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The Eston vs. Falasan War opened many doors not just for Tara but for nearly all of the smaller realms eager to expand. Redspan, in particular, began agitating for a campaign against ASI for Rogeshore while encouraging the recently allied Tara to attack Aja. Eston, as well, began to press for an invasion into former Taran lands in Falasan. Threatened with a two-front war and/or the loss of her only ally, Falasan sued for peace in return for Aigaling, Chagasu and Jagla. Unable to face ASI's might alone, Redspan negotiated a generous settlement instead. By April 2007, the three regions were firmly in Tara's control.     
The Eston vs. Falasan War opened many doors not just for Tara but for nearly all of the smaller realms eager to expand. Redspan, in particular, began agitating for a campaign against ASI for Rogeshore while encouraging the recently allied Tara to attack Aja. Eston, as well, began to press for an invasion into former Taran lands in Falasan. Threatened with a two-front war and/or the loss of her only ally, Falasan sued for peace in return for Aigaling, Chagasu and Jagla. Unable to face ASI's might alone, Redspan negotiated a generous settlement instead. By April 2007, the three regions were firmly in Tara's control.     
Proxy Wars are unpredictable things...
As mentioned before, 2007 was the year of fighting unofficially. In addition to the declared wars, there were many shadow wars and outright assaults being waged under the cover of "helping your allies". These were believed to be a risk-free alternative without the risk of losing land.
Enter Redspan and Abington...
Eager to expand for one and eager for vengeance for both, Redspan and Abington had axes to grind the size of a small city. The recent wars have been unkind to both realms. Though not as bad as Tara, Redspan and Abington suffered greatly. With the age of proxy wars, both eagerly sought payback.
Abington marshalled her mighty army and headed north to participate in the Norland vs. Minas Ithil War. Hitting Minas Ithil from the rear, they caused massive damage and confusion. So much so that Minas Ithil called on her own allies, Talerium and CE, to come to her aid. The path of ABington north was bloody as their armies were intercepted. Though victorious, Abington was damaged enough to minimize her influence and the Northern War was back to a stalemate.
Redspan, meanwhile, was busy fighting a shadow war against Darka, CE, Tara and Talerium. Despite a raid into BoM early in the year and her ASI aggression, Redspan's greatest successes were her assasinations. Ranking Leaders fell in the face of her dreaded Infiltrators. On 25 January 2007, a combined army from Darka, Talerium and BoM marched into Meldeen. Caught completely by surprise, Stargard fell virtually undefended. Until Abington and Carelia arrived in aid, the invaders inflicted legendary damage throughout Redspan before withdrawing. Despite this, Redspan still continued her shadow war.
Stuff like that can make your ally nervous...
Carelia, arguably the only real loser in the recent war (everybody else lost only their pride), became worried that the next war would mean their extinction. Concerned that their allies Redspan and Abington were sticking Carelia's neck out to fight their proxy wars, Carelia broke their Federation with the Southern Alliance.

Revision as of 13:32, 3 July 2007

History of Tara

Years ago, The Cagilan Empire had grown big, maybe too big. At the same time a lot of Troop Leaders' ego had grown and they were aiming to become king of something. Then Duke of Tarasac, Jamuga saw that his time had come, he called Tarasac off from the Cagilan Empire. Shortly many ex-Cagilan Empire warriors joined under Taras flag. Cagilan Empire and Tara have always had good relations between them because most Taran warriors were good friends with old veterans of the Cagilan Empire.

From the very beginning Tara has been warring, there have not been many weeks that Tara has not been involved in wars, and usually these wars have been fought on our borders.

Tara grew rapidly, Tara and her allies marched and rampaged on south and destroyed a realm known as Lamar. Carelia is now about where Lamar used to be.

Jamuga stepped down in about July (2005) and Achilles was elected as Dictator of Tara.

Abington and Redspan are south, Falasan and Ash Sea Islands are north and east. These realms have been Tara's enemies for some time. Now things have changed, we can say that first time in Taran history, Tara has been beaten, beaten by internal betrayals and external wars causing some of our allies to look after their own realms and leaving Tara for short times alone, but not always, just enough to cause us to pull out of Aja.

Our first external betrayal came when RedSpan betrayed CE, Carelia and Tara and signed an alliance with Abington, ASI and Falasan as well as Minas Ithil, their motives unclear save that they claimed no support from CE and her allies.

Our first internal betrayal was Ari - Executor of Tara, who attempted to create a rebellion, a nation by itself using Foda as his base. He had lost faith in our future, and claimed to help Tara by suceding Foda. That was thwarted before it ever got off the ground. Then, came Victor - Duke of Sullenport, who in an argument over his role in Tara surrendered Sullenport to ASI, landing a devistating blow to Tara's income and property rights. Then came Leonid, who, in defense of his brother, Victor, cursed Tyrant Achilles and swore vengence, trying to cause a rebellion using words, but was also thwarted by the brave soldiers of Tara in their defense of their Tyrant. Then shortly there-after Tuchanon IV was created, and Est Is and Edvard the Deacon - Executor of Tara joined that realm and left Tara. Tara had made a valiant effort to relocate their capital to Sullenport, and made it to their very gates. But, it was one day too late, as Abington forces poured into Sullenport, blocking Tara and her allies from entering. Our armies and our allies armies had had a string of victories in our march south and it had taken it's toll on our valiant, courageous army. We had to fall back to Aja. On our return trip, Dagger, a troop leader of Tara informed our enemies of our troop movements, and Tara quickly changed movements, causing Dagger and Leonid to get hit by the enemy forces in a fake order designed to through our enemy off. As we returned to Aja, Achilles decided to fall back to Aja and negotiate peace with ASI in exchange for Aja.

Part of our allies were distracted and could not come to our aide. Darka started a war against Talerium, suddenly we were short 2 allied realms. Of course Falasan and Barony of Makar/Norland noticed this opportunity, Falasan broke all contracts made with them and began to invade Tara's lands along with ASI. BoM/Norland attacked Eston, so Eston was tied up to the north and couldn’t help Tara either.

Tara has always been under strong Tyrants, which of course from time to time has caused some internal issues, but Tara has always survived.

Taras time will come again, we had far too many internal issues to fight an external war.

At this time (early 2006) Tara is engaged in a war to the south with Redspan, Carelia and Abington. Our direct supporters are Cagalin Empire and Darka. Ash Sea Islands and Falasan are fighting the same enemy forces for Sullenport, first trying to use diplomacy.

On 24 January 2007, Eston declared war on Falasan. With so many wars and proxy wars currently ongoing (Norland+Allies vs. Minas Ithil+Allies), the diplomatic and political standing of many realms remained in doubt. Basically, its Eston/Darka vs. Falasan/ASI.

However... from uncertainty breeds opportunity.

The Eston vs. Falasan War opened many doors not just for Tara but for nearly all of the smaller realms eager to expand. Redspan, in particular, began agitating for a campaign against ASI for Rogeshore while encouraging the recently allied Tara to attack Aja. Eston, as well, began to press for an invasion into former Taran lands in Falasan. Threatened with a two-front war and/or the loss of her only ally, Falasan sued for peace in return for Aigaling, Chagasu and Jagla. Unable to face ASI's might alone, Redspan negotiated a generous settlement instead. By April 2007, the three regions were firmly in Tara's control.

Proxy Wars are unpredictable things...

As mentioned before, 2007 was the year of fighting unofficially. In addition to the declared wars, there were many shadow wars and outright assaults being waged under the cover of "helping your allies". These were believed to be a risk-free alternative without the risk of losing land.

Enter Redspan and Abington...

Eager to expand for one and eager for vengeance for both, Redspan and Abington had axes to grind the size of a small city. The recent wars have been unkind to both realms. Though not as bad as Tara, Redspan and Abington suffered greatly. With the age of proxy wars, both eagerly sought payback.

Abington marshalled her mighty army and headed north to participate in the Norland vs. Minas Ithil War. Hitting Minas Ithil from the rear, they caused massive damage and confusion. So much so that Minas Ithil called on her own allies, Talerium and CE, to come to her aid. The path of ABington north was bloody as their armies were intercepted. Though victorious, Abington was damaged enough to minimize her influence and the Northern War was back to a stalemate.

Redspan, meanwhile, was busy fighting a shadow war against Darka, CE, Tara and Talerium. Despite a raid into BoM early in the year and her ASI aggression, Redspan's greatest successes were her assasinations. Ranking Leaders fell in the face of her dreaded Infiltrators. On 25 January 2007, a combined army from Darka, Talerium and BoM marched into Meldeen. Caught completely by surprise, Stargard fell virtually undefended. Until Abington and Carelia arrived in aid, the invaders inflicted legendary damage throughout Redspan before withdrawing. Despite this, Redspan still continued her shadow war.

Stuff like that can make your ally nervous...

Carelia, arguably the only real loser in the recent war (everybody else lost only their pride), became worried that the next war would mean their extinction. Concerned that their allies Redspan and Abington were sticking Carelia's neck out to fight their proxy wars, Carelia broke their Federation with the Southern Alliance.

Historical Timeline



  • Tara has fallen back to 4 regions in and around Foda. Sorting out our internal conflicts so that one day, when the time is right, we may rise again to greatness


  • Tara joined forces with Abington, Redspan, Carelia, Cagilan Empire, Darka and Telerium in one of the largest alliances in the history of Atamara. The forces we are fighting are Falasan, Minas Ithil, Ash Sea Islands and Drachenwald


  • 3rd - Si Ju Jarugi from the Petterson family in Drachenwald attempted to assasinate Achilles of Tara. While Achilles was getting ready to go to sleep, the lowly infiltrator snuck into his quarters and was able to stab him twice, seriously wounding him and removing him as Dictator
  • 4th - The great Hakki, one of Tara's oldest members was elected ruler
  • 9th - Hakki stepped down as ruler, which called for another Realm Wide election for the new Tyrant of Tara
  • 10th - Achilles was re-elected Tyrant of Tara with 70% of the votes
  • 28th - Tara was able to finally take over Jagla and is working to get the region under control


  • Cagalin Empire, Tara and Darakan forces stormed Tarasac and were able to defeat the Drachenwald and Falasan forces.
  • 9th - Cagilan Empire has begun a Brutal Take Over of Tarasac
  • Tara was able to gain control of Chagasu, a former region of Falasan



  • 6th - Tara has initiated a Take Over of Nazgorn. A region in Falasan. Darka and CE forces joined in Nazgorn with a combined Combat Strength of around 35K
  • 10th - Tara finally took control of Nazgorn, and the region was quickly brought up to Core
  • 20th - A letter was intercepted from Aramil of Carelia planning a sneak attack and the destruction of Tara. Achilles, Dictator of Tara, immediately challanged Carelia, Redspan and Abington. Their response confirmed that a plan of attack was being planned
  • 22nd - Tara reduced relations to Redspan and Carelia to Neutral


  • 3rd - Tara declared war on Redspan
  • 8th - Tara took Meldeen
  • 9th - Tara declared war on Abington
  • 10th - Tara signed cease fire with Falasan
  • 11th - Tara gave Chagasu to Falasan


  • 13th - Redspan took Control of Meldeen
  • 21st - Large Battle fought and won in Meldeen
  • 21st - Tara took (back) Meldeen


  • 12th - Redspan took Control of Meldeen
  • 24th - Tara took (back) Meldeen

History of Leadership

Dates are to the best of our ability to gather

Jamuga was the first Great Tyrant of Tara 04/03/2003 (creation of Tara)

Wilhelm Pitkämiekka was elected 12/15/2003 to 01/15/2004 (killed in batle)

Max Pitkämiekka followed on 08/08/2004 and stepped down 05/05/2005 reigned for a long time

Gil'derun was then elected

Jamuga was re-elected then stepped down

Achilles was then elected on 06/28/2005

Hakki was elected on 11/04/2005

Achilles was re-elected on 11/10/2005 after Hakki stepped down

hikari was elected on 3/12/2006 after Achilles was imprisioned in Red Span

Achilles was re-elected on 3/18/2005 after hikari stepped down

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