Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/2020/August

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Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st August

Autumn Evening - Askileon

Bruce Wilde

It was a warm autumn night, the sun had since long left its place in the heaven, leaving a field of sparkly stars behind it on the now pitch-black sky. On a open field next to the road that leads to Shinnen, dozens of red pointy tents stood pitched in neatly rows, lit up by the torches and braziers located around the camp. Little to no wind was present, making the banners and pennants hang limp, or sway ever so weakly in the occasional breeze. The soldiers of the camp paid it no mind as they scurried around to do their business, whether it was cleaning up after dinner service, inspecting the equipment, drinking some beer or engage in friendly gambling.

In the middle of the camp, stood the largest tent of the bunch. The interior of the tent consisted of simple furniture; a wooden bed, four simple dining chairs with a matching table, as well as a sturdy cushioned chair with a heavy desk in the corner of the tent.

The desk was full of various papers and documents such as letters, scout reports, and maps. On top of one map rested a steel helmet with a nose-guard, encircled with a thick golden band similar in shape and design to that of a ducal crown, faintly reflecting the light that came from the candle that stood next to the helmet. Next to the desk, Duke Bruce sat on the cushioned chair, slowly caressing a black and white ring on his left hand as he stared at the candle's dancing light as in deep thought, but with an empty mind. The peace was soon disturbed as Ilona, a gruff woman serving as the captain of Bruce's unit made her presence known. She was of average height, but the way she carried herself made her look slightly taller. Bruce had his back to her when she entered, but he paid little attention to his captain. At least that is how it looked like, but at this point Ilona knew that that was not the case.

"Your Grace," she started. "we are almost ready to settle in for the night. The guard shifts has been established, and we have restocked our provisions. We will able to get a couple of hours of rest before we rendezvous with Earl Leonid Castillo, and possibly Imperial Marshal Wassgandr Felsenbach, before we head for battle. Do you want me to have your wake-up call and breakfast arranged as usual?"

Without looking up, Bruce grunted affirmatively, and dismissed his captain with a simple wave. Ilona bowed respectfully before leaving her liege's tent, although Bruce did not see it, nor could he if he wanted without having to lean. Bruce soon found himself staring into the candlelight again, thinking about the Luria Nova of today, and the Luria Nova of tomorrow.