Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/August

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

4th August

Summer Evening - Rengo

Craglan Mejor

The smear.... The stain. That which was inherited. The Wrath...

Craglan the Cold Drraad'da Mejor, Vizier of Vordul Sanguinis and Wizard of the Frozen Blood; Awakened Beneath the Mountain; The Ghost of Winter and Rider of Frost, had been handed a mess. He missed Xlair: his resolute morbidity, his brilliance...

Craglan had been sent to torture three Times during the reign of Xlair, and still Craglan preferred it to this...

The judge had gone all but silent. The general seemed aloof, the sponsor was occupied with her duchy; only the High Ambassador seemed to still have a voice, a will...

The new priest was welcomed in Gabriel as he knew the Emperor better than all. Perhaps this would be the Change.

The One Armed Dwarf had been in a drunken slander for days over the Adventurer come Priest; Gabriel, and Craglan began to wish her Death.

Craglans head swam. Only in his wildest nightmare was he a ruler... How had this happened? Fate. A terrible fate.

Since his induction as Vizier, Craglan was seemingly handed more than Xlair carried, even in the dreaded Armor of Arshava. Xlair had a host of dedicated assistance in all he did, dedication Craglan very simply could not manifest.

Dissent, denial, deterrents, deception; all these milled about, and Craglan knew it all, knew and could do nothing as the Powers of his office were meaningless in a realm that failed to communicate and work as one.

Everyone had always seemed to hate Craglan, and then he became Vizier by their voice, the last voice they would ever use to promote him to his demise. He felt the Warlord was bitter, having more Wisdom than the Ghost of Winter in the ways of politics and War and thereby making him more fit as a ruler. Craglan could do nothing but stew.

It was up to the Silent Disciples, the Cloth of Vordulism, the Adventurers who equiped them all; Craglan could apparently do nothing right and he began to consider the Crystal Skull... it would be so easy to vanish into it and give Javien back his body, however altered and torn it had become since Craglan Awakened Beneath the Mountain.

​​​​​​"The Pig-faced Judge" said Craglan to Frost at a random moment on the road. "It must begin with the most devout."

"Sire," said Frost, "let us run away. Let's explore he far north."

"We have far weirder things to explore than the north old Friend, we delve now into the human mind and the basements in which it dwells..."

6th August

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Important Event for Daishi

High Shugenja Yao Ling Pryde has constructed a new temple in Bajit.