Dubhaine Family/Moira/Roleplays/2020/September: Difference between revisions

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With a firm grip on the doorframe Nerta rises to peer about, her cloak snapping in the wind. The thick forest was slowly giving way to small cots and waystations. They pass bustling taverns, the party goers spilling out into the woodlands to drink and sing in defiance of the growing throng of carts weaving between like fish in the sea.  
With a firm grip on the doorframe Nerta rises to peer about, her cloak snapping in the wind. The thick forest was slowly giving way to small cots and waystations. They pass bustling taverns, the party goers spilling out into the woodlands to drink and sing in defiance of the growing throng of carts weaving between like fish in the sea.  

She’d seen a few cities now. Big messy things with too many people, too close and too loud. But
She’d seen a few cities now. Big messy things with too many people, too close and too loud. But she could certainly smell this land: the lingering mix of the forest, of flowers, of spice and of sweat. It was, almost, pleasant.  
she could certainly smell this land: the lingering mix of the forest, of flowers, of spice and of sweat. It was, almost, pleasant.  

“You are not wrong on that, peddler, though if the rest of your city is as garishly painted as your cart, I might be served better to keep my eyes closed when I visit.”
“You are not wrong on that, peddler, though if the rest of your city is as garishly painted as your cart, I might be served better to keep my eyes closed when I visit.”
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The merchant moves quickly for such a large man, climbing from his seat to wave over a scamp of a boy and pass him a coin. Errand concluded, the man hitches up his belt and waddles over to gesture with a sweeping wave of his hand, “You will eat the finest meal of your life now bayan. Go there tell them Ekrem sent you and be delighted all evening. Then tomorrow we will leave for Firbalt and this Agyrian Academy you are so enamoured about.”
The merchant moves quickly for such a large man, climbing from his seat to wave over a scamp of a boy and pass him a coin. Errand concluded, the man hitches up his belt and waddles over to gesture with a sweeping wave of his hand, “You will eat the finest meal of your life now bayan. Go there tell them Ekrem sent you and be delighted all evening. Then tomorrow we will leave for Firbalt and this Agyrian Academy you are so enamoured about.”

“You know if you fought half as well as you bargain, you’d not have needed me to save you in the first place.” Hopping down with a puff of dust, a rumble in her stomach interjects, “Food sounds good but we don’t need to leave right away if you have business to attend. This place is
“You know if you fought half as well as you bargain, you’d not have needed me to save you in the first place.” Hopping down with a puff of dust, a rumble in her stomach interjects, “Food sounds good but we don’t need to leave right away if you have business to attend. This place doesn’t seem so bad to linger for a bit. Though I’m sure there will be work enough.”  
doesn’t seem so bad to linger for a bit. Though I’m sure there will be work enough.”  

Laughing with delight he nods, “We might make a civilized woman of you yet bayan! We shall stay the week, but you are too young to stay out of trouble! Go and live a little in the Den of Whores!”  
Laughing with delight he nods, “We might make a civilized woman of you yet bayan! We shall stay the week, but you are too young to stay out of trouble! Go and live a little in the Den of Whores!”  

Revision as of 12:23, 21 October 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st September

Summer Day



Thank you for your hospitality.

Had been a crazy quest.

Anyway, I need you to tell me what the letter is about.

20th September

Summer Evening

Nearby Arrest!

Within Pomatim, Khorne was arrested by Krabat van Belhanka, Knight of Jedinchel.

22nd September

Summer Day

Letter from Brand to Moira


About Keffa...

You must have been outside during a night, camping with a small fire. I am sure you will remember all kind of insects gathering around the light too. In case, you must remember how fun and how easy it had been to kill those annoying creatures.

Make sure you will not become the insect in this story.

Commoner of Irondale

Summer Evening

Letter from Moira to Brand


I do my best to keep my skin inteact, whether that be from royal ire or who knows what is all the same to me.

Commoner of Ar Agyr

Mulki Laraak

Trainee Inquisitor agent Mulki sips her root tea in a Keffan Ordos command center, halfheartedly glancing at a stack of reports awaiting Grand Inquisitor Yxevarii's attention. Between a massive uptick in southern hordes, Novan anti-magickal resistance, peasant insurrections, the suspicious disappearance of every pilgrim who travels from Ossmat to Gemke, Vordul's ever-present threat, and not to mention the fantastic Pillar of Light and strange dreams... There's clearly much to report on. Mulki does not envy all the reading Yxevarii must do. Doesn't her head hurt from it all?

23rd September

Summer Evening

Yxevarii Auru'in

Crimson-cloaked Yxevarii rides back into Keffa with a smile on her face. The mind-fog stemming from dreams of trash and decay have finally worn away - replaced with a sense of peace following her ride along the border.

25th September

Summer Day

Letter from Brand to Moira


.....Paid notices posted upon bulletinboards appear throughout Kell and surrounding regions calling for adventuring commoners to follow Maurice to Keffa......

Don't be that insect.

Commoner of Irondale

Roleplaying Event

Paid notices posted upon bulletinboards appear throughout Zwering and surrounding regions calling for adventuring commoners to follow Polli to Keffa.
Paid notices posted upon bulletinboards appear throughout Dald and surrounding regions calling for adventuring commoners to follow Luto to Keffa.

Colour Hues

The column of light is transitioning in colours, fifteen minutes at a time, from bright yellow to vivid red to impenetrably-pure black to bold green, back to bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, bold green, bright yellow...

26th September

Summer Day

Mulki Laraak

"Wait... Is yellow to red to black, then to green, yellow, red, black, green, yello-

Mulki has idea! What if colors mean something else... A place?

Do any of the various color sequences correspond to the flag of any realm, dead or living?"

Colour Hues message to everyone in the vicinity of Keffa - 10 hours, 20 minutes ago The column of light is transitioning in colours, fifteen minutes at a time, from bright yellow to vivid red to impenetrably-pure black to bold green, back to bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, bold green, bright yellow...

Summer Evening

No Battle in Keffa

Battle preparations were made in Keffa, but no battle took place because the following units successfully evaded combat:

  • Halfbreed Seekers of Zraath

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.


The brightly painted merchant cart creaks and groans as the wagon rolls from the Zwering road to clatter atop that famous Keffan masonry and join with the throng of merchants, peddlers and pilgrims. The ruddy-faced merchant with greying hair she’d saved in Ossmat had claimed the ‘Den of Whores’ was a painted beauty, but all the cobbles did was set her teeth clattering.

The man seemed quite pleased to be back atop the rumbling ground calling back, “We’re almost there bayan! Can you not smell it? I will take you to the market and feed you the finest of foods from my city. She is a treat to all the senses.”

With a firm grip on the doorframe Nerta rises to peer about, her cloak snapping in the wind. The thick forest was slowly giving way to small cots and waystations. They pass bustling taverns, the party goers spilling out into the woodlands to drink and sing in defiance of the growing throng of carts weaving between like fish in the sea.

She’d seen a few cities now. Big messy things with too many people, too close and too loud. But she could certainly smell this land: the lingering mix of the forest, of flowers, of spice and of sweat. It was, almost, pleasant.

“You are not wrong on that, peddler, though if the rest of your city is as garishly painted as your cart, I might be served better to keep my eyes closed when I visit.”

The man roars with laughter “Oh you northerners! So harsh, so severe. The whores are painted for you, bayan, do not hide yourself bashfully! Embrace what you desire and it will bring you the strength to fight on despite the harshness of the world.”

A flick of the reins sees the cart lurch ahead with speed, rolling around another garish wagon marked out as a cloth merchant whose driver shouts and shakes a fist at the recklessness. Her guide in this strange land dismisses the man with a wave of his hand and continues, “You shall feast bayan! The scents, the food, and the men! Anything less and I would be shamed for not paying the debts I owe you.”

Swaying through the ride, Nerta smirks and pulls her cloak tighter, “I won’t say no to the first two but I doubt any Keffan men will be of interest, present company included.”

“Ohffff an old man like me? Perish the thought bayan! No you need someone young and vibrant. But fine, no men, women aplenty! We will find you another bayan in silk so smooth you might think it a dream. After a night together my debts will be paid and you will have a new appreciation for the finer things!”

The towering spires of Keffa climb into view as the cart swerves away from another, though this time the exchange of shouts seems more pleasant. Perhaps the pair are old friends? Either way it gives Nerta time to admire the great walls of Keffa, adorned with painted reliefs. The mosaic pattern seems a trait of these people, though where they get such vibrant blues is a mystery. Blue dye was always hard to find in the mountains but given these walls you’d think they had a well of it.

Passing through the oaken gates, the scent of the city blossoms around her as the merchant turns down a side road toward the bazaar. He only barely slows, leaving Nerta to watch a few pedestrians blur by as they linger against trees and sip rich-smelling drinks. It set the woman’s stomach to rumble but before she could comment they had stopped by a sparkling fountain.

The merchant moves quickly for such a large man, climbing from his seat to wave over a scamp of a boy and pass him a coin. Errand concluded, the man hitches up his belt and waddles over to gesture with a sweeping wave of his hand, “You will eat the finest meal of your life now bayan. Go there tell them Ekrem sent you and be delighted all evening. Then tomorrow we will leave for Firbalt and this Agyrian Academy you are so enamoured about.”

“You know if you fought half as well as you bargain, you’d not have needed me to save you in the first place.” Hopping down with a puff of dust, a rumble in her stomach interjects, “Food sounds good but we don’t need to leave right away if you have business to attend. This place doesn’t seem so bad to linger for a bit. Though I’m sure there will be work enough.”

Laughing with delight he nods, “We might make a civilized woman of you yet bayan! We shall stay the week, but you are too young to stay out of trouble! Go and live a little in the Den of Whores!”

With a lopsided grin Nerta feels a chilly breeze pulling her gaze up above the cafe to the odd pillar of light dancing through the clouds. Though it was yet one more thing of beauty in a city of scents and colour, the warmth of the day seems to drain slowly the longer she inspects it.

Looks like trouble already found her.

Nerta ignores the insistent chill of the Old Man trying to direct her to investigate the pillar of light and sits in the cafe with a warm mug of that spiced almond drink she’d spied along the road. Enjoying the nutty flavour on her tongue, her peace is disturbed by a letter carrying urchin. The same Ekrem had paid earlier.

Unrolling the scroll to allow the looming specter to look it over, she is surprised when the Old Man doesn’t try to use her illiteracy as leverage. Maybe they are starting to get along, or maybe the message is just useless.

Fishing out a coin for the urchin, Nerta pulls the silver back even as the boys eyes gleam, “If there are any more messages from this Maurice, get them to come here and talk to me. If you do, I’ll give you double.”

As the delicious aroma of spiced lamb crawls toward her table, Nerta’s stomach rumbles a new and she adds, “For that matter, if anyone is looking for me tell them to find me here.”

Let’s see who’d join her in the parlour.

Request from Maurice

Agyrian Foederati,

We must decide. Are we to begin the ritualistic work to welcome It to Ar Agyr or are we to kill the Others to stop them from completing the rituals before we have done so? We need at least Two Others alive to complete the rituals.

For Ar Agyr!


27th September

Summer Day

Magic in the Air - Keffa

The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.

Wild Affair

With so many in Keffa from across the continent, and with most of the various travellers having arrived, Keffa had become both a zoo and cosmopolitan city seemingly overnight, with every manner of animal and human alike populating the city, having either felt the pull themselves or followed a traveller. Domestic beasts of burden and leisure, wild beasts, from all quarters, climates, and habitats populated the city just as much as humanity from all walks of life, class, trade, and origin.

Each hour was now marked by the 15-minute increments of bright yellow, vivid red, impenetrably-pure black, and bold green coloured hues casting their shifting lights over the city, day and night.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling watched a pack... a family? of prairie dogs bound by on their way into the city as if on a mission of some kind.

She paused and considered that that was not a sight a person saw every day.

Then she sighed and followed the prairie dogs into the city.

Roleplaying Event

Playing the trumpet in a classic Vordulist tune as she approached the column of light, Polli stopped outside Obeah's temple where the stones lay inside and from which the light emanated.

At a short distance from the temple walls, in an open square, she concluded her trumpet playing and began to incant and draw symbols upon the ground with chalk.


When after paying for the delivery of another letter, the urchin insists to Maurice that Nerta wishes to talk in person rather than via epistle, he relents and heads towards the parlour she is inhabiting.

Approaching the cafe instructed, he enters, seeking out a recognizable badge to identify Nerta.


Bernard is heard somewhere in Keffa shouting, "Keep the snakes out of the garden! Snakes don't belong in gardens!"

Saoirse MacArbin

Saoirse's lancers had been patrolling the immediate environs of the temple for most of each day, looking for subtle signs of trouble, assassins, infiltrators, and the like.

They had not expected someone to march up playing a trumpet and begin doing some ritual. But, as that definitely fit what their Lady had been worrying about, Captain Alberic shook his head and led them toward whomever this was. He recognized the tune, though, and his teeth grit at hearing Vordulian music in Keffa again. The last time he had heard those trumpets...

"By order of the Grandmistress, and in the name of the Veiled Goddess, stand back from the temple and cease whatever ritual you are conducting."

His voice, used to calling commands over the din of a battlefield, rang out across the square, and the Lancers Radiant had hands on the sabers they used for close work. They were still sheathed, but it was clear that could change in a moment, and their horses kept advancing, clearly ready to run down this person if they did not move.

Emilia Delamoire

As the lancers began to close in on Polli, Shadow's Blight, a regiment of trained archers under command of Lady Emilia spread out, encircling Polli protectively.

"Make Way!" Shouted captain Brictilda.

"Make way for Lady Emilia of House Delamoire!"


Jacinda grinned as she made her way in to the cafe. Two scrolls, and an item all repaired, she should be able to get some serious coin in short order. This city had been good, as long as she could make it out again at the end of it.

"Nerta! Should have some more resources for the Academy soon enough."

She flagged down a server to pay better attention by the simple expedient of flashing a handful of silvers rather than the usual coppers, and ordered drinks and double-helping of the lamb.

"This city is a madhouse, my friend, but that's working for me right now. How's the Old Man feeling about it all?"


Dolores, along with small groups of Vales humanity, were looking for gardens throughout Keffa and taking cuttings of flowers, digging up roots and bulbs, harvesting vegetables, fruits, and nuts, digging up bushes, and felling the rare tree. These they added to the wagonloads of various flora they had collected from their trek originating in Drinilla.


Hearing Nerta's name called out in the cafe from someone who had entered behind him, Maurice watched a moment before approaching just as mention of an old man was made.

"Pardon me, I am looking for a Nerta, Foederati of Ar Agyr?"

Kristina Chamberlain

She had spent hours in mesmeric silence watching the pillar pulse through its light array. The noise from within of the strands of the various castings was at times cacophonous as serrated strands even yet tried to unravel from the primal fire of the pilar.

Prime magic was the magic of creation, the most basic form from which all things could be built, or indeed be destroyed... over these past days she journeyed between panic and calm, trusting the Goddess to see and be what men and women could not.... to craft intent into purpose. More than once she had had to resist the urge to step into the pillar, though at times the pull was almost overwhelming...

Summer Evening

Yxevarii Auru'in

A shadow swept across the square; its silhouette framed by Pillar's Light.

Absent a writ, a spark was lit; and a piper was in for a hell of a fright.

A trip to the dungeon? A hell of a night. Goddess-demanding, a hell of a fight!

A shadow approached opposite the Lancers Radiant, sauntering casual and silent. All eyes lay upon captain Alberic and the offending Polli.

Coming in at an angle, and from all sides, none saw nor expected the storm to come - as other shadows coalesced upon the square in turn.

Echoing Captain Alberic's proclamation, the first shadow intoned - as each apparition dropped its cloak to become Human once more.

From bows to daggers, bolas and kusarigama, each shadow held its ground. None would pass without running a deadly gauntlet.

Behind sight of a crossbow aimed squarely at Polli's head, Grand Inquisitor Yxevarii glanced at Polli's chalkwork with interest.

"By order of the Holy Inquisition of Obya'siela, cease or be ceased."

Emilia Delamoire

Twenty soldiers of Shadow's Blight edge their way in a defensive square around Polli, standing in the face of the crossbow without hesitation.

"I see we meet again Lady Yxevarii," began Lady Emilia as she approached the priestess, "I request that you have this Captain lower his weapons. We've come in peacefully enough, as have all the others gathered here."

The 5'5" woman stood with her arms crossed over her chest, the platinum blonde hair resting over her shoulders nearly as the people around her stood much taller than she.

"I believe you invited me to your fair city of Ossmat, am I and my companions not welcome in Keffa?" Emilia asked Yxevarii

Gustav Kuriga

Gustav could feel a burning sensation in his missing arm. The one he had sacrificed all those years ago in service to the Daimons. The folly of it still made him wince inside, but that was buried by a new sensation. His left eye, seeing the world veiled in a crimson red, saw the glows of thousands of souls in the city. But drowning that was a pitch black aura that seemed to swallow up any light that drew near it. He knew that the Portal would be there, and marched towards it as quickly as he could. He ignored the various nobles and passersby, focused on one thing, the flaming hawk only he could see perched securely on his shoulder. Unless stopped by someone, he would arrive at the portal.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling looked up at the pillar of light that radiated out of Keffa.

She remembered a time when something similar had radiated out of Creasur.

She remembered harnessing that power to kill Daimons.

But that had been a long time ago, and such things were not always... the same when they returned.

She wondered what this one would be as she followed a family of ducks orderly making their way through the market.

Godfrey Greybrook

Looking to the passers by and shielding his face, Godfrey followed Gustav towards the portal, inquiring into the magical manifest.

Yao Ling Pryde

The ducks led Yao Ling to a man she remembered. Then the ducks broke off to make their way to a market stall with plenty of food set aside for them.

Yao Ling followed the man and matched his stride.

"Gustav, old friend," she said quietly enough that others would not hear them. Or that he could choose to not hear if he wished to. "It has been some time since we have seen each other. How do you do?"

Rosko Nabarl

Rosko entered the region of Keffa with his troops following, he looked around warily and with distaste.

That which brought him here reminded him to much of his mother’s death and the fights he had then fought himself, and this place, in this realm, just added to memories of fighting evil...


Familiar spiced scents and melodic sounds danced their way to Wren's senses in the crowded city. It had been years now since she had visited this southern settlement, but she recalled vividly her visits here as a young one, the delicious treats, the brilliant colours and flashing glint of crafted metals in the hot sunlight.

This time was different though. It was busy: more than a holiday's rush, more than a wartime gathering. There was an energy and alertness to the people that made the air feel electric. And of course the massive coloured pillar of light casting the city in an eerie glow.

The birdlike young woman sat crouched up on a curved stone wall, shaded by a nearby building, watching the crowds below from under her mottled brown cloak with eyes round and bright. So many colours, so many people from far away! She even thought she spotted a couple of Foederati, but not any familiar to her, and so she let them pass without a greeting. Long minutes ticked by like this, watching the flow, noting the shifting colour from the pillar (she would have to investigate that later, but had little appetite for it on her own), and being romanced by the enticing smells from the many food carts plying their trade in the noisy street below.

There, that person she knew. Jacinda!

At once she leapt down from the wall and shadowed her friend, attempting to catch up and failing in the throngs of people, but at least keeping her trail. The fighter disappeared into a cafe and Wren followed.

Relief cascaded over her senses as she saw not only Jacinda ordering a meal, but Nerta as well. Wren approached their table as another figure approached and spoke.

"Pardon me, I am looking for a Nerta, Foederati of Ar Agyr?"

Blink-blink. She did not know this human. Wren stilled, and ever so slowly made her way to one side, staying out of the peripherals of this newcomer, waiting.

Yxevarii Auru'in

Shadows Cast

The Grand Inquisitor upnods her Agents to move in and detain Polli. She slides closer to purposely step on the piece of chalk; savoring the crunch.

"Piper - you were invited to participate in, not to subvert our ritual with one of your own design. You risk catastrophe by tampering in such ways."

Drawn by ensuing events, extra contingents of Inquisitors and Templars alike have gathered along the crowded square. As, it seems, have others.

"Relinquish your ritual implements and come with me. You will have a chance to explain yourself, and return in peace. Meet mercy with grace..."

An Agent casts a handsign and the Grand Inquisitor glances aside - locking eyes with none other than young Lady Emilia herself.

Stepping back beyond arm's reach, the crossbow neither wanes nor wavers from Polli's head dead-on-center, barely registering Emilia's presence.

Its towering wielder does, however, grin. Lady Emilia's request is acknowledged with a nod of understanding as grin melts back to stone-faced default.

"Walk in peace, my dear! This one, however, has broken the rules and put us all at risk. I bid you never suffer the wrath of a destabilized portal stone."

She meets Captains Alberic's questing gaze with a subtle shake of the head. Some lines need not be crossed, where bridges instead may be built.

"Captain Alberic of The Lancers Radiant does not answer to me. I would not dare give orders to Grandmistress Saoirse's personal unit."

Three of her Agents move in to guard her flank, not threatening but not exactly welcoming anyone else to approach.

"And I rule Ossmat, not holiest Keffa. This is Grand Templar Vahanian's domain, and- damn it Lyssandra, stand down!"

Lyssandra, being her usual over-zealous self, swings the chain of her main kusarigama 'round and around her head in an arc.

"Its a bloody Obian stand-off, Grand Inquisitor!" Though the arc lies unbroken, ruthless enthusiasm shifts toward more artful form.

Yxevarii sighs - wondering, as she often does, why Obiah brought her back to life in so chaotic an era of Belluaterran history.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling stepped up to the confrontation with both hands raised to show she meant no harm.

She had joined the Inquisition long ago, but everyone knew she was of Daishi. She made no secret of it, and they had tolerated her presence in their midst.

She took one look at proceedings and nodded in agreement. Then she smiled and waved her right hand at them.

"I lost this hand to a portal circle that went... sideways," she said with that same smile. "Of course I also wore a ring of power on it, so, perhaps that had something to do with it."

"Portals can be immensely dangerous work, especially now. The magics rained down on Wudenkin changed something. Made them even more dangerous than before. Do not trifle with them. For they are quick to anger if you do not give them all due respect."

Emilia Delamoire

Shadows Cast

...The remaining 9 archers I want placed in clear line of shot on any and all other rituals taking place in this city." she turned her attention back to Brictilda.

As Yxevarii's units move in to interrupt Polli, three arrows streak through the sky, hitting the ground in front of the Inquisitor's Agents.

Lady Emilia holds up her hand, a silent motion to those hidden in perches overlooking the square.

"Grand Inquisitor Yxevarii, our pleasant discourse in the fields of Ircymbar shouldn't be mistaken for weakness." Emilia lowered her hand.

"As I said, I am escorting this woman, and as my troops are in escort of her, you will not be taking this women. Now, if you wish to address me as to what crime this woman committed I can have my scribes look over your complaint." Emila said evenly.

"I doubt you want to be the spark that lights the fire in Keffa, Grand Inquisitor," Emilia looks around at the onlookers, "it does seem ready to burn."

Yxevarii Auru'in

Yxevarii nods to Yao Ling, lips wrinkled in a grimace.

"Damn lucky that city didn't turn into a giant crater, or-"

Suddenly, three arrows streak through the sky, hitting the ground in front of the Inquisitor's Agents.

The Grand Inquisitor holds up a fist - ordering all supporting units to hold their position. "Hold!"

She then makes a handsign - pinky and forefinger slanted outward, with her thumb held over ring and middle. Wrist bent, fingers pointed downward.

A dozen arrows immediately ricochet off the paving stones surrounding the stand-off.

"Now, now. Using my own tactics against me? I like that. Lady Emilia, lets have a peaceful chat in the palace gardens - and not turn this into a massacre. Terrible way to start a festival..."

Though she lowers her crossbow and reaches out a palm to help Polli up off the ground, dozens of Yxevarii's infamous veteran snipers remain entrenched across countless rooftops - as they did one fateful day in Rines.

"Were an arrow to strike me, this bolt would punch clean through Polli's skull. Though that would end the threat of Polli completing this blasphemous, unlawful, and dangerous ritual, we'd both wind up disappointed."

"Surely you understand your unit is surrounded by the holy city's entire army, its militia, the local Ordos, multiple noble units, and give or take ten thousand angry peasants who would be set off in a murderous rage..."

She chuckles sardonically, knowing full-well the peasants are probably the most dangerous one of all, if only for their sheer numbers and utter ruthlessness.

"We can avoid all that and have a pleasant stroll, a chat, and some tea instead. My treat. What say you?"

Emilia Delamoire

"Were an arrow to strike me, this bolt would punch clean through Polli's skull. Though that would end the threat of Polli completing this blasphemous, unlawful, and dangerous ritual, we'd both wind up disappointed."

"A risk, I was willing to take, Grand Inquisitor." Lady Emilia offered a polite smile that did not reach her eyes.

"If I spent my entire life quivering in my boots over a bunch of boys holding sticks, I'd little time left to enjoy the opportune tea."

Lady Emilia signals and her units relax their guard, but stay prevalent in protecting Polli and obscuring other's view of her in case an rogue archer let's loose. Five soldiers detach and walk behind Lady Emilia as she approaches the Grand Inquisitor either foolishly, or confidently, or both.

"A stroll it is then, bring your friend," she motions to Yao Ling, "I do like meeting new people."

As much as Emilia liked a tense verbal spar, she tread carefully as she knew she faced an opponent that outmatched her. Yet, to show anything but blind confidence was a slippery slope to both political and potential physical ruin.

Murmuring Light

Indistinct, faint murmuring had been heard from within the column of light earlier, when all was quiet, and then forgotten in all the hubbub of visitors, drowned under the new noises.

But every so often, someone thinks they hear a garbled voice calling their name. Then, after listening a bit longer, and hearing nothing, write it off as the wind or an overactive imagination. Every once in awhile though, someone listens a bit closer, a bit longer, and nothing is ever heard clearly, but they think they hear something speaking...

Godfrey Greybrook

Listening to the voices, Godfrey takes an goblet from his sachel, an holy symbol of his faith and continues to walk towards the mystical energy pronouncing:

"Oh Eternal Emperor, use this portal to provide us the strength humanity needs to smite the rogues that plague us and the non-believers whom seek to destroy us. Take my blood, which is always yours, as a mark of my commitment, as per the blood oath you took upon me."

Taking his knife, the Prophet took to the scar from the blood oath and allowed it to trickle into the Goblet, of which he then upheld towards the light as the voices became louder.

Roleplaying Event

Dolores, followed by a great number of beasts, humans, and wagons, arrives in the open square by the column of light emanating from the Obeahan temple, and nearby palace. In one section of the square, a tense standoff is occurring, but Dolores pays it no mind.

Having played the harp upon approach, she concluds her mournful, yet beautiful, dirge, and begins sitting, singing a sad song, moving as if flowing in the wind or water, and drawing symbols in chalk around her. All around her, all that has been foraged from their journey is unloaded from the wagons and used to build what seems to be a...shrine?...in front of Dolores.

Jecht Tideweaver

Off in the distance, cresting a hill, a large army bearing the banner of an unfamiliar crystal tree came into view. A small pack of horsemen lead scores of foot soldiers as they marched in orderly columns. Bright banners could be seen everywhere and there was so many bright colors from gold, to amber, to white exploding from various plumage of the soldiers. This army was not making any attempted to be discreet. The men held their heads high as they proudly marched towards the holy city within the forest. Their various armors were a stark contrast compared to those of northern and colder climates. Flexible, breathable, and lacking any fur or padding for warmth. The heavily plated footmen and horsemen positively radiated in the sun with their brightly polished plate.

At the front of the procession the was a tall and lean young man with long black hair and a nasty scar along the left side of his face. A long faintly glowing lance, a buckler that radiated light as bright as coals of a fire, and a plate armor that had glowing runes that seemed to constantly shift. A long elegant cape billowed behind him as he lead the large procession. There was a small but significant circlet upon his brow. This was the recently crowned young Emperor, Jecht Tideweaver, flanked by his Royal Chargers and followed closely by the brightly colored army.

The Shattered Vales have arrived.

Gustav Kuriga

Gustav turned his gaze to Yao Ling, the hint of recognition buried beneath the zealous fury that burned in them. "I am as I always have been since I turned my back on the Daimons and their heretical religion. Busy ensuring they do not have a path to this continent. Are you here to help me with this, or not?"

He would then walk off intent on arriving where the portal stones had been set in place. He had no interest in rituals or those who sought to gain. He had seen far too often what happened when such things were allowed to run amok. He was going to walk into that portal and fight the damned things that had taken his arm in the first place.

Jecht Tideweaver

The Vales procession had been met by some of the city guard and guided to a section of the city in which they could claim for the duration of their visit. Jecht, as well as some of his councilors, broke away from the main force and proceeded to the heart of the city to seek an audience with the Grandmistress.

Upon finding Grandmistress Saoirse, he opened his arms towards her in greeting.

"Ahh, Saoirse, my good friend. I have returned. This time I brought a few others with me. I am glad to see our ritual is bearing fruit" Jecht says as he makes a pointed look up at the pillar of light. Turning back to the Grandmistress.

"As Emperor of the Vale, I bring my army here as your ally, to ensure the safety of you and yours until the conclusion of this event. I have noticed bannermen of many other realms and know you have opened your borders, so I am sure you will not mind having a few extra arrows at your disposal. I shall ensure my nobles inform any guests you have within these walls that we will not tolerate any harm coming to the city. You can count on us in aiding you in keeping the peace, or putting down anyone who would choose to break it." said the man with a serious tone. "Hopefully, we can treat this as an opportunity to grow and maybe understand each other a little better."

"As a Captain Crusader of the Heralds, I have come to aid in any form that I may be of use. We have had our own "piper", so I've heard them called. A woman named Dolores. She seems genuine enough, and is whom I shall seek out once we have parted ways." continued the Emperor of the Vales.

Additionally, since I departed from the initial portion of the ritual, I have found a man who was able to repair your generous gift in full." Jecht said while indicating his plate mail. The shifting glowing runes were rapidly changing in pattern, but seemed to be painted on the muscular yet lean man's build.

"The Cruel Plate Mail of Grehk has been fully repaired and resized to fit me. It was, uh, initially a little large in the chest area." Jecht coughed a little uncomfortably only to chuckle a bit to cover it up. "If there is aught you need from me Grandmistress, you need only ask. That is what allies are for, double bonded by our shared faith" finished the man.

Jecht Tideweaver

After his visit with the Grandmistress, one of Jecht's runners returned. He had found the mysterious Dolores's location. She had a large gathering of beasts, humans, and wagons at a square near the pillar. As he approached he heard the sound of her voice as she sang a sad song. He did not know what it meant but his instincts continued to scream that he needed to aid the woman. Since her mysterious arrival just a few sunrises ago she seemed to have the Vale's interests at heart, and the way she had sway over the natural things that lived in the Vales gave Jecht a natural inclination to trust her.

"Haldred," Jecht ordered his captain "send a runner to the temple and inform our allies I shall be here. Send a second runner to Imperator Arjan and inform him I want this square heavily guarded. None are to interfere with Dolores or myself save for the Grandmistress, Lady Chamberlian, Lord Blint, or Inquisitor Yxevarii."

"As you command my lord" replied the captain, as he issued orders to two of his fastest riders.

Jecht gracefully dismounted his mare his hair swinging as he did so and he heard some nervous giggles from women in the crowd. He loved his mare, she was the very steed he had ridden in his past two championship jousting bouts. She was a gorgeous midnight black and she lovingly nudged her rider as he stepped forward. He proceeded to the makeshift shrine, the crowds departing before the royal. The woman was singing. There was a comfortable neutral zone where none had dared to enter while she worked. Jecht proceeded forward, crossing its imaginary lines and spoke.

"I have arrived Lady Dolores. How may I assist."

Jecht proceeded to reveal his own magical scrolls to present to the woman while he waited for her to acknowledge him.

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian entered the city leading a shambling line of wounded men, the Riot Guard has been beaten.

The men filed off to go to Healing Houses and Valian mumbled a quick prayer for the Goddess to watch over his men.

He looked and offered a smile to Vivian “My thanks, for the help with Elizabeth and for the company, I hope you will be safe here now, I am headed to the Temple, I am meeting the Grand Mistress there if you are also headed that way I could escort you.”


With the confrontation, and threats to her life, occurring around her, to the point of loosed arrows, Polli maintained her focus, as if she didn't notice, or at least appear to have noticed. Two ultimatums to cease were given, and ignoring both, she continued intoning and drawing.

Crunch, as a piece of chalk left in a vital location was crushed.

Polli puked everywhere, in simultaneous motion to the crunch. A sudden breeze also blew through the square at that moment, then faded back away. Her vomit obscured numerous chalk drawings, and she had ceased to intone the enchanting words. An angry shout, "Damn Obeah!" pierced the air.

A feeling of unconscious disappointment pervaded everyone's emotions in the square, despite anyone's particular conscious thoughts.

Undaunted, though frustrated, Polli sighed, took a knife, sliced a long cut along her arm, and began drawing in blood.

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian heard a shout of damm Obeah, he put Elizabeth down and looked to Vivian “Pleasw look after her for just a minute.”

Valian ran into the Temple Square and came to a halt, he saw a lot of people gathered and someone drawing in Blood and ran over “What in the Goddesses name is this.”

Valian unslung his mace from his hip and raised his shield defensively “What is she doing.” His voice was a low growl, Valian was prepared to start fighting if he had to, but he remember Yxevarii’s lessons and waited .

Emilia Delamoire

Valian was immediately halted by the 20 sentried units under command of Lady Emilia that surrounded Polli.

"Stay back, this woman is guest of Lady Emilia, just as the Grand Inquisitor will not lay a hand on her, nor will you, Sir." The guard's indicated, not allowing Valian through.

Yxevarii Auru'in

Thyne Shrubbery Assaulted!

A pair of Inquisitors watch warily as Dolores and her band of misfits finish looting Keffa. They've followed behind long enough to witness the theft of private and public property a dozen times over; including some bits that are pricelessly irreplaceable like exotic flowers or other bobs brought from other continents by immigrants such as Grand Chancellor Antonia's former seafarers. When they proceed to use their many stolen, if utterly eccentric and otherwise useless, goods to partake of some ritual, the Inquisitors call for backup and move in to make the arrest.

The lead Inquisitor makes a secret sign, one of impending danger, silently informing nearby allies that trouble is brewing.

A nearby Templar joins the fray after seeing the signs of a potential ritual, sending his partner off to find their commanding officer. Presumably they're watching the aftermath of the other ritual's sordid stand-off, now seemingly defused.

"You! Come with me!" While the Templar moves in to commandeer the cart and hold its contents hostage, the Inquisitors walk up and roughly grab the Piper.

"Halt! You're under arrest for theft of private and public property, as well as illegal public ritualistic assembly!"


Shadows Cast
Of Blooded Chalk

As they begin to walk away, Grand Inquisitor Yxevarii's smile turns into a snarl when Polli loudly curses Obiah, draws a blade, and renews her efforts at producing ritualistic effect. Many in the watching crowds gasp in horror, with cries of "Blasphemy!" and "Heretic!" booming loud from every direction. With no time to spare, she leaves her companions and charges full-speed toward Polli, sending peasants reeling in every direction. One should never stand in the way of a Grand Inquisitor on the rampage, as one particular peasant with a freshly-broken rib has drunkenly forgotten.


Yxevarii screams at the top of her lungs, not even bothering to brandish her weapons. Simply, mindlessly, utterly intent on ramming Polli right off their feet - knocking wind from lungs and blade from hand.

Mulki Laraak

Mulki walks over to Dolores and picks up a pretty flower, asking, "Hi! Am Mulki, wha's your name? This flower real pretty! Can Mulki have?" She smiles dumbly, clearly not all that right in the head, but with a well-meaning heart of gold.

Kristina Chamberlain

Keffa was Obeahs Holy City, thousands of the faithful were mingling with the unaccustomed visitors from other realms and Soothsayers.

Even within the ritual chamber Kristina heard swiftly of the shouts of the wretched Polli in damnation of Obeah. Within a pious city like Keffa it was a wonder the peasants themselves did not rip her limb from limb for such blasphemy.

She caled out to one of the Inquisitorial guard who had been the picture of vigilance since she returned to the city: "Franklin, tell your Mistress to have the Soothsayer Polli hanged from the walls before the wretched woman causes a riot."


A fork full of rice pauses halfway to Nerta’s mouth as Jacinda drops into the chair across from her with a clank. As the server is flagged down, Nerta finishes her bite with a mumble, “All cities are mad houses, this one is just more honest about it. I like it.” Cleaning away scattered rice from her shirt she adds, “And the Old Man wants to take a closer look at this light show. He’s worried, and I quote, ‘Barbarians are messing with things they don’t understand, again.’ He then starts muttering something about the 3rd invasion, Valhus and portents of doom. Standard Old Man talk..”

If the specter takes offense to this there’s no sign, but there is a new arrival. The man was dressed in a patchwork of brightly coloured yet rough material that brought to mind a jester more than the vivacious and richly dressed Keffans.

With hands folded before him the stranger’s posture was both stiff and relaxed, “Pardon me. You are Nerta; Foederati of Ar Agyr?”

The rich accent and clipped words were so unlike the Keffans, but though it was warm and inviting, the sharp revelation of her origin set Nerta on edge. “Let me guess, Maurice.”

The man smiles, too broadly, and offers a little bow revealing a lute slung across his back, "I am. One told me you preferred speech over the pen. Now what would you have me do? I need Ar Agyr's direction on what is best. Ritual or Kill? The Ar Agyr that is here, in Keffa. That is you."

Having recognized Jacinda's Agyrian dress and companionship with Nerta, Maurice turned towards her, "And you."

Sharing a glance with Jacinda, Nerta gestures with her fork, “I would start by having you provide answers. Who… sent you, and what can you tell us about the ritual. Right. And who are you trying to kill?”

As the Old Man suggests that final question, Maurice begins to thoughtlessly hum a tune in time with the specter’s normally silent words. It causes Nerta to pause and narrow her eyes. This man is…. oddly familiar.

"Keffa called to me,” the man waves vaguely, “to welcome It to Ar Agyr. The ritual is to welcome It into Ar Agyr and I would lead it, with Ar Agyr's support. I am not trying to kill anyone, but the Others will try to take It from Ar Agyr, so we, the Ar Agyr in Keffa, should choose whether I should begin the ritual or kill some Others first. We need at least Two Others alive to complete the rituals."

“Others…” Nerta’s words draw out as pieces start to click together, “like…. you. Others who receive dreams, speak with the dead, hear strange sounds. Others who are tugged about by unseen forces. Others who are Blooded, who are touched by the Ice Queen. Her Augurs.”

Eyes widening, Nerta’s dropped fork bounces atop the table as she turns to Jacinda, “Did Jetta come with you? If she’s here, she’s in danger. Especially if these barbarians start trying to murder Blooded to stop rituals of theft.”

Looking around the cheerful bazaar filled with laughter and colour, Nerta runs a hand through her hair and hunches over the table, “The Old Man was right, this is a nightmare. These kingdoms barely get along as it is, but a mysterious power that can be stolen away and hoarded by only a few? It's a loaded crossbow in the centre of the room. This city will be painted in blood as each tries to steal this Obian ritual or thwart their rivals...”

Exhaling sharply the woman’s eyes are hard, “Maurice, you must know. Can this not be averted? Can we stop the slaughter, stop the rituals? These people do not deserve it.”

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian gave the guard a withering gaze when he heard Yxevarii cry out in rage.

Valian stepped back and withdrew a horn into which he blew sharply, a loud sound resounded through the square and swiftly 25 men in glistening white armour came out of the Temple, golden shields in hand with long sliver glaives at the ready “Guard, tell your Lady Emilia that she is in Keffa, a holy city, an Obian City and that we will not tolerate a blasphemous ritual in her walls.”

By now the 25 soldiers had come to Valian’s side “Defend the Grand Inquisitor!” Valian ordered as he ran around to Yxevarii, he stepped into front of her rage filled charge “Grand Inquisitor, wait, you are too important to risk right now, let me and my men help you with this.” The last of that sentence was whispered to the Grand Inquisitor’s ear as Valian held his mace arm out defensively to hold her back, he admired her fervour, this was the first time he had seen her shout, but he wouldn’t let her fight alone. “Say the word and we are with you.”

The men in white armour formed around Valian and Yxevarii in a circle, golden shields locking together and glaives sticking out the cracks, ready to impale any who approached.

Mulki Laraak

By Order of the Prelate

She called out to one of the Inquisitorial guard who had been the picture of vigilance since she returned to the city: "Franklin, tell your Mistress to have the Soothsayer Polli hanged from the walls before the wretched woman causes a riot."

While Inquisitor Franklin makes his way down the seemingly-eternal sets of steps leading down from the Inner Sanctum, dozens of peasants have begun pushing and shoving toward Polli. At this point, Yxevarii's charge has slowed to a sluggish pushing-match as a veritable sea of stinking, unwashed peasants trample the temple square. Makeshift clubs, shivs, stools, and even empty tankards are thus wielded, the fools beating one another about as often as they attempt to overrun the blasphemers' positions. Nearby, the anti-heretical bloodlust has begun to infect unrelated events. Adventurers are accosted and shoved by drunken fools looking for an excuse to fight, Templars drag bloodied peasants to jail by the dozen, and Inquisitors try their best to blend in while struggling to reach their assigned targets - occasionally fighting off peasants who mistake them as foreigners or adventurers themselves. All it took was one bloody word for the entire thrice-damned city to go up in flames. Figures.

Chaos descends as the most fervent of the masses begin pushing against Lady Emilia's warriors, a tsunami of ineffectively-perfumed and often half-drunken partygoers enraged by Polli's blasphemous insult to their faith, holy city, and realm.

Even the Inquisitors and Templars nearby are overwhelmed by the tide. Panting and pushing against the human wave, the Grand Inquisitor sighs angrily. None can hear her comments over the din of screams, thumping of makeshift shields, and clashing of steel.

"DAMN IT! Why'd you have to go and - BY ORDER OF THE, OH FECK OFF!- say that... Lucky if there's enough - OUT OF MY GODDAMN WAY YOU INBRED CURS! - limbs to piece together a corpse - MOVE YOUR ASSES! - when this is all over..."

Mulki stood there smiling, when a group of uptight peasants sauntered over and began looting one of the wagons. Another three approached from behind intent on manhandling Mulki and Dolores, when suddenly one of them grabbed Mulki herself. Confused, Mulki struggled against her captor while screaming, "HELP! FRANDS! BAD MAN!"

Yxevarii Auru'in

The Riot Guard had come home to roost. Just in time, too.

Shields pushing against the mass of bodies before them, Valian's men pierce that drunken, gelatinous blob of idiocy in time to free the Grand Inquisitor.

"Valian! Bloody feck, we have to stop this madness! Grab Polli before the damn peasants burn Keffa to the ground, and end up killing a bloody Royal or every damned one of us for that matter!"

Would be surprising if he managed to hear anything more than scattered words, like:

"Bloody... stop... madness... polli.... burn... Keffa... kill.... bloody... royal... damn... us..."

Duncan Blackstone

Duncan was drunk, not just from the wine but the sheer weight of magic he felt, he walked onto the street and smirked at the crowd assaulting some poor sods in the Temple Square, he heard a shout and looked to his right, he saw two women being manhandled by some ruffian looking fellows.

Duncan swigged the last of his wine and marched over, “Oi, ya feckeads p*ss off and leave the girls alone.”

The three men laughed and continued their disgusting handling, Duncan drew his shortsword and hand crossbow, he levelled the crossbow and fired, causing the one who was holding Mulki to fall back dead with an arrow in his eye, Duncan breathed in deeply, his eyes beginning to glow a bright red, he felt the alcohol leave his system, his head was clear and Duncan smiled cruelly “Leave or I will slit you two from balls to brains.”

The two ruffians backed up, one pulled out a cudgel and charged Duncan, who just dodged to the side and with a swipe of his shortsword left the ruffian headless as his ugly head rolled across the floor, that was enough for the last to run off, Duncan thought about firing his crossbow again but didn’t bother, not worth the energy, he walked over to Mulki and Dolores “Evening Ladies, you two alright?”

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian nodded, getting the gist of Yxevarii’s orders, he turned to Captain Tomasa and Lieutenant Haydrian “Get Yxevarii our of here, find Vivian and Elizabeth and get them all to the Temple, NOW!”

Valian and his remaining 23 men broke from their shield circle and began to push their way towards Polli.

Tomasa and Haydrian ushered Yxevarii back and out of the square “Sorry Mistress but we have to keep you safe, we must find Vivian and Elizabeth, and get you and them to the temple.”

Valian swing his mace at any who got in his way, he could almost see the Vordulians and Polli, his men were with his, lashing out with glaives it maxes of their own.

Emilia Delamoire

Shadow's Blight, the armed regiment of archers that surrounded Polli and Lady Emilia tightened shoulder to shoulder.

"HOLD!" Emilia commanded.

"Do not let them through, but do not land the first blow!"

Though all thoughts went to unleashing the rain of arrows Emilia knew that the first blood drawn would erupt into more chaos, and one her small unit would not fair well in.

The large figure of Captain Brictilda came into view with her large shield raised to protect Lady Emilia.

Emilia shouted backwards at Polli,

"I'm not sure what you are doing but whatever it is, do it quick!" The young Lady Emilia urged the woman.

If Polli's intent was to get them all killed, she was doing a great job so far.

Gustav Kuriga

The Guard of the Golden Feather would begin their march on the city, attempting to breach it or find a way in, in an attempt to stop all the rituals and destroy the portal stones currently in use. They are outnumbered, but will fight with a zealotry of men who die to destroy a threat to the entire continent.


Viviane nodded to Valian, "Yes, that is where the column emanates from, that is where I must go. I would appreciate your continued protection."

A turtle sauntered down the road.


Hearing conflict in the square, Viviane yet again retreated to shelter with Elizabeth, this time finding a coffeehouse down the road in which to wait out the hostilities. Even so, animals that had followed Viviane from Ossmat, Mekoter, and Zwering mingled around Viviane, inside and outside the coffeehouse.

28th September

Summer Day

Training Match

Valian Stone Daubeny, Knight of Ossmat meets his challenger Yxevarii Auru'in, Grand Inquisitor of Obia'Syela, Royal of Obia'Syela, Margravine of Ossmat, Priestess of Heralds of Obeah for the agreed training match.
Both participants are using the 'defensive' strategy, so that neither has an advantage.
After a series of blows, Valian Stone wins the training match.

Fiorina Margaretener

The former Steward of Wudenkin and Marshal of the Golden Southern Legion ordered her handful of guards to take aim on the one-armed historian only, her former Liege. She held no grudge against him, even liked the man, but for the sake of the current hour it was her arrow that wounded the Disciple of Xlair Silverblade.

Jecht Tideweaver

Several scores of heavily armed soldiers from the Shattered Vales now protect the square where Emperor Jecht and Dolores are performing their ritual. This includes the Emperor's personal royal guard. None but Dolores' procession, adventurers, soldiers, and nobles of Obia'Syela, and the Shattered Vales are being permitted access. Those who did not fall into one of these categories have been escorted away from the square.

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian had reached the Vordulian soldiers, he and his men were close they formed shields around their commander, forcing the rioting peasants back “Lady Emilia, stop this madness, surrender the blasphemer or me and my men will attack.”

Valian did not get a response before armed men rushed into the square swinging wildly, Valian turned his men and they rushed to hold thee new foes back.

Elizabeth had hidden in the old coffeehouse with Vivian, she could feel it, the fighting, the magic, all of it, conflicting tunes that turned melody to cacophony and she began to cry, she felt something in her veins burn, like the hot metal that left her left arm scarred from her first wound.

She didn’t notice that her eyes were no longer the teal they were before but shining golden orbs, her sobs echoed as if another voice cried within her.

Without warning golden energy arced from Elizabeth’s back, reaching out like lightning, striking glass and animal, a bolt brushed against Vivian.

Elizabeth felt it all swirling in her, the cacophony, the chaos, it hurt her head and heart, her soul wretched in pain and she screamed.

The scream was loud, it cracked and in some cases broke the glass in the coffeeshouse, even to those outside the coffeehouse and even in the temple square itself could feel the shockwave of energy that resonated from the girl.

Elizabeth shook on her feet as the energy stopped spewing from her, she stumbled and then fell towards the floor, blacking out.

Yao Ling Pryde

"I will always be ready to fight the Daimons," Yao Ling said with a smile.

Then a procession of cats crossed in front of her and she turned to follow, intent of where they intended to lead her.

And what exactly the voices from the light were saying.

Saoirse MacArbin

Saoirse had been spending her time deep in the temple, where the ritual had taken place. Pacing, going through her sword forms, anything to occupy her body so her mind was free to think. Her troops had been patrolling the city, and Tayla had been reading her correspondence to her in between her meditations, but for the most part she had been trying to understand what was happening. And, unfortunately, failing.

So when she received word that the army of the Vales was arriving, and Jecht wanted to meet, she gave word to bring him to the temple happily. Some good news was a welcome distraction, and maybe Jecht had more information to help untangle all of this.

She grinned at his approach, and gave him a quick embrace, rapping her knuckles on the back of his armour before taking a step back.

"Fruit indeed! And it is good to see you, and the rest of your people. I think we will need all of them before this is over, one way or another."

Her grin turned wicked.

"And I would hope that it had to be resized! There are a few differences between how armour fits us, which I think we should explore this evening once you have settled in."

She held his eyes confidently. Soon, they would both have many and urgent duties to attend to, but for now...They might well die in the days ahead, and she would seize this moment.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling had lost track of the penguins when the light from the tower turned black. But the polar bear walking down the street had been impossible to miss.

The voices emanating from the light had whispered louder at that moment, and Yao Ling followed the creature as it meandered through the market square.

She eventually ran into the new arrival Luto, who always seemed to know more about what was going on than was proper.

Luto leaned in and said, "Sophos Yao Ling Pryde, We must decide. Are we to begin the ritualistic work to welcome It to Nothoi or are we to kill the Others to stop them from completing the rituals before we have done so? We need at least Two Others alive to complete the rituals. For Nothoi."

Yao Ling cocked her head to the side and examined Luto for a long time. "What is It? Who are the Others? And why should we kill anyone here?"

She waved her hand at the polar bear who had stopped to eat some food someone had left. "Even the wild animals are friendly. Surely that means nothing but goodness and light comes from this event, yes?"

Rosko Nabarl

It wasn’t exactly hard to see the towering pillar of light, so Rosko and his troops had just kept heading towards is, small groups running off ahead to check on the easiest route.

Arriving where there was a lot of commotion, and apparently some rituals and such, a bit of a battle, some shouting, Rosko assumed this must be where everyone was gathering, and had his men at ease, but ready to go.

A group came along to try to escort them away from the area, to which the soldiers snapped to attention as Rosko sent them on their way. He would not be leaving here now, he was here to see what was going on, and destroy and daemons if they appeared.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling stopped when the wild stag looked at her. It turned towards the temple of Daishi that still stood in the center of the city and began to plod that way.

Yao Ling followed as the voices from the light seemed to grow stronger for a moment. Then they faded away as the local soldiers began to escort people out of the square.

Yao Ling moved closer to the stag and it walked straight into the temple complex without deviating in any direction. Only when they were inside the walls did the stag stop and turn to look at her once more. Its expression was expectant.

Yao Ling turned her head to see the Obian soldiers clearing the square and waved one of the temple acolytes over.

"Please get this fine fellow some food," she ordered. "He has done me a great service today."

Then she walked up onto the walls to see what she could see.

Godfrey Greybrook

Losing himself in the fevour, Godfrey fell onto both knees and placed the Goblet, now filled with blood. Then, taking a scroll out of his satchel and rolling it out before him, the Prophet began to cite his sermons, hoping the sworn would hear him and that that while the portal was made from Heraldic energies, the true champion of humanity would use it to shape the future of all whom occupied the city of Keffa, the unholy birthplace of Obeah, for the better.

Emilia Delamoire

Emilia was hard pressed as the wave of Obian soldiers and peasants rushed her units as they attempted to protect Polli and her ritual.

The sound in the vicinity went from a dull roar to a cacophony of unrest as battle rung out in full force.

Disadvantaged due to her short height, Lady Emilia couldn't see anything, but drew a short sword and looked out in a panic.

"EMILIA! They are attacking!" Yelled Captain Brictilda.

Emilia, seeing only the peasants throwing stones and anything they can find at her troops while the Obian troops pressed forward with shields.

"I can see that!" She responded loudly.

"NO, Lord Gustav us Attacking!!!" Brictilda yelled back, thrusting out her shield and deflecting an arrow that sailed toward Emilia.

"WHAT!?!" She screamed back in response, clearly surprised at the unexp ected action from the sponsor of the Golden Southern Legion.

From that moment on, things became complete chaos. The young noble woman knew that those defending the city from Lord Gustav would soon not discern the difference between the rogue Lord Gustav and her troops.

"POLLI! DO WHATEVER IT IS YOU NEED TO DO AND DO IT NOW!" Emilia shouted as she half ran half crawled through the mayhem to kneel on the ground next to Polli and her ritualistic drawing.

Aelanta Peregrine

This one house overlooking the market square seemed somewhat out of place here. It had heavily reinforced walls, windows fortified with thick iron bars. It's only door was a square chunk of metal, size-wise best fit for a dwarf. It looked like a disguised fortress and it sure was one.

Aelanta remembered very well how this old manor was turned into a mini-citadel. It was her uncle's project, back when he served Eldest Wilhelm of Grehkia and they resided in Keffa. He always expected a dagger in his back, her uncle. And he eventually got it, but not in a manner that he could have protected himself from. Such is the irony of life.

Aelanta was looking out of the third floor's barred window as the ruckus in the streets was getting more intense. First nobles clashed and now the peasants showed up with improvised weapons. There will be blood soon. Was it a part of the ritual? She looked up, over the roofs, and immediately saw the pillar of light connecting the sky with the local temple. It was absolutely terrifying.

"I am scared, my lady," Petra, one of her amazons, blurted out, as if having read her lady's own thoughts. Aelanta turned around and eyed the three women from her retinue who were present in the room. Young Petra and Helena were on duty, guarding their lady's chambers. Septinia, her captain, has just returned from a patrol bearing the news: Rogue, Aelanta's own wildcat, still was nowhere to be found. Truth be told, one of the main reasons Aelanta was here was to find Rogue, who ran away along with countless other beasts following the pipers to Keffa. Septinia also brought in fresh correspondence.

"It seems that we have a choice before us on whether to work together to see the ritual through, or to turn on each other in a bloodbath to stop it." Aelanta read aloud. Her skin crawled when she reached the word "bloodbath". When she raised her eyes from the letter, she noticed that all three other women were looking out of the window. Their eyes reflected various emotions, ranging from fear to anger.

"I think it calls my name," said Petra, her gaze transfixed on the pillar of light. Her voice sounded almost desperate. "It also says something I can't quite get. But in my dreams I can remember it all and it scares me so much I wake up. And then I immediately forget it again."

"It says I will die here." Helena added in her husky voice.

Aelanta shivered and looked out of the window once more. The mob was still in motion, like a stormy sea. It moved according to some secret patterns, it seemed. Each man and each woman were like chess pieces on a board. Being positioned carefully by powers that be to start the good old game where only one colour wins in the end.

Phelan Dragonborn

Phelan had watched from a doorway in amusement as a beautiful woman, he found out later it was Yao Ling Pryde, collected, fed, and even followed the many creatures who had been drawn to Keffa. Being a humble commoner, he would never approach her. He looked around and saw many nobles from many realms. He of course knew Emperor Jecht of the Vales. The Emperor had been speaking to Grand Mistress Saoirse. Yxevarii looked to be having a good time, though her bottle was running dry.

Phelan watched it all and pondered the pipers all of which were asking if their lords wanted to selfishly keep "It" solely for their own realms by killing all the rest or if they were inclined to work together and share whatever "It" was. He hoped this gathering of almost all the realms of BT which had the feel of a carnival or a baudy celebration would turn into the bloodiest battle this island had ever seen, Chrealtenth Spotted

Antonia Fitz Roberts

Antonia had been enjoying a few quiet days in the parlour of her estate, drinking wine and playing cards with her companions, Jessica curled up at her feet. She had left the balcony doors open behind her and her ladies occasionally flinched at the sounds of whatever was occurring outside.

"My lady, should we not..." Rosie had asked more than once, but had been silenced for the third time by Antonia holding up her hand and saying 'Eponine, I'll raise you 40 gold and this tiara'

In the end Rosie had given up. Afterall, her mistress deserved a rest, she had spent the last month and a half traipsing all across the realm inspecting granaries and mills, discussing theology with minor prelates and addressing large crowds of commoners, convincing them to come under the guidance of the one true Faith. The beating she had received at the hand of Daishi followers had hurt her pride more than her body, although the broken clavicle was still very sore. Rosie knew that Antonia had been tempted to raise the banners once again and conduct a personal crusade against the unfaithful. Why she had not was anyone's guess.

It had been many days since all this mess in Keffa had started and Antonia had not looked out of the window once. At that moment, however, a messenger boy was shown into the room and coughed to try and get Antonia's attention. Antonia looked up, curious. The boy was clearly not a member of her own household, for one thing he was male and for another his livery was frankly ghastly.

"What is it?" she asked, pouring another glass of wine, before thinking better of it and downing the bottle.

"erm, we have reports that the Grand Inquisitor could use your assistance" the boy stammered

Antonia smiled sweetly at that "well, surely then she can have her little pet heretic deal with the crisis"

"erm, m'lady, I don't think that Valian is technically a hereti.....ouch!!!" the boy yelped, having had an ashtray flung at his face. He began sobbing at the blood ran down his nose onto his livery.

"relax boy, a broken nose will do much to improve your visage and that livery was already ruined before you had blood on it" she turned to Rosie "I am going to go and see what all the fuss is about, it's been very loud. Quite inconsiderate, when you think about it, trying to have a relaxing bath with all those flashing lights, height of rudeness. Never wanted anything to do with this blasted thing in the first place, but I guess even the grand prissy prude needs a hand sometimes for one 'so crude and vile' as me. Fetch me a bottle, I'm going out"

"Shouldn't some of us go with you?" Rosie asked, "there's rioting in the streets, some say, and..."

"I am quite capable of protecting myself, besides Jessica is coming with me" she glanced down at her food stained priestly vestments and looked over to the two stands in the corner. One held a second set of robes, carefully cleaned by the household servants. The other bore the weight of her scarlet armour, the snarling fox mask glaring at her. No need for any of that, and certainly no point changing. Riots were messy affairs and blood went rather well with curry. "See you in a jiffy, do wait up, I want to finish the game later. Actually sod it, pack away, Eponine is cleaning me out"

She clicked her fingers for the cat to follow her, picked up from a bowl what she thought was an apple, spat it out and cursed Vahannian for leaving yet another onion in her fruit bowl. Grabbing an actual apple, she swiftly went down the stairs, across her well-maintained courtyard and out the side gate. She strolled along the canal, gazing in curiosity at all the hub bub going on around her.

"Oh do p*ss off" she said absentmindedly as a man sidled up to her, pushing him into the canal. "Not as good as Rines" she muttered, "look, it's nowhere near deep up enough, he's cracked his head on the bottom. He'll drown now, isn't that a shame Jessy?" She sauntered off down the street, biting into her apple and humming a merry tune before switching into a bawdy song that made some merchant's wives blush

She pushed her way through the Vales soldiers, vaguely wandering what the hell they were doing here. Some tried to stop her, but seeing the cat and the dagger in her belt, plus the look in her eyes, they obviously thought better of it. At last, she found Yxevarii. Tapping her on the shoulder, she remarked casually, as if talking about the delightful weather we'd been having

"I understand there's a spot of bother you need a little hand with?"

Kristina Chamberlain

She hadn't truly recovered from the ritual to create the pillar as yet... containing the magics had taken an effort of will that was far beyond what she thought was possible, now guests of the Kingdom sought to denature and destabilise it... she could not allow it to happen.

She had spent the days in prayer, praying for strength, praying for the edges of the Goddess power to protect her work. Even sleep had been no respite as the pillar called to her, literally pulling her toward it. She woke unrested and tired in the depths of her soul.... now there were constant reports from the faithful of blood magic being practiced in the Holy city, daimonologists plying their crafts...

She felt the void in her soul like a gnawing hunger, while at the same time feeling nauseated. It had taken a huge effort even to light the braziers at Ossmat and now she trembled on the verge of exhausted tears. The temptation to pull from the pillar was there, but so was the potential for the pillar to pull back and consume her.

Pulling back the veil she shooed the inquisitors as she mounted the stairs and pulled herself up to the balcony at the crest of the Temple, she had preached to the masses from here on many occasions reaching the ears and minds of thousands at a time.... never though had the square thronged with so many crammed and teeming through the marketplace.

Despite her protests a pair of Inquisitors appeared at her sides eyes vigilant looking for threats... gripping the balustrade she accepted the wave of blinding pain as she allowed her eyes to truly see... the faith was awash, vibrant and shimmering as an ever expanding bubble across the city... then she saw it, her ears tuning until she could hear the husky invocations of the Vordulist. She had never thought of blood magic as a reality, but she could see the creeping stain of his invocation rising and seeping toward the pillar. Invoking the Goddess she pulled on the thread if his words and intent, feeling the spell as she pictured it being wrapped around a spindle.

The bitter taste of his magics filled her mouth and she tried with limited success to change its nature to the primal energy that she herself was so lacking. It writhed within her unnaturally and she sought its release almost as quickly as she had absorbed its potency. Her eyes normally the golden hue of the Obean workings, were streaked the crimson of the blood priests as she extended her will to the east, a spiritual self shutting and barring the doors of the temple, magically sealing them.

His magic made her feverish, shaking with its casting and the need to evacuate it from herself.

But she needed more, there were pockets of alien workings across the square and the market place and she pulled on them all, feeling their alien quality like the whispers one would hear in the woods or in an unfamiliar house.

The pressure was much but she could not be allowed to fail. Slamming the doors of the northern corridor left her barely standing. Then she saw it, a flare of golden energy from one of the coffee houses near to the Temple, distraught she could feel the child's soul howl as Obeah used her as conduit, and Kristina once more set to harnessing the primal fire. It entered her outstretched hand and she felt with satisfaction, as the child went limp, sleeping a restorative sleep... the burn of the fire quickly devoured the alien magics, once again lighting her eyes golden. The air felt cool around her and as the pressure dropped she could see the play of golden lightning arcing between fingers and along her hair. How the child had held so much energy she would never know, more than fifty years of training and she could barely restrain the power as it surged and discharged in its tiny arcs.

As the burning fires both fed and devoured her she imagined once again how it would be to enter the column of light...

Strange Lights

A column of light shoots up into the sky from somewhere in Keffa, and there is a strange humming sound. Beasts behave bizarrely. Nothing else seems to happen...for now.


Somewhere deep within the dungeons of Keffa sat a thin man with hair of such light platinum blonde that it looked nearly silver. A strong jaw line and high cheekbones made his alabaster face appear almost carved from marble.

Set symmetrically on either side of a thin bridged nose, were eyes which too were so light a shade of grey they also appeared silver.

And in those eyes, chaos swirled.

With fingers curled as if in extreme pain he clutched at his head, screaming at the top of his lungs in his dungeon cell.. a cell so deep and so far back that it was meant only for the truly lost causes, horrible criminals, and the insane.

Angyll was all three.

The humming sound tore into his psyche, the madness on the streets bled through the sewers and stone into the dungeon beneath. And so terrible was Angyll's blood curdling scream that soon a guard could be heard running down the hall with "THUD THUD THUD" of metal boots.

"Quiet in there!" the frustrated guard said, clearly angry at being at such a post with so much going on outside.

Angyll screamed all the louder, clawing at the wall and slamming his head into the stone, his head careening back with blood spraying into the air.

"What in the!" the guard shouted in surprise, fussing with a ring of keys at his hip, finally finding the right one as Angyll fell onto his back in the cell.

The iron door creaked open and the guard rushed in, reaching for a black cudgel at his hip to beat this man into quiet.

Angyll's eyes snapped open again after the daze of smacking his head on the stone, and launched in almost inhuman capacity from the ground. Within seconds, he was on the guard like maggots on a corpse, clawing, biting, hitting.

As the guard fell backward off balance, he hit the ground beneath the madman. Angyll grabbed the open faced helmet in both hands and slammed it over and over and over again into the ground. "CLANG CLANG CLANG".

When he was done.. the head within was caved in, the look of shock and horror locked into the dead guard's face.

"High, Low, High Low, over the dead guard I must go." Angyll chimed in a sing song voice as he stripped the keys from the belt.

"What should we do with you silly mortal," he asked himself as he walked down the hallway with a big smile on his face, the silver eyes aswirl.

"What a silly question for a silly mortal, of course of course, we go to the portal!"


"I must be a bloody fool for getting involved in this nonsense a second time," Moira offered her hand to Reia, helping the former paladin pull herself onto the temple parapet from the neighbouring guard barracks. It had taken considerable stealth and ingenuity to slip thus far into the temple complex without being seen, but for the woman who in her youth had established the Fontan Bureau of Irregular Warfare such feats of infiltration came naturally.

"The Queen commands," for a moment her companion doubled over, panting to catch her breath, "and we obey."

"Aye, well if Aibhlidhn were just my Queen she could get someone else to do this. You know how I feel about sorcery," Moira lifted the flap on her satchel, counting the egg-like stones within to ensure they were all present.

"And I know how you feel about family," Reia took a sip from her water flask and offered it to her companion, not needing to go further with the allusion.

The two women bore the signs of many adventures, tempered like fine steel on the anvil of adversity. Reia's grey braids were dressed with ribbons and feathers, her body clothed in thick hides and strung with talismans of Darton and the other saints of The Flow, her frame drawn by age and an aesthete's diet. She'd long since foresworn battle for the life of a healer and bore no weapons, not even a staff or rod to support her.

Moira was a stark contrast, the raven tresses of the former Supreme Justice of Fontan barely touched by winter frost despite her long and eventful life, her face at once enticing and devastating, smooth and irresistable as the ocean ice. When she smiled it was breathtaking like the summer sun reflecting from the ice fields of the far north. Her armour was a motley of leather straps and silken cloth, drakeskin and silksteel from the unforgiving volcanic peaks of the Nightscree, and she was armed with sword and axe and knife and bow. Weapons proofed against Elf and Man, Troll and Revenant, Zuma and Daemon. Heirlooms ensorcelled by her legend.

"This probably won't work," Moira stoppered the canteen, tossing it back to Reia, and began making her way across the jumbled architecture of the Temple of Obiah, it's massive bulk concealing them from view below. They'd reach their destination, the centre of the circle of light, without any awkward interference.

"It worked in Gethsemene," Reia didn't sound entirely convinced, though none could deny the portal had been closed.

"Did it? Was it the stones which did the job, or all that goat filth Bloodscreamer Thesseus dumped in the portal?" the memory of that stink remained with them both even after so many years had passed. "Were I a Lord of the Nether I'd have shut the portal just to put an end to the stink!"

They shared a hearty laugh, the kind common to warriors who know only luck has kept them alive so long.

"Aye, well. We're a long way from home M'lady," there was a resigned tone in Reia's voice. A recognition that home in the strictest sense no longer existed.

"I'm painfully aware of that," they reached the pinnacle of the dome and set about the serious task of laying the portal stones in the correct alignments. Of all the magics practiced this was by far the most dangerous, seeking to close a portal to the High Firmament. Moira had never really paid much attention to the deeper mysteries of her faith, relying on Reia's knowledge when needed, but she knew enough to understand that beyond the safety of the ethereal roads lay the fiery abode of the Daemons and only a portal could reliably reach these. Whilst the paladin was an acolyte and by the standards of these later ages an adept, her wisdom was that of an infant compared to a matured Balancewalker. A single mistake in the alignments and they may not draw breath to regret it.

Not for the first time in their travels, Moira longed for the company of her sister Brigdha. Still, if the alignments were true and the tides of the Flow favourable, they might yet seal the portal.

Of course what Moira didn't know - indeed what very few even suspected - was that there was another closer to hand who waxed stronger in the ancient arts with every passing moon...

Kristina Chamberlain

"I knew Brigdha.... she had the good sense to fear me a little, a shame one who shares her stench does not share her wisdom..." Kristina's skin waxed a similar gold to her eyes, the barely contained energies she had absorbed giving her skin a glow like a wax doll in the firelight.

She stepped from the doorway to confront the two women. "A little old to be scurrying on rooftops don't you think?" Her body felt weightless, like she was walking on air, sure-footed and more secure in her sense of self than she had been for years.

"What you are thinking is pure folly... understand a ritual before you would seek to disrupt it." She sighed, "the column is not strictly a portal, more intact it is a prison, trapping the will, the intent and indeed the magic of sixteen others.... you would truly wish to remove such a guard?"

The wind caught at her hair, sending golden bolts along the ends lifting gently around her shoulders.

"These good gentlemen have watched your progress with interest... she listened to the air a second... Moira?... yes Moira... you now face a choice. Every ritual needs an insurance plan... your presence and those stones can be such a plan... or you can attempt to set your circle now.... and we shall see if you are faster than a crossbow bolt."

Lambert of Arescod

Mounted atop his destrier he oversaw these rituals that were happening under the Obia'syelians. He had not witnessed the great daemon invasions, he was simply too young for that. But his father had, and he'd grown up knowing that they could come at any moment. Father had been good at hiding them from the slaughter, but he made sure that he'd never see his sons or daughters see it happen again. To see this ... It was strange, to say the best. He expected it was not an event that happened here in Keffa that happened too often. He hardly believes it had happened at all, at least not eversince the last daemon invasion. But he wasn't sure. He needed to see someone almost twice his age to confirm that. He chewed on his moustache while seeing Fulco's men die.

"He has the idea that we're summoning daemons." He said to his captain. Captain Reinolt replied with a shrug. It was not his duty, so he frankly did not care. "Pointless. But also not entirely untrue. It may very well be that we are indeed summoning them. Or making it easier for them to be summoned. Or the opposite." Captain Reinolt shrugged again, to which Lambert chuckled halfheartedly. "Let's hope this does not summon them."


"Then you didn't know my sister that well," Moira casually rested her palm on the pommel of Lannceann MacTiré, unimpressed by the power radiating from the woman before her, "So what's a maunt doing amongst these children?"

"Now probably isn't the time to stand about chatting," Reia tugged at Moira's sleeve, exasperation clear in her voice at the thought of battle as a sharp whine emerged from the fresh-placed stones.

"My companion makes a good point," Moira looked at the now pulsing circle of spinning stones, and as she did a column of light erupted from them, pulsing in counterbeat to that emerging from the temple chamber beneath, "the stones are set for good or ill and there's nought either of us can do to influence that."

The guardsman, already on edge from the proceedings below, were now visibly shaken and Moira doubted their crossbows would hit much they aimed for. A maunt though. What next? Haktoo? It was an idle thought, but mayhap there was more to this encounter than Moira had at first thought...

Timsen Quasath

As Timsen entered the city of Keffa he was welcomed by noise, lights, and general chaos. Quickly ordering his Slingers to peacebond their autobows, before the press of the crowd triggered violence, Timsen also ordered them to stay close and watch each other. In this mass of people there would be definitely be spies, thieves, murderers and more. It would be tragic if any of his troops were shanked in the throng and left behind.

As one mob of their own, Timsen and his troops squeezed into the streets and took in the sights. The marvels of Keffa were almost lost in the dust and impromptu shelters built by people denied a room in the overcrowded inns. As much as Timsen wanted to explore, though, there was the more pressing matter of the lights. So, like almost every other noble here, he pushed towards the event.

As he got closer, Timsen could hear his name whispered on the wind. Memories of daimons and their temptations to mortals came to his mind, and Timsen frowned. If everyone here could hear the voices, someone will be tempted.

Kristina Chamberlain

"You arrogant fool...."

The thrum of the stones produced a shade of the column already set by the ritual and as she watched the second column was pulled inexorably to the first, its power being absorbed.

"Controlling the column is difficult enough... this... this just makes everything worse. By Obeah, Moira... you understand the Flow better even than I. Look at it... I mean really look... this isn't a portal in any conventional way... what if you have just made a Daimon bridge and we have Jactosh taking control of the column? "

She had no way of converting so much energy, though the temptation to ensure a stable bridge from the new column to the old was strong... equally strong was the temptation to disrupt the circle, though how she would achieve this she wasn't sure. She could only hope that the second circle would fail, anything else carried a higher potential for disaster than anything.


"The arrogance is in thinking a mortal can master such energies," Moira stood her ground, "when only the Hand knows which way the Balance tilts. If it be time for the Daemons to once more Invade then your dabblings alone will have been sufficient to open their way, and if not then all the portal stones in creation could be set and still it'd make no difference."

"Honestly Moira, we haven't got time for this!" Reia was counting the rhythm of the stones, certain that at any moment they'd reach a critical crescendo.

Magic In The Air - Keffa

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Jecht Tideweaver

The Emperor held Grandmistress' gaze. There had been some chemistry between the two for some time. Sparks had flown on his last journey to Keffa between the two, but Jecht had suppressed the urge to act out of courtesy to her station.

Her invitation was not unwelcome.

He returned her wicked grin.

"I would certainly be available for some ...exploring. I look forward to the evening."

He took her hand and planted a kiss on it. A courting custom of the south. Then flashed her a dazzling smile before taking his leave to seek out his piper.

Yao Ling Pryde

Yao Ling watched the column of light shift and undulate from atop the walls of the Temple of Daishi with the eyes of a woman who had seen such things many times in her years.

She had even been here in Keffa the last time it happened here. It was interesting. So much of Keffa was the same now as it had been then. But other parts were different.

Where the Obian temple now stood had been a crater then. Holding Daimons reportedly tamed by some otherworldly magic. Whatever the truth of that, they had stood silently as she approached the woman in the center of that crater. The founder of the religion who now sought to... what?

Repeat that? Reverse it? Do something different?

Yao Ling could not tell. There were many competing forces at work here. Even from within Obia.

The first was easy to see. The second competing push was there as well, winding around the first. A third? Maybe a fourth? Other magical attempts to change or break it popped up from all over Keffa. Some melded with it. Others fizzled out. Some met opposition.

Keffa was filled with magic in a way Yao Ling had not seen in years. Decades? Longer?

Keffa of course. Wudenkin, when the magics rained down so heavily they changed the very nature of magic everywhere. Reeds during the last Daimon Invasion when the power of magic literally erased them. And her hand. Before rebuilding it and giving an old woman the amazing young body she had now. Creasur, when the power of the gods shone from the Daishi and she harnessed that power to attack the Daimons again and again.

The magic flowed and intertwined here in ways that were... amazing.

Not entirely unprecedented, but certainly... amazing.

Yao Ling watched a line of large rats travel through the square, avoiding the legs of soldiers holding back those who were not allowed in. She wondered where they were going.

She hoped, whatever happened in Keffa, that the consecrations the lesser priests continued to perform even now inside the Temple of Daishi would hold. Would be enough. Or would not be needed at all.

That would be for the best, really.

She fingered the scrolls in her possession. She had brought many with her when it became time to make the journey. Scrolls of power. Some specifically designed to fight daimons wherever they appeared.

Others of more... interesting lineage. One she had kept for years, holding against the day when its magic would be required. She hoped now would not be the time she would need it.

Miracles from the gods were not something to call on when not needed. They did not always work the way you wanted them to, after all.

Saoirse MacArbin

Saoirse's grin stayed for a moment, before the shouts and screams from outside and a new humming sound broke through the moment. As Jecht made his way to his own people, she made her way to hers, finding Alberich's banner easily enough in the incipient melee around a Vordulian banner that she did not recognize. By the time she made it out of the temple itself, the brief battle with one of the Vordulians was finished, but another banner still stood in a standoff.

Her voice rang out.

"Nobles of Vordul, your Blood Regent has agreed to peace and our terms! Stand down, and we can work in peace for this day."

Alberich quickly rode to her as she mounted her own horse, speaking quickly and closely. Saoirse's face grew dark.

"This Polli who blasphemed against the Veiled Goddess will be cast out from Keffa and forbidden from its sacred environs on pain of death. If this ritual ceases, now, and no further blasphemy is offered, that will be all. Any further actions, however, will result in the sentence of death being delivered immediately."

She lifted her lance, the violet tip matching the armour of the Grandmistress, and her troops moved to meet up with the approaching Grand Templar's forces, and any other Obian or Valesfolk in the area.

"Stand down, and there need be no other deaths this day."

She could see another column of light from the corner of her eye, but whatever that was would have to be tended to by others, at least for the moment.

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Emilia Delamoire

The Square

Lady Emilia stepped out from the wall of troops that stood in a protective formation around Polli.

Defiantly standing before the Grand Mistress, she responded.

"The Blood Regent has agreed to peace, not your right to execute one in my company."

Emilia pointed toward the pillar of light in accusation.

"I think we have bigger things to worry about, like the damned pillar of light shooting into the sky from the center of OBIAN lands, not Vordulian." The short woman shouted so her voice would carry to those in the square.

"I promise you that I had no part in Lord Gustav's madness, and my troops have not laid a single blow while defending against your attempts to apprehend this poor troubled woman." Emilia bluffed, laying down her short sword on the ground and holding up her hands.

"Now let's everyone just calm down and focus on what portal you are about to open into this world, and more importantly, what will be coming out of that portal."

Lady Emilia awaited a response, ready to step back within the human barrier if necessary. Her archers poised and at the ready, they would fall, but not before bringing a fair share of people with them.

Valian Stone Daubeny

Valian and his men backed off from the Vordulians, forming around them shields and glaives ready.

When Valian heard Saoirse’s command he walked over and knelt before her, his men forming up behind him and joining him in kneeling.

“What is your order, Mistress.”

Valian looked nervously to the coffeehouse that he saw Elizabeth run to.

“May I ask for permission to retrieve Elizabeth and Viviane.”

29th September

Summer Day

Saoirse MacArbin

The Square

Saoirse looked to Valian first.

"Go, get them to the temple, and guard the approach."

Then back to the Vordulian noble, trusting that Vahanian needed nothing from her.

"I certainly have the right to expel anyone I so choose, Sanguinian. And so does the Duke here. The pillar is our affair, and while those who wish to observe are welcome to do so, interference will not be brooked. Stand aside."

She gave the signal to advance, spears pointed into the air rather than leveled, straight at Polli. If any got in their way, then so be it.

Emilia Delamoire

The Square

The guards stand closer to the circle where Polli remains on her hands and knees. Emilia is joined by her Captain who holds a shield out protectively.

"HOLD MEN!" Emilia shouted to her troops, who tightened ranks as she stepped back within them.

"If they want to see a blood ritual, let's give them one. Everyone of you, encase the circle, if you die may your blood join in that Eternal. May your blood join with this circle of power!"

Shadow's Blight remained in a tight circle with bows leveled. From windows and roof tops her snipers watch in anticipating, ready to fire on their targets.

The troops will not fire unless struck first.

Yao Ling Pryde

The Square

The column of light changed colors again, the magic shifted once more, another voice on the wind called her name, and Yao Ling blinked.

She shifted her attention to square below her and watched the Obian and Vordul troops standing off against each other.

She considered interfering for a moment, but the dies of fighting with weapons like that were long gone to her. She was a priestess. She fought with words and ideas now.

The Vorduls had long since made it clear they would not listen to her, and their campaign to destroy the Temples of Daishi, consecrated bastions against the threat of the Daimons, made their intentions towards her and her people even more clear.

Yao Ling shook her head. They had chosen their path.

She could do nothing for them at this time.

Yao Ling returned her attention to the glowing pillar and the magics roiling within it.

Osgar Dacara

Osgar finally arrived in the city and it was swarming with people.

Much to his excitement, the bars were also open.

Not paying attention to any strange happenings or the pretty obvious light beam, he decided to rest in the nearest pub.

His men and himself got comfortable until one finally dared to ask the question that was on everyone's mind the entire trip "Sir, why are we here exactly, if not for crushing in some skulls?"

Osgar pointed at a well curved bar maid who brought everyone some ale. Before taking his first sip, he mumbled: "Who knows. Shut up and drink."

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.


The Square

Betty could not enter the square that dominated the center of Keffa. There were guards and soldiers and other armed men stopping people from entering.

She had not been to Keffa before, so did not know her way around well.

But then something caught her eye. A pack of wolves walked through the crowd as gentle as puppies. Her mistress had told her to mind the animals when she ordered Betty to Keffa. So Betty minded the wolves and followed them through the back streets of Keffa.

The pack walked up to a gate after several minutes and stopped. The pack leader turned to Betty with an expectant look. Betty raised a questioning eyebrow at the wolf, and then looked to the gate again. That was when she noticed the symbol of Daishi atop the gate. The tiny mechanical god looked out over the back street and Betty smiled before knocking on the gate.

It opened shortly and she showed her badge of office to the acolyte inside. The young man opened the gate wide then, and Betty strode into the consecrated confines of the Temple of Daishi in Keffa.

The wolves padded in with her and licked their lips expectantly, gazes shifting between Betty and the acolyte.

"Make sure they get the best cuts," Betty and patted the head of the pack leader. "They have performed a valuable service today."

The acolyte shrugged after shutting the gate and motioned for the wolves to follow him. Which they did without hesitation.

Betty shook her head in amusement and made her way to the front of the temple. She arrived atop the wall mere minutes later, and stopped next to her mistress.

"You have arrived, I see," Yao Ling said as her eyes continued to scan the action in the square.

"Yes, Mistress," Betty answered and followed her gaze. It was... complicated down there.

"Did you bring what I asked?"

"Yes, Mistress," Betty said and opened her scroll pouch to reveal the bundle of powerful items inside. "If any Daimons come through here, they will not enjoy the experience."

"Good," Yao Ling said and frowned at everything taking place beyond the walls of their temple. "Now I need you to do something else for me."

"Yes, Mistress," Betty returned.

"There may be a time ahead where great and terrible deeds will be required. They could demand a great cost of all involved."

"Yes, Mistress."

Yao Ling smiled at her for a moment. Then the High Priestess of Daishi turned back to the square ahead of them. "If matters go badly for me, you must run."

"Y... Mistress?" Betty asked in confusion. Her place was here. Right here.

Yao Ling set her jaw. "We all are called to the Great Death sooner or later. My calling has been delayed for a very long time. Should it come here, you will return to the lands of Nothoi."

"I... should stay with you, Mistress," Betty said with conviction.

"Your willingness to do so is why you should go," Yao Ling returned with a smile. "I don't know what path Daishi will choose whenever I leave. But it would do me good to see someone in the family still there to advise them."

"I... yes, Mistress," Betty said. Not that the nobility generally accepted that people of her current station were family.

"Your father was one of my best friends in all the world," Yao Ling whispered. "Having you here... now... is good."

"Yes, Mistress."

"And would you cut that 'Mistress' crap, out?" Yao Ling said in exasperation. "There's no one here we need to deceive."

Betty gave the aunt who had always seemed more like a cousin than an adult role model an impish grin. "Only if you insist."

Vahanian Blint

The Square

Vahanian, mounted atop his destrier, marched his unit of soldiers into the center of the Keffan square, none too gently barging his way through the crowd and shooting a murderous glance at those who looked to be about to complain. "ENOUGH!" he commanded. His soldiers fanned out, weapons at the ready, eyeing the Vordul troops. "You will not work your blood magics, nor protect those who seek to taint this Holy Site, not in my city! Stand down your troops and cease all your blood magics! You are here by invitation in Obian lands, where Obian law rules. Hand over the blasphemer. There is no need for further loss of life, but do not force our hand."

He drew his sword, riding next to the Grandmistress and the other assembled Obian troops. His jaw set, and eyes scanning the opposing forces.

Vahanian's eyes flicked over to where Valian was kneeling before the Grandmistress.

"Get up, you fool." he muttered just loud enough for Saoirse and Valian to hear him.

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.


The Roof

"If this is where I meet my end, then so be it," Moira smiled at her companion, "You've been a true friend Reia these many years, hunting the enemies of man, dispensing honest justice. Darton is surely as proud of your faithfulness as am I."

"I...I...," the paladin's eyes were watery pools, her forehead creased with concern as she struggled for words, "Mistress! I would not be parted from you!"

"Sister, when I swore the Daishi oath I did so in earnest," the former Supreme Justice turned her attention back to the Oran sorceress, "And no power of heaven or hell will loose me from this duty. Now Go! Be swift! Tell our Queen what transpired here!"

With a sudden look of horror the healer fled, a half-dozen quarrels skidding impotently against the stonework as she retraced their ascent and disappeared into the temple complex below.

"Well M'lady, what now?"

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens fly and the sky is changed. Someone has cast a magic spell in the vicinity.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Timsen Quasath

Again the air thrummed with power, only to once again shatter, scatter and fade. Timsen shivered as the uncontrolled magics swirled around him. He had cast enough scrolls to know that someone was failing their castings an awful lot. Regardless of the true intent of the magic, the chaotic release of failed castings will certainly have an impact on other magics around, namely the pillars of light.

Timsen gently touched the folio with his own scrolls, hidden under his clothes. Realizing with a start that he was caressing the scrolls, Timsen quickly removed his hand and gasped. He was certain that there was an influence in the city, coaxing him to cast more magic. Well, if something wanted him to cast, Timsen certainly would not do so. Never obey a disembodied voice or a strange urge to do uncharacteristic things. Timsen had learned that soon enough while researching and practicing magic.

Eyes narrowed in suspicion, Timsen urged his Slingers onward, towards the lights.

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Summer Evening

Kristina Chamberlain


She paid little heed to what was following, two Templars gave chase to the old woman... Moira just stood there, arrogant and defiant. She would happily have pushed her from the roof herself but for the fact that she knew with certainty that Moira was one of the few who could see the flow.

She had contained it, but it grew with the castings in the city.... each failed spells runes were pulled to the column, just as Moira's circle was being devoured. The cacophony of will and intent resonated with their voices in ancient and foreign languages as well as the common tongue each trying to impose their will on the others. Amongst the discord though she began, periodically to hear a theme, a resonance that sought to dominate the others... the time in which the well intentioned and faithful could influence the outcome was becoming short.

Her shoulders sagged, head dipping in defeat. "It's moving beyond me Moira, I do not lack faith, but as these... alien castings join the column I lose certainty.... the column has called all things natural to its sight, and now... the call has gone to the Earthbound unnatural.... I can feel it in the sliver of Ora that Haktoo left. Daimons are not the only creatures of nightmare." Her muscles clenched painfully at the memories. "Ugh Brigdha would understand; either Obeah or blind hope tells me you understand too."

The golden energies flared with her annoyance, the internal burn bringing her back to full height. "You should have looked, Moira, not at this light show, but really looked. My experience with the Flow is not the same as yours, not even close in truth."

She looked again at the woman, necessity outweighing the luxury of mistrust. "I would take you to the ritual chamber. That you might tell me what you see." She turned from her. "Cross me.... cross humanity, and I will give you to the light myself."

Gustav Kuriga

The Death of Kuriga

As his men attempted to find a way into the city to stop the madness of the rituals and were shot down by the arrows of the archers defending the walls, Gustav would look up and see Fiorina at the top of the walls, giving the order that would seal his fate. The aura of her heart still burnt bright golden, but he could see the dark strands of taint in that glow, foretelling her eventual fall from grace should she keep to this path. He would not, of course, live to see that he knew. The Hawk had taken off from his shoulder as soon as her orders were given, and the arrow that pierced into his gut made a golden streak through the air, as if guided by divine will.

He briefly fell and was passed by the last few of his men before they too were either driven off or slain. For a full day he lay on the field, drifting in and out of consciousness before finally opening his eyes and dragging himself up to a sitting position with a grunt of pain. Looking down he winced, the arrow having gone clear through his armor. Luckily while he did this none of the defenders seemed to be paying him much mind, and he was able to break the haft of the arrow to at least keep it from snagging on anything as he moved. He knew the wound was a bad one though. From where it had gone in him, he didn't expect to be eating anything soon. Not that he planned to. Looking up from the bloody mess that was his lower torso, He saw that the Hawk had landed at a strangely shaped patch of ground.

Shakily Gustav stood up, taking a moment to steady himself before beginning to walk his way to the ground where the Hawk stood. No sooner had he arrived then the ground collapsed beneath him, leaving him to let out a pained growl as he tried not to yell out in a way that would alert the guards. Once he stood up, he looked around and saw that he was in a small tunnel, ancient in age, perhaps even predating his arrival on Beluaterra. The script on the wall next to him spoke of a being called Jobo, and the gaze of his left eye saw the darkness that swallowed the light where that word was written. The Daimons had built here, once, and it was only suiting that one of their works lead him back to their damned portal. Using his arm he would steady himself against the wall, a steady drip of blood leaving a trail as he walked through the old tunnels that led beneath the city.

As he walked, his missing arm began to prickle, as if still attached to his body. Not long after he could feel a dull heat, building up into a searing agony where his arm once was, gritting his teeth as he used the pain to guide him towards where the portal stones had been set up. He instinctively knew that what he had sacrificed long ago connected him still with the Daimons, and he was tired of the constant reminder of his past. One way or another he was going to have that dealt with permanently.

After an hour or two walking through the tunnels, Gustav was leaning more and more against the wall. The blood loss from his wound made him light-headed. As he made his way, he saw a glow from up ahead, otherworldly and corrupt. He knew that to be the Portal's light, and a rush of adrenaline at the thought of finally being close leant him the strength to walk upright and quickly. Cracks in a stone wall were apparently letting the light barely filter through, and he could hear the thrum of the Portal's power. Ignoring the whispers of temptation from the pillar of light, he began bashing his shoulder into the wall, feeling it slowly give before collapsing outward entirely. Though not as close as he would have liked, with there being a good amount of open ground to cover before he would reach it, he was at least inside whatever guard line had been set to protect it.

The old, one-armed historian took one last moment to gaze upon the dual image of the portal that he saw, his right eye seeing the pillar of light that all nobles saw, and the left viewing it as a black emptiness... no even less, a void where light should be. With a pained groan he began to walk, then run towards the circle of stones, drawing his sword as he prayed that the guards paid more attention to intruders from outside than from within. Whatever the case, Gustav would dive into the portal's light, taking whatever arrows might come his way as he stumbled forward until he was gone, shouting "Give me back my arm you BASTARDS!" as he went in.

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.


The Roof

The mention of Haktoo aroused deep buried memories and for the briefest moment Moira looked on Kristina not as a Judge weighing guilt or innocence, but as a fellow victim of that accursed creature. She almost laughed at the irony, that a sorceress of Ora should need her help when it was only thanks to Haktoo that her own eyes had been opened... Could this woman understand the anguish which had tormented her since then? The pain of birthing her two beautiful twin daughters Scein and Threiginion in that desolate waste... the knowledge of their curse...

A struggle amidst cyclopean structures, a temple half-buried in volcanic ash, a raven-haired woman in battered leather, in her hands two short blades of cold-forged iron charged with cryptic fury, and towering overhead an inhuman form, roiling and shifting through strange angles as it brought a terrible weapon to bear. Back and forth the battle raged, the frail figure somehow countering blow after blow, her knives striking again and again, each blow somehow diminishing her foe, wrapping its essence around her like spun silk, stripping it of a portion of its primordial power. And within her womb two small hearts beating faster and faster, girl-children newly wrought swimming in the comforting embrace of their mother's amniotic fluid. Girl-children safe in that nurturing womb, protected from the darkness and yet strangely interweaving with it.

"We have both looked upon the gulfs of eternity Priestess, and I fear it has served neither of us as we would have hoped," Moira's hands began fumbling with the straps of her weapon belts as for the first time since leaving Fontan all those years ago she laid down her burdened conscience and the demand that she mete justice without remorse. The time had come to face her own guilt.

"You may think it foolish given my station," she handed the weapons to the guardsmen, "but these are of great value to my Queen and she will reward you handsomely if you ensure they reach her undamaged."

With that Moira, once known by the name Dubhaine, Supreme Justice of Fontan, Marchioness of Negev, placed herself in the hands of fate.

Out-of-Character from Nerta

For those just arriving and for the lost: I've been cataloguing the rp on the wiki and threading it based on location. So far the story is in two parts but I'm starting a third.

The locations are: Cafe, Square, Roof, Kings, Street, Temple

Terse Summary
  • Cafe: is Nerta, Jacinda, Wren & figuring out what's going on with Maurice
  • Square: is a giant brawl trying to stop Polli, & Dolores from completing their rituals
  • Roof: is Moria setting the 2nd set of stones while Kristina tries to stop her.
  • Kings: is mostly the rulers of OS and VS trying to get laid and Bae's arrival.
  • Street: is misc aka not any of the others and mostly folks arriving
  • Temple: is (so far) just Gustav dying

Also magic has been cast 22 times

Jheda Orobar

It wasn't so long ago that Jheda passed through the City of Keffa, while scouting for enemy forces. Today, the war with Irondale and Nothoi was history, and Obia'Syela reclaimed their Holy City. The nearly ruined city showed many signs of civilisation being restored. Old buildings being repaired, new ones constructed. The streets and markets crowded with people from all over Beluaterra, looking for opportunity and business. From what his scouts told him, many nobles from several Realms were here too. That wasn't a surprise. They came attrackted by the enormous pilar of light shooting to the sky, same as him.

That wasn't the only reason he was here though. Sure he would investigate what was happening, but while he was here, with many of his former friends, he would look into the possibilty of building bridges between Thalmarkin and Obia'Syela. Besides that, he would also keep an eye on his Queen and try to keep her safe.

"So you're telling me they used 8 magic stones to create that pilar? And many fear they can't control it and it will cause death?" Jheda looked at his informant with disbelieve. "Can't say I'm impressed. I only need two stones to erect my own enormous pilar, and the beam it will eject will surely create life. Amateurs."

"Anyway, send the scouts out, have them map the canals in the city. Also, if they find places smelling like onions, make sure they report it so I can avoid them. And send word to the people running the show here, to thank them for their hospitality."

Magic In The Air

The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.
The ravens croak and the sky darkens for a moment. Someone has failed in an act of magic nearby.

Dancer Rea

Life is full of lines. Lines to pay for goods, lines to march in file, several lines on court day. Dancer was not used to being in lines, however. He was much more used to being the reason the line was made.

The carriage rocked back and forth as they moved up yet another spot in the endless lines outside of Keffa. A light rain sprinkled outside the carriage, not enough to make the road muddy, but the clouds on the horizen promised to remedy that.


Further in the line. Dancer could see the walls now, so they must be getting close to the front of the line. He looked acroos the carriage, to Anyte. She was reading some missives they had received on the way here. Dancer had gotten several as well, but he found it difficult to concentrate on much...not with the magic in the air making his hair stand on end.


"State your name and business."

"Duchess Anyte, and Duke Dancer, here on a diplomatic visit."

Ha. Such fancy words for 'because the Queen said so,' Dancer thought grumply. A soldier poked his head in the window quickly, and disappeared again with a curt nod. With another creak, the carriage began making its way deeper into the city, ever closer to the column of light.

Vahanian Blint

Vahanian's eyes scanned the assembled crowd and the Vordul forces in front of him. Reins of his destrier in one hand, sword in the other. A light rain began to fall, though he barely noticed. His mind was focused on the blood magic being wrought in his city. His arm ached and throbbed at the magic in the air, the shards of a portal stone long exploded embedded deep beneath the skin were both a blessing and a curse. They caused a great deal of pain when magic was being worked, but they were also a warning, a warning against and to magic. All surgical attempts to remove them had resulted in.... misfortune. He could taste the blood on the air, it tasted of iron and stank of death. He waited, at the right hand of the Grandmistress, for her next action.

Across the square he saw one of his aides appear and nod to him, his message to the Grand Inquisitor had been delivered and accepted. Her forces would be arriving shortly.

He ignored the searing pain in his arm, he knew it would pass, it always did. The old Templar's eyes scanned the crowd again, his practiced eye looking for threats.


As the day was slowly being devoured by the night Maximia walked the city streets of Keffa. She was sent here by her Lord for two reasons. One was to unravel whatever it was that was going on with these strange lights in this strange place. Two, she was to find the camp of Lady Fiorina Margaretener and deliver her a letter from her Lord. As far as first was concerned Maximia had no illusions - foul magic was at play, apparently orchestrated by scions of the Veiled Goddes. She hated them, as any true Mordokian would, and despised their ways. The second reason Maximia enjoyed. Her Lord's romantic conquests were not as nearly as efficient as his military ones, yet the Lady had a winsome guard in her service who winked at her the last time she met him during the tournament in Iato. Here, there could be something for her as well, she thought.

The irresistible pulchritude of the night was enchanting. As any true hunter, Maximia loved it and adored it. In the night her senses became clear, her instincts merciless, yet her prey for this night would be just to find a noblewoman. "Oi! You! A letter for your Lady." She yelled at the winsome guard few hours later once she located where Lady Fiorina was staying.



Skade weaved her way through the crowds, occassionally bludgeoning someone out of her way with her staff. The city was chaos, but such was to be expected. She had noted the passage of the Emperor, just a knight when they had met, and moved towards him, only to he stopped by his guards.

"I bring a message from the Duchess of Carn Dum." She stated, and was shoved back by the guards, who laughed at the peasant woman. She produced a seal from her robes.

"I said I bear a message. This seal marks me a servant of the Ambassador of Irondale. I must deliver the message to the Emperor."

Kristina Chamberlain


Rounding the bend in the stairwell she was confronted by the splattered ichor up the bottom steps and on the walls of the passage. Templars and acolytes looked sheepishly from their tasks with mops, capes, towels, indeed anything that could be used to scoop up the exploded remnants of the body formally known as Gustav Kuriga.

"What... what by Obeah has happened?"

One of the Templars who seemed to have been coordinating the cleansing, stepped forward, studiously avoiding eye contact. "Deepest apologies Prelate," he began unsure whether to stand to attention or bend in supplication. The effect was that he nervously bobbed from foot to foot like some child needing to relieve himself. "The man ran in like something not right, Prelate... he jumped at the column.... and well..."

She let the word hang in the air a moment. "Well?" She prompted him.

"Ah.... well.... he.... well he kind of.... pulped."

"Pulped?" Moira had arrived at her back, her eyes wide as she took in the scene.

The Templar reddened further seeking words to describe something he found basically indescribable. Looking to his colleagues he noted that they had studiously and vigorously resumed cleaning. "He hit the column, like he hit a wall... then he went sort of stretchy right around the column.... then he was... well you can see... pulped." The last word was barely a whisper under the golden flare of the Prelates unrelenting gaze.

"What madness..." at least she knew now not to try and enter the column. She turned her attention back to the Templar: "So was it a Templar or an acolyte?" Not that it mattered....

His eyes met hers at that. "No Prelate, it was Ambassador Kuriga of the Vordulists."