Dubhaine Family/Ciarghuala/Roleplays/2020/May: Difference between revisions

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At last, home.
At last, home.
== 29th May ==
=== Summer Day - [[Giask]] ===
==== Wassgandr Felsenbach ====
Right after sending his challenge to Lord Jorvik, Wassgandr quickly started to look for his sword he used in the last tournament. Before the last tournament, he had not had the chance to swing his sword since he rarely commanded from the front. Ever since being knocked down by old Ciarghuala, he hired a tutor immediately to sharpen his skill. He was hoping the tutor taught him well enough for him to advance to the main stage.
==== Challenged to a training match ====
Alessia de Medici, Ambassador of Tol Goldora, Dame of Golden Farrow has challenged you to a training match. You have 1 day to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the challenge, both of you have to be in the same city with an academy.
You should answer her challenge and either accept or reject it.
==== Giulio ====
Word is that the Adventurer Giulio has found one Elemental Jacket, looted from the corpse of a strong undead. Perhaps he could be willing to part with it.
==== Dellia Leroux ====
I'd received the match pairings, my eyes slowly went down each name until I found my own. I didn't know personally any of them but I would soon enough get to meet and watch them duel, I wrote down the name and had the letter sent to request for a match.
"Bruce...I wonder if he's like that Bruce Lee chap I heard stories about...hope not otherwise I won't stand a chance." a giggle escaped me, I sat up from my chair and picked up my sword giving it a good long look before I made my way to the match. I would find a place on the ground to sit and wait with my sword on my laps, yes that would look rather cool.

Revision as of 14:11, 29 May 2020

Dubhaine Family
Fame 40
Wealth 17485
Home Region Ashforth
Home World East Continent

1st May

Summer Evening - Outer Giask

Barrett Brine Erickson

Four days ago

Barrett wiped some blood off of his cutlass onto the cloak of a dead soldier. He wore the tabard of the Madinan Aegis. This was the unit Barrett's Privateers tore right through. Though thrice outnumbered the Marines put them to flight and would have routed them but for a swift counter attack by the Tempest Crusaders, that forced them to withdraw. Another pyrrhic victory for those hunting Barrett Brine.

"Anything to report Smee?" Barrett asked.

"We've heard rumors that the Tempest Crusaders have deserted. Their commander was spotted alone, or so the locals claim," he said, "The other unit has withdrawn to Bberentaur. Shall we set sail for Astrum?"

"Nonsense!" Barrett retorted, "I'll not let a single raider return in fighting shape if I can help it. We'll show Solomon and the rest of them what's what!"

5th May

Summer Evening - Outer Giask

Gheric Arylon

The courier arrived at nightfall, bringing a letter from Zlatko Mersault, Ambassador of Westgard and Margrave of Eidulb Outskirts.

The Three Kings had camped briefly in the town of Shoka. While in cover of darkness at the edge of a thin forest, they had sighted a gigantic host of Zuma Daimons marching by, but had not been seen. Indeed, there was very little evidence of their journey. The ship they had commissioned to bring them from Port Raviel to Mistight had immediately departed upon leaving them ashore. They were also traveling with no servants, and proceeding on foot, so how the courier found them was itself a mystery. But given that the letter he brought came from Zlatko, all other concerns were irrelevant.

Gheric took the parchment, slid a knife from his belt and then cut the wax seal on the letter. He then opened it and read:

"High King Gheric," it began. "Apologies for my tardy reply. I have been terribly busy lately thanks to a new pet I've acquired. I'm not quite sure where it turned up from, but it's proven quite a handful."

His teeth began to gnash. Zlatko knew of his concern about this creature, and the possibility that it may have some affiliation with the Zuma. The scouting reports that had been shared with Navarch Solomon Greybrook two days prior had showed that a mighty host of Zuma was traveling north toward the region of Knyazes, Gheric's old home. He believed they were traveling to Westgard, and that they may be looking for what Zlatko had in his possession. The Zuma army was marching on a direct line identical to the line of lava stretching from Zuma lands northward that had been in the haunted dreams of Gheric, Solomon and Pawl Paxwax, the Dragon King of D'Hara.

It was their collective vision of the ruins of Shokalom that had brought them to this place, just hours away from the ancient city. The Three Kings had decided their first destination would be those ruins to see if they could discover any meaning there, and they were scheduled to arrive at Sunrise.

Collecting his thoughts and returning to the letter, Gheric continued reading. "I have not seen any Zuma since my past trip to their lands. I thought the counsel I gave you before you set off would have been sufficient for your trip. In any case, I don't think there would be any cause for concern surely. When I left Nightmarch, we parted as friends and Aeon Rosalind made it official when she signed off on the peace accord with Xuveziq."

Gheric did like Zlatko -- quite a bit, actually -- but he did have a nasty habit of talking down to his King in situations like this. Gheric knew all of this quite well, but because Zlatko had treated with the Zuma and Gheric had not, his Ambassador was keen to point that out.

He smirked. In truth, he liked that bit of arrogance and self-assuredness in a man, so long as it was coupled with dignity and respect. Perhaps this was something the Zuma themselves respected in Zlatko.

The letter continued. "The last I heard of them interacting with humans was some kind of kerfuffle with D'Hara. But from all accounts, Kettle was quite civil with them till someone from the Rea family tried to stab it. The bunny's teeth are certainly not for show."

Admittedly, this was valuable information. From his studies of the Zuma, this was the general consensus -- that they were enigmatic and dangerous, but not hostile and certainly not evil. Thus the reminder, and the warning, were important to remember.

The letter concluded. "So as long as we don't do anything stupid to provoke T'vl'r'n, I do not foresee any trouble. We should treat our incoming guests with honour and if possible, hold a feast for them."

Good advice, and Gheric had already sent commands to the army of Westgard to take no offensive action against the visiting Zuma. He had authorized Lord Commander Monterys to speak with T'vl'r'n only if spoken to, and to welcome them honorably if the situation became appropriate. Zlatko's advice tracked well with his own instincts.

He threw the letter in the small, inconspicuous fire they had made, and allowed it to burn up. No one else would read this letter.

In the end, now he knew. There was something in the north, and Zlatko did possess some kind of unknown creature, and it was likely affiliated with the Zuma.

He silently prayed to the God Tor for the safety of his kingdom in his absence, then picked up his supply bag and his sword and turned to the other two kings. "It's time," his voice cutting the silence abruptly, "our march is three hours, and we need to be there by sunlight."

15th May

Autumn Day - Askileon

Roleplaying Event

You find your actions interrupted as an otherworldly wail overcomes your senses from the direction of Valkyrja, rendering you unable to do anything for several seconds as your mind struggles to process the scream of something else.

When it finally passes you can't help but feel that something is... different, now, but you can't place exactly what.

18th May

Autumn Day - Askileon

Lytcott Cavendish

In a quiet back street, far from the more fashionable parts of Giask, Lytcott sat sharpening his blade while he listened to his day's letters being read to him.

"...for the next tournament."

A sharp sucking of air showed one of his rare emotions. Amusement.

"Tournament?" he thought. "Soon I will show this island what steel is crafted for."

Margaretha of Arescod

What if I can recruit a group of cheap hommes d'armes? That can probably close the ranks, and make sure that I don't lose the entiry of my coin, she thaught as she was staring at the bills that she paid her guardsmen. She had not actually paid this amount, but by whatever Gods she followed, that was more than twice her income. At least, according to the reports. Maybe the ultimate cost for her units would be acceptable, but she feared otherwise.

Her squire cleared his throath, and she was brought back to reality. "Hm?" She said, and noticed that her squire had grown, or that she was suddenly seated on a chair. That mightn't have been a problem, but he was undoing her armour, and that got, let's say, in the way of that. "Oh." The answer was, and she erected herself. Gabriel, that was the name of her squire, continued his hard work. It has been a battle the was she was used to, but her infantry atop the walls had suffered, and was in need of a replacement.

She was still thinking about the issue of her newly issued militia and her various amounts of income when she was interrupted again. She looked up, and saw that Gabriel was done putting away her armour and was sitting on a bench, polishing it. She raised an eyebrow, and was about to say something when Gabriel said: "Letters for you, my lady." She saw the man, hopelessly standing there, hoping that her Margravine would finally notice him. "Oh. Thank you." She responded, holding out her hands to receive them.

Most were casual reports of the different townsmasters reporting in, and she saw one from a town in Santoo that was still directed at her. "Hmmm." She m But one was a letter from a high lord. Duke Wassgandr Felsenbanch. She read it, and she did not realise that a smile was deviously crafted upon her lips after she put it away, much to Gabriel's fear.

"A tournament. Very well. Very well indeed!" She said to noone, but Gabriel knew what it meant.

27th May

Summer Evening - Giask

Alessia de Medici

Alessia and her entourage of Imperial guards, her husband, and over a dozen adopted children step off a boat, accompanied by a wetnurse and two newborn. The family that had invested thousands of gold into the city had finally had their matriarch return.

Upon disembarking, the Medici took carriages through the city to the Imperial Palace constructed out of the family estate during the Imperial reign of Emperor Alessio.

At last, home.

29th May

Summer Day - Giask

Wassgandr Felsenbach

Right after sending his challenge to Lord Jorvik, Wassgandr quickly started to look for his sword he used in the last tournament. Before the last tournament, he had not had the chance to swing his sword since he rarely commanded from the front. Ever since being knocked down by old Ciarghuala, he hired a tutor immediately to sharpen his skill. He was hoping the tutor taught him well enough for him to advance to the main stage.

Challenged to a training match

Alessia de Medici, Ambassador of Tol Goldora, Dame of Golden Farrow has challenged you to a training match. You have 1 day to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the challenge, both of you have to be in the same city with an academy.

You should answer her challenge and either accept or reject it.


Word is that the Adventurer Giulio has found one Elemental Jacket, looted from the corpse of a strong undead. Perhaps he could be willing to part with it.

Dellia Leroux

I'd received the match pairings, my eyes slowly went down each name until I found my own. I didn't know personally any of them but I would soon enough get to meet and watch them duel, I wrote down the name and had the letter sent to request for a match.

"Bruce...I wonder if he's like that Bruce Lee chap I heard stories about...hope not otherwise I won't stand a chance." a giggle escaped me, I sat up from my chair and picked up my sword giving it a good long look before I made my way to the match. I would find a place on the ground to sit and wait with my sword on my laps, yes that would look rather cool.