Dumeric Family

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The Dumeric Family hails from the region of Clyderee in Carelia. The Patriarch of the family, Gregor Dumeric, rose from the rank of foot soldier to become the most respected instructors of new recruits. It was after he founded his own Special Forces center, the Shadow Blades with the funding of then Marquis Tavis, perhaps the finest such center on all of Atamara, that he was granted the title of Nobility by Old King Wintermute. He was too old at the time to command a unit in battle, but passed on his years of wisdom to his three sons Garrick, Garthon, and Geoffrey.

Garrick Dumeric

The oldest of the Dumeric clan, left his family home to seek his fame and fortune on the East Island. He found a home in Itorunt on the southern tip of the Island. Tales of his exuberance and voracity in battle spread rapidly, causing many of the realm's peasants and more than a few noble to label him a hero. Garrick paid no mind to such labels, and he lived only to see the next battle. He proved that label to be true as he stood alone against the evil of Avamar in the Battle of Chaos Temple. Garrick was felled with an arrow in the back as he tried to carry one of his men to safety. The funeral was held in Semall and the body was transported to Atamara to be buried in the family plot in Clyderee. He left behind his fiance and their unborn child.

Garthon Dumeric

The most studious of Gregor's sons, decided his path was to remain in Carelia. Arguably Gregor's favorite son, Garthon spent as much time in the library as he did at the training grounds. His father encouraged all of his sons to read books and gather knowledge, but it was evident Garthon was the brightest. Pressed by his father, Garthon sought and was appointed a region command just a few weeks after he attained the rank of Knight. Garthon's long life of public service had begun.

From the Marquis of Clyderee, Garthon was elected Arch Priest of Carelia. He served in the position for nearly two years before attaining the throne. Now King of Carelia, Garthon aims to keep his realm one of the major players on Atamara.

Having successfully built Carelia into one of the most powerful realms on the island, Garthon longed for the quiet life back in Clyderee. He relinquished the crown and resumed the command of his family's home region, Clyderee. He still remains in tune with island politics, however, serving as one of Carelia's two Ambassadors.

Geoffery Dumeric

The youngest of Gregor's sons, left the green hills and meadows of Carelia for the drastically different desert realm of Talerium shortly after his 17th birthday. Notably the most accomplished swordsman of the Dumeric family, Geoffrey was drawn to a life of shadows. He was executed on the East Continent by Tuchanon V.

Gwylan Dumeric

Illegitimate daughter of Gregor. Her mother worked in the Dumeric family mansion and became romantically involved with Gregor. When Gregor learned she was pregnant he shipped her off to Beluaterra to avoid a scandal. Gwylan grew up as a house servant's child in Mhed never knowing of her noble birthright. As a child, Gwylan was more often playing in the rough and tumble games the boys played than frilly games with the girls. In her teen years, she began tracking for the local lord's hunting parties, and at eighteen she officially joined a Scout's guild. At twenty, she has decided to set out on her own to see what the world held for her.

Her mother's death bed admission opened new doors for Gwylan, and she has been accepted as a proper knight by Fronen's nobility even attaining the title of Baroness. When the Daimons ransacked her homeland, she wandered until settling in Irombrozia where she quickly became Viscountess of Glongin. She remained in that position after the region was given over to Riombara. After several futile attempts to bridge the gap between the two fueding realms, she gave up and moved on to the Colonies.

Gryphon Dumeric

Son of Garrick, started his career in Toren on the war torn South-East Island. He quickly learned that a theocracy is no place for one of independent thought and ethical fiber. When the island sank he decided to visit the land of his father, Itorunt. The young cavalier is toiled away in the military ranks, serving as second-in-command, Marshal and eventually General, during the Final Ibladesh/Itorunt war. He was later selected as Duke of Semall, and served in that post until shortly before his death of an unnamed illness.

In a bit of controversy, Gryphon was label a traitor as he attempted to tear down the City of Semall rather than let the Ibladeshies have it. With his dying breath he attempted to clear his name, but the sickness came too fast.


Not much is know about Godfrey. He is unkown to the rest of the Dumeric family, and they are unknown to him. The bureaucrats are still looking into it.