Serpentis Family/Yeux/The Celebration of the Drunk Serpent

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The Celebration of the Drunk Serpent

Yeux was silent and taciturn as a crow in the last days. Hard days. After Captain Bartomar died when the troops were decimated Yeux was concerned. He didn't remember your last Captain before Bartomar. He was traveling Falasan and leaving militia in Nazgorn, Picnu and other regions. The preparations for the war. To receive the enemies' horde with swords and spears. But Bartomar was a good soldier and a good Captain and Yeux was with him from the beginning of the war. The soldiers died too. Now they already disappeared in the dust and in the wind or in the throat of the crows and vultures. But Yeux stayed alive, after all he escaped heroically of enemies soldiers. He is a son of the Great Serpent.

The hero traveled to Barad Gardor and bought new soldiers, but unhappily any one good enough to be a Captain. Perhaps the gods were mocking of him. Yeux remembered of when he was politely placed outside of the religious order. He always made his prayers, but never paid the donations. He liked the temple that he found in the women. More than the women that he found in the temples. On those days the gold was scarce, but Yeux never complained. He didn't like to travel with a lot of gold. His family was rich. He knew that one of your relatives was Count and the oldest was Baron and Lord Gold of a small realm. But in Falasan Yeux was just the last hero of the Serpentis. And on those grayer days he gave some of his silver bracelets in change of beer and he sought drunk soldiers in taverns. Common men that drunks could seize a sword and give some war shouts.

When was drunk, Yeux missed his home. He remembered the infernal heat of Chato. And of as it was good to take a beer and see the sun to disappear in the horizon. Chato was far now. Was still there. But it seemed very far, lost in the sand. Drunk, with some soldiers (drunks with swords showing the flag of the serpent) and without a Captain, the troops abandon the Capital in search of a battle. And happily they found a battle in Cori, in the sand and in the heat, out of the fortifications. A wall of archers and later a wall of shields and swords. At the end of the battle, after so many screams and of the incessant sound of the metals, the terror came in galloping of the cavalry. A good battle. And as it was natural, some of those drunks died. Others learned how to be soldiers. And perhaps an or two are warriors now. But just Yeux was a Hero and he was covered with the enemies' blood. Most of the troop was shocked. The soldiers, common men, were missing house and of their wives and they didn't see the color of the coins for long and long days while Yeux was drinking in taverns or trying to conquer young ladies. The war sometimes disturbed the heroes. Sometimes he was confused and inconstant.

Yeux cursed all of them for they be not powerful as he. And that sanguinary horde marched to Tucha with the promise of receiving the payment. There was something in the old fortified city that pleased the hero. It was a natural extension of his old home. And he was very surprised when a messenger with the heraldry of Serpentis approached with a letter and a bag with gold. A gift? He didn't get to remind if he sent a messenger with that request. But he was very drunk and perhaps had made that. The bag was weighed and the interior shone as the sun.

The crows and bats abandoned the conscience of Yeux. His shoulders were lighter under the armor. On that night he paid the soldiers, ordered the swords, axes, spears and armors to the blacksmiths for repairs. And giving orders he invaded a tavern with his soldiers and did with that they drank and laughed until fainting. He told histories of great battles, of the old Captain Bartomar and of as he, Yeux, escaped from the enemies after killing some soldiers. And the women of the city made the men forget the wives. And soon they would be struggling again.

Everything was in peace in Yeux Serpentis' kingdom.
