Westgard: Difference between revisions

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Heroes who died in service to Westgard
Heroes who died in service to Westgard
* [[Westgard/Heroes/Adair|2018-11-30: Adair O'Deathh]] killed by monsters in the defense of Eidulb Outskirts.
* [[Westgard/Heroes/Adair|2018-11-30: Adair O'Deathh]] killed by monsters in the defense of Eidulb Outskirts.
Nobles who were tortured in service to Westgard
* Honza Gabhann, late december 2018 at the hands of Tol Goldora

Revision as of 00:46, 3 February 2019

Kingdom of Westgard

blank caption

Island Dwilight
Capital Gelene
Largest City Gelene
Government Monarchy

Duchies 3
Regions 12
Population 219,466
Gold 12960
Food 3968
Nobles 18
High King Gheric Arylon
Lord Commander Vincenzo Falconi
High Adjudicator Raud Crownguard
Master of the Mint Sparticus II Bathgate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
EidulbGheric Arylon
Eidulb OutskirtsLouisa Kepler
Gaston FarmsArceo Pandorium
GeleneSparticus II Bathgate
Gelene OutskirtsMargery Leather
LibidizeddVincenzo Falconi
Mountain of WoeJakoth Zahnbalotia
SabadellAelius Rousselor
Shrine of SeeklanderJakoth Zahnbalotia
Ygg d'RazhuulHengist deLacy

Westgard (motto: Arrows Strangely Get What They Deserve) was the first realm to brave the western wilderness of Dwilight after the great monstrous invasion, formed by a diverse collection of refugees, namely of Atamaran and Far Eastern origin following the loss of that continent. A fledgling nation surrounded by numberless hordes at first, it struggled for years merely to survive, eventually becoming among the mightiest nations of the continent. Perhaps as a result of the harshness of their uprising, the nobles of Westgard are known to be strong, bold, and proud, when not outright rigid or condescending.

Perhaps as an unsurprising result of these living conditions, Westgardians are largely isolationists, preferring to slaughter monsters than meddle in the affairs of men, and have developed a number of native doctrines and philosophies, such as The Virtues and Occidentalism.

The foreigner or would-be immigrant would be well advised to take into consideration that Westgard is no ordinary realm. Killing monsters isn't just a chore that occurs every now and then. It happens all the time. Every day. Westgard is a well-oiled time-tested monster killing machine. We kill monsters because we have to, but also because we want to, and we got very good at it. Hordes that make the eastern realms tremble are simply morning workout for us.


First Era (2015-12-06 to 2017-03-18)

The first era is marked by incredibly harsh living conditions, overwhelming monstrous hordes, and the every day struggle to merely survive as a realm. Every time a monstrous invasion was triggered by the folly of the eastern realms, Westgard would be reduced to barely surviving.

Known as "Gelene" at first, the realm adopted the name of Westgard six days later. It grew on rapidly as some of the hordes that had inhabited the west moved on east, taking Aquitain, Ygg d'Razhuul, Sabadell, Ammando, Zereth, Eidulb Outskirts, and even the city of Eidulb itself, on the 6th of February, 2016. By the 22nd of april, however, it had nothing left by Gelene and Eidulb (which it had just taken again), the rest had all fallen prey to the rogues. On the 30th, Eidulb too fell, though Gelene Outskirts was retaken.

This era included some creative initiatives in order to try to break the cycles, such as the Great Rush West, aimed at cutting off the monsters' migratory paths from the North-West and thus stop the brooding in the Province of Darfix. Almost successful, the army was forced to pull back after taken Crotona on the third of February 2017, just one region (K'dira) away from success. But the onslaught was relentless, and Westgard was reduced to Gelene, Gelene Outskirts, and Sabadell by the 18th of March.

Second Era (2017-03-19 to 2018-08-20)

Then something unexpected happened... the monsters began to swim. Though, at first, this changed little for Westgard. Ammando was a favored location for hitting the seas, and Sabadell remained their favorite region to travel through to reach their destinations. Monsters did not become scarce in the slightest. However, this did mean that, while the monsters breeding in the Province of Darfix were no less relentless, and perhaps even more aggressive, now that they favored swimming from Ammando instead of marching through Yggdramir, those breeding in the Province of Arrows practically ceased coming altogether. Presumably, they now headed for the Gold Sea or the Sea of Silence, though the details of their migratory paths are largely a matter of speculation.

So while the growth and crunch cycles continued, with every period of harsh monstrous activity spaced by a period of relative calmness, these cycles distinguished themselves by the quantity and quality of the regions remaining under control after each cycle. Instead of being reduced to next to nothing, a growing number of regions belonged to the "core" that was almost never lost at all. Border regions like the Shrine of Seeklander got to build vast walls to protect themselves from the hordes. What was once our maximal expanse became more or less our minimal expanse, and we even began annexing some far-away regions such as the city of Gaston.

Third Era (2018-08-21 to present day)

Unprecedented prosperity that began roughly with the Week of Madness. Incapacitated for a full week, the army was left mostly paralyzed. But despite this, the realm remained pretty much intact. Once they regained their sense, the hordes could be seen flocking to Luria Nova, and then the remaining hordes vanished. In the face of this never before seen calm, Westgard pressed on, taking region after region. Knowing they could only control so large with the numbers of nobles it had, it also started the "An Ale For a Bale" program, exchanging Westgardian ale for foodstuff in various regions the realm had no intention to keep, such as Jorradith and Knyazes. Gaston was taken once more, and Duil was taken for the first time. And while a number of hordes were still to be seen all over, at but a few dozen beasts a horde, it was almost as if they weren't there at all. And so when the two armies finally returned from a month-long expedition, the beasts were mostly exterminated after the first week of November.

Shortly thereafter, opportunists from the East decided to take advantage of the calm Westgard brought to the West and decided to takeover Golden Farrow, which Westgard was just about to take itself. Shocked by this opportunism, Westgard sent scouts to learn more about this new realm, and found them brutalizing every region their army crossed. Determined to put an end to the suffering of the inhabitants of the Province of Arrows, Westgard attempted a diplomatic solution, offering aid to relocate, which the colony refused, and so Westgard marched into the city to put an end to their villainy. After a week of distributing free goods to the locals, the city raised Westgard's flag, despite attempts by the barbarians to starve their own city and corrupt the officials simply to spite Westgard for its righteous opposition, which simply further strengthened the army's resolve to put an end to this villainy for good.


Westgard now has three armies in its service.

  • Westgard Lightbearers - The Flagship army of Westgard, was the realm's only army for most of its history.
  • Westgard Sun Swords - Served in the First Era and probably the early days of the Second Era, helped split the armed forces in order to better react to omnipresent hordes. Was disbanded when the hordes became too great and Westgard's armies became battered, forcing the realm to act in total unison once more. Was revived in the Third Era, during the Stand Against Barbarism.
  • Westgard Wardens - Created during the Stand Against Barbarism, helps Westgard's forces cover greater terrain.

While specialized in fighting the monsters, Westgard has been involved in two wars.

  • First Colonial Dispute - A small conflict in Westgard's early days, with Astrum over claims.
  • Stand Against Barbarism - War against the reavers of Tol Goldora, which turned continental after Tol's allies came in to their defense, and Westgard's allies came in to retaliate.


A number of religions have a presence in Westgard, but the most present and influential one is the defunct Virtues, which is held firmly by many areligious nobles as well as having seeped into a few active religions.

Doctrines and policies

Various documents relating to Westgardian politics.

Hall of Heroes

Heroes who died in service to Westgard

Nobles who were tortured in service to Westgard

  • Honza Gabhann, late december 2018 at the hands of Tol Goldora