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''Old Grehk Troop Leaders, add your family page here :)''
''Old Grehk Troop Leaders, add your family page here :)''

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===Old Grehk Symbols===
===Old Grehk Symbols===

Revision as of 23:15, 1 August 2006

Template:Infobox Old Grehk


Old Grehk, officially The Kingdom of Old Grehk, monarchy in north-western Beluaterra. It is one of the surviving realms after two Undead Invasions. Old Grehk is bordered to the north by the Northern Sea, to the south by the Central Lake, to the west by Ashborn, and to the east by Melhed and Fronen. Old Grehk has its roots from the city of Grehk located on the southeasten Beluaterra. It was a secession from Grehk, a realm now ceased to exist.


The realm Old Grehk now is a seccession from Grehk just before the First Undead Invasion. Old Grehk means the realm follows the old way of Grehkians. It has roots from Grehk, a city located on the sea islands at southeastern Beluaterra.

The Discovery of the New World

Beluaterra was discovered by sea navigators. Rumours of endless lands and abundant wealth has attracted colonists from the overcrowded Old Worlds such as East Island and Atamara. Many had arrived on the southeastern tip of the vast continent. The forefathers of Grehk were in a realm located near the city of Grehk.

The Long March

At that time many realms were created in the South and keen competition on land and resources undermined growth of the early settlements. The people of Grehk has to choose either war or join the warring realms. The Grehkian people finally decided to travel North, the uncharted and uncontested lands. Settlers and warriors travelled for weeks. The long march was extremely harsh. Local natives and fiece beasts ambushed the settlers caravans, exposed to weather and prolonged travel has claimed many lives. Finaly they arrived in Keffa, an inland city on the northwestern Beluaterra. Grehk was founded after a prolonged takeover due to unrest from the local inhabitants.

Grehkian Era

Grehk slowely expanded to a huge realm, a major power on Beluaterra. Then their first wars began... Ar Agyr was the first target I can remember. They only had Vatrona and Unger left, with Lin Helonon supporting both sides, changing alliance constantly. Altough, Grehk did not manage to kill Ar Agyr completely. Old Grehk secession was the reason why the hospitilities ended.

Divided Views leading to Secession

The reason to leave Grehk is because of divided views on religion. Grehk's King believed into a religion ????? (Please tell me, I forgot) and proclaimed it is the state religion. Some of the lords do not wish to follow the religion and being proscuted has to leave the realm.

Other reasons were that the ruler was acting as a real tyrant. Grehk was having many unwanted and lame wars against Ar Agyr (see above). When the war was in fact one big failure, some troopleaders decided to restore Grehk back to its old position. When protest wasn't enough, the Founders all headed to Gethsemene and created their own realm, Old Grehk.

The Founders were: Tank, Prins Simon, Karim and Joshua, Gravedigger, ... (please add)

After the secession, a war broke out. Old Grehk, a new born realm, was facing the armies of Fronen, Grehk, Ar Agyr, Marca de Pantera and Ashborn. Luckely, due to spy Dopido, Old Grehk managed to keep an average of 4 regions. When it was clear that this would be a long war, Ar Agyr stopped sending troops and Ashborn even changed sides! There were now two Alliances fighting eachother: Fronen, Grehk, Marca de Pantera versus Old Grehk and Ashborn.

It must be said that the Grehkian Marshals wasn't smart. They never managed to take the town. Grehk was even so desperate at one moment, that they offered Old Grehk a peace agreement. The agreement was:

  • Old Grehk and Grehk would stop hospitilities immediately.
  • Old Grehk would help Grehk in their war against Ar Agyr, and later Old Grehk would move to Vatrona and Unger.
  • Grehk would send gold to aid Old Grehk.
  • Old Grehk and Grehk would join into an alliance.

This was great, if Grehk wouldn't have broken the agreement. When Old Grehk organised a tournament to celebrate the end of the war, Grehk mobilised their armies once more. Almost every Old Grehkian was on the tournament, when our spy reported that Grehk was moving their armies fast. Luckely, Tank warned Prins Simon (Duke of Gethsemene) to recruit loads of militia. So he did. It was close, very close. Old Grehk won the battle but trust there was no more. The agreement was cancelled and the war continued, until the First Undead Invasion came.

History is written based on what PrinsSimon could remember (Grehkian Era + Secession). Everyone who thinks he knows more can contact the Discussion of this page.

The First Undead Invasion

Before the First Undead Invasion began, the continent got a warning from the seers. All hostilities between realms ended and everyone made battle preparation. Words traveled fast, even across the continent, many nobles from other continents sailed to the Beluaterra, hoping to contribute what they could against the undeads. Vagabond of Ubent also emmigrated and arrived at Old Grehk that time.

OG at that time controlled only 3 regions, Gethsemene city, Fikman and Baqua. Sniika was controlled by AB but they kindly allowed all food there be shipped to OG. As most of our resources were spent on the war against Grehk, Fronen and MdP, there is not much resources left for the preparation against undeads. Nonetheless, we managed to construct a wall in Baqua, the rural region which housed over 10000 peasants, and produced most of the food in OG. The construction of this wall is of significant strategic importance to OG's survival in the invasion.

Intelligence that time suggested that small undead units moved at random, while large undead units are led by an undead hero and will move and assault nearby cities.

Without enough army and without wall, Fikman was lost soon after the invasion began. This was, however, a planned move by the High Marshall Vagabond that time. OG simply did not have the ability to defend Fikman. The plan was to fight only in walled regions to minimize casualties, which were Gethsemene and Baqua, as Baqua alone could produce most of the food Gethsemene required.

Numerous wars were fought in Gethsemene and Baqua against the invading undeads and monsters, for instance the Battle of Gesemene). Due to limited resources, walls of Baqua cannot be repaired. After defeating waves of undeads, walls of Baqua was destroyed and OG forces pulled back to Gethsemene. From the city, they continued their fight and defeated all invaders ultimately, just like what they did against Grehk, Fronen and MdP in the past.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family

Postwar Boom and Peace

With the end of the First Undead Invasion, OG enters into a stage of rapid expansion. Grehk was destroyed by the undeads very soon after the invasion started, and the invasion changed the world diplomacy. Old Grehk, was no longer being gangbanged the big realms and given a fair chance to prove how much it is worth. At the end of the expansion, OG controlled a total of 16 regions, 4 times more than what she had before the invasion. OG, was declared the winner of the Grehkian Civil War.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family

The Second Undead Invasion

The Undead were not completed destroyed at the end of the Great War. Scout reports showing undead hordes marching everywhere. Especially from the Northeast and the Southeast.

As what the seers warned us, the evil shall once again come back and haunt the human world. Thanks to the hard work of all OG nobles, we are much better prepared this time. Realm defence is organized into 3 areas:

1. The Ossmat capital area, with all regions surrounding it having walls. The advantage is the massive food production around and easy recruiting of troops to reinforce its surrounding regions.

2. The Geth Duchy area, with Baqua having walls. Baqua alone produces much of the food Geth needs, and link the duchy to the capital area.

3. The Vozz Duchy area, with Xerus and Yipin both having level 2 walls. The advantage is the rich gold and reasonable food production, as well as the high walls which make undeads climb and fall every turn in their attack.

However, the scale of the invasion is much larger than the last one. Large undeads group are no longer led by a hero, they no longer move straight to cities nearby which often amounts to suicide, instead they move randomly, often causing havoc in regions with less defence than cities.

The OG defence plan succeeded partly, all the 3 OG cities stood strong against the undeads. However, defending regions near cities is much more difficult. In the middle of the invasion, only OG capital area still control Ffangor and Mekoter, all other non city regions are lost to enemies. It is especially sad that we failed to utilize our resources to the best in defending Xerus and Yipin, however, we learnt from our mistakes and immdiately organized ourselves in better fashion.

At the end, Geth was lost, both due to shortage of gold in recruiting further militia, and also food shortage. Vozz was at some point close to falling, and invading undeads overrun the city defence quite a few times due to shortage of available recruits in the city. But with financial support from all OG nobles and troops from Ossmat capital area, the city was finally saved.

OG survived at the end of the invasion, with Ossmat, Ffangor, Mekoter and Vozzessdor still under her control.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family

Reactions on the undead invasion in Old Grehk (2005-03-17) Address from the King of Old Grehk, Golradir

  There will be no end to the evil unless it is defeated. Humans will not be given a gift, but a challenge. 
  Evil is wavering, but not withdrawing.     Evil is shrinking, but not disappearing. Many will yet fall, 
  while the brave will rise.
King of Old Grehk, Golradir

Rise from Ashes, Again

The tide of undeads are residing. Humanity reemerged from heaviliy fortified cities again, travelling to rural areas to restore order and glory upon chaos and corrupt.

Old Grehk expanded reasonably well. We liberated major cities such as our former Capital, the origins of the realm - Gethsemene, also the Northern mining town of Vore and the stronghold of Vatrona. We are now encompasses from East, Yermon to West, Haji; From North, Jedinchel to the South, Iknopata

- by Xeth'ranis of Leung Family

Support for a Colony

Please refer to King Vagabond's speech to the world on the colony, as well as the 'Treaty over Melhed Colony and OG Colony in the north' for detail.

You may also find relevant information in OG Gazette First Edition.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family

Post-Invasion Era: Reconstruction and Expeditions

After the invasion. Old Grehk grew into a realm with 22 regions. With 90000 population now. Old Grehk is devolted to post-war reconstruction. The Homeland Security is diligently working to improve population and productivity. Meanwhile Old Grehk has sent expeditions is neighbouring allies, to assist our friends to rebuild and expand, also search and destory all remaining undead and monsters sighted. We have sent expeditions into 3 directions: 1) North - To Thalmarkin, 2) West - To Sint and 3) South - To Ashborn. If you see them marching towards you, dont be afraid, they just friendly soldiers, sought to restore humanity.

- by Xeth'ranis of Leung Family

Old Grehk Expedition of VN

Old Grehk Second Northern Expedition

Old Grehk mission to Plergoth vs Mesh

Old Grehk's involvement in Enweil vs Riombara

Vagabond's departure

Special thanks to nobles

Obviously, OG would be long gone but for the hardwork and dedication of all OG nobles. It's easy to spot out how smart a High Marshall issued his order, and how brave a hero fought against the undeads. Here we will give a fair account to nobles who contributed much to OG's survival and success, though their work may not be easily seen.

Apothes the trader - During the invasion, Apothes traveled around to rogue regions infested with undeads, and managed to import much of the needed food to OG for our peasants. After the invasion, he resumed his trading career as an independant trader, though he still assisted in shipping OG food to help her allies whenever we asked.

Ethlarion the scout - Both during and after the invasion, Ethlarion traveled alone, with no unit, to rogue regions and position himself as a forward scout. He has provided valuable intelligence for OG to plan its defence against undeads and later liberation of her old regions.

Falcon the infiltrator - During the invasion Falcon traveled around to rogue regions infested with undeads, broke into the tax coffer controlled by rouges and brought back the gold for our defence against undeads.

It is acknowledged by OG that the above nobles have contributed much to OG during the Second Undead Invasion. While their 'work' did not gain them much (if any) honour or prestige, they are significant contribution to our survival and will be forever remembered in OG.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family


Region Weather

  • North Lowland: Baqua, Ffangor, Fikman, Gemke, Gethsemene, Haji, Junohep, Kell, Mekoter, Ossmat, Rolbury and Sniika.
  • North Tundra: Pomatim, Vatrona, Vore, Yermon and Jedinchel.
  • Central Lake: Iknopata, Xerus, Verdomite, Vozzessdor and Yipinalke.

- by Vagabond of Cheung Family

Politics and Diplomacy

Treaty over Melhed Colony and OG Colony in the North
Four Kingdoms Treaty



Old Grehk is Beluaterras third largest economy measured by realm income. OG encourages free trade as long as it does not breach the laws of relevant trading realms concerned, and have trade routes established with almost all realms in the Beluaterra. A major issue of concern remains the persistently devastated population in many regions. Thus low population which slows down economic growth and limits tax rate. However the potential of the economy is great and population and production is slowly recovering.


Old Grehk has fertile plains which are have agricultural potential. Good soils and weather are found in regions such as Baqua, Pomatim and Ffangor. However workforce in Baqua and Pomatim is so affected by low population. Currently most food supply in Old Grehk is produced in Ffangor.


As in most other large economic realms, Old Grehk's industrial sector have slowly recovered from the lack of labour and devastated towns. But compared with agriculture Old Grehk have two city remain intact after the invasion - Ossmat and Vozzessdor. Therefore industry is relatively strong Old Grehk is among the world's largest and most technologically advanced producers of textile, ironworks, tools and consumer goods, as well as a world leader in the weapon crafting industry.


Old Grehk cities were able to defend off undead attacks during the war. Many banks continued business and remain strong. The Reserve Bank, The Ossmat and Vozzessdor Banking Corperation (OVBC) remains to be Old Grehk's largest finianical insitituions. Tourism also account to the growth of service sector. Ossmat the newly built, well planned Capital, Gethsemene the historical site of Old Grehk secession and Vozzessdor the lake City are popular destinations. Aside from cosmopolitan sites the Northern Mountains, the Northwest Coast and the Lake Region are also great tourism locations.

Natural Resources

The Northen Mountains provides most of the metal ore. The Lake region and the northern coast is rich in marine produce. The Central Plains is great for agriculture. Mekoter Forests provides wood for the realm.


We have the following trade routes established so far, and are always looking for more opportunites to expand it. Contact Vagabond, Royal Treasuer of OG if you have any business proposal or specialities to sell.



Non-state Religions

Families and Clans

Note: all families follow naming convention 
ExampleName Family|NameFamilyMember

Old Grehk Troop Leaders, add your family page here :)

Miscellaneous topics

Old Grehk Symbols

Flag of Old Grehk Duchies and Regions of Old Grehk Flag of Old Grehk
Duchy of Lake Salaman
Ircymbar | Verdomite | Vozzessdor | Xerus
Duchy of the Northern Bay
Ffangor | Junohep | Kell | Mekoter | Ossmat
Duchy of the Western Marches
Gemke | Rolbury | Vatrona | Yipinalke