Luria Nova/Events/Hunting Pretenders/Day Reports

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🌞 Day 1

As the sun rises, a new day begins in the city.

All soldiers stand strong, ready for the challenges ahead.

The locals, suspicious of everyone, even themselves, keep their distance.

The market district beckons, promising a treasure trove of items waiting to be discovered.

The abandoned palace stands as a silent witness to the passage of time, holding secrets within its walls.

In the local graveyard, ancient tombs stand as reminders of the city's past, offering potential clues to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead.

With the day ahead, the soldiers must tread carefully, weighing their options and making strategic choices to navigate this uncertain environment.

🌞 Day 2

(Starting day 2, each phase will be 2 turns long. This should give people enough time to decide.)

As the sun rises, a new day begins in the city.

Some soldiers look tired and decide to sleep but most look refreshed and ready to work.

The locals, suspicious of everyone, even themselves, keep their distance.

The market district beckons, promising a treasure trove of items waiting to be discovered.

The abandoned palace stands as a silent witness to the passage of time, holding secrets within its walls.

In the local graveyard, ancient tombs stand as reminders of the city's past, offering potential clues to unravel the mysteries that lie ahead.

With the day ahead, the soldiers must tread carefully, weighing their options and making strategic choices to navigate this uncertain environment.

🌞 Day 3

(Exhaustion Rework - Check the bottom for more details)

As the sun rises over the city, a new day dawns.

Some soldiers, visibly fatigued, opt to catch up on their much-needed rest, while others appear rejuvenated and eager to resume their duties.

The locals, plagued by suspicion towards everyone, including themselves, maintain their distance. However, a few locals may be receptive to assistance, and offering them valuable items could foster a quicker rapport.

The market district still offers abundant materials for the soldiers to gather.

The abandoned palace, a treasure trove of riches and valuables, beckons exploration.

Recent visitors have disturbed the local graveyard, yet most graves and tombs remain undisturbed.

With the day ahead, the soldiers must tread cautiously, carefully considering their options and making strategic decisions in this uncertain environment.

Exhaustion Rework - Each action that causes exhaustion adds a stack. Accumulating 3 or more stacks leads to a higher likelihood of failure. Resting reduces 2 stacks, while sleeping eliminates 3 stacks. Sleeping with 3 or more stacks will cause you to fall into a deep sleep which prevents you from waking up giving thieves a great opportunity to rob you.

🌞 Day 4

With the rising sun illuminating the city, a new day unfurls before you.

As you observe the soldiers, weariness is etched upon the faces of some, a testament to their tireless efforts. Yet, the majority appear resolute and prepared to tackle the day's challenges head-on.

A noticeable shift has occurred within the hearts of the locals. Gradually, they have grown more receptive to the presence of the soldiers. Though a few still maintain their distance, a growing number have embraced their assistance with open arms.

The market district, a treasure trove of resources, continues to beckon the soldiers. However, you can't help but ponder how long this bountiful supply will last, questioning the sustainability of such rapid collection.

Within the abandoned palace's crumbling walls, a surge of visitors has left its mark. The allure of hidden treasures attracts many, diminishing the remaining riches by the day. Yet, the palace still holds secrets and undiscovered fortunes, enticing those willing to venture further.

Meanwhile, the recent influx of visitors has taken a toll on the local graveyard. The sacred resting place has endured disturbances, with numerous tombs already ravaged. Despite this, a portion remains untouched, providing ample work for those seeking to honor the departed in the coming days.

🌞 Day 5

As the sun ascends in the sky, casting its glow upon the city, a new day dawns, bringing forth a sense of anticipation.

Glimpses of weariness adorn the faces of approximately half the soldiers, with a few individuals displaying visible signs of exhaustion.

The locals continue their gradual embrace of the soldiers, albeit some still harboring reservations. Nevertheless, even the most hesitant may soon find solace in accepting aid from the soldiers.

The market district, frequented by numerous visitors, retains remnants of available materials, though its reserves dwindle with each passing day.

The allure of the ruined palace draws the attention of many soldiers, who seek to uncover the remaining treasures hidden within its dilapidated walls. If one desires to claim these riches, swift action is required before the palace is thoroughly depleted.

The local graveyard, a site plagued by unwanted intruders, has suffered a considerable loss of valuable artifacts dedicated to the deceased. Though several tombs remain unopened, and most graves stand undisturbed, the impending question lingers: How much longer will the sanctity of this sacred place remain untouched?

🌞 Day 6

With Oskar swiftly executed for his crimes, his house has already been ransacked, but there may still be remnants worth salvaging.

As the sun ascends, illuminating the city, a sense of anticipation fills the air, promising new possibilities.

Fatigue marks the faces of half the soldiers, their weariness evident, while a few display signs of exhaustion.

The once distant locals, hesitant to engage with the soldiers, now extend their welcome. Some share exclusive insights known only to them, fostering quicker friendships through the exchange of valuable goods, enabling them to procure essential sustenance.

The bustling market district, once brimming with accessible resources, now demands diligent effort to acquire materials.

The allure of the ruined palace captivates many soldiers, their desires set upon unearthing the remaining treasures concealed within its crumbling chambers. Swift action is imperative to claim these riches before the palace is thoroughly depleted.

Within the local graveyard, plagued by unwelcome intruders, valuable artifacts dedicated to the deceased have suffered great losses. Only a couple of tombs remain sealed but there are still many graves left to be searched including the resting place of Oskar.

🌞 Day 7

With the rising sun, the city awakens to a renewed sense of anticipation, as if a veil of possibilities hangs in the air.

The soldiers, some displaying signs of weariness, continue their dedicated pursuit with a determined vigor.

The once distant locals have embraced the soldiers, their hesitance replaced with warm welcomes. Shared secrets and valuable exchanges have paved the way for deeper connections and trust to flourish.

In the market district, the quest for resources requires unwavering dedication, as accessible materials have become scarce, demanding diligent effort to secure what remains.

The ruined palace, once an enigmatic fortress, now reveals its inner sanctum, as determined visitors unearth long-lost treasures. Courageous explorers may even access chambers once reserved for the Madinan royalty.

Within the solemn confines of the graveyard, plagued by unwelcome intruders, valuable artifacts dedicated to the deceased have suffered great losses. Only a handful of tombs remain sealed, their secrets preserved, while Oskar's grave bears the fresh mark of intrusion, hinting at the unsettling presence that lingers.

🌞 Day 8

As the sun ascends, bathing the city in its gentle rays, a renewed sense of anticipation permeates the air, carrying with it an air of boundless potential.

Among the soldiers, weariness graces only a few faces, while the rest stand poised and revitalized, ready to embrace the challenges of the day.

Gone are the days of distant suspicion; the locals have forged bonds with the soldiers, extending warm embraces instead of apprehension. However, recent bribes have set higher expectations among some, requiring a careful balance to maintain their trust.

In the bustling market district, the pursuit of resources has evolved into an arduous endeavor, as the once abundant supplies dwindle, necessitating unwavering determination to secure what remains.

Within the labyrinthine recesses of the ruined palace, the inner sanctum unveils its mysteries to intrepid explorers. While some rooms have been picked clean, remnants of hidden treasures still await discovery, beckoning those who dare to venture forth.

In the hallowed grounds of the graveyard, where tranquility should reign, unwelcome intruders have wrought havoc upon the sacred artifacts devoted to the departed. Only a few tombs remain untouched, their secrets intact, while Oskar's grave bears the fresh scars of violation, a haunting reminder of the malevolent presence that looms.

🌞 Day 9

As the sun rises, casting its warm glow over the city, the weary soldiers begin their day, weariness etched on their faces. Their exhaustion is evident, and some are on the verge of collapsing from lack of rest. However, amidst their fatigue, a determination to uncover the pretender lingers in the air.

Tragically, the lifeless body of Kiran is discovered, bearing brutal wounds and a missing head, a grim testament to the menace lurking in their midst. With Kiran's demise, only 11 soldiers remain, their numbers dwindling.

The resilient locals continue to offer their unwavering support, placing their faith in the soldiers to expose and eliminate the pretender, confident in their abilities to bring justice to the city.

In the abandoned market district, dilapidated structures loom, their precarious state posing a threat to those seeking salvaged materials. The scarcity of safe resources presents a daunting challenge, requiring utmost effort and determination to secure the necessary supplies.

Within the depths of the ruined palace, a labyrinth of secrets unfolds, revealing a world of forgotten wonders. While some chambers have been stripped bare by previous explorers, whispers of a room adorned with mirrors persist, promising glimpses into the lives of others.

Amidst the sacred grounds of the graveyard, a sense of violation hangs in the air. Intruders have desecrated the resting places of the departed, disturbing the sanctity of the hallowed artifacts. Yet, a single tomb remains untouched, shrouded in mystery and awaiting its discovery.

The city brims with anticipation as another day dawns, carrying both trepidation and hope in its wake. The path ahead is uncertain, but the resolve to unmask the pretender remains unyielding.

🌫 Day 10

As the sun's radiant warmth wanes, a thick fog blankets the city, reducing visibility and casting an eerie ambiance over the streets. The once clear vistas are now obscured, making it challenging to discern the events unfolding in the misty shroud.

Stepping out of his dwelling, Njal's gaze falls upon a grisly sight that sends shivers down his spine. Before him lies the lifeless body of Lexis, bereft of its headβ€”an unexpected and haunting discovery.

Undeterred by the encroaching fog, the unwavering spirit of the city's inhabitants persists. The resilient locals stand united, placing their unwavering trust in the valiant soldiers, believing in their ability to expose and eradicate the pretender. Their collective faith serves as a beacon of hope, igniting the flames of determination to restore peace to the beleaguered city.

Within the forgotten corners of the abandoned market district, a transformation has taken hold. Time and neglect have weakened the already fragile structures, causing some to crumble and collapse, creating a treacherous landscape for those seeking to salvage materials. Amidst the ruins, opportunity arises for resourceful individuals to gather what remains amidst the rubble.

Delving into the heart of the ruined palace, a labyrinth of secrets unravels before intrepid explorers. While previous seekers of forgotten treasures have pillaged some chambers, whispers persist of a room adorned with gleaming mirrorsβ€”a chamber that promises tantalizing glimpses into the lives of others. Curiosity beckons those bold enough to unravel its mysteries.

The sacred grounds of the graveyard reverberate with an unsettling sense of violation. Unknown intruders have desecrated the final resting places of the departed, profaning the sanctity of these hallowed artifacts. Yet, amidst the desecration, a single tomb stands untouched, cloaked in an enigmatic aura, its secrets awaiting discovery by an intrepid soul.

🌫 Day 11

As the days pass, the fog that envelops the city grows even thicker, giving rise to speculations of a mysterious magical phenomenon. The residents, awestruck by the unprecedented density of the fog, find their senses gradually clouded, not only obscuring their vision but also casting an eerie veil over their other faculties.

Amidst the fog's embrace, discerning the true condition of the soldiers becomes increasingly challenging. Their figures blend with the mist, rendering their well-being a mystery to those who observe from afar.

Nevertheless, the unwavering support of the locals remains a constant. Filled with steadfast belief, they place their hopes in the soldiers, trusting in their abilities to unveil the pretender's identity and bring an end to the turmoil that has plagued the city.

In the abandoned market district, where dilapidated structures stand as solemn witnesses of a forgotten era, a wealth of salvageable materials lies scattered amidst the debris. Though the task of gathering them requires effort and perseverance, the rewards are attainable for those willing to navigate through the remnants of this once-thriving hub.

Deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the ruined palace, explorers find themselves drawn into the heart of mystery. While some rooms have fallen victim to the scavenging hands of previous adventurers, fragments of hidden treasures linger, whispering promises of ancient wonders yet to be uncovered. Among these tales of forgotten opulence, a rumor persistsβ€”a chamber adorned with mirrors, rumored to offer glimpses into the lives of others, beckons those daring enough to venture within.

Within the solemn grounds of the graveyard, where serenity should reign supreme, the intrusion of unwelcome interlopers has desecrated the sanctity of the hallowed artifacts that pay homage to the departed. As whispers spread, it becomes known that the seal of the final tomb has been breached. The extent of any theft or disturbance within remains shrouded in uncertainty, casting a shadow of doubt over the sacred resting place.

🌞 Day 12

Under the warm rays of the sun, the fog relinquishes its hold, unveiling the desolate city of Madina in its stark entirety.

A grim discovery awaits as Jumeaux's headless body is found just outside Galandric's house, a haunting testament to the perils that loom in the shadows.

While weariness marks the faces of some soldiers, the majority remain resolute and prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead. The indomitable spirit of the locals remains unwavering, their unwavering support fueling the soldiers' determination to expose the true identity of the pretender and restore harmony to the beleaguered city.

In the abandoned market district, a testament to a bygone era, scattered amidst the ruins lie remnants of salvageable materials. Gathering these resources demands perseverance and diligence, but those willing to delve into the remnants of this once-thriving hub may reap rich rewards.

Within the labyrinthine recesses of the ruined palace, explorers find themselves drawn deeper into an enigma. Though the hands of past adventurers have picked clean some chambers, fragments of hidden treasures still whisper of ancient wonders waiting to be unveiled. Amidst the tales of forgotten opulence, a persistent rumor lingersβ€”a chamber adorned with mirrors, said to unveil glimpses into the lives of others, entices those who dare to step into its ethereal embrace. Furthermore, whispers abound that one of the soldiers has claimed to encounter the mysterious traveling witch within the palace's confines.

Within the sacred grounds of the graveyard, where tranquility should reign supreme, intrusion and desecration have stained the sanctity of the hallowed artifacts that pay homage to the departed. Rumors circulate regarding the breach of the final tomb's seal, casting doubt upon its undisturbed sanctum. The extent of any theft or disturbance remains veiled in uncertainty, casting a somber shadow over the sacred resting place. Meanwhile, whispers circulate among the soldiers, revealing that Samson's headless body has also been discovered within the sacred grounds of the graveyard, adding another layer of dread to the unfolding mystery.

As the sun casts its brilliant glow upon Madina, the city holds its collective breath, yearning for resolution and hoping for a swift end to the enigma that has gripped its very soul. The soldiers press forward, their determination unwavering, ready to confront the challenges that await amidst the remnants of a forgotten city.

🌞 Day 13