Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/2020/July: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Dubhaine Family Menubar}} Category:Roleplay == 1st July == === Spring Day - Giask === ==== New War Breaking Out ==== Sol has declared war on Arnor. They gave the fo...")
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Let the Stars bring justice down upon his head!
Let the Stars bring justice down upon his head!
== July 8th ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== New Marshal Announced ====
The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new marshal: Margravine Margaretha of Arescod. She replaces Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach.
==== New Vice-Marshal Announced ====
The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new vice-marshal: Earl Kiran Mir-Ashtan. He replaces Duke Bruce Wilde.
== 9th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Legendary Hero Buried ====
The Clipt family commemorates the dead hero Albin, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.
== 10th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== New War Breaking Out ====
Tol Goldora has declared war on Astrum. They gave the following reason:
The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora declares that the Gylden Price shall be placed upon Astrum until the beginning of this Winter where the Navarch of Tol Goldora shall sue for peace.
During this period, Tol Goldora shall battle and take gold from Astrum until Winter begins or one of the following has been completed:
* 3000 gold has been obtained and allocated to the crown of Tol Goldora.
* Astrum has officially resigned from the Alliance of Free Nations and supports it's abolishment.
* Alternative agreement has been agreed between the rulers of Tol Goldora and Astrum
​​​​​​​Tol Goldora does not seek the destruction of realms, as such Tol Goldora will not raid the same realm for consecutive raiding seasons.
This is the sign of intent and Tol Goldora declares that we shall no longer stand idle in the failure of continental politics in the east.
== 14th July ==
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Important Event for Fellish Senate ====
* Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Perdita to the rank of Senior fellish. Perdita is now a senior member of the guild.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Roldan to the rank of Senior fellish. Roldan is now a full member of the guild.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted Roldan to the rank of Senior fellish.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted Perdita to the rank of Advisor to the council.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Bealochi to the rank of Senior fellish. Bealochi is now a full member of the guild.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Talvem to the rank of Trusted fellish. Talvem is now a full member of the guild.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Bealochi to the rank of Chairman.
* Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted you to the rank of Trusted non-fellish in the guild "Fellish Senate". You are no longer a senior member of the guild. There is no monthly grant or fee for this rank.
==== Important Event for Solaran Diet ====
* Lord Speaker Ciarghuala has promoted Luke to the rank of Lord Speaker. Luke is now a full member of the guild.
* Rank "Foreign Observer" was created by Ciarghuala
* Lord Speaker Ciarghuala has demoted you to the rank of Foreign Observer in the guild "Solaran Diet". You are no longer a senior member of the guild. Your new monthly fee is 200 gold.
== 15th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Foreign Leave ====
Helm Altenahr, Raven King of Arnor, Royal of Arnor, Duke of Ravensgard, Margrave of Nifelhold, Marshal of the Blood Raven has been captured by Sol forces during the battle in Unterstrom Vorstadt.
==== Looting Reported ====
Peasants and minor nobility in Ciarin Tut have been attacked and robbed by Astrum forces!
== 16th July ==
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
Like always Wassgandr spent his evening looking over reports sent by Kiran and Margaretha. He grabbed Kiran's reports first.
A day ago, a rogue Astrumite noble looted Ciarin Tut. Wassgandr wanted to order the western group to chase the fool but Ciarin Tut was attacked by monsters, reminding him that chasing after a fool is not worth letting monsters slaughter peasants. He hoped his complaints sent to the general of Astrum would be enough to get the fool banished.
Before he wrapped up Kiran's reports, he wrote a letter to Leonid who requested to be transferred to the western group as he ruled over the region which the western group was using as the base.
Looking over Margaretha's reports, he felt relieved that monsters were taking a break from bashing themselves against the walls of Outer Giask. If they would leave the region alone for a couple days, maybe workers will become brave enough to repair the walls again.
As he lie down on his makeshift bed, he contemplated on the future of the empire. The noble count across the empire shrunk by a significant margin. With it, passion and zeal which once drove the empire also faded. The so called empire was nothing but in name only. Would dissolving the empire and realigning the alliances be better? How would Fellish and Solan nobles react if the empire was dissolved. With the empire lacking an emperor for a full year now, it was hard to tell how united the empire truly was.
A messenger arrived to deliver a letter to Wassgandr when he was about to go to sleep.
Letter from Celina Stormreaver
Your Grace,
Uuriko was asked to leave almost 2 days ago, the ban is forthcoming shortly (I've attached a copy of the relevant paperwork for you).  I inquired why the additional looting did not expedite his departure and am still awaiting an answer for that, if it were up to me he'd have been gone immediately; some folks appear more patient that I am for better or worse.
I apologize that this is taking longer than it should and that it's beyond inconvenient for you, I do sympathize and have made my case to the council on the matter. 
; Noble asked to leave!
: message to all nobles of Astrum - 1 day, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago
: Migash Sarracenia, Hand of the Auspicious of Astrum, Duke of Holy Island, Margrave of Dizeddo has openly asked Knight Uuriko Lamarque to leave the realm within three days, or a ban will be spoken on him. He has given the following reason:
: I’m sorry Uuriko but I believe enough warnings were send to you about our Looting policy.
: We do not need a person in Astrum that is not able to follow simple rules.
If there is anything else I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.
"Asked to leave? Sounds like this Hand Migash is quite lenient with punishments. He is lucky we are not at war with each other.
== 18th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Fortifications upgraded ====
Fortifications in Outer Giask have been raised to Motte and Bailey (2). Margaretha of Arescod carved her name into the final stone during a small ceremony today.
== 18th July ==
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
Wassgandr heard of the completion of the walls in Outer Giask. Lurians will once again be freed from the days they had to throw themselves to stop monsters from running the region over.
He couldn't wait to return to celebrate this joyous moment!
== 19th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== New Ruler Elected ====
The realm of Zuma Coalition has elected Kettle as its new Chieftain.
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
As the sun rose, Wassgandr met scouts who were sent out earlier to check on monsters in the nearby regions of Cadier.
"Monsters seem to be slowly gathering around the nearby regions. We won't be attacked for now but I wonder how long it will last."
As Wassgandr wondered, his captain approached him.
"Sir, there is a large undead unit approaching Irvington from Herle. They will most likely meet monsters there."
"If they all come at us together, we will have to retreat back to Outer Giask. Ask Marshal Margaretha what she wants us to do here if they do decide to attack."
=== Summer Evening ===
==== A New Prophet ====
High Adjudicator Travesty Tideweaver has founded a new religion called "Coven of the Hidden God" and become its first prophet, devoting her life to religion from now on. She has stepped down from all positions.
== 20th July ==
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Alliance Forged ====
The realms of Avernus and Astrum have joined into an alliance.
== 21st July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Foreign Leave ====
Sir Carlos Snodaert, Archon of Astrum, Royal of Astrum, Marshal of the Bloodstar Invincibles has been captured by Tol Goldora forces during the battle in Mozyr.
== 22nd July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== New Ruler Elected ====
The realm of Arnor has elected Helm Altenahr as its new Raven King.
== 24th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Durk Spartan ====
The wind blew strong as Durk's boat sailed towards Giask. Summer had made the winds less of a coolant, and more of a way for the heat to reach deeper into the shadows. This burned through the resolve of Durk's men, leaving them appearing less as soldiers, and more like wraiths wandering the boat in despair.
Though, this couldn't be helped.
Provisions had run dry, with only half a day's rations left for the crew, add that the military disaster of Sol had led to them being slaughtered by Arnor countless times... It was a miracle they hadn't already jumped off the boat.
Fortunately, the gods did not forsake Durk and his crew. Giask finally came into view, and the wind turned from a blanket of heat to a chilled breeze. The feeling of despair had faded, and in its place came hope.
The countless sails of  docked boats decorated Giask's port, the once silent and still waters, became vibrant and loud. The calm sound of the breeze had been replaced with the roar of thousands of people. They had made it.
When the boat docked, Durk felt overwhelmed with the sight of the city. He could not decide where to start... The many odd flowers, maybe the many market stalls selling things he'd never seen, or even the odd attire of those also from a distant land.
Eventually, Durk came to his senses and he began wandering through the streets, taking in the many cultures and the plentiful sights. Somehow, he found his way to an estate within the market district of Giask. A few signatures and seals later, he was no longer a noble of Sol, but of Luria Nova instead.
Durk found himself sworn to a "Wassgandr", a name he had never heard before, but nevertheless, a name he had to learn. As Durk's men had finally began to rest, when messenger came in with a greetings from Wassgandr:
Letter from Wassgandr Felsenbach
Message sent to all nobles of Luria Nova (12 recipients) - 3 hours, 24 minutes ago
Welcome to Luria Nova, Sir Durk.
We are the protectors and inheritors of the Lurian legacy.
Your family name is a familiar one but not the most well known in the southern parts of this continent. Good to see you in our realm.
What brought you here to our realm?
Wassgandr Felsenbach
Imperial Marshal of Luria Nova
Duke of Sky Halls
Margrave of Giask
"Familiar?", Questioned Durk. Even he himself did not know much of the history of his own family... Had this Wassgandr known something of his Family's past? Perhaps that was why Durk felt drawn to Luria, perhaps it was destiny.
Durk shook the scribe, demanding to know where Wassgandr was. "U-Uh...", came the scribe, bewildered by Durk's sudden outburst.
"U'UH?! WHERE IS THAT?! GO! SHOW ME THE WAY!", shouted Durk as he released the scribe and shook his captain instead, "Grab the men! We are leaving!"
So off Durk ran, chasing the terrified scribe towards Wassgandr.
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
After sending a welcome letter to the newly arrived noble, Wassgandr got on a ferry to head over to Askileon. He had already exchanged some letters with Imperator Luke and Lady Regent Dellia which gave him some insight into the situation both realms were in.
Sol, despite starting the war, was losing. When asked for an explanation, Luke simply blamed his nobles who were disinterested in the war. It was clear that the imperator made a mistake. He had hoped to his religious zeal could reinvigorate his nobles but instead they hid themselves in their estates to avoid the approaching Arnorans. Wassgandr was never impressed with Sol and Swordfell as they never could bring their full capacity to the field.
While Sol was slowly collapsing, Swordfell seemed to have stabilized under Dellia, the Champion of Giask. She was inspired by the tournament of Giask, she was planning on hosting her own tournament for Fellish nobles. Wassgandr hoped her tournament would be successful so the next tournament could see a higher participation rate from foreign nobles.
As the ship began to sail toward Askileon, Wassgandr saw a couple people waving hands toward him. One of them looked familiar but it was too far for him to be sure. He waved back at them as the ship drifted away from the port.
==== Durk Spartan ====
The scribe pointed towards the boat departing the port, "T-There!" His fear still apparent, hoping that the creepy man would not thrash him about again.
Durk hunched over, trying to take in enough air to stop the pain, he barely managing to say, "B-Boat!"
Luckily, his men knew him well enough and dragged him back to the boat they had arrived on not too long ago. Durk may have been physically inept, but his men could not share the same luxury. Their boat was made for long distance travels on the open seas. It was long, it was narrow and had a decently sized sails to catch the wind well. To catch a ferry would be hard, especially since it had a leading start... The only thing in their favor would be that it was deigned to transport more cargo and people, making it bigger and slower. Durk leaned against the side of the boat, still dying from his long overdue exercise. "The rowing paddles!" He yelled at the side of the boat, "We must row to Wassagandr"
Eventually, Durk's boat departed the port of Giask, his men silently sobbing at the sight of going back to sea so soon. However, Durk did not care, he had to find out what Wassagandr knew of his Family. He grabbed the scribe and eyed some idle rope on the deck. "Scribe, begin waving and calling out to the lord... Unless it is your desire to lay flung from the bow." The scribe's horror turned to terror, realizing that the words were no joke. He nearly leaped off the boat as he waved frantically towards the ferry.
Durk had no idea whether they would be able to catch his new lord. However, he was certain that he would at least arrive at the next port by the time Wassgandr did. Whether it was in a few moments or a few hours, he would hopefully have his questions answered soon.
=== Summer Evening ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
The ferry ride to Askileon was quite stressful. The ferry was chased by what it seemed to be a pirate ship from Giask to Askileon. Wassgandr could not believe pirates were allowed to roam free. It was quite unfortunate to station his old unit in Giask instead of bringing them with him. But it was all over now. The foolish pirates dared to chase all the way to Askileon and they would no doubt be captured upon arriving at the port.
As the ferry docked into the grand port of the city, guards gathered near to check people on the ferry. The guards quickly recognized their old lord and welcomed him to the city as usual. He ordered the guards to be ready as the pirates were docking right next to the ferry. He stood behind the guards, who put forth their shields toward the longboat, to see the faces of these daredevils.
==== Durk Spartan ====
As Durk's boat neared the port of Askileon, he took note of something quite odd... There were soldiers... LOTS of soldiers... and they were looking at his boat.
Sweat began to drip down Durk's cheek, "Ha... Th-They dare not pull arms upon their allies, right?", he asked the scribe with a slight tremble. The scribe turned towards Durk, a grin across his face, "Ma'Lord, They will recognize me... but you?.."
Durk was certain that every deed he'd done to this moment would soon come to lash him upon his rear until it was properly flat.
He turned towards his men, ready to order a swift retreat, however, his men's will was already broken. They huddled together in a circle, praying for their ends to come painlessly and swift. Some cried for their mothers, others for their gods, a few did both. They had not lived easy lives under Durk's command... He assumed it was only a matter of time until they fled, he assumed it was either them or their sanity... fortunately it was their sanity.
Durk now had soldiers at the ready to pierce his heart on the shore, and men ready to soil their pants on his boat. Durk sighed... He had never thought that things could go so well. It was perfect.
Durk grabbed the scribe and whispered into his ear, the words curled with a crusty rasp at times, leaving the onlooker wondering whether it was really a man speaking. The scribe's grin faded, being replaced by a blank stare. His eyes turned to Durk questioningly, and Durk's grin peeked out from his cloak in response. Durk reached into his shadowy cloak and pulled out a bag of coins, jingling it towards the scribe. The scribe took the bag, inspected it and turned away without a word. As the boat came into speaking distance of the shore, the scribe proceeded to call out towards the soldiers. He declared the arrival of Durk Spartan, new vassal to Wassgandr Felsenbach, and stated that Durk had requested an audience with his new lord.
== 25th July ==
=== Summer Day ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
Wassgandr recognized the scribe he had sent to welcome his new knight. Obviously this was not how he thought he would meet his new knight. He expected his knight to first visit his new estate. But it seemed the knight was quite eager to meet his new liege.
He ordered the guards to bring Durk to the Wrath Barracks where he often spent his days as the imperial marshal of Luria. He had few hours to meet his new knight before his next ship departed. He headed off to the barracks first so Durk could ready himself before meeting his new liege.
Wassgandr figured that Durk would be quite exhausted from travelling all the way to reach Luria only to chase after his liege.
As he arrived at the barracks, he ordered his servants to prepare some food and drinks for the new knight who was about to visit him. Maybe he will finally find out the situation in Sol in details from the young knight.
==== Durk Spartan ====
Durk followed his escort to the Wrath Barracks, too focused on the situation to take in the sites. He had left his men behind, as they were no longer capable of fighting, making him alone in this new land. However, this did not cause Durk to sway, or doubt, he had full intention of finding out more of his family's history, regardless of the obstacle. Durk noted that the men that escorted him were trained far better to those he had seen in Sol. In Sol, the men walked slowly, their attentiveness was nonexistant, and the weapons were hardly usable. Meanwhile, this escort had strong armor, strong weapons, and they marched at a quick pace with their heads on a swivel. Durk was truly astounded at the gap between the two realms.
Finally, Durk's escort arrived at the barracks, making the anticipation unbearable for Durk. With a nod to the soldiers, he departed them and went inside. Upon entering, he was swiftly directed towards a table with food and refreshments readily available for his consuption. Durk happily accepted the offer after being stuck on a boat for several days, as on the boat, all that was available was dried meat and stale bread. Durk's desire was to begin shoving plates and bowls down his throat, however, he tamed himself to save face.
As Durk ate his meal, awaiting the arrival of his liege, he pondered how to begin the discussion.
First and foremost, he had to show appreciation for his liege allowing his entry to the realm... Had he been turned away, things would not have been well for Durk.
Then he would have to figure out how to ask the question of his family without sounding demanding. Perhaps they would exchange information, Durk was certain that a military lead might want inside information on the military affair happening in the north... Though he did not know what the General knew and did not, so whether the information would be valuable or not was unclear.
Durk sighed and turned towards the entrance to the room, hoping his liege would appear soon.
==== Alliance Forged ====
The realms of Avernus and Arnor have joined into an alliance.
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
Wassgandr had to stop to think if he had entered a wrong room. In the room, there was a man who looked like he belonged with a group of beggars than here. He quickly turned his head to the right to look at his scribe who had brought Durk all the way over to Askileon from Giask. The scribe quickly nodded.
Why would a noble dress like a beggar? Why would he be wearing a rag over his head? Is he suffering from leprosy? He was also way too thin for a noble. Even a bastard would have been fed better than him. He wondered what happened to the Spartan family. Is he really from the same Spartan family that fought for Astrum? Maybe Durk's family was merely sharing the same family name as the old Spartan family. With many questions fogging his mind, Wassgandr stood few steps apart from Durk.
"It is good to see you finally, Good Durk. I am surprised that you chased me all the way to our glorious capital. I was expecting you to visit your estate first."
== 26th July ==
=== Autumn Day ===
==== Durk Spartan ====
As Wassgnadr entered the room, Durk could not help but feel anxious. The room had been calm before this man's arrival, it was as if everyone had suddenly grown stiffer and more alert upon his entrance.
To Durk, this pressure was something he'd never experienced before. He instantly knew that this new man who had entered the room was his liege... Yet, he remained frozen in awe.
Suddenly the man spoke, "It is good to see you finally, Good Durk. I am surprised that you chased me all the way to our glorious capital. I was expecting you to visit your estate first." Durk snapped back to his senses and gaining a sense of courage, he stood to meet his liege's gaze... Or at least as much as he could, since Wassgandr was quite tall....
"My liege, I have come to inquire about the contents of your recent greeting." Durk removed the letter from his robe and presented it to Wassagandr, "You say here, that you recognize my family's name. Although, it may not be odd to hear of another's name as time goes on... My family was brought to ruin soon after my birth... At least, that is what I've been told." Durk turned his gazed, ashamed to admit of his family's troubled past. "I apologize for chasing you so intently, however, if it is true that you know something of family... I beg of you to please share it with me. The records of my family are gone or erased... forgotten with time... Not even my most ancient servants know much more than faint rumors...All that remained was my family seal and a few loyal servants that raised me to continue the bloodline."
Durk returned his gaze and stared intently at Wassgandr, hopeful that the questions he'd held for such a long time would be answered in just a few moments.
=== Autumn Evening ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
"It saddens me greatly to hear of the demise of the Spartan family, Good Durk. Unfortunately, I know only of one member of your family who served in Astrum during the great war which brought down Astrum. Your ancestor served firstly under Strategos Kihalin then his successor Turin. Turin I heard met his demise recently so I doubt there are that many left who remember your family. You can probably find more about your family in my ducal library back in Giask. You will have to read through the war records related to Astrum which I have collected over the years. I will write you a letter to let you in so you can learn more about your family."
Wassgandr asked his scribe to bring him a pen and a paper. He quickly wrote a letter for Durk then handed it over to him in an envelop.
"If you need anything else, talk to the scribe and he will help you out. It was a pleasure meeting you, Good Durk. I need to leave now but once I return, we can talk more in details."
== 28th July ==
=== Autumn Day ===
==== New War Breaking Out ====
Arnor has declared war on Tol Goldora. They gave the following reason:
Arnor declares war on Tol Guldora because Tol Guldora has a policy of raiding the three realms in Arnor's alliance Bloc, namely Astrum, Avernus and Arnor.
Our aim is to force Tol Guldora to stop raiding our realms.
== 29th July ==
=== Autumn Evening ===
==== Region Exchange ====
The realm of Sol has given the region Elntorak away to Swordfell.
== 30th July ==
=== Autumn Day ===
==== Region Changes Allegiance ====
Tamirak has changed its allegiance to the realm of Swordfell. The region used to belong to Sol.
=== Autumn Evening ===
==== Region Exchange ====
The realm of Sol has given the region Unterstrom Vorstadt away to Swordfell.
== 31st July ==
=== Autumn Day ===
==== Ruler Abdicates ====
; Luke Elynbrigge has stepped down from his position as ruler of Sol. He has given the following reason:
: Stepping down from ruler as we are merging into Swordfell. I will be transferring the Duchy over to Swordfell.

Latest revision as of 16:18, 6 August 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st July

Spring Day - Giask

New War Breaking Out

Sol has declared war on Arnor. They gave the following reason:

Sol declares a one on one war with Arnor.

Sol is to rekindle the heritage of Morek, and its territories to become a bastion of our Faith in the North. The King of Arnor has become a mere puppet of a heathen realm, and this War is a fight to secure the Faith against those who merely pay lip service. The decadence of Arnor towards our faith is no longer something I can stand idly witness too.

We declare a war over 10 battles, each battle must have at least 1.5k CS on each side and not include allies. If Sol is victorious, Arnor will recognise Sol's claim to Morek and pay Sol 500 gold if Arnor is victorious Sol will pay 500 gold.

Let the Stars bring justice down upon his head!

July 8th

Summer Day

New Marshal Announced

The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new marshal: Margravine Margaretha of Arescod. She replaces Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach.

New Vice-Marshal Announced

The sponsor of the Novan Wrath, Duke Wassgandr Felsenbach, has announced a new vice-marshal: Earl Kiran Mir-Ashtan. He replaces Duke Bruce Wilde.

9th July

Summer Day

Legendary Hero Buried

The Clipt family commemorates the dead hero Albin, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.

10th July

Summer Day

New War Breaking Out

Tol Goldora has declared war on Astrum. They gave the following reason:

The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora declares that the Gylden Price shall be placed upon Astrum until the beginning of this Winter where the Navarch of Tol Goldora shall sue for peace.

During this period, Tol Goldora shall battle and take gold from Astrum until Winter begins or one of the following has been completed:

  • 3000 gold has been obtained and allocated to the crown of Tol Goldora.
  • Astrum has officially resigned from the Alliance of Free Nations and supports it's abolishment.
  • Alternative agreement has been agreed between the rulers of Tol Goldora and Astrum

​​​​​​​Tol Goldora does not seek the destruction of realms, as such Tol Goldora will not raid the same realm for consecutive raiding seasons.

This is the sign of intent and Tol Goldora declares that we shall no longer stand idle in the failure of continental politics in the east.

14th July

Summer Evening

Important Event for Fellish Senate

  • Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Perdita to the rank of Senior fellish. Perdita is now a senior member of the guild.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Roldan to the rank of Senior fellish. Roldan is now a full member of the guild.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted Roldan to the rank of Senior fellish.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted Perdita to the rank of Advisor to the council.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Bealochi to the rank of Senior fellish. Bealochi is now a full member of the guild.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Talvem to the rank of Trusted fellish. Talvem is now a full member of the guild.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has promoted Bealochi to the rank of Chairman.
  • Chairman Ciarghuala has demoted you to the rank of Trusted non-fellish in the guild "Fellish Senate". You are no longer a senior member of the guild. There is no monthly grant or fee for this rank.

Important Event for Solaran Diet

  • Lord Speaker Ciarghuala has promoted Luke to the rank of Lord Speaker. Luke is now a full member of the guild.
  • Rank "Foreign Observer" was created by Ciarghuala
  • Lord Speaker Ciarghuala has demoted you to the rank of Foreign Observer in the guild "Solaran Diet". You are no longer a senior member of the guild. Your new monthly fee is 200 gold.

15th July

Summer Day

Foreign Leave

Helm Altenahr, Raven King of Arnor, Royal of Arnor, Duke of Ravensgard, Margrave of Nifelhold, Marshal of the Blood Raven has been captured by Sol forces during the battle in Unterstrom Vorstadt.

Looting Reported

Peasants and minor nobility in Ciarin Tut have been attacked and robbed by Astrum forces!

16th July

Summer Evening

Wassgandr Felsenbach

Like always Wassgandr spent his evening looking over reports sent by Kiran and Margaretha. He grabbed Kiran's reports first.

A day ago, a rogue Astrumite noble looted Ciarin Tut. Wassgandr wanted to order the western group to chase the fool but Ciarin Tut was attacked by monsters, reminding him that chasing after a fool is not worth letting monsters slaughter peasants. He hoped his complaints sent to the general of Astrum would be enough to get the fool banished.

Before he wrapped up Kiran's reports, he wrote a letter to Leonid who requested to be transferred to the western group as he ruled over the region which the western group was using as the base.

Looking over Margaretha's reports, he felt relieved that monsters were taking a break from bashing themselves against the walls of Outer Giask. If they would leave the region alone for a couple days, maybe workers will become brave enough to repair the walls again.

As he lie down on his makeshift bed, he contemplated on the future of the empire. The noble count across the empire shrunk by a significant margin. With it, passion and zeal which once drove the empire also faded. The so called empire was nothing but in name only. Would dissolving the empire and realigning the alliances be better? How would Fellish and Solan nobles react if the empire was dissolved. With the empire lacking an emperor for a full year now, it was hard to tell how united the empire truly was.

A messenger arrived to deliver a letter to Wassgandr when he was about to go to sleep.

Letter from Celina Stormreaver

Your Grace,

Uuriko was asked to leave almost 2 days ago, the ban is forthcoming shortly (I've attached a copy of the relevant paperwork for you). I inquired why the additional looting did not expedite his departure and am still awaiting an answer for that, if it were up to me he'd have been gone immediately; some folks appear more patient that I am for better or worse.

I apologize that this is taking longer than it should and that it's beyond inconvenient for you, I do sympathize and have made my case to the council on the matter.


Noble asked to leave!
message to all nobles of Astrum - 1 day, 17 hours, 44 minutes ago
Migash Sarracenia, Hand of the Auspicious of Astrum, Duke of Holy Island, Margrave of Dizeddo has openly asked Knight Uuriko Lamarque to leave the realm within three days, or a ban will be spoken on him. He has given the following reason:
I’m sorry Uuriko but I believe enough warnings were send to you about our Looting policy.
We do not need a person in Astrum that is not able to follow simple rules.


If there is anything else I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.


"Asked to leave? Sounds like this Hand Migash is quite lenient with punishments. He is lucky we are not at war with each other.

18th July

Summer Day

Fortifications upgraded

Fortifications in Outer Giask have been raised to Motte and Bailey (2). Margaretha of Arescod carved her name into the final stone during a small ceremony today.

18th July

Summer Evening

Wassgandr Felsenbach

Wassgandr heard of the completion of the walls in Outer Giask. Lurians will once again be freed from the days they had to throw themselves to stop monsters from running the region over.

He couldn't wait to return to celebrate this joyous moment!

19th July

Summer Day

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Zuma Coalition has elected Kettle as its new Chieftain.

Wassgandr Felsenbach

As the sun rose, Wassgandr met scouts who were sent out earlier to check on monsters in the nearby regions of Cadier.

"Monsters seem to be slowly gathering around the nearby regions. We won't be attacked for now but I wonder how long it will last."

As Wassgandr wondered, his captain approached him.

"Sir, there is a large undead unit approaching Irvington from Herle. They will most likely meet monsters there."

"If they all come at us together, we will have to retreat back to Outer Giask. Ask Marshal Margaretha what she wants us to do here if they do decide to attack."

Summer Evening

A New Prophet

High Adjudicator Travesty Tideweaver has founded a new religion called "Coven of the Hidden God" and become its first prophet, devoting her life to religion from now on. She has stepped down from all positions.

20th July

Summer Evening

Alliance Forged

The realms of Avernus and Astrum have joined into an alliance.

21st July

Summer Day

Foreign Leave

Sir Carlos Snodaert, Archon of Astrum, Royal of Astrum, Marshal of the Bloodstar Invincibles has been captured by Tol Goldora forces during the battle in Mozyr.

22nd July

Summer Day

New Ruler Elected

The realm of Arnor has elected Helm Altenahr as its new Raven King.

24th July

Summer Day

Durk Spartan

The wind blew strong as Durk's boat sailed towards Giask. Summer had made the winds less of a coolant, and more of a way for the heat to reach deeper into the shadows. This burned through the resolve of Durk's men, leaving them appearing less as soldiers, and more like wraiths wandering the boat in despair.

Though, this couldn't be helped.

Provisions had run dry, with only half a day's rations left for the crew, add that the military disaster of Sol had led to them being slaughtered by Arnor countless times... It was a miracle they hadn't already jumped off the boat.

Fortunately, the gods did not forsake Durk and his crew. Giask finally came into view, and the wind turned from a blanket of heat to a chilled breeze. The feeling of despair had faded, and in its place came hope.

The countless sails of docked boats decorated Giask's port, the once silent and still waters, became vibrant and loud. The calm sound of the breeze had been replaced with the roar of thousands of people. They had made it.

When the boat docked, Durk felt overwhelmed with the sight of the city. He could not decide where to start... The many odd flowers, maybe the many market stalls selling things he'd never seen, or even the odd attire of those also from a distant land. Eventually, Durk came to his senses and he began wandering through the streets, taking in the many cultures and the plentiful sights. Somehow, he found his way to an estate within the market district of Giask. A few signatures and seals later, he was no longer a noble of Sol, but of Luria Nova instead.

Durk found himself sworn to a "Wassgandr", a name he had never heard before, but nevertheless, a name he had to learn. As Durk's men had finally began to rest, when messenger came in with a greetings from Wassgandr:

Letter from Wassgandr Felsenbach

Message sent to all nobles of Luria Nova (12 recipients) - 3 hours, 24 minutes ago Welcome to Luria Nova, Sir Durk.

We are the protectors and inheritors of the Lurian legacy.

Your family name is a familiar one but not the most well known in the southern parts of this continent. Good to see you in our realm.

What brought you here to our realm?


Wassgandr Felsenbach Imperial Marshal of Luria Nova Duke of Sky Halls Margrave of Giask

"Familiar?", Questioned Durk. Even he himself did not know much of the history of his own family... Had this Wassgandr known something of his Family's past? Perhaps that was why Durk felt drawn to Luria, perhaps it was destiny.

Durk shook the scribe, demanding to know where Wassgandr was. "U-Uh...", came the scribe, bewildered by Durk's sudden outburst.

"U'UH?! WHERE IS THAT?! GO! SHOW ME THE WAY!", shouted Durk as he released the scribe and shook his captain instead, "Grab the men! We are leaving!"

So off Durk ran, chasing the terrified scribe towards Wassgandr.

Wassgandr Felsenbach

After sending a welcome letter to the newly arrived noble, Wassgandr got on a ferry to head over to Askileon. He had already exchanged some letters with Imperator Luke and Lady Regent Dellia which gave him some insight into the situation both realms were in.

Sol, despite starting the war, was losing. When asked for an explanation, Luke simply blamed his nobles who were disinterested in the war. It was clear that the imperator made a mistake. He had hoped to his religious zeal could reinvigorate his nobles but instead they hid themselves in their estates to avoid the approaching Arnorans. Wassgandr was never impressed with Sol and Swordfell as they never could bring their full capacity to the field.

While Sol was slowly collapsing, Swordfell seemed to have stabilized under Dellia, the Champion of Giask. She was inspired by the tournament of Giask, she was planning on hosting her own tournament for Fellish nobles. Wassgandr hoped her tournament would be successful so the next tournament could see a higher participation rate from foreign nobles.

As the ship began to sail toward Askileon, Wassgandr saw a couple people waving hands toward him. One of them looked familiar but it was too far for him to be sure. He waved back at them as the ship drifted away from the port.

Durk Spartan

The scribe pointed towards the boat departing the port, "T-There!" His fear still apparent, hoping that the creepy man would not thrash him about again. Durk hunched over, trying to take in enough air to stop the pain, he barely managing to say, "B-Boat!"

Luckily, his men knew him well enough and dragged him back to the boat they had arrived on not too long ago. Durk may have been physically inept, but his men could not share the same luxury. Their boat was made for long distance travels on the open seas. It was long, it was narrow and had a decently sized sails to catch the wind well. To catch a ferry would be hard, especially since it had a leading start... The only thing in their favor would be that it was deigned to transport more cargo and people, making it bigger and slower. Durk leaned against the side of the boat, still dying from his long overdue exercise. "The rowing paddles!" He yelled at the side of the boat, "We must row to Wassagandr"

Eventually, Durk's boat departed the port of Giask, his men silently sobbing at the sight of going back to sea so soon. However, Durk did not care, he had to find out what Wassagandr knew of his Family. He grabbed the scribe and eyed some idle rope on the deck. "Scribe, begin waving and calling out to the lord... Unless it is your desire to lay flung from the bow." The scribe's horror turned to terror, realizing that the words were no joke. He nearly leaped off the boat as he waved frantically towards the ferry.

Durk had no idea whether they would be able to catch his new lord. However, he was certain that he would at least arrive at the next port by the time Wassgandr did. Whether it was in a few moments or a few hours, he would hopefully have his questions answered soon.

Summer Evening

Wassgandr Felsenbach

The ferry ride to Askileon was quite stressful. The ferry was chased by what it seemed to be a pirate ship from Giask to Askileon. Wassgandr could not believe pirates were allowed to roam free. It was quite unfortunate to station his old unit in Giask instead of bringing them with him. But it was all over now. The foolish pirates dared to chase all the way to Askileon and they would no doubt be captured upon arriving at the port.

As the ferry docked into the grand port of the city, guards gathered near to check people on the ferry. The guards quickly recognized their old lord and welcomed him to the city as usual. He ordered the guards to be ready as the pirates were docking right next to the ferry. He stood behind the guards, who put forth their shields toward the longboat, to see the faces of these daredevils.

Durk Spartan

As Durk's boat neared the port of Askileon, he took note of something quite odd... There were soldiers... LOTS of soldiers... and they were looking at his boat.

Sweat began to drip down Durk's cheek, "Ha... Th-They dare not pull arms upon their allies, right?", he asked the scribe with a slight tremble. The scribe turned towards Durk, a grin across his face, "Ma'Lord, They will recognize me... but you?.."

Durk was certain that every deed he'd done to this moment would soon come to lash him upon his rear until it was properly flat.

He turned towards his men, ready to order a swift retreat, however, his men's will was already broken. They huddled together in a circle, praying for their ends to come painlessly and swift. Some cried for their mothers, others for their gods, a few did both. They had not lived easy lives under Durk's command... He assumed it was only a matter of time until they fled, he assumed it was either them or their sanity... fortunately it was their sanity.

Durk now had soldiers at the ready to pierce his heart on the shore, and men ready to soil their pants on his boat. Durk sighed... He had never thought that things could go so well. It was perfect.

Durk grabbed the scribe and whispered into his ear, the words curled with a crusty rasp at times, leaving the onlooker wondering whether it was really a man speaking. The scribe's grin faded, being replaced by a blank stare. His eyes turned to Durk questioningly, and Durk's grin peeked out from his cloak in response. Durk reached into his shadowy cloak and pulled out a bag of coins, jingling it towards the scribe. The scribe took the bag, inspected it and turned away without a word. As the boat came into speaking distance of the shore, the scribe proceeded to call out towards the soldiers. He declared the arrival of Durk Spartan, new vassal to Wassgandr Felsenbach, and stated that Durk had requested an audience with his new lord.

25th July

Summer Day

Wassgandr Felsenbach

Wassgandr recognized the scribe he had sent to welcome his new knight. Obviously this was not how he thought he would meet his new knight. He expected his knight to first visit his new estate. But it seemed the knight was quite eager to meet his new liege.

He ordered the guards to bring Durk to the Wrath Barracks where he often spent his days as the imperial marshal of Luria. He had few hours to meet his new knight before his next ship departed. He headed off to the barracks first so Durk could ready himself before meeting his new liege.

Wassgandr figured that Durk would be quite exhausted from travelling all the way to reach Luria only to chase after his liege.

As he arrived at the barracks, he ordered his servants to prepare some food and drinks for the new knight who was about to visit him. Maybe he will finally find out the situation in Sol in details from the young knight.

Durk Spartan

Durk followed his escort to the Wrath Barracks, too focused on the situation to take in the sites. He had left his men behind, as they were no longer capable of fighting, making him alone in this new land. However, this did not cause Durk to sway, or doubt, he had full intention of finding out more of his family's history, regardless of the obstacle. Durk noted that the men that escorted him were trained far better to those he had seen in Sol. In Sol, the men walked slowly, their attentiveness was nonexistant, and the weapons were hardly usable. Meanwhile, this escort had strong armor, strong weapons, and they marched at a quick pace with their heads on a swivel. Durk was truly astounded at the gap between the two realms.

Finally, Durk's escort arrived at the barracks, making the anticipation unbearable for Durk. With a nod to the soldiers, he departed them and went inside. Upon entering, he was swiftly directed towards a table with food and refreshments readily available for his consuption. Durk happily accepted the offer after being stuck on a boat for several days, as on the boat, all that was available was dried meat and stale bread. Durk's desire was to begin shoving plates and bowls down his throat, however, he tamed himself to save face.

As Durk ate his meal, awaiting the arrival of his liege, he pondered how to begin the discussion.

First and foremost, he had to show appreciation for his liege allowing his entry to the realm... Had he been turned away, things would not have been well for Durk. Then he would have to figure out how to ask the question of his family without sounding demanding. Perhaps they would exchange information, Durk was certain that a military lead might want inside information on the military affair happening in the north... Though he did not know what the General knew and did not, so whether the information would be valuable or not was unclear.

Durk sighed and turned towards the entrance to the room, hoping his liege would appear soon.

Alliance Forged

The realms of Avernus and Arnor have joined into an alliance.

Wassgandr Felsenbach

Wassgandr had to stop to think if he had entered a wrong room. In the room, there was a man who looked like he belonged with a group of beggars than here. He quickly turned his head to the right to look at his scribe who had brought Durk all the way over to Askileon from Giask. The scribe quickly nodded.

Why would a noble dress like a beggar? Why would he be wearing a rag over his head? Is he suffering from leprosy? He was also way too thin for a noble. Even a bastard would have been fed better than him. He wondered what happened to the Spartan family. Is he really from the same Spartan family that fought for Astrum? Maybe Durk's family was merely sharing the same family name as the old Spartan family. With many questions fogging his mind, Wassgandr stood few steps apart from Durk.

"It is good to see you finally, Good Durk. I am surprised that you chased me all the way to our glorious capital. I was expecting you to visit your estate first."

26th July

Autumn Day

Durk Spartan

As Wassgnadr entered the room, Durk could not help but feel anxious. The room had been calm before this man's arrival, it was as if everyone had suddenly grown stiffer and more alert upon his entrance.

To Durk, this pressure was something he'd never experienced before. He instantly knew that this new man who had entered the room was his liege... Yet, he remained frozen in awe. Suddenly the man spoke, "It is good to see you finally, Good Durk. I am surprised that you chased me all the way to our glorious capital. I was expecting you to visit your estate first." Durk snapped back to his senses and gaining a sense of courage, he stood to meet his liege's gaze... Or at least as much as he could, since Wassgandr was quite tall....

"My liege, I have come to inquire about the contents of your recent greeting." Durk removed the letter from his robe and presented it to Wassagandr, "You say here, that you recognize my family's name. Although, it may not be odd to hear of another's name as time goes on... My family was brought to ruin soon after my birth... At least, that is what I've been told." Durk turned his gazed, ashamed to admit of his family's troubled past. "I apologize for chasing you so intently, however, if it is true that you know something of family... I beg of you to please share it with me. The records of my family are gone or erased... forgotten with time... Not even my most ancient servants know much more than faint rumors...All that remained was my family seal and a few loyal servants that raised me to continue the bloodline."

Durk returned his gaze and stared intently at Wassgandr, hopeful that the questions he'd held for such a long time would be answered in just a few moments.

Autumn Evening

Wassgandr Felsenbach

"It saddens me greatly to hear of the demise of the Spartan family, Good Durk. Unfortunately, I know only of one member of your family who served in Astrum during the great war which brought down Astrum. Your ancestor served firstly under Strategos Kihalin then his successor Turin. Turin I heard met his demise recently so I doubt there are that many left who remember your family. You can probably find more about your family in my ducal library back in Giask. You will have to read through the war records related to Astrum which I have collected over the years. I will write you a letter to let you in so you can learn more about your family."

Wassgandr asked his scribe to bring him a pen and a paper. He quickly wrote a letter for Durk then handed it over to him in an envelop.

"If you need anything else, talk to the scribe and he will help you out. It was a pleasure meeting you, Good Durk. I need to leave now but once I return, we can talk more in details."

28th July

Autumn Day

New War Breaking Out

Arnor has declared war on Tol Goldora. They gave the following reason:

Arnor declares war on Tol Guldora because Tol Guldora has a policy of raiding the three realms in Arnor's alliance Bloc, namely Astrum, Avernus and Arnor.

Our aim is to force Tol Guldora to stop raiding our realms.

29th July

Autumn Evening

Region Exchange

The realm of Sol has given the region Elntorak away to Swordfell.

30th July

Autumn Day

Region Changes Allegiance

Tamirak has changed its allegiance to the realm of Swordfell. The region used to belong to Sol.

Autumn Evening

Region Exchange

The realm of Sol has given the region Unterstrom Vorstadt away to Swordfell.

31st July

Autumn Day

Ruler Abdicates

Luke Elynbrigge has stepped down from his position as ruler of Sol. He has given the following reason
Stepping down from ruler as we are merging into Swordfell. I will be transferring the Duchy over to Swordfell.