Dubhaine Family/Brigdha/Roleplays/2020/February

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st February

Summer Day - Meuse

Maccio Aurelle

From the Cathedral of the Shadows emerges a detachment of well-equipped, rough-looking soldiers, carrying gold, books and various posessions and loading them in carts. A short, thin, shaven-headed lad with tanned skin and a blank, unfocused gaze, dressed in fine clothing, comes out of the state last, and makes his way through the city into the District of The Palaces followed by his entourage.

A woman, wearing armor and a black surcoat with a white lion embroidered on it splits from them, enters the district and asks for an audience between Lindow Moonsun, Shadow King of Shadowdale, and his lord, Maccio Aurelle, knight of Karbala and future lord of Akesh Temple.

Summer Evening - Meuse

Lindow Moonsun

The Grey Guards opened the doors of the palace district walls, letting pass to Sir Maccio and his unit .

Meanwhile, in the Grey Palace, Lindow was in his office when a servant knocked on his door.

- Your Highness -

- What is the matter? -

- Sir Maccio has arrived and asks for an audience -

- Rally him at the Palace Square -

The Palace Square was the link between the Grey Palace, home of the Shadow King, with the Twilight Palace, a building for the Council and civil officials. It was completely paved with different grey stones that formed geometric shapes. In the center of the square you could see a yellow stone obelisk, an ancient monument of Luciferase Mayhem, the first shadowdale monarch.

Lindow left the enormous gates of the Grey Palace accompanied by a detachment of Grey Guards, in front of him was a formation of men with the emblem of the Aurelle House. In front of these men was Sir Maccio.

- Soldiers of the Casa Aurelle, you carry the emblem of a house that has already participated in several campaigns with the Shadow Legion. You have got achievements in battle and fulfilled the orders given to you. The Shadow Legion needs soldiers like you as part of its main force, for that reason I grant the title of Prime to your unit, so that everyone knows that you form the backbone of the Shadowdale army. - Lindow pauses and looks at Sir Maccio

- Sir Maccio, go up the stairs and get close to me -

Maccio Aurelle

Maccio bows to Lindow, then turns to his new unit and, with his usual blank stare, tells them: "Y'ain't fough sh*te, dun' let tis honor get to ye heads. Tis is a reward for me and Banda Feccia, the mongrels I fought along with. They weren't half as well equipped, trained and paid as ye, yet they earned this. Ye will be expected more."

After his short speech - or scolding - Maccio follows Lindow at a close distance, whilst admiring his surroundings in awe. One would say he doesn't seem used to these kind of places...

"Tis ain't cheap..." - He mutters at some point during their walk.

2nd February

Summer Day - Meuse

Foxen Carmine

Before going to Evora, Foxen takes a horse and arrives at the Grey Palace. He seems sad but and invitation is an invitation. Sir Carmine approaches a guard at the entrance.

Please, tell the Shadow King that Sir Foxen Carmine is waiting for an audience.

Lindow Moonsun

The twilight of the day was approaching, Lindow looked at Maccio who was bowing before him. At that moment, a servant appeared carrying a sword, the Glowing Sabre of Little Ogre, a unique sabre that Lindow has wielded in countless battles.

Lindow took the sabre and said:

- Sir Maccio, your loyalty with Shadowdale is more than admirable, you have fought both in the south of the continent and in the northwest of it. Such a loyal noble should be rewarded. That's why Sir Maccio - Lindow poses his saber on Maccio's shoulders - I appoint you Lord of Akesh Temple - Lindow made a little silence and shouted - rise up as Lord Maccio of Akesh Temple! –

On the morning, Lindow was walking through the gardens of the Grey Palace with Daunae. It was an Almond Garden that surrounded a lake, in spring the place is became like a winter landscape because of the white flowers of the almond trees.

Lindow and Daunae were having a conversation when a servant stood in front of them.

- Your Highness, Sir Foxen has arrived and asks for a hearing -

- Gather him in the Throne Room -

- So we will, Majesty - And Lindow continued talking with Daunae.

After a while of that pleasant walk with Daunae, Lindow received a notice of the arrival of another guest. Sir Felipe had also requested an audience, so he was also gathered in the throne room.

The throne room was a rectangular black and white marble room with six black columns that extended from the doors to the royal throne. When you enter, to the left of the room were three large windows with beautifully decorated blue curtains, while on the right were beautiful canvases of past stories. The throne was a white marble structure carved in a complex but majestic way.

Sir Foxen and Sir Felipe were waiting there. The doors opened and a servant announced: - Your Majesty, the Shadow King Lindow Moonsun! - and Lindow entered the room, approached them, climbed the stairs to the throne and sat down.

He looked at both nobles and said: - Well, let's start -

Foxen Carmine

While Foxen was waiting at the entrance Sir Felipe arrived aparently for the same reason so both of them waited together. A couple of minutes later a servant conducted the knights to the throne room but Lindow wasn't there.

Waiting was not a problem, any person in the realm wouldn't say a thing. Some time later the king entered the room and walked to the throne.

Foxen bowed as the Shadow King passed him. Shame could be seen through the face of Sir Carmine.

Lindow Moonsun

- Sir Foxen and Sir Felipe, I have summoned you here to announce something. Don't be scared and rejoice, you are great warriors and Shadowdale is very proud to have you within his kingdom -

Lindow looked at both nobles - Sir Foxen and Sir Felipe, you have taken your units to faraway places on this continent, always following the Shadowdale banner. You have shown so much loyalty and courage for the kingdom that I am obliged, with pleasure, to reward you. For that reason, Sir Foxen, I granted you the Lordship of Al Amarah and, Sir Philip, I granted you the Lordship of Greatbridge-

Lindow made a silence and spoke again

-In addition, Sir Foxen, your forces have fought in many battles, being already frequent in the Shadow Legion. That is why it is my desire to grant the title of Prime to your unit-

Lindow looked at their faces, they had different expressions.

- These new titles are of great responsibility, you will have vassals and lands in your care, as well as the same obligations with the kingdom. I trust in your good job.-

Maccio Aurelle

Maccio stood up after the commendation ceremony, trying very hard to keep a straight face whilst his mouth was trying harder to make him grin, resulting in quite a funny expression.

"Aye, m'liegue! Th' westerners'll have a tougher nut to crack, now that I'll be guardin' it. Those mutts'll learn to be afeard of our walls and hide their maids anytime we set foot on their borders. I thank thee for tis position, and pledge to keep th' realm well defended."

The yound lord bows to and salutes his king once more, then waits for him to turn around, lest he be considered rude or unknowledgeable about proper etiquette - which he actually is.