Serpentis Family/Yeux

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Yeux Serpentis


Name: Yeux Serpentis

Age: 33 years

Realm: Falasan

Main Class: Warrior

Sub Class: Hero

Title: Knight of Menedor

Old Titles: Knight of Chato, Knight of Tucha, Knight of Beleriel, Knight of Barad Falas and Knight of Menedor

Religion: -- --

Honour: 127

Prestige: 35

Weapons: Spatha

Items: -- --

Army: The Army of Barad Falas

Troops: ~=B.F=~ Serpentis Teeth

Type: Infantry

Captain: -- --

Old Captains: Captain Bartomar (+7) [Died in Battle], Captain Rigo (+7) [Died in Battle] and Captain Karl (+1) [Died in Battle]


Name: Yeux Serpentis

Age: 34 years

Realm: Averoth (Old Colony of Morek)

Titles: Count of Hvergelmir and High Inquisitor of Averoth

Old Titles: Noble of Morek, Knight of Yggdramir, Grandmaster, Ordermarshal and Coffermaster of Morek Colony

Religion: -- --

Honour: 99

Prestige: 26

Weapons: Spatha

Items: -- --

Army: -- --

Troops: Serpentis Teeth

Type: Infantry

Captain: Captain Rudolf (+2)


Name: Yeux Serpentis

Age: 42 years

Realm: Avalon

Title: Baron of Cori and Minister of Finances of Avalon

Old Titles: Knight of Darhauyo, Kinght of Wilwau and Minister of Finances of Avalon

Guild Titles: Allied Freshman of Military Fellowship, Aliied Judge or Banker of Military Alliance and Lord of the Institute of Diplomacy

Religion: Order of the Druids [Master of Potions]

Honour: 172

Prestige: 40

Time of Service: 310 days

Weapons: Spatha

Items: Dazzling Aegis of Righteousness (+3 Prestige)

Army: The Legion of the Great Oak

Troops: Berserks

Type: Infantry

Captain: Captain Helmut (+6)

Old Captains: Captain Hadred (+4) [Disbanded] and Captain Werner (+5) [Died in Battle]

Favorite Designation: Mercenaries


In development...

Battle Prowess

Sir Richard Wentwood, Prime Minister of Hetland, Ambassador of Hetland has been captured by Berserks.

Cwellan [Undead Horde] has been wounded by Berserks - Battle in Qual [Undead Imperial Region]


2007-08-23 * Yeux * Began his career in Falasan.

2009-04-12 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Cagilan Empire

2009-04-15 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Falasan

2009-05-02 * Yeux * Immigrated to Dwilight.

2009-05-05 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Morek

2009-05-15 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Morek Colony

2009-05-18 * Yeux * Elected as Ruler in Morek Colony.

2009-05-18 * Yeux * Elected as General in Morek Colony.

2009-05-23 * Yeux * Appointed as General of Morek Colony.

2009-05-23 * Yeux * Appointed as General of Morek Colony

2009-05-25 * Yeux * Elected as Banker in Morek Colony.

2009-06-04 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Everguard

2009-06-05 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Averoth

2009-06-10 * Yeux * Appointed as Judge of Averoth

2009-06-10 * Yeux * Appointed as Judge of Averoth.

2009-07-01 * Yeux * Appointed as Count of Hvergelmir.

2009-08-02 * Yeux * Immigrated to Beluaterra.

2009-08-03 * Yeux * Joined the realm of Avalon

2009-12-04 * Yeux * Elected as Baron of Cori

2010-02-01 * Yeux * Elected as Banker in Avalon.

Roleplay Archive


Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Battle in Corniel and a Great Escape

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The True Spirit of Falasan

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Celebration of the Drunk Serpent

Serpentis Family/Yeux/Working like a Commoner

Serpentis Family/Yeux/Duke of Tucha?

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Death of a Hero

Serpentis Family/Yeux/Leaving - Part I

Serpentis Family/Yeux/Leaving - Part II


Serpentis Family/Yeux/Arriving

Serpentis Family/Yeux/249 Coins of Gold

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Long Journey - Part I

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Long Journey - Part II

Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Long Journey - Part III


Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Bard, Berserks and The Prime Minister