Dubhaine Family/Aibhlidhn/Roleplays/2020/July

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st July

Summer Day - Fronepu

Eriol Blackdagger

Eriol steps past the gate and looks around. The coastal city seems much different than during the tournament, when he was last here. Walking through the city, the young Duke cant help but smile as he sees the citizens, working dilligently, yet seeing contentment on their faces. Coming to a well equipped guard, Eriol nods to him in deference, and asks, "Greetings sir. I am here to see Her Majesty, and I am expected. Could you please show me to her residence, and let her know I am here?"

Summer Evening - Fronepu

New War Breaking Out

Shattered Vales has declared war on Vordul Sanguinis. They gave the following reason:

Declaration of war upon the fledgling Obian nomad pilgrims in Keffa activates our mutual defence treaty with Obia as per The Peace Accords of the Southern coalition of nations 03-04-2020. We made clear advance warning that this would be our reaction to war upon Obia. We thus enter the First 30 Day War. The convoluted terms of this war were agreed between Obia and Vordul and are not terms by which we assess the progress of war. We will however honour the stipulation that takeover of enemy regions will not be a feature of the First 30 Day War if so desired.

These terms address the dispute between Obia and Vordul. A subsequent Second 30 Days War will if necessary follow this war as an exclusive war between Vordul and The Vales to resolve and determine outstanding issues between us directly.

Should as per Emperor Xlair's latest threats Vordul disavow your own terms of war and those proposed for negotiation by us, there will be unconstrained war for 30 days or until Vordul returns to their senses and seeks defined terms for war or peace.

The objective of our involvement in this war is to force acknowledgement of Obia's uncontested right to re-establish its realm in and around the currently rogue lands around its new capital of Keffa.

6th July

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Treaty Changes Accepted

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona has accepted the recent changes to the "Defensive Alliance between Vordul Sanguinis and Ar Agyr" treaty, renewing the realms signature.

This document of defensive alliance, upon approval of the sovereign parties of the Kingdom of Ar Agyr (hitherto known in this document as “Ar Agyr” and the Empire of Vordul Sanguinis (hitherto known in this document as “the Empire”) shall become enforced and executable upon the seal of both parties on this document.

Section I – Defensive arrangements
Ar Agyr and the Empire agree to the following:
  • Upon a formal declaration of war against either party from an outside power, the parties of this document can execute this agreement to request assistance in the execution of the defense of either party. The actual assistance includes military troops, supplies, infrastructure, repair, temporary reassignment of officers, and exchange of prisoners from an offending non-signatory
  • This agreement can not be executed if one of the signatories preemptively declares war against a third party
  • Upon receiving a non-formal aggrievement from an outside party, the parties of this document may request military troops in aid of repelling the non-formal aggrievement from either party’s lands; ie. a rogue noble from a non-signatory making a non-sanctioned attack against either party.
  • If a signatory is engaged in military activity by an ally of the other signatory, the non-engaged signatory can refuse execution of this treaty, in the spirit of neutrality and greater peace of the continent, without the agreement falling into abeyance.
  • Both parties give free and unhindered access to their lands for the movement of troops and officers in order to assist in unnatural invasions into any signatory's lands. vi. Unnatural invasions include: monsters, undead, daemons, religious zealots, brigands, bandits, rogues, or any other non-aligned aggressor, as decided upon by Ar Agyr or the Empire.
  • Both parties agree to notify each other concerning the movement of troops and officers across signatory lands for the goal of engaging another nation in military operations. Signatories can refuse access for such movements, if they are not partnered in said conflict, without this agreement falling into abeyance.
  • This document can not be executed against internal threats, such as internal rebellions, coup d'etat, secession movements, civil war, and disagreements of succession
  • Upon this agreement going into abeyance, the signatories agree to attempt a mediation by a third party to re-establish the binding of this document. Furthermore, signatories agree to split costs of the mediation equally.
Section II – Financial remuneration
  • All activities covered under this agreement are considered for the benefit of all signatories, and are not subject to financial compensation for services rendered.
  • Section II subsection I is rendered null if a signatory engages in covered activities for the benefit of the other signatory, but is not requested to do so.
Section III – Citizen protections and prisoner exchange
  • Citizens of signatory nations are subject to the laws and ordinances of the other signatory if the find themselves within their respective borders. This document does not confer, nor suggest any form of diplomatic immunity unless stipulated to by the sovereign alone.
  • Nobility who are held in custody of another signatory party are subject to the decorum befitting their station and shall not be treated with indignity.
    • The maximum punishment that can be given to nobility is fines and ejection from signatory lands.
  • Commoners that are held in custody of another signatory are subject to the local lord or Royal Judge for sentencing, treatment, custody, and are not under the protections of this document unless an official request is submitted by the ambassador or sovereign of the commoner’s nation.
    • Commoners that are arrested while performing official functions for a signatory in another signatories lands are to be given the full rights under (section III subsection ii).
Section IV – Additions
  • This treaty can be revised by either signatory, with the approval of the other signatory without the nullification upon other sections of this treaty.
Addendum I - Financial considerations
  • Ar Agyr claims as it's exclusive economic zone all of the regions from Marpii to Agyr and also Jyl to Mhed.
  • Vordul Sanguinis claims as it's exclusive economic zones all of the regions from Ircymbar and Iknopata to Qrelg and Sheja, and from the city of Vozzessdor to Tindle. These claims do not encompass Lake Salaman.
  • Vordul Sanguinis also allows full access to the ports in Vozzessdor and Wudenkin to Ar Agyr for travel or trade.
This treaty was created on 2020-06-15.
It was last updated on 2020-07-04.
Current Signatories
Vordul Sanguinis (signed)
Ar Agyr (signed)

10th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

Krystyna Carson

Krystyna gets off the boat and looks around the unfamiliar place she came to. No war it seems.

"Oh my goodness, this place is beautiful!!!!"

She screamed at the top of her lungs, from how beautiful this city was she was so happy to be somewhere new.

"I wonder which way my Estate is, oh this map is so confusing."

After writing the letter to her leige she inexplicably had to use the bathroom..... though not knowing why she did not go before writing the letter.... we may never know...

Summer Evening -- Fronepu

Important Event for Daishi

Count Ecko Lamarque attempted to close down your small temple in Gemke, but a band of the faithful stopped him, at the cost of the lives of 6 peasants.

11th July

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Illegal Activities

Frobisher Cavendish, Knight of Mhed has broken the law that makes any kind of looting illegal in this realm.

12th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

= Duke Abdicates

Beomia Barras, Duchess of Jylmark, Dame of Marpii has been removed from her position as Duchess of Jylmark due to more than a week of inactivity. The Ruler should appoint a new Duchess.

Lord Abdicates

Beomia Barras, Duchess of Jylmark, Countess of Marpii has been removed from her position as Countess of Marpii due to more than a week of inactivity. The Duchess should appoint a new Countess.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling walked into Keffa with a smile.

It had been far too long since a great power held sway in these lands, and it was good to see once more.

She stopped in front of the old abandoned temple to see it was no longer abandoned. Rough and ramshackle it was, but many people flocked to it.

She moved on to the Daishi temple to find it in much better shape, though fewer people congregated there. It would seem the new priests in these lands were most effective.

She made her way to the market next, seeking out anyone who might be interesting to talk to.

Yao Ling stopped at a cafe she knew well. They'd had good times and hard times over time, now those times seemed to be improving.

The cafe had been in that spot for as long as she remembered. And her memory stretched back so far even she could not recall it all. She remembered eating here the day Obea's first priest had arrived in Keffa and publicly declared war on the Daimons. She'd been here often while Keffa was Nothoi's northern fortification against Thalmarkin adventurism. She'd watched their children grow up under the flag of Caelint. She'd passed through from time to time in the years since, maintaining the temple for the locals since the great noble houses had packed up and gone west, and now another generation waited the tables under the flag of Obea as she approached.

Yao Ling smiled and found a table she liked. It gave her a good view over the market district, and she sat in the old comfortable chair that still survived. It was good to see the civilization of common people go on over the years, even as nobles came and went.

She placed a few coppers on the table and enjoyed the view of a bustling city in action.

13th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Thalmarkin has elected Anyte Luitolf as its new Queen.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Illegal Activities

Frobisher Cavendish, Knight of Mhed has broken the law that makes any kind of looting illegal in this realm.

A New Duke

Queen Aibhlidhn Dubhaine has appointed Beomia Barras to the vacant Duchess position of Jylmark.

14th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Vordul Sanguinis has elected Craglan Mejor as its new Emperor.


The dusty traveler arrives at the edge of camp, waiting for an audience.

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a armour called the "Cruel Coat of Tyranny". Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona is willing to part with it for only 0 gold.

Orders from Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

<blockqupte> Mistress Nerta,

The preservation of the Ashes are of the utmost urgency as they are a key component of Ar Agyr's defences.

For repair of each of these items I will pay you 100 gold, and if the opportunity to improve them arises I'll reimburse you at full cost plus 25%.


Looking over the coat Nerta listens to the offer "Quite a story to this I'm sure... How'd you get it?"

A New Lord

Duchess Beomia Barras of Jylmark Duchy has appointed Beomia Barras to the vacant lordship position in Marpii.

Summer Evening - Fronepu

Aibhlidhn Dubhaine

A brave young adventurer presented it to me as a gift, knowing my interest in such things. A prosaic tale to be sure, but a fond memory nonetheless.

Unique Item Offered

You are being offered the opportunity to buy a unique item, a ring called the "Cruel Ring of Melhed". Aibhlidhn Dubhaine, Queen of Ar Agyr, Royal of Ar Agyr, Duchess of Havilmark, Countess of Tepmona is willing to part with it for only 0 gold.

15th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

Foreign Leave

Lady Eugenica Snodaert, Pontifix Maxima of Nova, Royal of Nova, Duchess of Eous Custodio, Countess of Ovujemeh, Marshal of the Warriors of the New Light has been seriously wounded during the battle in Grehk.

Item Sold

Commoner Nerta has accepted your offer and paid you 0 gold for the "Cruel Ring of Melhed".


The woman freezes the ring in her palm while to the side a flickering apparition of a man seems to dance on the breeze.

"This... This is part of the Imperial Regalia. Found by Fey Twix during a quest at the Fell Crossing. How did you get this? I thought all the items were destroyed in the sack of the Imperial Palace..."

Lord Abdicates

Amilcare Barca De Fonseca, Duke of Avalon, Margrave of Fronepu has been removed from his position as Margrave of Fronepu due to more than a week of inactivity. The Duke should appoint a new Margrave.

Duke Abdicates

Amilcare Barca De Fonseca, Duke of Avalon, Knight of Fronepu has been removed from his position as Duke of Avalon due to more than a week of inactivity. The Ruler should appoint a new Duke.

Important Event for Daishi

Grand Crusader Wilhelm Altenahr has constructed a new temple in Porl.

16th July

Summer Day - Fronepu

Magic in the Air

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

17th July

Summer Evening - {{Fronepu]]


The Old Man has a lot to say about the ring and he won't stop bothering me until I get this down so here you go:

The ring is part of history. Part of the tragedy of the continent.

The ring enters the story at the dawn of the Age of Blood when Emperor Tsu ordered it forged to honour the fallen champion of the north, Pontifex Argos of Melhed, Guardian of the Eternal Flame. Argos was slain at the Fell Crossing by the First Necromancer marking the beginning of the first invasion. The invasion ended with the death of that creature and from its staff the ring was forged. The dark copper spike at the base that had been driven into the earth to draw up the dreadful magic was cut free and worked in the heat of the Eternal Flame until it became that ring.

Officially Emperor Tsu included the ring in the Imperial Regalia though it was lost with the disappearance of the Emperor at the end of the Age of Blood. Fey Twix recovered the ring during the second invasion after battling with the Death Knight on the shores of Lake Salaman. But it was lost again during the Age of Ruin when the Tyrants burned the Imperial Palace during the reforging of Ar Agyr.

This ring is a symbol of many things. Of suffering, and cruelty but also our determination to forge something new from the ashes.

Be mindful of wearing it for too long, the First Necromancer is dead, but the Abyss will whisper promises.

I shall be in Fronepu soon and can answer your questions readily.