Tol Goldora
Theocracy of Tol Goldora | |
Overview | |
Nobles | 7 |
Council | |
Autarch | Severina Erickson |
Sakellion | Roland Brennaborg |
Regions | |
Tol Goldora
Founded in Year 46, Tol Goldora is an oligarchal tyranny realm carving out a new home for itself in the ancient wilds of northeastern Dwilight. Historically known as a “land of second chances” for pirates, barbarians, misfits, and criminals, Tol Goldora today has distinguished itself as a seafaring powerhouse and refuge for curious minds.
Living on the frontier, Tol Goldora provides nobles the potential to craft their own destiny, whether they come from elsewhere, or start anew. Nobles here possess the right to raid regions of the crown's designation, reaping the profits they earn for themselves.
Main article: History of Tol Goldora.
Key events | |
Name | Description |
Founding | The original founders from Sol landed in Golden Farrow and declared independence shortly after the core Farrowlands were claimed. |
The Gold Sea War | Shortly after the Oligarchy began it's expansion efforts, the Gold Sea War began against Westgard. Relocating to Via, the Oligarchy fought against Westgard for many seasons, ultimately ending with the Golden Farrow Accords, ending Westgardian claims to the Farrowlands and the legitimate purchase of Golden Farrow. |
War against Astrum | After a period of calm, Tol Goldora embraced it's traditions and set to raid it's nearest neighbor. This raid escalated and after Astrum declared hatred against Tol Goldora, full total war was declared. Tol Goldora was victorious. |
Great Eastern Migration | After the outbreak of Zuma Experiments and the Zuma plague, Tol Goldora relocated to northeastern Dwilight. |
Founded in Year 46, Tol Goldora was a young colony fighting for her survival in the western frontier of Dwilight. The capital was the wealthy Golden Farrow, which acted as a central node for the continent due to its location and allowed Tol Goldora to prosper as a privateering and trading realm.
Originally a “oligarchal tyranny,” the Autarch of Tol Goldora was the absolute Ruler with a final say on all and any diplomatic, militaristic, or legal decisions when it comes to the stewardship of the realms. With power vested by the Autarch, the Stratarch was traditionally responsible for military matters, the Vestarch was responsible for matters of law and governance, and the Sakellion held the responsibility of Steward to the realm. The Autarch was advised by the Founders Hall, which consisted of oligarchs from founding families (hence “oligarchal” tyranny), though the Autarch reserved the right to act freely.
Eventually Tol Goldora stretched from Itau in the west, Via in the south, Golden Farrow in the east, and Libidizedd in the north.
Tol Goldora is a land of second chances. Nobles who call themselves Goldorans are generally united in their resilience, scrappiness, fierce loyalty, and curiosity. At times, Goldorans may appear a bit rough around the edges, but beneath it is an extremely close-knit community of distinct individuals working together for the good of the realm.
After the great migration east from Golden Farrow, Tol Goldora reembraced its roots by creating four duchies representing our core values:
- Prose Ede: Resilience and Fortitude (founded by Svari Storme)
- Dalia Porphyra: Intrigue and Discovery (founded by Edelyn Luitolf)
- Belianzi’s Breath: Adventure and Strength (founded by Kophyn D’Espana)
- Oreinipolis: Faith and Discipline (founded by Calypso Hwitt)
Tol Goldora is home to the Scientists of the Strange.
The Founders and the Oligarch's Hall
Though now defunct, under the rule of Navarch Medrawt and Navarch Solomon, the Founders Hall was positioned as a hugely prestigious and respected group of nobles of Tol Goldora.
Protected both by law and by tradition, nobles were invited to this hall for their recognised work in promoting Tol Goldora's interests, granted by virtue of the ruling Navarch. Members of the Hall were therefore given preferential treatment for positions of power or titles within the realm, and advised the ruling Navarch as his council. After many seasons after it's founding, the hall was rebranded to reflect the new generation of nobility coming through its ranks.
The Founder’s Hall collapsed under Navarch Solomon’s rule. After making a series of controversial decisions, Solomon forced the realm to vote for its form of government: oligarchy or tyranny. Though the results are disputed, the realm voted for tyranny, and so Solomon dissolved the Hall.
The Original Founders | |
Name | Description |
Camlann Family | Medrawt Camlann was the organiser, initial military leader of the Colonists, the first Navarch of Tol Goldora and third Stratarch of the realm. Regardless of role, Medrawt was a integral part of Tol Goldora's military might. With the end of the war, Medrawt now governs Farrowfield. |
De La Fere Family | Nigel de la Fere was the primary benefactor of the initial colonial expedition to Western Dwilight and patron of the Golden Host. He was also appointed the first Duke of the restored duchy of Golden Farrow and tax collector for the realm. Captured in line of service, Duke Nigel was banished to the colonies in Year 51. |
Greybrook Family | Solomon Greybrook was appointed as the first Stratarch of Tol Goldora and Marshal of the Golden Host upon Medrawt Camlann's appointment as Navarch. During his tenure, Tol Goldoran forces managed to secure much of the De Jure demesne of the Duchy of Golden Farrow. He was also responsible for the admirable defense against Westgard, reclaiming the lost cities of Via, Itau and Echiur and ultimately for the first two years of the War against Westgard Oppression before becoming the second Navarch of Tol Goldora. It was through Solomon's guidance that peace was finally secured through the Golden Farrow Accords. Solomon also led Tol Goldora on it's maiden raid war against Astrum. |
Le Craint Family | Emyhr le Craint was the second Marshal of the Golden Host and one of the most reliable military captains throughout the War against Westgard Oppression. With war's end, Emyhr sought to step back from public life. |
Nowack Family | Bemmy Nowack was appointed as the first Sakellion of Tol Goldora and Earl of Mech Alb. He was responsible for managing the food supplies that first gave Golden Farrow and Tol Goldora the strength needed to fight against the harsh western landscape and through war. With war's end, Bemmy was appointed lord of Via before taking a step back from public life. |
Stromhar Family | Umerith Stromhar was the primary Diplomat, Ambassador and Representative of Tol Goldora. During his tenure as the first Vestarch to Navarch Camlann, he put in place the system of Government, Laws, and managed the diplomatic affairs of the Nation. He was appointed as Lord of Via from it's capture to his disappearance from Year 52. |
Vasiliev Family | Berenis Vasiliev was the first Founder to set foot in Golden Farrow and has worked tirelessly ever since as a contributor to policy and tax collector. Founder Berenis was appointed the second Margravine of Itau and with war's end, works to continue Tol Goldora's success. |
Acknowledged Oligarchs | |
Name | Description |
Aurelle Family | Record missing. |
Blue Family | While Beryl Blue shall be remembered as a martyr and hero of Tol Goldora, Ziva Blue demonstrated the justification for the Founders to acknowledge the Blue Family as a founder family through her military Marshalship during the Gold Sea War. At war's end, she was declared Lord of Itau. |
Bolton Family | Roose Bolton joined Tol Goldora after defecting from Westgard at the early stages of the Gold Sea Conflict. Through the majority of the war, Roose served as a capable unit commander, Marshal and then Stratarch. Resuming activity at the end of the war, Roose earnt his place in the Founders Hall from devout service. |
De Fonseca Family | Scipione De Fonseca joined Tol Goldora after travelling from Luria Nova, seeing the appeal of the frontier. A loyal and dedicated noble unit leader during the Gold Sea Conflict, Scipione has held numerous lordships and through his continued service earnt his place in the Founders Hall. |
Hwitt Family | Record missing. |
Itausson Family | The Itausson family hail from Itaufield. Their first noble to reach prominence was Sir Willard, who fought for the realm during the Gold Sea Conflict. After peace was secured he went on to work briefly as Stratarch, and then as marshal of the Golden Host. |
Keswick Family | Record missing. |
Luitolf Family | Record missing. |
MacArbin Family | Record missing. |
Navaar Family | Record missing. |
Storme Family | Record missing. |
The Order of the Gylden Sword
The guild formed in Golden Farrow by Navarch Solomon Greybrook as a method of sponsoring the tradition of swordfighting warriors in Tol Goldora. The guild forms a organised challenger ladder for nobles to prove their are worthy of the title of Gylden Champion.
- Monument of the Great Crossing, in Aegir
Prominent Stories (Roleplays)
Here list the most prominent stories of Tol Goldoran history that have been recorded:
Matters of State
The Rulers of Tol Goldora
1. Medrawt Camlann (Navarch)
2. Solomon Greybrook (Navarch)
3. Lucius Navaar (Autarch)
4. Haide Osoro (Autarch)
Law and Order
The Gylden Code of Law is the foundation of laws and regulations for Tol Goldora as a society.
Hereby lies the record of judgement, brought into being by Vestarch Willard Itausson and Vestarch Calypso Hwitt.
Record of Judgement | ||
Name | Crime | Description |
Xavier Silverblade | Treason | Banished, then slain in a duel by Willard Itausson |
Mina Mejor | Refusal to recognise anothers noble birthright | Fined 150 gold upon retracting statement |
Flavia Schwarzherzig | Gross insult | Fined 100 gold |
Darren Rea | Attempted assassination of a fellow noble | Fined the maximum possible amount |
Helios Invictus | Encouraging defection from the realm | Banished |
Chance Harte | Assaulting a foreign government member | Banished |
Dynys Velaryon | Captured as a lowly saboteur | Banished |
Dynys Velaryon | Captured for the third time attempting assasination | Executed |
Mandolyn Aurelle | Encouraging defection from the realm | Banished |
Argos Moonsun | Captured as a lowly saboteur | Banished |
Furiae DeHaguns | Assaulting nobles dishonorably under her command, lies to the realm | Fined 200 gold |
Haide Osoro | Ignoble language and inconveniencing the realm | Fined 50 gold |
Nalaya Everwind | Inconveniencing the realm | Fined 50 gold |
Richard Shepard | Repeated instances of ignoble behavior, including threats, breaking of realm law, and threats of assassination against upstanding members of Tol Goldora | Banished |
Kelindun Orobar | Language against another noble unbecoming of nobility | Fined 50 gold |
Haide Osoro | Language unbecoming of nobility | Fined 50 gold |
Alogupa Winmon | Language unbecoming of nobility | Fined 50 gold |
Kal-El Itausson | Ignoble language and inflammatory behavior against council members to the realm | Banished |
Darren Rea | Repeated failure to report to the Autarch while in foreign territory, the risk of an infiltrator such as Darren Rea acting as a rogue agent is too great for Tol Goldora at this time | Banished |
Religious Rights
Tol Goldora operates under Cuius regio, eius religio.
Heroes of Tol Goldora
Nobles who died in service to the realm.
- Sir Tukimin Adiyanto: Slain in Year 49 in Farrowfield (battle)
- Vestarch Margrave Beryl Blue: Slain in Year 50 in Eidulb Outskirts (battle)
- Sir Johnathon Shepherd: Slain in Year 52 in Farrowfield (battle)
- Duke Willard Itausson: Slain in Year 55 in Unterstrom Vorstadt (duel)
Goldoran Braves
Heroes in their self-sacrifice to the realm, not in battle, but for the greater good.
- Calypso Hwitt
Important Documents
Year 47, Spring - Golden Farrow Proclamation, a lengthy Pamphlet written by Vestarch Umerith Stromhar on the eve of potential war with Westgard.
Year 52, Autumn - Golden Farrow Accords, the treaty which secured the end of the Gold Sea War, constructed by Navarch Solomon Greybrook and Archon Gheric Arlyon.
Year 52, Winter - 1st Tol Goldoran Tournament in Golden Farrow, which was held to celebrate the end of the Gold Sea War.