Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2020/June

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17785
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st June

Summer Day - Evora

Zenta Carson

Celebration in Negev

Negev, in a celebratory uproar for its new wall, announces games drink food for all who come.

Up on a stage constructed by engineers Zenta comes out and addresses the good people of the region.

"WELCOME ONE IN ALL!!!! To the celebration of a life time. To commemorate the new Motte and Bailey. Our engineers have done a magnificent job on improving our wall and thus securing our southern borders from invasion. Feel free to drink and eat as much as you like. The games will begin soon."

Zenta bows to his people and exits the stage.

5th June

Summer Evening - Perdan

Ryndhal Nabarl

The ancient priest walked slowly through the streets of the city. It had been a long, long time since he’d last been here, so long ago that he couldn’t even recall which banners flew from the towers...

The people here seemed livelier that those at “home”, though, as those that knew him were aware, “home” for Ryndhal would always be on the southern coast. A general air of celebration filled the streets, and the old man smiled as he continued his explorations...

6th June

Summer Day - Perdan

Lindow Moonsun

Road to Montijo

It was a sunny morning in the lands of Al Amarah. Inside the region, between Al Amarah Well and Al Amarah Meadows estates, there was a large column of soldiers crossing the land towards Montijo. On that column of soldiers could be seen the Shadowdale banner and the banners of the Moonsun, Arindal and Blackstone houses.

Lindow was riding his horse in front of his Grey Guard and next to him was Captain Rudgar. To their right they saw a small unit of men carrying a banner with a yellow and black background with a red horse.

- Captain Rudgar, is that unit over there of the des Vau house? - Lindow said.

- That's right, your Highness -

- But that path does not lead to Montijo, where does it lead? -

- Your Highness, I think they are marching to Negev -

- Negev? send a soldier to inform Sir Lazare to change his way to Montijo and meet with the army at Krimml -

- Yes, your Majesty! -

Captain Rudgar left. Lindow continued to ride while he stared at the Al Amarah landscape. Along the roads traders, trobadores and pilgrims could be seen moving to Karbala. Several towns near the roads could also be seen and children shyly approaching to see the soldiers they admired.

At that moment, a column of cavalry passed by Lindow's right flank, Flavia was in front.

- It is a good day to march to our New Tomorrow, don't you think Lady Flavia? - Lindow said.

Flavia Arindal

Flavia waved and moved her horse nearer to the King, allowing her mounted troops to pass.

"Indeed it is," she called out agreement. "And I hear of some new noble families emerging as well."

Summer Evening - Perdan

Dustiria Noire

"Allright that looks like the last of it" Bruce smiles at his and the men with him handy work. "The basement was stuffed full of Ales, meads, wines and more. "We are ready for the coronation celebration."

He heads up stairs and checks with sally. all the linens were washed and ready for whomever needed rooms. the amount of flowers in his majesties quarters was a bit much much but he understood her want to show how happy they all were. The Pirate King! Yes this was good change. Soon The Bloody Stump will be full to the brim. The Lady Dustiria was arriving shortly. She is going to be so happy. Now to get the coronation merchandise from the potter. Everyone is going to want a commemorative mug right?

Flavia Arindal

"My estate is in Montijo, as you know," Flavia continued. "My troops and I will be spending the night there, and of course your majesty is welcome to such hospitality as I can offer."

Smiddich Fontaine

"If it pleases your worship", says the serving girl to the Shadowdhavian Ambassador, sliding the coin back again, "His 'ighness is shouting drinks today, on the house, and a suite on the second floor has been made available for your exclusive use for as long as you deign to stay!"