Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/May

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st May

Summer Evening - Lloringel

Ester Ester Cavendish

The buttons of merchant's velvet shirt strained to cover his hairy belly, and his hair was a greasy tangle. But his smile was genuine as he lead her down the narrow passage deep in the castle city.

"The faithful of Sandefur have longed for this day," he beamed. "It is dangerous, what we do, but we are proud to take the risk."

Checking behind him, he cut off down an even small alley that opened suddenly into a courtyard.

"There," he pointed.

A small shrine in the clearing, surrounding by a few dozen smiling citizens.

"You have done well," Ester Ester told them.

"I consecrate this shrine in the name of Daishi, to protect the Faithful against the Daimon Hordes..." she intoned...

6th May

Summer Evening - Tepmona

Brand Player

Brand made sure that the "special" servant would receive his letter, addressed to the Queen; added with a personal message to her.

Dear Servant of the Queen of Agyr,

I have to sail on..

But I will miss you and your ... let's say ... delicious butt.

Anyway, please tell your Queen that my mission had been completed ... well stopped.

Please thank her for her hospitality and trust.

As a return favor I only can tell her ...

The Ring had been vaporized.

My opinion :

1. The Netherworld claimed it back (possible needed it for a portal) 2. A Certain kind of mystical, monastic group (nearby) had been using the Netherworld' s magic in order to do whatever.

Thank you again and who knows.... till we meet again.



8th May

Summer Day - Tepmona

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

The Queen smiled as she read the letter, Brand's impertinent manner as bold on the page as she remembered from their brief meeting. There were none at her court who'd openly dare to discuss her merits as a woman and Aibhlidhn couldn't help but feel some affection towards the rootless traveller. In the eyes of feudal law he was burdened and disadvantaged yet it seemed to her that his freedom from responsibility was worth as much as all the riches which filled her treasury many times over.

"A pity you're off on your travels Brand, who knows what mischief we might have enjoyed together," she folded the parchment tenderly and locked it in a certain compartment of her campaign chest, alongside other mementoes of the life she might have lived were she not the daughter of a great and noble house, the Queen of the Five Duchies of Ar Agyr.

20th May

Summer Day - Fronepu

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona has announced a Tournament of Joust and Swordfight to be held in Fronepu 9 days from now.

The winner will be rewarded with 500 gold in addition to the honour and prestige that his victory will earn him. There will also be a reward of 200 gold for the runner-up.

All nobles of the continent are welcome on the tournament grounds on the day of this event. Make sure you announce your participation in time.

22nd May

Summer Day - Fronepu


The Foederati woman had earned a ride in the rumbling cart after saving the horse from a scyther. Hunched over a spear, her cloak pulled tight, she peers about the strange city of towers. Despite the crumbling remains of the outer walls the place was clean, cleaner than Mhed at least. Thought that was probably in preparation for the tournament.

A chill draws her attention to the looming stronghold, still marred by the wolf's paw after all these years, even as she hisses under her breath, “What now?”

Twisting about to consider the tournament grounds she nods to herself, before eyeing the repurposed militia barracks anew. She was here for a reason after all, and maybe she could get the proper vantage from a high perch… After all, scuttling into that old stronghold should be child's play.

Godfrey Greybrook

Arriving the night before, the Priest arrived in the foreign city to the fanfare of celebration and tourney. With the sea breeze passing through the cobbled streets, Godfrey once again was stunned by the ancient infrastructure that was the Daishi faith across this part of the continent.

Poor souls.

Godfrey would talk to these people and give them a a true calling in their life - Vordulism's goal to save humanity from its struggle. Yet, he was not inclined to do so without permission of the ducal lord.

Instead, he awaited for the letter of the Lord Eriol and quietly enjoyed the festivities.

Eriol Blackdagger

Banners flew high in the breeze the morning the young diplomat came into the city. A city preparing for tournament. He could smell the various meats beginning their roasts, the breads being baked, and all-too familiar animal smell, from his farming youth. Eriol walks down the cobbled main road of the capital of Ar Agyr, that old nation founded again new; much the same way that the Empire did. From the grace of Thalmarkin... before the reign of the Mad King that threw the continent into war. In that, the Empire of Vordul Sanguinis and the new Kingdom of Ar Agyr are kindred spirits. Hopefully, the Count of Vale can use these good intentions as a bridge for his first assignment.

As the delegation still tried to make its way into the city, Eriol took the time to walk around, and see the sights of the capital. “I see why the pottery of this land is so famed” Eriol thought to himself as he stood at an open stand watching a potter’s meticulous etching on his latest creation. His two apprentices stood beside him taking notes.

“Magnificent” he thought to himself.

“Sir?” he heard from behind him. Turning around, Eriol is met by a well-adorned soldier, possibly royal guard. “You are ambassador from Wudenkin, are you not?” the sound echoing from behind a full helm.

“I am. Before I meet with Her Majesty, I wanted to take a look around. I hope I have not caused offense”. Eriol replied.

“Not at all Lord Blackdagger... I do have a question sir.” The soldier then lifted his visor and a weather beaten rough face scarred from battle, rough from the elements, and a slightly greyed beard showing his age and experience met Eriol’s gaze. He leaned in and whispered, “I... is it true that your King is a... Vampire?”

Eriol smirked at the question and pointed east, “I take it the castle is that way?”

Hail Aibhlidhn, Queen of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona.

I bring greetings and admiration from my master Emperor Xlair Silverblade, Lord and absolute ruler of Vordul Sanguinis. I am Count Eriol Blackdagger of Vale, his servant, who has been honored to have been chosen to meet with your Royal Majesty. We would be most honored to be received by your court for a more formal introduction of our delegation, and enjoy the beauty of your realm which has benefitted from your wise rule.

May our meeting be blessed,

Eriol Blackdagger

Count of Vale

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

Greetings Eriol, Count of Vale,

You are welcome at my Court and recognised as the Envoy of Emperor Xlair with all the protections of Law and Custom so accorded. Whilst I have not had the pleasure of meeting your master we have exchanged correspondence on several occasions since the Empire was established in Wudenkin and I am eager to learn more of his realm and people, the better to understand how we may jointly prosper.

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

Queen of Ar Agyr

Royal of Ar Agyr

Duchess of Havilmark

Countess of Tepmona

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Gustav Kuriga

Gustav arrived at the remnants of the gates to Old Fronepu, struck by the air of half-remembered history evident in the aging ruins. Having the captain of his Legion Archers go on ahead to find housing for the troops and suitable accomodations for one of the Sworn, Gustav stayed behind to study the crumbling walls. He sat on a rock outside the structure, sketching it silently as the moonlight struck the stone, creating an eerie, melancholic scene.

He would start as Captain Godlinda said "Milord, things are prepared for yourself."

"Thank you Captain, you're dismissed until sunrise, see to the troops." With that the soldier would head off as Gustav stood, stretching out his limbs after sitting for some time, before heading to where he would be staying the night.

23rd May

Summer Day - Fronepu


Best laid plans...

Swinging around her spear to strike down the last rattler, Nerta sighs and inspects the dusty catacombs in flickering torch light. Did the Valentic Order burrow in every city they entered? First Mhed, then Agyr, and now here…

Turning toward the chill Nerta rolls her eyes, “Finally done? She couldn’t have been that great of a conversationalist. Well I’ve finished up so let’s head back upstairs where I can get some stew.”

Pulling her cloak back around her as she goes, the young Foederati makes her way back above ground toward one of those famed alehouses that everyone was hawking about.

Summer Evening - Fronepu


Oh great, it’s a party.

When she sat down to her victory stew, the cozy alehouse had only a few patrons, but that had changed quickly once the Patrician swaggered in.

Slapping down more money than she’d ever seen, this Achille de Medici had called for a round of drinks. That much beer sloshing around drew in quite the crowd of riotous revelers and within minutes a party was well under way.

A party that backed Nerta into a corner..

She’d been jostled by a cutesy couple looking to find a bit of space themselves, and at least one frothy flagon emblazoned with a dragon had been thunked down on her table. At this rate someone was going to ask her to dance or worse!

Puffing aside a stray hair and keeping her travel cloak pulled tight, the woman eyes her possible routes of escape: The front door was swamped with people, both coming and going; but she could head upstairs and maybe slip out of a window or something.

Taking a moment to eye the stuffed shirt, Nerta rises and makes her way for the stairs.