Ordenstaat/History: Difference between revisions

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(Day 48:)
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Ordenstaat has been established as a Colony of the [[Grand Duchy of Fissoa]] by four brave knights:
Ordenstaat has been established as a Colony of the [[Grand Duchy of Fissoa]] by four brave knights:

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Day 42:
Day 42:
Many new knights arrive in Ordenstaat, some new knights even emerge from the local noble families.
Many new knights arrive in Ordenstaat, some new knights even emerge from the local noble families.
Finally the Banner of [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] is raised. It will be the first Army of Ordenstaat. New Brotherhood initiations conducted after the liberation of [[Rettlewood]] thanks to the help of [[Madina]]'s Border Patrol Army. After [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] move in to [[Celtiberia]], Brother [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]] starts a Friendy Takeover of the region. Brother Loricatus takes the Second in Command position of the army after receiving the Green Lion Badge of the Brotherhood.
Finally the Banner of [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] is raised. It is the first Army of Ordenstaat. New Brotherhood initiations conducted after the liberation of [[Rettlewood]] thanks to the help of [[Madina]]'s Border Patrol Army. After [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] move in to [[Celtiberia]], Brother [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]] starts a Friendy Takeover of the region. Brother Loricatus takes the Second in Command position of the army after receiving the Green Lion Badge of the Brotherhood.

Day 46:
Day 46:
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Day 48:
Day 48:
First battle of [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]]in [[Rettlewood]], in the morning the rain of arrow defeat the force of dreadfull beast and undead corpse.
First battle of [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] in [[Rettlewood]], in the morning, the rain of arrows defeat the force of dreadful beasts and undead corpses.
Day 53:
[[Kydonia]] taken over. Brother [[Argentum Family | Dioklecian Argentum]] is appointed the first Viscount.
Day 58:
Brother Zeromus become the first lord of [[Nark]] and with help of [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] he succesfully defends the region from aggression. A new Brother joins the ranks of the Brotherhood: Sir Xiahou, the one-eyed warrior.
Day 61:
[[Madina]]'s Border Patrol Army appears again in Maeotis. [[Ordenstaat/Army|The Inferi Hunters]] fight their first battle together with [[Madina]] to eradicate the horde of Monsters who rampage in [[Rettlewood]].
Day 69:
[[Thysan]] added to the realm. A day earlier [[Celtiberia]] revolts and announces independence. Ordenstaat readies for winter. No need to worry, however, as warehouses are full of food. All region lords are instructed what to do in case of hunger.
===The rebellion===
On Day 73 of Year 1 of Ordenstaat, evil forces aimed for the destruction of the realm. Xiohou Dun staged a rebellion against the rightful authorities of Ordenstaat. Scribes manage to get a copy of his letter send to the nobles of the realm:
Members of Ordenstaat, Tyr and Zisa has visited me in my dreams.
They said that the current government has abandoned the beliefs of
The Order of St. Iestyn. Ordenstaat can't be ruled by heretics!
Therefore, on orders from Tyr, and instructions from Zisa, I have
started a  rebellion.
All followers of the [[Order of St. Iestyn]] know that Tyr and Zisa do not interfere in the matters of the mortals, so it was obvious from the very beginning that Xiahou had been possesed. Or at least his greed led him to commit the fatal error. Not surprisingly, few nobles joined the rebellion. May all who study Ordenstaat's history know the names of those who disgraced themselves by supporting the rebellion:
* Weinard Crusader
* Cao Cao
* Gordon Bradley
* Shou Tucker
* Jaden Chapell
If names of rebels are remembered, more so should the names of those who stood on the side of truth and order:
* Grand Master Milmice
* Baron Zeromus Abaron
* Duke Arden Fury
* Sir Dain Bornhald
* Sir Dante Redgrave
* Dame Sakura Kenji
* Viscount Dioklecian Argentum
* Baron Reynevan Silesian
* Lord Antan Christenson
* Viscount Eddard Oakheart
It is worth noting that none of Ordenstaat Lords supported the rebellion.
Rebels had the advantage of surprise and also supreme military might. They stayed in the capital while the rest of the army moved out. Ordenstaat was saved by the quick and brave action of Duke [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden]] who alone reached the capital in time to battle the rebels. Vastly outnumbered and wounded by enemy arrows, he nevertheless managed to delay the rebels. This was followed shortly by Lord [[Christenson Family/Antan|Antan]] who made a suicidal assault with his few remaining men. From that point on, the rebels were doomed. Great political, social and religious pressure was brought to bear upon them. Lord [[Abaron Family/Zeromus|Zeromus]] somehow managed to persuade the rebels to give up and leave the capital. After a few more days the rebellion died out and order was restored.
The failed coup d'etat marked the beginning of a new period in Ordenstaat's history. Ordenstaat withstood ferocious attacks from evil powers both outside and inside. Against all odds, Ordenstaat is still here, a lonely pocket in a sea of evil.
Day 90 or the first day of Spring of a new year, marked the first anniversary of Ordenstaat. There was no time for big feast, as all were busy hunting monsters. Brother Furiens however made a speach to comemmorate the foundation of the realm. All listened carefuly and then immediately set forth to Celtiberia, to regain the once lost province.
Day 98: [[Celtiberia]] which had been long under rogue control, returned to Ordenstaat. Monsters left it in a very bad shape. Much work will be needed to restore the region to its former status of Ordenstaat's food basket.
Around day 130: Bishop [[Tian Family|Zanaras]] stepped down as Baron of [[Thyssan]] and led an expedition to [[Twainwood]]. He took the region over and became its first Viscount. [[Veshin Family|Edmond Veshin]] took over Thyssan.
In the same time there was a change in the goverment. Brother Eddard became the new Grand Master and Brother Milmice took the position of Brother Justicar.
===Agents of Chaos (multi-users)===
In time agents of chaos infiltrated Ordenstaat and protested against Grand Master Eddard. They staged a rebellion which succeeded and took over the government. However, Duke Arden remained in control of the capital and indirectly the finances. The chaotic agents capitulated and returned the Grand Mastership to Grand Master Milmice. Not able to assert their control over Ordenstaat they attempted to spread to other realms but fate intervened and the Titans banished all of them from the lands.
===A split in the Brotherhood===
When Sir Zanaras Tian attempted to return to Ordenstaat after having seceded Twainville to form the shortlived realm of Silverfall Grand Master Milmice objected and had the Judge (who was an agent of chaos before the banishment of the Titans) ban him. However, two prominent members of the Brotherhood spoke up in his defence. Sensing a loss of trust, Grand Master Milmice stepped down from rulership and went into self-imposed exile. Grand Master Arden took over.
===Religious Upheaval===
*[[Ordenstaat/Credo|Former credo]]
Religious upheaval occurred and much changed culturally. The Order of St. Iestyn was revealed by Zanaras Tian as a tool of the Lurian Empire, finally it  explained their lack of aid and communication. Steps were taken to set our own destiny and the Argent Order was born.
However, little did we know that the Argent Order was founded by another Agent of Chaos, Jonordebrir. Zanaras Tian, as the Silver Archon was unaware of it as were its members. When the Titans took action Zanaras Tian became the Holy Prophet of Ordenstaat.
===Upheaval in The Brotherhood===
In time, former Grand Master Milmice attempted to return and made many accusations against the Brotherhood and the rulership. Every effort was made to reconcile with him but he would not and in the end was banned with a long list of crimes. He went to D'Hara and sought their aid to restore him to the throne. D'Hara declared war. In a twist of irony, Holy Prophet Zanaras was himself banned after attempting to sell of Maeotis to D'Hara during the war.
===War with D'Hara===
The war took its toll on Ordenstaat. Sir Garret Artemesia attempted to make a secret deal with SIr Milmice to betray the realm. When he was found out, he tore down every structure in the capital and fled with the tax gold. The traitor will be hunted down in time and executed. D'Hara's attempts were not totally successful and were hampered by their lack of local knowledge of the woods and the rogues that infest them. In their latest setback, the daimons of the Netherworld who call themselves the Zuma attacked D'Hara and killed one of their nobles. Lacking the availability of D'Haran troops, Sir Milmice returned to Ordenstaat alone with several other assassins and attempted to assasinate Grand Master Padraig (who had not risen to the throne then. Grand Master Arden had set the motion in order for Grand Master Padraig to succeed him). He was captured by local peasant patrols and sentenced to death. All of Ordenstaat mourns for his passing. He was a great man in his time but fell to bitterness and an irrational sense of betrayal.

1. [[Vecchio Ratto Family|Milmice Vecchio Ratto]]
# Grand Master [[Vecchio Ratto Family|Milmice Vecchio Ratto]]
# Grand Master [[Oakheart Family|Eddard Oakheart]]
# Grand Master [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]]
# Grand Master [[Havershim Family/Padraig|Padraig Havershim]]

1. [[Oakheart Family|Eddard Oakheart]]
# Brother Justicar [[Oakheart Family|Eddard Oakheart]]
# Brother Justicar [[Vecchio Ratto Family|Milmice Vecchio Ratto]]
# Grand Justiciar [[Tully Family/Brynden|Brynden Tully]]
# Grand Justiciar [[Havershim Family/Padraig|Padraig Havershim]]
# Grand Justiciar [[Tully Family/Brynden|Brynden Tully]]

1. [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]]
# Brother Bellator [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]]
# Preceptor [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]]

1. [[Silesian Family/Reynevan|Reynevan Silesian]]
# Brother Furiens [[Silesian Family/Reynevan|Reynevan Silesian]]
# Brother Furiens [[Tully Family/Brynden|Brynden Tully]]
# Brother Furiens [[Artemesia Family/Garret|Garret Artemesia]]
# Brother Furiens [[Tully Family/Brynden|Brynden Tully]]
==Region Lords==
# Viscount [[Taurus Family|Loricatus Taurus]]
# Viscount [[Christenson Family|Antan Christenson]]
# Viscount [[Paellon Family|Gilad Palleon]]
# Viscount [[Bornhald Family|Dain Bornhald]]
# Viscount [[Argentum Family|Dioklecian Argentum]]
# Viscount [[Vaaryar Family|Jonordebrir Vaaryar]]
# Viscount [[Oakheart Family|Eddard Oakheart]]
# Viscountess [[Kenji Family|Sakura Kenji]]
# Viscount [[Redgrave Family|Dante Redgrave]]
# Viscountess [[Graves Family|Alinys Graves]]
# Baron [[Abaron Family|Zeromus Abaron]]
# Baron [[MacCumhall Family/Fionn|Fionn MacCumhall]]
# Duke [[Fury Family/Arden|Arden Fury]]
# Duke [[Tully Family/Brynden|Brynden Tully]]
# Baron [[Silesian Family/Reynevan|Reynevan Silesian]]
# Baron [[Ferum Family/Ragrim|Ragrim Ferum]]
# Baron [[Tian Family#Zanaras|Zanaras Tian]]
# Baron [[Angevil Family|Edmond Angevil]]
# Viscount [[Tian Family#Zanaras|Zanaras Tian]]
# Viscount [[Silesian Family/Reynevan|Reynevan Silesian]]


Latest revision as of 18:08, 8 March 2010



Ordenstaat has been established as a Colony of the Grand Duchy of Fissoa by four brave knights:

Ordenstaat's history began on the first day of Spring of the fifth year of Dwilight, with the taking over of Rettleville. Here some note about the epic foundation of Ordnestaat. The second region, Rettlewood, was added soon but with high casualties. The beginnings were tough. To name just a few of the problems the realm faced:

  • hordes of Monsters in Rettlewood, leading to losing the region for some time
  • hunger and low production problems
  • lost TO unit

The brave founders, joined by a priest of the Order, Zanaras Tian and nobles Francis Kinsey, Osmund Wentwood and Dioklecian Argentum, withstood the difficulties and made the realm grow. The chronicles of the early period mention that Ordenstaat received help from Madina and Terran. Both realms sold Ordenstaat food at a critical moment and helped them to fight against rogues. Ordenstaat kept peace with their neighbours, keeping in mind their main goal - to tame the Daimon invasion that looms from the west.

Attempting the Takeover of Celtiberia the unit of the Grand Master was decimated in a furious battle against huge monsters. The Inferi Hunter infantry, weakened by a month of corvee and full of young, inexperienced soldiers fail to prevail against three large packs of Monsters. A new noble arrived in Ordenstaat. Maeotis is under control and assigned to Brother Justicar Eddard Oakheart. Rettlewood was attacked by various parties of creatures. Attempting to free the region, Ordenstaat's small Army lead by Brother Bellator Arden Fury was crippled. At other times the monsters showed sharp tactics, catching the Inferi Hunters in an ambush.

Fortunes turned on day 32 of the realm. Madina's Border Patrol Army arrived to eradicate rogues plaguing Ordenstaat. At the same time a number of new Knights joined Ordenstaat. A new period of growth was thus started.

Day 36: "Life was moving along across the land, this day much as any other. Yet as the sun was climbing in the sky with promises of a stifling summer day animals across the land suddenly became skittish.

With much cursing and laughing over the entire issue, the humans of the land were soon to discover what had caused such troubles. A faint tremor through the ground cut the puzzlement short. The shaking knocking down thatch and dust, the occasional ladder. Halting their work to look around bewildered there was suddenly a great belch of dust and soot to the west. The billowing cloud of white ash grew quickly along the horizon, rising into the heavens until it blotted out the sun. Mingling with the clouds the blanket covered the sky even as the ground continued to quake and grumble.

Yet as quickly as it had began, the plume of ash fell to the earth as a still hot rain, sizzling against the flesh of those outdoors, and causing plants to smolder. By mid afternoon there was nearly no sign of the strange event, save the damage to crops, men, and wilds."

The event shock the Brotherhood, a dark sign of the dreadful creatures who lie in the northwest.

Day 42: Many new knights arrive in Ordenstaat, some new knights even emerge from the local noble families. Finally the Banner of The Inferi Hunters is raised. It is the first Army of Ordenstaat. New Brotherhood initiations conducted after the liberation of Rettlewood thanks to the help of Madina's Border Patrol Army. After The Inferi Hunters move in to Celtiberia, Brother Arden Fury starts a Friendy Takeover of the region. Brother Loricatus takes the Second in Command position of the army after receiving the Green Lion Badge of the Brotherhood.

Day 46: New region - Celtiberia is added to the realm. Brother Loricatus becomes the local Lord. At the same time the Brotherhood welcomes a new member - Sir Zeromus Abaron.

Day 48: First battle of The Inferi Hunters in Rettlewood, in the morning, the rain of arrows defeat the force of dreadful beasts and undead corpses.

Day 53: Kydonia taken over. Brother Dioklecian Argentum is appointed the first Viscount.

Day 58: Brother Zeromus become the first lord of Nark and with help of The Inferi Hunters he succesfully defends the region from aggression. A new Brother joins the ranks of the Brotherhood: Sir Xiahou, the one-eyed warrior.

Day 61: Madina's Border Patrol Army appears again in Maeotis. The Inferi Hunters fight their first battle together with Madina to eradicate the horde of Monsters who rampage in Rettlewood.

Day 69: Thysan added to the realm. A day earlier Celtiberia revolts and announces independence. Ordenstaat readies for winter. No need to worry, however, as warehouses are full of food. All region lords are instructed what to do in case of hunger.

The rebellion

On Day 73 of Year 1 of Ordenstaat, evil forces aimed for the destruction of the realm. Xiohou Dun staged a rebellion against the rightful authorities of Ordenstaat. Scribes manage to get a copy of his letter send to the nobles of the realm:

Members of Ordenstaat, Tyr and Zisa has visited me in my dreams. 
They said that the current government has abandoned the beliefs of 
The Order of St. Iestyn. Ordenstaat can't be ruled by heretics! 
Therefore, on orders from Tyr, and instructions from Zisa, I have 
started a  rebellion. 

All followers of the Order of St. Iestyn know that Tyr and Zisa do not interfere in the matters of the mortals, so it was obvious from the very beginning that Xiahou had been possesed. Or at least his greed led him to commit the fatal error. Not surprisingly, few nobles joined the rebellion. May all who study Ordenstaat's history know the names of those who disgraced themselves by supporting the rebellion:

  • Weinard Crusader
  • Cao Cao
  • Gordon Bradley
  • Shou Tucker
  • Jaden Chapell

If names of rebels are remembered, more so should the names of those who stood on the side of truth and order:

  • Grand Master Milmice
  • Baron Zeromus Abaron
  • Duke Arden Fury
  • Sir Dain Bornhald
  • Sir Dante Redgrave
  • Dame Sakura Kenji
  • Viscount Dioklecian Argentum
  • Baron Reynevan Silesian
  • Lord Antan Christenson
  • Viscount Eddard Oakheart

It is worth noting that none of Ordenstaat Lords supported the rebellion.

Rebels had the advantage of surprise and also supreme military might. They stayed in the capital while the rest of the army moved out. Ordenstaat was saved by the quick and brave action of Duke Arden who alone reached the capital in time to battle the rebels. Vastly outnumbered and wounded by enemy arrows, he nevertheless managed to delay the rebels. This was followed shortly by Lord Antan who made a suicidal assault with his few remaining men. From that point on, the rebels were doomed. Great political, social and religious pressure was brought to bear upon them. Lord Zeromus somehow managed to persuade the rebels to give up and leave the capital. After a few more days the rebellion died out and order was restored.


The failed coup d'etat marked the beginning of a new period in Ordenstaat's history. Ordenstaat withstood ferocious attacks from evil powers both outside and inside. Against all odds, Ordenstaat is still here, a lonely pocket in a sea of evil.

Day 90 or the first day of Spring of a new year, marked the first anniversary of Ordenstaat. There was no time for big feast, as all were busy hunting monsters. Brother Furiens however made a speach to comemmorate the foundation of the realm. All listened carefuly and then immediately set forth to Celtiberia, to regain the once lost province.

Day 98: Celtiberia which had been long under rogue control, returned to Ordenstaat. Monsters left it in a very bad shape. Much work will be needed to restore the region to its former status of Ordenstaat's food basket.

Around day 130: Bishop Zanaras stepped down as Baron of Thyssan and led an expedition to Twainwood. He took the region over and became its first Viscount. Edmond Veshin took over Thyssan. In the same time there was a change in the goverment. Brother Eddard became the new Grand Master and Brother Milmice took the position of Brother Justicar.

Agents of Chaos (multi-users)

In time agents of chaos infiltrated Ordenstaat and protested against Grand Master Eddard. They staged a rebellion which succeeded and took over the government. However, Duke Arden remained in control of the capital and indirectly the finances. The chaotic agents capitulated and returned the Grand Mastership to Grand Master Milmice. Not able to assert their control over Ordenstaat they attempted to spread to other realms but fate intervened and the Titans banished all of them from the lands.

A split in the Brotherhood

When Sir Zanaras Tian attempted to return to Ordenstaat after having seceded Twainville to form the shortlived realm of Silverfall Grand Master Milmice objected and had the Judge (who was an agent of chaos before the banishment of the Titans) ban him. However, two prominent members of the Brotherhood spoke up in his defence. Sensing a loss of trust, Grand Master Milmice stepped down from rulership and went into self-imposed exile. Grand Master Arden took over.

Religious Upheaval

Religious upheaval occurred and much changed culturally. The Order of St. Iestyn was revealed by Zanaras Tian as a tool of the Lurian Empire, finally it explained their lack of aid and communication. Steps were taken to set our own destiny and the Argent Order was born.

However, little did we know that the Argent Order was founded by another Agent of Chaos, Jonordebrir. Zanaras Tian, as the Silver Archon was unaware of it as were its members. When the Titans took action Zanaras Tian became the Holy Prophet of Ordenstaat.

Upheaval in The Brotherhood

In time, former Grand Master Milmice attempted to return and made many accusations against the Brotherhood and the rulership. Every effort was made to reconcile with him but he would not and in the end was banned with a long list of crimes. He went to D'Hara and sought their aid to restore him to the throne. D'Hara declared war. In a twist of irony, Holy Prophet Zanaras was himself banned after attempting to sell of Maeotis to D'Hara during the war.

War with D'Hara

The war took its toll on Ordenstaat. Sir Garret Artemesia attempted to make a secret deal with SIr Milmice to betray the realm. When he was found out, he tore down every structure in the capital and fled with the tax gold. The traitor will be hunted down in time and executed. D'Hara's attempts were not totally successful and were hampered by their lack of local knowledge of the woods and the rogues that infest them. In their latest setback, the daimons of the Netherworld who call themselves the Zuma attacked D'Hara and killed one of their nobles. Lacking the availability of D'Haran troops, Sir Milmice returned to Ordenstaat alone with several other assassins and attempted to assasinate Grand Master Padraig (who had not risen to the throne then. Grand Master Arden had set the motion in order for Grand Master Padraig to succeed him). He was captured by local peasant patrols and sentenced to death. All of Ordenstaat mourns for his passing. He was a great man in his time but fell to bitterness and an irrational sense of betrayal.


  1. Grand Master Milmice Vecchio Ratto
  2. Grand Master Eddard Oakheart
  3. Grand Master Arden Fury
  4. Grand Master Padraig Havershim


  1. Brother Justicar Eddard Oakheart
  2. Brother Justicar Milmice Vecchio Ratto
  3. Grand Justiciar Brynden Tully
  4. Grand Justiciar Padraig Havershim
  5. Grand Justiciar Brynden Tully


  1. Brother Bellator Arden Fury
  2. Preceptor Arden Fury


  1. Brother Furiens Reynevan Silesian
  2. Brother Furiens Brynden Tully
  3. Brother Furiens Garret Artemesia
  4. Brother Furiens Brynden Tully

Region Lords


  1. Viscount Loricatus Taurus
  2. Viscount Antan Christenson
  3. Viscount Gilad Palleon
  4. Viscount Dain Bornhald


  1. Viscount Dioklecian Argentum
  2. Viscount Jonordebrir Vaaryar


  1. Viscount Eddard Oakheart
  2. Viscountess Sakura Kenji
  3. Viscount Dante Redgrave
  4. Viscountess Alinys Graves


  1. Baron Zeromus Abaron
  2. Baron Fionn MacCumhall


  1. Duke Arden Fury
  2. Duke Brynden Tully


  1. Baron Reynevan Silesian
  2. Baron Ragrim Ferum


  1. Baron Zanaras Tian
  2. Baron Edmond Angevil


  1. Viscount Zanaras Tian
  2. Viscount Reynevan Silesian


The Census Bureau of Ordenstaat keeps records on nobles of the realm.


Scribes from Census Bureau keep track of Ordenstaat history in numbers.