The Rampant Lion

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In every land, in every age, there are always tyrants that will prey on those who are weaker than themselves. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the land. They build empires on a foundation of deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these tyrants will devastate East Island, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. The Kingdom of Perdan will not stand idly by while the East Island is led into ruin and destruction. The Rampant Lion will stand forth as a beacon of truth regarding the travails of Perdan as it seeks to oppose those who would bring destruction upon our lands. As events in Perdan unfold, they will be chronicled here so all people on the East Island have access to an accurate, fair accounting of the events taking place in our world.
The only thing necessary
for the triumph [of evil]
is for good men to do nothing.
- Edmund Burke (attrib.)
Excal-icon.gif   November 20, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
OOC Note: I've been away on vacation for a couple weeks, and it will take some time for me to catch up with the news. Thanks to Evangeline for keeping up the most important posts during my absence.

Excal-icon.gif   November 6, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Light of Fountain says "we don't want to be friends in case you lose"
Light of Fountain have dropped their alliance with Perdan today because they don't "totally agree with the war Perdan is having with Ibladesh". When King Nightmare pressed the realm further, asking why it had taken so long for them to decide this, Pontifex Zedd admitted that the thought that they might be expected to help Perdan if they began to lose was a driving reason to drop the alliance. As a vocal supporter of Light of Fountain during their war with Fontan I am personally dismayed and disgusted at the dishonourable display of fair weather friendship that Light of Fountain has shown today. - Evangeline

Excal-icon.gif   Novemeber 6, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Tuchanon V launches into the East Continent.
Isadril, the city foremost in the war between Yssaria and Itorunt, was seceded by Duke Rackir today into a new (yet old) realm, Tuchanon V. The new realm is a tyranny and was introduced to the rulers with the following letter from Duke Rackir: letter. - Evangeline

Excal-icon.gif   November 5, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
New Lord of Bisciye
King Nightmare has appointed Rye as the new Lord of Bescanon. The selection process involved applications to the senate and equally voting by all the senators. The Rampant Lion congratulates Marquis Rye and wishes him a long and happy Lordship in Bisciye. - Evangeline

Excal-icon.gif   November 2, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Nobility Questioned, Title Stripped
King Doombringer of Caligus has questioned the nobility of one of his lords. Sir Louis, Count of Mulhouse, was stripped of all titles and derided as a commoner. King Nightmare of Perdan sent the following message to the nobles of Perdan regarding the issue:
Letter from Nighmare
Message sent to All nobles of Perdan
Doombringer stripped Louis, Count of Mullhouse for ordering the army to attack Ubent, for talking to other rulers without his approval, and for rebellious behavior in general.

After stripping him Louis challenged Doombringer to a duel to death, which Doombringer can NOT refuse.

The duel is next sunset.
Nighmare (King of Perdan)

King Doombringer also sent this message to the rulers of the East Island regarding the matter:

Letter from Doombringer
Message sent to All rulers of the East Island
Fellow Rulers,

I was forced to strip an out of control noble of one of my nobles earlier today. Now i have a duel to the death. So be ready to see a new ruler in my place. I have dropped my swordfighting to get to the books and it is not up to scratch.

If i must go i bid you all a fond farewell. I will nice working and speaking with most of you.

Doombringer (King of Caligus)

Excal-icon.gif   October 31, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Unguarded Borders Agreement Signed with Fontan
In a display of newfound trust, King Nightmare of Perdan has announced the formal ratification the new Unguarded Borders Agreement (UBA) between Perdan and Fontan. The agreement will set the Bescanon/Troyes border as a zone of non-aggression between Perdan and Fontan. Both nations agree not to attack, or allow allies to attack, the other realm across this border. This agreement will allow both realms the security on a safe border while they deal with other matters. The complete text of the agreement can be found here.

Excal-icon.gif   October 31, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
The Declaration of War
The following is the official declaration of war issued by King Nightmare of Perdan, declaring war against Ibladesh:
Letter from Nightmare
Message sent to All rulers of the East Island
You have witnessed my repeated requests to Ibladesh, to pull out their priests from the region of Beziers, as they do not have the permission to be there and of course they do not have the permission the preach at Perdan's soil. I have asked kindly two or three times, asked less kindly another two, and gave an ultimatum when I saw that Pontifex Barzelli was not listening to kind words.

In addition, I also asked Pontifex Barzelli to close the temple of Ibladesh Church stationed in Beziers, as the region is not his anymore, and the people of Perdan do not want a religion in our lands that does not have a respect for the land's administration officers.

What was the result? Nothing. When my scribe brought me today the reports of the day regarding the region of Beziers this is what I saw:

You are being informed that Zes, a priest of Church of Ibladesh, has been seen preaching in Beziers. (this was done around 10 hrs ago)

Barzelli told me that I wounded his priests that as he claimed they were the only ones that could close the temple. So, what did the priest do when he was in a condition to comply to my request? Close the temple and move back to his lands? No, he preferred on continuing preaching without permission.

Perdan won't tolerate such behaviour.

We won't tolerate Barzelli's behaviour. We had a good relation with Lady Sorcha, a fine and very intelligent Pontifex and everything showed that a friendship was developing. I am disappointed that Barzelli's defiance of any kind of rules or ethics ruined this and proved that Perdan should not have trust in Ibladesh ruling Perdanese families.

Inevitably, Perdan is going to war with the Theocracy of Ibladesh.
Nightmare (King of Perdan)

Excal-icon.gif   October 31, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Break in the Southern Federation
After many months of discontented rumblings, King Lucian of Itorunt has finally decided to officially break ranks and depart the southern federation. This resulted in immediate declarations of war from both Ibladesh and Yssaria. Although King Eleran of Yssaria immediately offered a cease-fire agreement to Itorunt, King Lucian has refused. It is now likely that Itorunt and Yssaria will be embroiled in a bitter war. For the benefit of our readers, here is the declaration made by King Lucian following Itorunt's departure from the federation:
Roleplay from Lucian
Message sent to All rulers of the East island
Itorunt cannot support the recent activities of Ibladesh in any way. Professing peace is one thing, sending messages implicity requesting aid is another. Preaching and the spirituality of the peasantry is one thing, inciting them to usurp their masters is another. We understand that the Church of Ibladesh wishes to protect its congregation, but by no stretch of the imagination can this include the demonization of any realm.
As most of you know, this is but one of a number of conflicts Ibladesh and Itorunt have had for some time. In the spirit of seeing our friendship endure, Itorunt was willing to wipe the slate clean. However, we cannot stand idly by any longer after this. If the priests of Ibladesh are content to preach sedition in foreign realms, what prevents them from doing so in mine against me, while hiding behind the mask of friendliness? While I doubt this, my confidence is shaken.
As such, I must remove Itorunt from the Southern Federation. It has been a long time coming, and perhaps its renewed existence was a fool's dream. I would hope for peace in our south, but I am not optimistic to that outcome.
Lucian (King of Itorunt)

Excal-icon.gif   October 30, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Following on the heels of the news of Itorunt breaking with the Southern Federation, King Nightmare of Perdan has declared war on Ibladesh! More details including the official declarations and announcements will be forthcoming soon!

Excal-icon.gif   October 30, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Ibladesh's Duplicity: No war, but we will use our religion against you!
Pontifex Barzelli has announced to the rulers that he will not pursue war to return Beziers to Ibladesh. But contrary to this promise, he then moved his priests into the region and used their influence to stir the population against Perdan.

The duplicity of his statements did not go unheeded by Perdan. In consequence, diplomatic relations were dropped to neutral and Ibladesh has been warned once again to move their priests out of Perdan's regions. - Evangeline Uceek

Excal-icon.gif   October 26, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Beziers Returns to Perdan!
In a surprising turn of events, the commoners of Beziers have revolted against the theocratic leadership of Ibladesh and declared loyalty to Perdan! Perdanese nobles are hailing the return of Beziers to its rightful masters. The nobles of Perdan have immediately organized work parties and bureaucratic support for the region.

The final straw for the people of Beziers appears to have been an attack on the region by a group of monsters nearly two weeks ago. Response to the threat was very slow, and the region suffered their depredations for nearly a full week before troops could be brought to eradicate them. By that time, however, the region had been devastated. With morale and loyalty at rock bottom, and control slipping, the Ibladeshians were unable to remedy the situation fast enough. After nearly a week with little improvement, the peasants finally decided they had enough, and declared a renewed dedication to their former masters of Perdan. The entire realm of Perdan is united in welcoming the commoners of Beziers back.

Excal-icon.gif   October 25, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
New Region Lords
Congratulations to Duke Maelg for his appointment as the new Duke of Perdan city. Lady Evangeline will take charge of the region of Bescanon.

Excal-icon.gif   October 24, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Nightmare Aroo Ascends the Throne
Sir Nightmare Aroo, former Duke of Perdan City, has been elected as the new King of Perdan! King Nightmare received 48% of the valid votes. Lord Maelg, Marquis of Bescanon, has been selected as the new Duke of Perdan City. Lady Evangeline will be appointed as the new Marquis of Bescanon.

Excal-icon.gif   October 22, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Queen Evangeline Stepping Down
Queen Evangeline of Perdan has announced that, after one full year of leading Perdan, she will be stepping down to pursue other interests. The following message was delivered by the Queen when announcing her decision:

Report from Evangeline
Message sent to everyone in Perdan
Nobles of Perdan,

It has been an honour and a pleasure to be your Queen for the past year and a bit. Perdan is truly the strongest and best realm on the East Continent.

I have worked hard at improving our relationships with other realms and have established some very good friendships, I expect this will make a difference when war breaks out.

I feel now that its time for me to give to someone else a chance to lead and represent Perdan to the continent. Perhaps they will find opportunities and ways that I could not see. I will allow two days before stepping down for those who wish to campaign to do so, and for everyone to set their voting.

My service will always be with Perdan and its nobles that I care for more than anything in this world.

Yours in battle!

Evangeline (Queen of Perdan)

The nobles of Perdan wish to thank Queen Evangeline for her dedicated and faithful service to the Realm. Discussions of a possible successor for Queen Evangeline have centered around Sir Nightmare Aroo, Duke of Perdan. As a result, discussions have also begun as to who would succeed Duke Nightmare as Duke of Perdan City. Given the wealth and prestige attendant with such a position, there are sure to be many volunteers.

Excal-icon.gif   October 20, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Results of the Tournament in Partora
The tournament in Partora is over. 178 troop leaders from 11 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.

Sir Edvard the Deacon Perfect II of Yssaria won the swordfighting tournament (Deuvuey Vehemental (Knight of Clermont, Ibladesh) came second place). The jousting contest was won by Saith ^-^ (Knight of Xavax, Itorunt) (Second place: TK Jones Sylvanas of Itorunt).

Excal-icon.gif   October 4, 2007   Excal-icon.gif
Results of the Tournament in Aix
The tournament in Aix is over. 213 troop leaders from 11 realms fought and drank. There was a swordfighting and a jousting contest.

aron tang (Knight of Perdan, Perdan) won the swordfighting tournament (Blood Haze (Knight of Ibladesh, Ibladesh) came second place). The jousting contest was won by Quake Beam, Marquis of Bisciye (Second place: sinted van tongerloo, Duke of Ibladesh).

The News
Bounty Watch!
Lady Evangeline's Current Bounty: 4,750 gold

November 20, 2007
Region Takeover: Perdan has taken control of Clermont (formerly part of Ibladesh).

Huge battle fought in Zawr! The armies of Perdan and Itorunt have attacked the TO forces of Ibladesh. The attackers defeated the defending forces and stopped the takeover. (20,000 vs. 16,000)

November 11, 2007
Region Takeover: Perdan has taken control of Lorient (formerly part of Ibladesh). Perdan now controls 11 regions.

Diplomacy Change: The Pontifex of Light of Fountain has lowered relations with Perdan to Peace.

November 10, 2007
Forces from Perdan have attacked the forces of Ibladesh in Clermont. The Ibladesh forces were victorious. (8691 vs. 7511)

November 9, 2007
Region Takeover: Ibladesh has taken control of Zawr (formerly part of Itorunt). Ibladesh now controls 12 regions

Peace was signed: The realms of Tuchanon V and Yssaria have signed a peace treaty.

Peace was signed: The realms of Tuchanon V and Caligus have signed a peace treaty.

October 31, 2007
Forces from Perdan have attacked the forces of Ibladesh in Bisciye. The Perdanese forces were victorious. (6,000 vs 700)

October 30, 2007
Itorunt has broken their federation with Yssaria and Ibladesh.

Perdan has declared war on Ibladesh.

October 26, 2007
Beziers has revolted against Ibladesh and declared loyalty to Perdan.

October 23, 2007
Nightmare Aroo has been elected as the new King of Perdan.