Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/2020/March

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17785
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

5th March

Winter Day - Giask

Nivani Weaver

Nivani really hates ships. The ship slid thru the water to a thump against the dock. She did not wait and was the second or third person off the boat.

She has arrived after the death of her sister. The family had already sent her to this continent to make the family name present. She was instructed to find her sister's body. She died somewhere to the north after running from her last realm. The letters she sent that made it home sounded as if she had lost her mind. She was already on her voyage,when the letter of her sister's death came to her. It did not change her secondary mission of establishing the family name in far away lands.

14th March

Winter Day - Outer Giask

Lytcott Cavendish

The first thing you notice is the face tattooed like a skull.

The armor is black, and black hooded. A sword with etchings in some unknown tongue, deep enough to show them dark against the steel. A mace tucked in his belt.

The letters P-R-U-D-E-N-C-E marked across each knuckle round out the picture.

15th March

Winter Day - Outer Giask

Lytcott Cavendish

The figure in black sat silently upon his ebony warhorse, watching the troops and militia form up at the walls through the skull-shaped helm.

His archers stood stony-faced in a line further behind, bows at the side, awaiting a command to advance.

The monsters rushed forward to attack the palisades. Thwock went the bows of the militia, clouding the sky momentarily, followed by shrieks of pain and rage.

As soon as it had started, it was over. The skull nodded approvingly, and with a signal the Bows retired to their barracks to prepare for the next arrival.