wolf (Nothoi), sponsored by Hegemon Tyran Arylon, were led into battle by Marshal Ranulf Godfrey.
Governor Rosnan Sarwell is spotted wielding the Astonishing Nightblade of Battle.
Attacker Victory!


Paridithous von Hammersmark has held court in Seven Rivers. Morale rises by 4 % to 90 %. Rumours say that underground activism has increased.

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Magical Accident

While in Fronepu, your record-breaking collection of scrolls and the local magic combined to form a dangerous magical disturbance that resulted in one of your summoning scrolls casting itself.

24th September

Summer Evening

Battle in Rengo

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 270 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

A New Duke

Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine has appointed Paridithous von Hammersmark to the vacant Duke position of Avalon. As a result, Seven Rivers is now in the Duchy of Avalon.

Count Abdicates

Paridithous von Hammersmark has abdicated from his lordship in Seven Rivers. He has given the following reason:

I will be assuming lordship of the city of Fronepu in the Duchy of Avalon, and giving back the region of Seven Rivers to the duchy of Havilmark.

A New Lord

Duke Paridithous von Hammersmark of Avalon Duchy has appointed Paridithous von Hammersmark to the vacant lordship position in Fronepu.

25th September

Summer Day

Battle in Bil Havil

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 170 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bym:

(rogue) vs. Nova
Estimated strengths: 120 men vs. 450 men
The Warriors of the New Light (Nova), sponsored by Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert, were led into battle by Marshal Grante Le Monte.
Count Sir Baldrid Prunesqualleur is spotted wielding the Forgotten Warblade of Jarbosh.
Pontifix Maxima Eugenica Snodaert is spotted wearing the Wicked Plate Mail of War.
Margrave Ruben Lawson is spotted wielding the Valiant Aegis of the Duck.
Defender Victory!

Noble joined the Realm

Soren Navaar has taken an estate in Seven Rivers and thus joined your realm. He used to be a member of Obia'Syela.

Role-play Event

We must gather! Look around! And gather! For the next day.

We must have It for Ar Agyr! Follow me to Keffa!

A New Lord

Duke Paridithous von Hammersmark of Avalon Duchy has appointed Aeravon Velaryon to the vacant lordship position in Seven Rivers.

Summer Evening

Royal Pauses

Jani Kosunen, the player of Outo Olavi Cosula, has paused him for an indefinite period.
Due to pausing, he loses the following:
His unit, "Hammer of Justice", is set up as a local militia unit in Fronepu.
He is removed as Judge.
He vacates his estate in Fronepu

Krystyna Carson

Journal Entry #23
After further analysis of the blood recovered in Jedinchel it has pushed my most recent hypothesis. Those individuals were definitely turned into demonic beings. For now I shall label these beings as 'demonoids', humans forcibly transformed by artificial means. So far there has been no further evidence discovered. I will further this investigation on a later date."

Letter from Maurice

Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine,

Mischief in Keffa? Not It!

I do not know what has brought on this slander by you against my person. I am of a Jarbosh family, but these slanders are outrageous and the work of a very aggrieved scribe intent on causing my family much trouble due to some barely-remembered slight, I think to do with somebody's ears being too large. The Netherworld?!? I would expect such from a tabloid than my Queen. This scribe is the bane of my family.

For Ar Agyr,


Letter from Maurice

Ar Agyr,

I have reached Keffa! Let us welcome It! Can you feel It?

For Ar Agyr!


Request from Saoirse MacArbin

Rulers of Beluaterra,

As the event in Keffa now seems to have brought in many from across the continent, I have decided to make a virtue of necessity and welcome any and all who wish to come to Keffa, and peace treaties have been offered to those lands we were not already at peace with. These will last at least for the duration of the happening, unless we are sorely provoked, and I hope to enjoy the company of many nobles whom I have not had the pleasure of meeting or corresponding with. I particularly welcome chroniclers and others historically minded, as regardless of what else happens I have little doubt this will be a time to remember.

However, I wish to set certain ground rules for those visiting:

First, while this is no tournament, I wish all to abide by tournament rules and courtesies. No hostile actions, no armed conflicts. Which means that as we will have many nobles from many lands mingling, I expect every realm that sends a contingent to sign a temporary peace treaty with all other realms doing so. At the moment, to my knowledge this is all realms save Nothoi, and I would be shocked if it were not all realms on the continent in short order.

Second, Keffa is the holiest city of the Heralds of Obeah. Priests of other faiths may come, but they are not allowed to preach or take any other religious actions, and attempts by any noble regardless of class to proselytize other faiths, or in any way denigrate the Heralds or the Veiled Goddess, will be met with an immediate order to leave. If that is not abided by, I will give each realm a chance to settle the matter internally, but reserve the right to act as needed to preserve our faith.

Third, I anticipate that there may well be someone arriving through the column of light. The appearance of this person may be strange, and while it is of course always possible that our ritual was corrupted and strength of arms will be needed, I expect that Obia'Syela be given the courtesy of announcing when such arms will be needed. Until and unless we do so, regardless of how matters may appear to any outside the faith, I expect no blades to be drawn, no arrows loosed, unless we decide that such is required.

Lady Saoirse MacArbin
Grandmistress of Obia'Syela
Royal of Obia'Syela
Duchess of Amen Obeah

26th September

Summer Day

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

No Judge

Your realm is without a Judge.
The ruler should appoint a new Judge.

Summer Evening

Battle in Rengo

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 180 men vs. 30 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Soren Navaar

Many things were happening all at once. Soren needed to process them all, so he sat in a tavern. To anyone who didn't know him, he was just another face in a crowd. He settled in to his surroundings like he was wearing camouflage. He didn't drink alcohol, the stuff only clouded the mind, so he sipped on some water while waiting for some food, lost in thought. Obia'Syela was gathering wizards and sages in a blast of light after a magic ritual. He had a sparring match at dawn, and now he had just received a letter from Lucius that had clearly been tampered with. His brother was now a Lord on Dwilight. He seemed to be in better spirits than the last time they'd spoken. In fact, that was supposed to be the last time they would ever speak. He looked at the other side of the letter. Sent care of the Blue Tower. Lucius, you fool. It was either the bravest or dumbest thing he'd ever seen.

He folded up the letter and tucked it into his pocket again. For even a sparring match, he should still use a sword. It was a shame, the man thought. He was better with a quarterstaff or even a spear than a sword.

27th September

Summer Day

Training Match

Soren Navaar, Knight of Seven Rivers meets his challenger Aeravon Velaryon, Count of Seven Rivers for the agreed training match.
Aeravon has decided to use the 'neutral' strategy while Soren has chosen the 'trick moves' strategy, giving Aeravon the advantage.
After a series of blows, Aeravon wins the training match.

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 200 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

No Judge

Your realm is without a Judge.
The ruler should appoint a new Judge.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling watched a pack... a family? of prairie dogs bound by on their way into the city as if on a mission of some kind.

She paused and considered that that was not a sight a person saw every day.

Then she sighed and followed the prairie dogs into the city.

Wild Affair
With so many in Keffa from across the continent, and with most of the various travellers having arrived, Keffa had become both a zoo and cosmopolitan city seemingly overnight, with every manner of animal and human alike populating the city, having either felt the pull themselves or followed a traveller. Domestic beasts of burden and leisure, wild beasts, from all quarters, climates, and habitats populated the city just as much as humanity from all walks of life, class, trade, and origin.
Each hour was now marked by the 15-minute increments of bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, and bold green coloured hues casting their shifting lights over the city, day and night.

Letter from Maurice

Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine,

You seem awfully affected by the Netherlords. Maurice makes no mischief, merely wishes to help bring It to Ar Agyr. Alone will not work, but with realm maybe!

For Ar Agyr!


Summer Evening

Battle in Gor Ault

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 150 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Family Investment

Aeravon Velaryon, Count of Seven Rivers has initiated an investment of 210 gold in the region of Seven Rivers. Production soars to 204 %.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling looked up at the pillar of light that radiated out of Keffa.

She remembered a time when something similar had radiated out of Creasur.

She remembered harnessing that power to kill Daimons.

But that had been a long time ago, and such things were not always... the same when they returned.

She wondered what this one would be as she followed a family of ducks orderly making their way through the market.

Letter from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

"It" is of no interest to me Sir Maurice. Ar Agyr has more than ample treasures without some bauble pulled from the Nether World, and we certainly have no need of its denizens in our midst.

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine
Queen of Ar Agyr
Royal of Ar Agyr
Duchess of Havilmark
Countess of Tepmona

28th September

Summer Day

Battle in Agyr

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 40 men vs. 340 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Defender Victory!

Battle in Lloringel

(rogue) vs. Ar Agyr
Estimated strengths: 120 men vs. 190 men
Count Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Count Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Shield of Battle.
Count Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Defender Victory!

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.


Irondale has taken control of Haji. The region used to belong to (rogue).

No Judge

Your realm is without a Judge.
The ruler should appoint a new Judge.

Quarterly Election

In just a few days, your realm will vote on the General (General) position.
If you want to run for that position, you should probably start your campaign now.
All nobles of the realm will vote, each vote having the same weight.

Taxes Received

As the Queen of the Ar Agyr, land of the Five Duchies, you earn 969 gold. Since you're within your realm borders, you receive your taxes in gold.

Yao Ling Pryde

Murmuring Light

Indistinct, faint murmuring had been heard from within the column of light earlier, when all was quiet, and then forgotten in all the hubbub of visitors, drowned under the new noises.

But every so often, someone thinks they hear a garbled voice calling their name. Then, after listening a bit longer, and hearing nothing, write it off as the wind or an overactive imagination. Every once in awhile though, someone listens a bit closer, a bit longer, and nothing is ever heard clearly, but they think they hear something speaking...

Gustav Kuriga

Gustav could feel a burning sensation in his missing arm. The one he had sacrificed all those years ago in service to the Daimons. The folly of it still made him wince inside, but that was buried by a new sensation. His left eye, seeing the world veiled in a crimson red, saw the glows of thousands of souls in the city. But drowning that was a pitch black aura that seemed to swallow up any light that drew near it. He knew that the Portal would be there, and marched towards it as quickly as he could. He ignored the various nobles and passersby, focused on one thing, the flaming hawk only he could see perched securely on his shoulder. Unless stopped by someone, he would arrive at the portal.

Yao Ling Pryde

The ducks led Yao Ling to a man she remembered. Then the ducks broke off to make their way to a market stall with plenty of food set aside for them.

Yao Ling followed the man and matched his stride.

"Gustav, old friend," she said quietly enough that others would not hear them. Or that he could choose to not hear if he wished to. "It has been some time since we have seen each other. How do you do?"

Gustav Kuriga

Gustav turned his gaze to Yao Ling, the hint of recognition buried beneath the zealous fury that burned in them. "I am as I always have been since I turned my back on the Daimons and their heretical religion. Busy ensuring they do not have a path to this continent. Are you here to help me with this, or not?"

He would then walk off intent on arriving where the portal stones had been set in place. He had no interest in rituals or those who sought to gain. He had seen far too often what happened when such things were allowed to run amok. He was going to walk into that portal and fight the damned things that had taken his arm in the first place.

Yao Ling Pryde

"I will always be ready to fight the Daimons," Yao Ling said with a smile.

Then a procession of cats crossed in front of her and she turned to follow, intent of where they intended to lead her.

And what exactly the voices from the light were saying.

Yao Ling had lost track of the penguins when the light from the tower turned black. But the polar bear walking down the street had been impossible to miss.

The voices emanating from the light had whispered louder at that moment, and Yao Ling followed the creature as it meandered through the market square.

She eventually ran into the new arrival Luto, who always seemed to know more about what was going on than was proper.

Luto leaned in and said, "Sophos Yao Ling Pryde, We must decide. Are we to begin the ritualistic work to welcome It to Nothoi or are we to kill the Others to stop them from completing the rituals before we have done so? We need at least Two Others alive to complete the rituals. For Nothoi."

Yao Ling cocked her head to the side and examined Luto for a long time. "What is It? Who are the Others? And why should we kill anyone here?"

She waved her hand at the polar bear who had stopped to eat some food someone had left. "Even the wild animals are friendly. Surely that means nothing but goodness and light comes from this event, yes?"

Yao Ling stopped when the wild stag looked at her. It turned towards the temple of Daishi that still stood in the center of the city and began to plod that way.

Yao Ling followed as the voices from the light seemed to grow stronger for a moment. Then they faded away as the local soldiers began to escort people out of the square.

Yao Ling moved closer to the stag and it walked straight into the temple complex without deviating in any direction. Only when they were inside the walls did the stag stop and turn to look at her once more. Its expression was expectant.

Yao Ling turned her head to see the Obian soldiers clearing the square and waved one of the temple acolytes over.

"Please get this fine fellow some food," she ordered. "He has done me a great service today."

Then she walked up onto the walls to see what she could see.

Report from Yao Ling Pryde to everyone in Daishi

There is much going on in Keffa right now.

Men with weapons threatening others. Obians at odds with each other.

Some coming with intent, while others come simply to enjoy the sights and sounds.

Wild animals walking through the streets like they belong.

Strange voices on the wind.

And the tower of light that changes colors on a steady schedule.

I have seen many things, but never anything exactly like this.

Yao Ling Pryde
Sophos of Nothoi
Royal of Nothoi
Ambassador of Nothoi
Duchess of the Holy City
Senator of Eykfar
Priestess of Daishi
High Shugenja of Daishi

Summer Evening

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling watched the column of light shift and undulate from atop the walls of the Temple of Daishi with the eyes of a woman who had seen such things many times in her years.

She had even been here in Keffa the last time it happened here. It was interesting. So much of Keffa was the same now as it had been then. But other parts were different.

Where the Obian temple now stood had been a crater then. Holding Daimons reportedly tamed by some otherworldly magic. Whatever the truth of that, they had stood silently as she approached the woman in the center of that crater. The founder of the religion who now sought to... what?

Repeat that? Reverse it? Do something different?

Yao Ling could not tell. There were many competing forces at work here. Even from within Obia.

The first was easy to see. The second competing push was there as well, winding around the first. A third? Maybe a fourth? Other magical attempts to change or break it popped up from all over Keffa. Some melded with it. Others fizzled out. Some met opposition.

Keffa was filled with magic in a way Yao Ling had not seen in years. Decades? Longer?

Keffa of course. Wudenkin, when the magics rained down so heavily they changed the very nature of magic everywhere. Reeds during the last Daimon Invasion when the power of magic literally erased them. And her hand. Before rebuilding it and giving an old woman the amazing young body she had now. Creasur, when the power of the gods shone from the Daishi and she harnessed that power to attack the Daimons again and again.

The magic flowed and intertwined here in ways that were... amazing.

Not entirely unprecedented, but certainly... amazing.

Yao Ling watched a line of large rats travel through the square, avoiding the legs of soldiers holding back those who were not allowed in. She wondered where they were going.

She hoped, whatever happened in Keffa, that the consecrations the lesser priests continued to perform even now inside the Temple of Daishi would hold. Would be enough. Or would not be needed at all.

That would be for the best, really.

She fingered the scrolls in her possession. She had brought many with her when it became time to make the journey. Scrolls of power. Some specifically designed to fight daimons wherever they appeared.

Others of more... interesting lineage. One she had kept for years, holding against the day when its magic would be required. She hoped now would not be the time she would need it.

Miracles from the gods were not something to call on when not needed. They did not always work the way you wanted them to, after all.

29th September

Summer Day

Battle in Marpii

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 60 men vs. 50 men
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Shield of Battle.
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Attacker Victory!

Battle in Hopidrii

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 160 men vs. 10 men
Duke Bob Baceolus is spotted wearing the Adorned Ring of the White Guardians.
Attacker Victory!

Yao Ling Pryde

The column of light changed colors again, the magic shifted once more, another voice on the wind called her name, and Yao Ling blinked.

She shifted her attention to square below her and watched the Obian and Vordul troops standing off against each other.

She considered interfering for a moment, but the dies of fighting with weapons like that were long gone to her. She was a priestess. She fought with words and ideas now.

The Vorduls had long since made it clear they would not listen to her, and their campaign to destroy the Temples of Daishi, consecrated bastions against the threat of the Daimons, made their intentions towards her and her people even more clear.

Yao Ling shook her head. They had chosen their path.

She could do nothing for them at this time.

Yao Ling returned her attention to the glowing pillar and the magics roiling within it.


The Square

Betty could not enter the square that dominated the center of Keffa. There were guards and soldiers and other armed men stopping people from entering.

She had not been to Keffa before, so did not know her way around well.

But then something caught her eye. A pack of wolves walked through the crowd as gentle as puppies. Her mistress had told her to mind the animals when she ordered Betty to Keffa. So Betty minded the wolves and followed them through the back streets of Keffa.

The pack walked up to a gate after several minutes and stopped. The pack leader turned to Betty with an expectant look. Betty raised a questioning eyebrow at the wolf, and then looked to the gate again. That was when she noticed the symbol of Daishi atop the gate. The tiny mechanical god looked out over the back street and Betty smiled before knocking on the gate.

It opened shortly and she showed her badge of office to the acolyte inside. The young man opened the gate wide then, and Betty strode into the consecrated confines of the Temple of Daishi in Keffa.

The wolves padded in with her and licked their lips expectantly, gazes shifting between Betty and the acolyte.

"Make sure they get the best cuts," Betty and patted the head of the pack leader. "They have performed a valuable service today."

The acolyte shrugged after shutting the gate and motioned for the wolves to follow him. Which they did without hesitation.

Betty shook her head in amusement and made her way to the front of the temple. She arrived atop the wall mere minutes later, and stopped next to her mistress.

"You have arrived, I see," Yao Ling said as her eyes continued to scan the action in the square.

"Yes, Mistress," Betty answered and followed her gaze. It was... complicated down there.

"Did you bring what I asked?"

"Yes, Mistress," Betty said and opened her scroll pouch to reveal the bundle of powerful items inside. "If any Daimons come through here, they will not enjoy the experience."

"Good," Yao Ling said and frowned at everything taking place beyond the walls of their temple. "Now I need you to do something else for me."

"Yes, Mistress," Betty returned.

"There may be a time ahead where great and terrible deeds will be required. They could demand a great cost of all involved."

"Yes, Mistress."

Yao Ling smiled at her for a moment. Then the High Priestess of Daishi turned back to the square ahead of them. "If matters go badly for me, you must run."

"Y... Mistress?" Betty asked in confusion. Her place was here. Right here.

Yao Ling set her jaw. "We all are called to the Great Death sooner or later. My calling has been delayed for a very long time. Should it come here, you will return to the lands of Nothoi."

"I... should stay with you, Mistress," Betty said with conviction.

"Your willingness to do so is why you should go," Yao Ling returned with a smile. "I don't know what path Daishi will choose whenever I leave. But it would do me good to see someone in the family still there to advise them."

"I... yes, Mistress," Betty said. Not that the nobility generally accepted that people of her current station were family.

"Your father was one of my best friends in all the world," Yao Ling whispered. "Having you here... now... is good."

"Yes, Mistress."

"And would you cut that 'Mistress' crap, out?" Yao Ling said in exasperation. "There's no one here we need to deceive."

Betty gave the aunt who had always seemed more like a cousin than an adult role model an impish grin. "Only if you insist."

Summer Evening

Travel Report

You make a short stop in Lloringel before you continue your travel to Jyl.

Battle in Jyl

Ar Agyr vs. (rogue)
Estimated strengths: 80 men vs. 10 men
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wearing the Cruel Ring of Sartania.
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Shield of Battle.
Judge Aeravon Velaryon is spotted wielding the Scythe of Vlaanderen.
Attacker Victory!

Huge Battle Fought

Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Bym:

(rogue) vs. Nova
Estimated strengths: 100 men vs. 470 men
Margrave Ruben Lawson is spotted wielding the Valiant Aegis of the Duck.
Count Sir Baldrid Prunesqualleur is spotted wielding the Forgotten Warblade of Jarbosh.
Defender Victory!