Silesian Family/Reynevan

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Reynevan Silesian was born in Bielau, in the eastern parts of the Holy Roman Empire. He spent his youth as it befits a boy born to a noble family. When he was 14 years old, his father sent him to be a squire to a knight. He learnt how to joust and use his sword. After 6 years he was ready to be knighted when a disaster struck. Barbarian Mongols invaded his homeland, killing many and destroying the towns and estates. Reynevan survived, but had to migrate. He found a new home in Dwilight.

Live in Dwilight


Reynevan arrived in the Grand Duchy of Fissoa. On the very first morning upon his arrival, he entered a battle to help the local nobility defend against monsters. He hoped of gaining glory, but instead his unit was completely wiped out, leaving him with only two wounded soldiers. The disaster did not discourage Reynevan though. Per aspera ad astra, as the Romans would say.

Reynevan pledged allegiance to Lord Eternal Fury, Viscount of Mangai. It was very difficult in the begining. The province of Mangai has been recently won and the production level was very low. Reynevan helped to improve the province by becoming a Courtier. He became quite skilled in Surveying Administration and Organizing Repairs.

Mission to the West

During his first winter in Fissoa, Reynevan was invited by his liege to take part in a mission to the West. Having nothing to loose and glory to gain, Reynevan emabarked a ship with 4 other nobles and began a voyage that would change his life forever. He was one of the four Founding Fathers of Ordenstaat where he became a Banker. Day 3 of the new realm was fatal. While taking over a province, Reynevan and his friends were attacked by a bunch of rogues. Reynevan was abducted and carried away in a sack. After two days in a dungeon, he was able to pay ransom and was set free. Later that day he returned to Rettlewood and learnt that he had been appointed a Count of the region.

Lord of Rettlewodd

When Ordenstaat took over Rettlewood, Reynevan was appointed its Count. He did not enjoy the position for long, though. Outnumbered by monsters, the brave knights of Ordenstaat had to withdraw. Reynevan stayed, but in vain. The region was lost to rogues on th 5th day. The region was however regained soon and Reynevan was re-established as its Lord, assuming this time the title of Baron.

Banker of Ordenstaat

Reynevan was the first banker of Ordenstaat. He had to cope with hunger and low income.


Battles of Reynevan