Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2020/July

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st July

Summer Day - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

A Royal Breakfast

The sun was slowly appearing across the horizon. Lindow was walking through the town of Amon Laer, where Shadowdale's soldiers were protecting the merchants and heralds who accompany the army to announce the commercial advantages that Oporto would have within Shadowdale.

- Tell me about yourself, Captain Valentina - Lindow said. Beside him was a robust young woman wearing the the guard's uniform and behind her were five more guards.

- I am from a humble family of farmers from Greatbridge. They recruited me along with other children to learn bow handling. After that, Her Highness recruited many of those young people among whom I was, I learned a lot within the Gray Guard, and I thank her for this opportunity she has given me to be the captain of her guard. I will not fail you-

- I'm sure you won't -

Lindow and her guard entered an inn.

- Innkeeper, give me the best I have for dinner. And other than that stale turkey they give to outsiders-

- Your Majesty, we would never do that to a king, let alone our Shadow King. Many may have forgotten in such a short time but there are a few that we still remember where we really are from. -

- Glad to hear that, Innkeeper -

Lindow passed by one of the tables where there was a hooded man who had entered after him. Lindow whispered:

- Keep watching my back, Jaques -

Then he passed by a table where several young Shadowdale knights such as Tyrann, Martin, Mordred, Pan and Fitch were having breakfast.

- Glad to see you around here, young knights. Is there a gap in this table so that your king can sit down for breakfast? -

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann was hunched over his bowl of stale turkey stew, absorbing what warmth he could and lost in thought. The inn was relatively quiet, a small fire crackled rhythmically as the occasional sound of slurping seemed to bounce from table to table. The slight whispers turned into a low mumbling after the doors opened and the mood among the patrons began to shift.

Tyrann lifted his head to the figure of the Shadow King, Lindow Moonsun, standing before him and his compatriots. He quickly rose, and having done so nearly fell over as his calves made contact with the bench. The sudden flush of embarrassment pulled Tyrann from his morning stupor. "Your Majesty..." He said while maneuvering away from the table and bowing his head, "there is always room at any table under which your Shadow presides." Tyrann, with head still bowed, extended his arm to gesture that his seat was available.

Mordred Pendragon Pendragon

Mordred looked up from his turkey leg, blinkily lazily at the unfamiliar voice. It took him a moment to recognize the Shadow King, never having met him before.

​​​​​​Mordred gave his King a once over, taking note of His Majesty's regal bearing. With a nod of approval and a smile on his face, he waved towards one of the vacant seats at their table.

-By all means, Your Majesty. We'd be honored to eat with you. It's not everyday one gets to break fast with the Shadow King himself!

Finishing up with his food, Mordred leaned on his chair and started rocking back and forth, arms behind his head.

-Your Majesty, how do you think everything is proceding? My men and I are quite satisfied with the results so far. Our methods do involve lots of carousing, after all.

Mordred chucked to himself, thinking fondly of the woman he had managed to bed a few hours prior.

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann stood and watched Mordred's calm demeanor and couldn't help but wince at his own behavior; so quick to resort to formality and making a fool of himself in front of the Shadow King and his peers. Insecurities still troubled him and in these moments he was reminded of his youth and naivety. The need to remove from himself all that was "expected" in the house of his father was even more profound. He must act as the man he wishes to become.

He sat back down pushing away the bowl before him and began to drink his wine, hoping that his peers would soon forget his bumbling. He cleared his throat and sat upright in an attempt to regain the dignity lost.

Summer Evening - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

A Royal Breakfast

Lindow sat down next to the knights, soon a waitress arrived, leaving breakfast in front of Lindow.

- Your Highness, your breakfast dish, the best of this house - said the waitress as she set down a dish with marinated pork and mashed potatoes. Then the waitress looked up and smiled at Mordred, arousing Lindow's curiosity.

"It seems like there is another kind of takeover here" Lindow thought, then looked at all the knights at the table.

- Sirs, the takeover is working satisfactorily thanks to your work, but do not get used to these moments of little action, at any time you can be on the battlefield charging against the enemy under a rain of arrows - Lindow said smiling as he began to eat his breakfast.

- On the other hand, after the betrayal of the lady Kiera, the lordship of Oporto will be empty, I know that some of you have achieved enough prestige in the previous campaigns to be eligible for the title - Lindow looked at Tyrann, Pan, Fitch and Martin - In case there are many requests, we will decide as it has always been done in Shadowdale, by sword duel -

Zenta Carson

Zenta walking around while others eat breakfast while still thinking. The daimon within him seems to have disappeared, but suddenly.

Faint whispers of black speech: kul du nah ne ti lim, al na ki.

Then the whispers suddenly stop as his Captain came to greet him.

Captain Hilda: "Is everything alright sir?"

Zenta: "Yes, I ummmm yes I'm fine thank you for asking. Are the men enjoying themselves?"

Capt. Hilda: "Yes of course. Though I was wondering, would you like to join me for a meal?"

Seeing Hilda with a wide eye and smile actually put a smile on Zenta as well. Which was not an easy thing to do.

Zenta: "Of course Captain, I am feeling a bit famished."

He held out his arm and Captain Hilda blushed bright red. She took his arm and they walked to the finest inn in Oporto. Though it is as if Zenta had changed. He was not the harsh man he was once before. It's as if what was plaguing him just disappeared. However, all good things will soon come to an end.

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann grinned and shook his head slightly as the Shadow King spoke of Mordred’s takeover and nodded once more as Lindow spoke of the rain of arrows; reminding him all too well of his defeat in Greatbridge less than a week ago.

As the shadow king began to speak of the vacancy of the Oporto Lordship Tyrann found his eyes drawn to a poorly lit corner of the inn. The shadows seemed to darken and almost pulse as he heard the words...

“kul du nah ne ti lim, al na ki”

A sudden sense of dread filled him with eyes wide, but the strange shadow vanished as he blinked. It was then the voice of the Shadow King asserted itself back in his consciousness, “In case there are many requests, we will decide as it has always been done in Shadowdale, by sword duel...” Tyrann knew he did not yet possess the qualities for Lordship but the thought of a duel seemed to light a fire inside of him.

“My King, I agree with Margrave Zenta. That the title of Lord of Oporto should pass to Sir Fitch.” Tyrann nodded towards his peer. “His loyalty has been given quite the test already. I would though fancy a bout. A bit of entertainment on the day of his ascension.” He paused and looked again at Fitch, “If you are willing of course my friend...”

Fitch Keltor

Fitch had been studying The kings face and demeanour, making sure that all was good, and indeed it it did. Even after his recent assassination attempt the king seemed confident and composed, and certainly not like anybody who had been almost killed twice.

Then out of the corner of his eye something changed. Tyranns pupils for a quick second bulged. Then he saw something. He searched his long list of memories for an answer

Then his friend ,Tryann, spoke with almost as much confidence as the king. He even looked brighter and his tone seemed more intense.

If you are willing of course my friend...

Something changed.

”To become a lord would be interesting. There are many benefits to this, such as becoming closer to my king, or having my own group of nobles. However I have made my goals clear from my first day as a noble. To gain enough money that the light gleaming off of my mountain of coin can be seen in the furthest reaches of the known world. At the moment I have an estate producing double than that of the same size in Braga, and am uninterested for the most part in any titles for a long while.”

This was a lie. He greatly wanted to become the lord and had had plans of this day since he could remember. But the mention of a duel scared him. he was never good with sword and even after going through a few battles he still reckoned he was better at wielding a quill than a sword. But more than this the change in tryann from one who also wished to be a lord from wanting him. This was the scariest of all...

Maccio Aurelle

A Royal Breakfast

- "The greedy type, ain't ya?"

A young man about the same size as Fitch but slightly thinner, dressed in a white aketon, peered the table through a nearby open window.

- "Know a mutt called Brock? He's got a nice pile o' gold like ye want to have. What he has it fer? Heck if I know. Dude's been sittin' atop it doin nuthin' whilst his realm withered away. If ye want gold, at least have somethin' ye wish to spend it on."

The young man turns slightly to meet Lindow's gaze and gives a sloppy salute with one hand whilst resting the other arm's elbow atop the frame of the window.

- "Greetin' the new blood, ey? Looked outside? There's a sh*te ton o' people 'round this place. Tons o' nobles n' a king gathered in the same spot fer breakfast, some olde tavern now visited by royalty. Dude's goin' to brag fer years about dis." - Says pointing towards the innkeeper with a thumb - "Lucky devil..."

The young man sits on the window frame, brings one of his legs in and pulls out a knife and then an orange, which he begins peeling as he talks.

- "Well now... Haven't met ye folks before, save King Lindow of course. I probably read ye letters, but can't link faces n' names with just pieces o' parchment. Who each one of ye be?"

Summer Evening - Evora

Mordred Pendragon Pendragon

Mordred's smile got slightly wider and winked at the waitress, trying not to stare at her retreating form.

-Lovely figure, he thought to himself.

As he heard the King's words, his face fell. Had he been able to assist in the campaign he could've been Lord of this region. Damn it all!

-I'm sorry about my absence during the campaign you four have fought in. Unfavorable circumstances befell me on my way to Oporto...I got lost and ended up in Avamar.

He gave them a sheepish smile.

-It's a shame. I would've loved to kick your asses! Pardon my Shadowdalian, my King.

With a grin, Mordred leaned his head back and sighed contentedly, thinking about the waitress, her grace unimpeded by pesky things such as clothes.

Jaques Talos

Oporto, Royal Breakfast

Jaques slipped down stairs and found an empty table at the inn, Quietly he ordered breakfast and looked around at all the other Knights and Lords.

He smiled as he saw the new knights that had emerged, as well as old ones like the Margrave.

Silently he accepted his drink and started to eat.

Lindow Moonsun

A Royal Breakfast

- Welcome to this meeting, Tormentor Maccio - Lindow said - Sirs, I present Lord Maccio Aurelle, Margrave of Akesh Temple and Tormentor of Shadowdale, he is a great promoter of laws, a great warrior and an exquisite slave collector - Lindow said as he finished eating his breakfast.

Then Lindow looked at the young knights and said

- Sir Fitch, your loyalty to Shadowdale is admirable and I hope to see you among the candidates for the Lordship of Oporto - Lindow looked at Mordred - You are young, Sir Mordred, and you still have great feats to live, do not be in a hurry to show that you have greatness, that is always inside you -

Lindow leaned back and raised his hand looking at the waitress.

-Waitress! bring the best bottle of wine you have, we are going to make a toast -

- Right now, your Highness! -

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann listened closely to Fitch’s refusal and could sense that there was something troubling him. He shook his head in disappointment and drank of his wine. It was then that the thin figure of Maccio appeared in the window. Tyrann found himself puzzled by his speech and only after the introduction by Lindow did the pieces begin to fall in place. He had known the mountain folk to be rather different and that perhaps it was the thin availability of oxygen responsible for the dialect.

Tyrann turned to Maccio and raised his goblet, “Hail Tormentor, I am Sir Tyrann of Al Amarah. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh and, as you have said, put a face to a name.” Tyrann gestured his goblet slightly higher in the air and finished his wine. “I must say that your charm is lost in your missives my Lord.” He said with a grin.

As Mordred began to speak Tyrann’s vision seemed to tunnel and hone in on each syllable. “Let us forgo shame, my brother in arms. Was it circumstance that kept you from Greatbridge as well? There lies the shame for I did not have the pleasure of seeing your wielding of a blade.” Tyrann’s sarcastic tone could be sensed by all. It was then the Shadow King ordered a finest the young waitress to fetch more wine.

“Let we two provide the entertainment after the reclamation of Oporto, a friendly bout of skill. Providing we are permitted by his Majesty.” There was a uneasy pause, interrupted then by the waitress with a bottle of Taur Doron Reserve.

Zenta Carson

As the breakfast feast continued, Zenta sat at the bar away from everyone. Though his Captain, Hilda, was still with him. She asked.

"My lord, does something trouble you?"

"Yes Hilda, something does. You have served me for a little while now, what do you think of my command ability?"

"Well you are courageous, you think on your feet. You don't let anyone push you around. I mean you are lord of Negev. That is also why I have kind of fallen in love with you."

Zenta a bit surprised, didn't know what to say to Hilda. It was as if he was stuned that someone actually cared about him. He did not know how to react. Though he was not sure if fratnization (no idea how to spell it) was allowed within the military chain of command.

"Hilda I honestly had no idea you felt that way about me. Though being your superior I'm not sure if it is wise. However, I do have feelings for you as well."

Her eyes sparkled with delight as if no one had ever told her that before. Zenta was in love with his own Captain. And the Captain was in love with him. Zenta's heart filled with joy. Soon to become empty and hollow again.

Tyrann Thrane

As the bottle of Taur Doron Reserve was poured and those at the table sat in a brief silence Tyrann felt his eyes, by will not of his own, focus on the back of Zenta. The sense of relief washed over him, as if weight was lifted from his shoulders. He sat in a sort of stupor having no idea where the last several minutes went.

Mordred Pendragon Pendragon

Mordred's eyes narrowed slightly at Tyrann's remark, but the smile never left his face.

-Brother, are you hard of hearing, perhaps? I'm fairly certain I said I got lost on the way.

The concern in his voice was so genuine that it was obvious that he was mocking Tyrann.

Even at the knight's blatantly caustic tone, Mordred just kept on smiling, intentionally letting the sarcasm fly over his head.

-Why, brother, you flatter me so!

Mordred made a show of effeminately fanning his face, as if he were blushing.

-Though I regret to inform you that you won't worm yourself in my sheets that easily! I find myself solely attracted to the fairer sex.

At the mention of a fun duel, Mordred gave him another toothy grin.

-Sir Tyrann, I'd love nothing more. Although I think we should stop making a fool of ourselves with our idle chatter. Unless there is something else you wish to babble to His Majesty?

Marcus Towerfall

Marcus Towerfall smiled to himself in the night as him and his men continued marching on towards Oporto to help or at least support the take over there. He hefted his axe onto his shoulder as he called out to his men "I wonder if any rogues may sally out to strike at our forces." One of his main men, Rowland responded with a laugh "I hope they do so they can taste our steel!" His men let out an oorah at that as Marcus laughed. "Don't fret Rowland, you bloodthirsty daimon, in a land such as this our blades will be slick with blood before long be it in Oporto or elsewhere I believe enemies will be aplenty for us to strike down." His men let out another Oorah as they continued their march onward to glory, gold and maybe gore, who knows!

Stephan Oldwin

Negev Homesteads, Two hours after 'Heavy Training' ...

Captain Delia knocked on the door, the soft knocks barely were noticed until Stephan peered his head up, him and a few others were the only ones able to somewhat recover so quickly after such training. "Yes?"

The Captain stood a bit straighter, even if she was behind the door still. "It's Captain Delia, sir. Permission to enter?"

Stephan finished looking over the equipment report. "Oh, of course, come on in, Delia." He took one of the rags everyone was given and dabbed it on his forehead again, getting any sweat off before she entered.

The door opened, and a medium sized woman stepped in, wearing her casual clothing. Delia was young, like Stephan, her pale smooth skin went well with her ash white hair. She closed the door and did a small bow for Stephan, soon waving the formality away. "Please, no need to be so formal, Delia, we're recovering from training."

Delia nodded and stood strait, not being able to fully relax just yet, even if her superior asked for it. "Y-Yes Sir. I just wanted to stop by to ask a few questions." Her lavender eyes gazed at Stephan, giving him her full attention and respect.

Stephan nodded and took out a flask, taking a long draft from the bottle, which said bottle contained water, which he kept close at almost all times. "Oh? Sure, I'll answer any questions you have, just ask away." The remarkably stunning woman nodded and cleared her throat, glancing and gesturing to the letters asking for nobles to reposition and help take back Oporto.

"Sorry if I'm stepping out of line by saying this, but. Why haven't we moved to Oporto? The Grey Exarch requested us days ago, isn't it wrong to not go? Claim what should be ours?" She exclaimed with concern. She was recruited a few days ago as well, hoping to get experience with a rookie, just like her. She watched patiently and observantly as he spoke.

" When I was beckoned, I didn't have the numbers, so, I went to the capital, and recruited you and some others, giving me somewhat increased numbers. And I returned here to get closer to Oporto, but just to prepare I decided to put us through some training, making us work better together and giving everyone some experience."

Delia looked a slight bit shocked. She didn't think of that, not one bit. But that was smart, building cohesion and making sure they all didn't look like dolts. She then remembered her submitted equipment report. "What about equipment, we have a slight bit of damage to it all, and we don't have time to visit the capital. Are we even going to go to Oporto?"

Stephan nodded. " Don't worry, Delia, I have that figured out. And to answer your question, Yes. W are going to Oporto. to answer your other question. Equipment is fine, we're only going to be a reinforcement force. Due to our somewhat small numbers, we don't have the manpower or skill to hold a candle to some of the other nobles. So we'll come as a reinforcement garrison. As for when, we'll head tomorrow morning, when everyone is rested and ready to go. I managed to recruit a few scouts, and they should hopefully be here by tomorrow morning as well, when we leave."

Delia was shocked again. She didn't expect to be serving under a remotely intelligent noble. He didn't seem like a power hungry person either, like she expected him to be. She smiled and nodded once more, bowing again. "Thank you, Sir Oldwin, for reassuring my worry, I shouldn't have doubted you one bit. Goodnight, try not to stay up too late alright?"

"Of course, Delia, goodnight to you too."

She waved and opened his door, walking out and closing it gently, her footsteps echoing through the hall until the sound faded away. Stephan revealed a very feint smile and he soon returned to another report, going over it as the night sky continued to loom over Negev Homesteads, and the night sounds conitnued to fill the night.

Zenta Carson

At the bar of the Inn, Zenta can be seen with his Captain. Gazing into each other's eyes both lean into each other. They kiss. Everyone watching in the Inn not knowing what to think.

As they kiss suddenly it was as if the entire room got dark and a scorching red eye appears but no one else can see it except Sir Thrane and Zenta. Scared to death Zenta falls off the stool and he heard the black speech screech through the entire Inn.

Black Speech: "DA NA KI REM NAH!!!!!! TI KOO NAH MA TO LI!!!!!!"

(Translation: "Death will come to Shadowdale!!!!! You can not stand against the horde!!!!!)

Then suddenly everything went back to normal with Hilda at his side confused and everyone in the Inn looked at him. It was as if Zenta had seen a ghost.

After seeing it Thrane approaches Zenta.....for he saw and heard it all.

3rd July

Summer Day - Evora

Maximilian Rea

"Smee! We nee' ta get some funny look'n folk fur tha Shadow Capt'n!"

"Capt'n Maxy, why do ye need deem?"

"We can't be tell'n all me mateies tha we was with the girliees fur the last weeks! Get ta it Smee!"

Tyrann Thrane

Tyrann looked confusingly at Mordred, he had no recollection of what he had been saying just moments ago. It was then he heard the sound of what seemed like the twisting of time and as he turned to see the Margrave darkness consumed the inn.

The scorching, lidless eye manifested and with it the thundering phrase, “DA NA KI REM NAH!!!!!! TI KOO NAH MA TO LI!!!!!!"

Tyrann fell back from the bench in fear as as quickly as it appeared it was gone. Breathing heavy he made his way quickly to Zenta and kneeling beside him. With the aid of Hilda they slowly brought the Margrave to his feet.

”M m my Lord, you saw the...” Tyrann paused and looked around to his confused countrymen and fellow patrons, “Let us make for your camp my Lord, Hilda will you lead the way?”

Brigdha Dubhaine

My friends, you seem unable to grasp the essential nature of our predicament.

  • Shadowdale needs to expand because we have many knights to support;
  • Many of these knights are young and eager to experience the thrill of battle;
  • Colonies may well offer those thrills but these knights have chosen Shadowdale as the place to come of age;
  • And war will soon be upon us by King Smiddich's design.

It is to the North's advantage if Shadowdale retains her full compliment of knights given that even when Perdan seeds her colony it's unlikely her numbers will fall much below thirty knights and her allies in Perleone field twenty-eight.

The solution to this crisis therefore has to involve Shadowdale gaining more land with which to support her knights and properly equip them. And it has to involve the North pulling together to resist King Smiddich's attempts to settle a client state on our western flank.

Brigdha Dubhaine

Ambassador of Shadowdale

Baroness of Evora

Priestess of The Shadows

Patrician of Circle of Fate

Summer Evening - Evora

Lindow Moonsun

A Royal Breakfast

The Taur Doron Reserve bottle fell to the ground after Zenta's agonized scream. Everyone at the table got up instantly, the Grey Guards approached near Lindow at the din that was happening.

Lindow watched Tyrann walk out of the tavern with Zenta and his captain, making an awkward silence. Then Lindow looked at the remaining knights and said

- Sirs, excuse me, let leave the toast for another more appropriate moment - Then he put on his cape while the waitress brought a broom to clean the floor.

- I am glad to have breakfast with you, Sirs. Good luck in the takeover -Lindow said while he put his fist to his heart as a sign of farewell and left the the tavern.